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maybe i’ve just expected too much
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fckin feelings was just around that corner
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And then I met you
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Footnote to Youth  (A critique paper)
            The title itself and the whole story honestly,for me,I get a little bit confused because some of the words used by the author which is Jose Garcia-Villa are unfamiliar.But as I get along through the story,it talks about a seventeen year old boy whom at a very young age has these plans of marrying a girl despite of their state in life.        
            In these review/critique, the kind of approach that I will use would just be simply reader’s response because I think its just my thoughts,point of views and opinions has relevance to these paper.Actually, it is my first time to encounter a critique paper like this and I really don’t know what to say but I’m trying,really really trying not just  for the sake of passing but to learn how to do this because I’m completely sure it’ll be useful soon maybe in college.Since,I am not that fluent in using English words,please bear with my grammar and usage of words. Gracias ! 
              If we experienced the mid-state of living,we can eat three times a day,spend the rest of our time on our social medias posting something or just wasting it and are obliged to go to school,finish our studies,reach our goals then find a good job,and it is our choice if we are going to build our own family,but talking about those less fortunate in life that at a very young age should have to make money for a living instead of chitchatting with friends and sitting on a sofa worrying nothing else.Dodong,the character in the story unlike us,was a farmer obliged to take care of his carabao and should work on the field while the rays of the sun hitting his skin.And a very moment,he choses to decide on his own,he wanted to marry a girl he’s sure himself was still undecided for his decisions comparing himself to his father whom also marry at a young age.I certainly disagree with Dodong’s decision,not underestimating him as a human having his own emotions but I know that he knows that he’s still young and don’t have the permanent job to fulfill any of his family’s needs as a father and would  be contributed to the government’s beneficiary.I’m sure he knew their situation,he pitied her mother of doing all household chores alone,his father has been sucking diseased tooth,just this situations,he has something to do with it.Instead of marrying early,why does he help his mother doing household chores and let his father repair his tooth to not suffer anymore,he can do this if he was determined to become something beyond him.He should have the dream of experiencing little luxuries in life if he wanted to be, like us,any of us wanted to.But I guess,nobody has ever told him that,because he sees his father as his example of marrying at a young age also.He maybe thought that was right.At his age of seventeen,just like any other teenagers needs advice and guidance on any decisions especially those he got confused of because any decision he/she made as a teenager, their future plans and what they wanted to have in life or what they wanted to become,with that just one single decision would be affected.But he already made a decision and I honestly hated him for that.Based on the story,he married Teang,the girl of his dreams.They had  children and just like a typical story we have watched in teleseryes,movies,films etc.,Teang was shapeless and thin and in silent, wishing she should not marry but it all happened,they two had decided for what they had become now.They may lose the dreams they had for themselves but they had a lot of children,they still have the opportunity to get away from that kind of living.
               Yes,I’m against with the decisions of the character especially Dodong but still thankful because my father was not like him.My father grew up and was raised in a living same as Dodong that needed to work under the heat of the sun but my father promised himself,we would never experience that kind of living.I knew that there’s nothing wrong with what living they have but as a person living in reality,the real essence of life is to live with it to the fullest without regrets and it would be a great fulfillment to live a life you were just dreaming of.I promised myself that I would never be like Teang nor Dodong because I wanted the best things in life and there’s still so many opportunities I should grab to succeed.
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Shining through darkness is her eyes covered with fear
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