twinflamegirl · 3 years
12 Reasons Why Old Souls Have Such A Hard Time Finding Love
1. They have a strong sense of identity.
They know who they are, which means they also know – specifically – what they do and do not want in a partner, what works and what doesn’t. While this is fantastic in terms of being able to choose wisely, it ultimately diminishes their pool of prospects pretty significantly.
2. Left unchecked, their hyper-intuitiveness can wreck relationships.
Often prone to overthinking because of how deeply sensitive they are, their capacity to worry and make assumptions can break relationships that don’t have a perfectly strong foundation.
3. Many are in the throes of twin flame relationships.
They’re attached or are with people who are not their “forever” people, rather, intense connections they’re meant to learn, and rapidly expand, from.
4. They often have a greater purpose that must be attended to first – one that love would distract them from.
They usually have to accomplish quite a bit on their own before they find love – this is because old souls love deeply, and completely. To be given love too soon would keep them from the other important things they are here to do.
5. They will not settle for anything less than soulmate love.
They require a lot more than just a surface-level, “average” relationship. They absolutely will not settle, and sometimes, that means biting the bullet and being alone for longer than what’s “average” as well.
6. While many people can bring them passion, few can bring compatibility.
Because they feel so deeply and others find them so fascinating, it’s easy for them to find infatuation, but to be with someone who is truly their best friend, deepest confidant *and* lover is a challenge.
7. They’re less inclined to go out and meet people in modern ways.
Even if they have nothing against online dating, it doesn’t always come naturally for them, nor does finding a random hookup at a bar or being set up blindly seem appealing.
8. They’re natural healers, and often attract people who need help, not love.
And that attraction is reciprocated. There’s almost nothing that feels better to an old soul than being able to help someone who truly needs it. However, at some point in time, it’s crucial for them to realize that they have to choose a partner, not a student, or a charity case.
9. They dislike the “game.”
Dating is inherently exhausting to an older-spirited person. Feigning disinterest for the sake of looking “cool” or knowing which faux pas other people find off-putting (how long after the first date do you text again?) isn’t instinctive to them, and can stress them out more than they ever find it “fun.”
10. Their standards are sky-high.
They expect a lot from themselves, so likewise, they expect a lot from their partners. While this is a great thing, it’s another quality that has to be kept in check: it’s more important to be able to accept the qualities that aren’t deal-breakers than it is to just write a person off because they’re imperfect.
11. They have baggage.
People who developed their inner selves quickly did so for a reason: they had to cope, they had to grow, or they had to learn from some challenging experiences that life set up for them. While this is a great thing on its own, unresolved issues can often re-manifest in close relationships.
12. They feel fear as intensely as they feel love.
The degree to which they love something is proportionate to how much they fear losing it, or not being “good enough” for it. They don’t just love intensely, they feel everything else intensely, too, and sometimes, that gets in the way of the really good things in front of them.
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twinflamegirl · 5 years
Unconditional Love
Loving unconditionally is NOT about tolerating abuse, it is about holding a heart space for that person whilst understanding that they are going through some issues. This can bedone from a distance. Self respect is about loving yourself enough to not tolerate abuse or bullshit. It’s about knowing when to step away from potentially harmful situations and not allowing yourself to be someone’s doormat. Self love/self respect is about seeing the red flags and acting upon them In an emotionally balanced way.
Having unconditional love is simply this… loving without conditions.
The twin flame journey is very much to do with self-mastery… this is important to note in all situations
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twinflamegirl · 5 years
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A virtue is a valuable thing! It can be the difference between making a healthy choice & a catastrophic one!
Sometimes, people say things or do things out of fear, pain, shock, heartache...all manner of reasons. This is why patience & understanding are key! In the heat of the moment, a person can react in a volatile manner, and their words and intentions are contrary to what they truly feel. Give them time to process, give them patience! You don’t know what challenges or heartbreak they are suffering from nor what pain resides deep inside them. ©️TwinFlameGirl
#souljourney #reflections
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twinflamegirl · 5 years
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The easiest way towards a peaceful life if following these simple words...
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twinflamegirl · 5 years
During the period between appx 26 July to 12 Aug, the 3 magnificent pyramids in Giza, Egypt, come into full alignment with Sirius (the “dog star”) & the great central sun (the sun), thus opening what is know as the Lion’s gate portal, which peaks on the 8th August (8-8) creating a powerful energetic gateway.
During this time, the veil is thin and everything is magnified & intensified so it’s important to keep yourself grounded and keep your emotions in check so as to avoid unnecessary conflict.
As this portal peaks, it opens gateways to other dimensions and allows for the free flow of energy and information; it aligns us with what many identify as “Christ consciousness” and higher knowledge, as well as higher dimensions, so be prepared to come to some significant and eye-opening realisations over the next few weeks, in addition to purging and releasing anything that is not destined to be carried into your future. This truly is the tipping-point of major life changes and you will see many large shifts happening to you and the world around. These are exciting times, so make the most of this energy and harness it to make positive changes in your life!
All Images & Copy are copyrighted to:
©️Bogdana Bogunović ©️Metaphysically*Speaking®️
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twinflamegirl · 5 years
Unconditional Love
Loving unconditionally is NOT about tolerating abuse, it is about holding a heart space for that person whilst understanding that they are going through some issues. This can bedone from a distance. Self respect is about loving yourself enough to not tolerate abuse or bullshit. It’s about knowing when to step away from potentially harmful situations and not allowing yourself to be someone’s doormat. Self love/self respect is about seeing the red flags and acting upon them In an emotionally balanced way.
Having unconditional love is simply this… loving without conditions.
The twin flame journey is very much to do with self-mastery… this is important to note in all situations
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twinflamegirl · 5 years
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Serendipity is the theme for April; the time of happy ‘accidents’ that aren’t really accidents, merely fortunate blessings that find us in, often, unusual circumstances; where Universe conspires, in the most beautiful ways, to bring us goodies for our soul. serendipity
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twinflamegirl · 5 years
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Food for thought:
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twinflamegirl · 5 years
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••• Full Blood Moon + Total Lunar Eclipse ••• 21 Jan 2019
Moon cycles are always spectacular to me as they hold a magickal energy that is powerful to work with. Much of our life cycles follow that of the moon, so it’s only natural to want to work with it in order to harness its power!
One doesn’t have to be an astrologer (I’m certainly not one) in order to work with the moon nor to feel its energy- yes, it would be helpful having that type of insight in terms of gaining a deeper understanding of the energies influencing each lunation -however it won’t scupper any rituals that you perform, after all, many of our ancestors weren’t astrologers yet they successfully worked with moon cycles.
There are often debates on how things are done & what is represented in each phase of the moon, however, in my personal practice, the full moon is the end of the lunar cycle, signifying completion. To me, this is the time that I tie up loose ends & release them so that I may make space in order that new energy may find me & bless me. Working intuitively is the best way, as this ensures that you are following your natural spiritual rythmn.
This Full moon is a blood moon & a total lunar eclipse, so it’s going to have pretty intense yet powerful energy that is magnified greatly (& felt quite strongly in the week leading to the climax) which can catalyse huge changes in your life - should you allow it to! As the past few months come to a climactic end, it’s our chance to let go of what was. I tend to use a simple fire ritual plus writing on paper to set my intentions. I release each in turn by placing them into the fire after having read them aloud and meditated on them for a short while.
What are your moon rituals?
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twinflamegirl · 5 years
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In dreamtime, my prophecies come;
my revelations speak to me & my guides show to me what has been hidden within the depths of my psyche;
reminders of what is true to the core of my being;
Leading me back to my soul truth,
Leading me home
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twinflamegirl · 5 years
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twinflamegirl · 6 years
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I was looking for a psychic on Instantgo and came across Twin Flame Girl. This was not my first time talking to a psychic, and I was looking for a very specific style.
First and foremost, I wanted someone who could give me an honest answer. No sugar-coating please! What is the point of getting only positive readings if they're not going to come true? TFG offers an honest view of what she sees in the cards or what she picks up intuitively, but the delivery is gentle enough that somehow I feel grounded and clear-headed (not like I've been punched in the gut) even when what she tells me is not exactly what I had wanted to hear. She has great empathic energy. I had a good feeling when I came across her profile pic on Instantgo, and she turned out to be just as warm-hearted as I had thought! Funny thing is, TFG herself is very talented in reading people's photos. Perhaps that energy came through when I was browsing Instantgo, too?
What I love most about her readings is that she gives you a broader picture. Some psychics, when asked a question, just answer that particular question, giving no context. I understand everyone has a different style, but I've had issues where this would lead me to believe one particular thing would happen, when in reality, it DOES happen but in a completely unanticipated context that it throws me off. Her way of giving you the context helps you take things into perspective and not get carried away with whatever reading comes out. It has also helped me mentally prepare myself when I'm anxious about an upcoming interaction with someone. 
I also have to mention her response time. I wasn't necessarily looking for someone who could give me an instant response, but I do prefer the wait time to be shorter. TFG gives you an estimate as to when she will get back to you. This, believe it or not, was one of the most calming things for me! When you're anxious about what your money situation would be like, what somebody thinks of you, or whether your love life is on the right track, waiting becomes almost a torture! Isn't it during desperate times that we seek a psychic reading? I think because TFG has such great empathy, she knows this and gives you a timeframe. So far, I have only connected with her on Instantgo, but I'm planning to get a more proper reading the "traditional way" soon. I'd recommend TFG to those looking for a psychic who's great with love readings, analyzing people's personalities via photos and who has a calm, emphatic and positive energy to top it all off!
-M.S. in Korea
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twinflamegirl · 6 years
Client Testimonial:
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I was looking for a psychic on Instantgo and came across Twin Flame Girl. This was not my first time talking to a psychic, and I was looking for a very specific style. First and foremost, I wanted someone who could give me an honest answer. No sugar-coating please! What is the point of getting only positive readings if they’re not going to come true? TFG offers an honest view of what she sees in the cards or what she picks up intuitively, but the delivery is gentle enough that somehow I feel grounded and clear-headed (not like I’ve been punched in the gut) even when what she tells me is not exactly what I had wanted to hear. She has great empathic energy. I had a good feeling when I came across her profile pic on Instantgo, and she turned out to be just as warm-hearted as I had thought! Funny thing is, TFG herself is very talented in reading people’s photos. Perhaps that energy came through when I was browsing Instantgo, too?
What I love most about her readings is that she gives you a broader picture. Some psychics, when asked a question, just answer that particular question, giving no context. I understand everyone has a different style, but I’ve had issues where this would lead me to believe one particular thing would happen, when in reality, it DOES happen but in a completely unanticipated context that it throws me off. Her way of giving you the context helps you take things into perspective and not get carried away with whatever reading comes out. It has also helped me mentally prepare myself when I’m anxious about an upcoming interaction with someone. 
I also have to mention her response time. I wasn’t necessarily looking for someone who could give me an instant response, but I do prefer the wait time to be shorter. TFG gives you an estimate as to when she will get back to you. This, believe it or not, was one of the most calming things for me! When you’re anxious about what your money situation would be like, what somebody thinks of you, or whether your love life is on the right track, waiting becomes almost a torture! Isn’t it during desperate times that we seek a psychic reading? I think because TFG has such great empathy, she knows this and gives you a timeframe. So far, I have only connected with her on Instantgo, but I’m planning to get a more proper reading the “traditional way” soon. I’d recommend TFG to those looking for a psychic who’s great with love readings, analyzing people’s personalities via photos and who has a calm, emphatic and positive energy to top it all off!
-M.S. in Korea
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twinflamegirl · 6 years
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twinflamegirl · 6 years
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Just incase anyone needs reminding...
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twinflamegirl · 6 years
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••• What’s on the cards today? •••
(Energetic snapshot)
Today’s energy is all about dilligence, focus & seeing a project(s) through to completion. There’s the possibility of signing contracts so Keep an eye on the small details and leave no stone unturned! Hard work is paying off, be mindful to not give up before things get finalised. This is a confidence-building type energy Where you’ll find that your efforts will be rewarded in many ways! .
// 8 of Pentacles: //
Focus / hard work / dilligence
// Page of Arrows - wren//
Determination / work / wisdom /watchfulness
#wildwoodtarot #tarot #tarotreader
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twinflamegirl · 6 years
Grounding your energy is incredibly important and beneficial to your wellbeing. In this current climate of stress and chaos, taking time out to slow down and just ‘BE’.
For me, the past few days have been emotionally intense and demanding so i’ve decided that today is a day for grounding for me, so i’m at Princess Diana’s garden at Kensington Gardens, London, soaking up the sights, smells and sounds. Tranquility permeates the subtle voices in the backround and the sound of the wind gently blowing through the trees’ leaves, whooshing in the most calming way.
BTW - the video is very short because a lady came up behind me (scared the bejesus out of me) and I thus dropped my phone, smashing the glass front to pieces ffs. On the plus side, it accidentally created an interesting colour aesthetic which looks quite fetching ;)
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