twinsofthetardis · 5 years
“Daddyyyyyyyyyyy!!” she squeals, loving his undivided attention. Actually, she really likes the idea of a big swimming pool full of Jelly Babies, but her Daddy would think of something that silly, wouldn’t he?
“I would buy all the sand in the universe so me and Sammy and Franky can build the biggest sandcastle ever!”
She cuddles into his arms then with a satisfied sigh. “You’re my favourite thing too.”
"Daddy, what would you do if you won the lottery?" Sammy needs to know these things.
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       “I would buy the world’s largest swimming pool, fill it with Jelly Babies, and jump into it.” 
The Master picks his daughter up and places her in his lap, and cups her round little cheeks, and looks into eyes that mirror his own.
     “Actually? I would live the same life I’m living. Because life with you is the happiest I could ever imagine.”
Two blunt upturned noses meet and rub together.  Then two foreheads. 
    “I mean it.  You and your brothers are my favorite thing.” 
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twinsofthetardis · 5 years
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twinsofthetardis · 5 years
She HAS been feeling rather overlooked lately, although she doesn’t have the words to match that feeling. She just knows that things are different now, and though she’s so excited to have a baby brother, she didn’t expect things to be so…. loud and fussy and tiring. 
Looking through the bag, she pulls out a sparkly purple colour, bright and garish and perfect. “This one,” she says, handing it to him as she snuggles back into his once-again-flat torso.
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      “Not gonna stand on ceremony when it cooms to ‘subtletly,’ huh?” the doting father chuckles, smoothing the thick and glossy chestnut hair that his regal daughter inherited from his husband.  “That means, being calm and quiet. Not your forte, huh?” 
And he loves her for it.  Never again will a child of House Oakdown suffer crammed into a box of suffocating expectations.  Samantha, Victor and Franklin will be, above all else, free.  
     “Hey,” he murmurs, while opening the bottle.  “Hey–fingers out, like this, yeah good–if you’re feeling sad about how loud and busy it’s been with a new baby … . me’n dad’ll give you your own separate time, every day.  You, with each of us, not having to share us with either of your brothers. How’s that sound, little madam?”  
“Calm and quiet’s boring,” she declares, spreading her fingers out as wide as she can. “I don’t mind sharing with Vicky. We share everything, since before we were even born. But Franky’s so loud. Is he always gonna be loud?”
Yes, yes she definitely wants those moments of alone time, though she doesn’t really know how to say yes to it.
"Daddy," Sammy says, walking up to him in a bit of a mood. "I can't paint my nails, it always ends up so messy!"
The Master clicks his tongue and playfully sulks down at his daughter.  
    “A travesty for the ages, my sweet little princess, come. Hop on pop.”
He guides her into his lap.  Since the birth of Franklin, Sammy has been in a perpetual state of petulant insecurity, and her father, from whom it seems her exact personality was genetically grafted, recognizes why.  Pointedly he’s been lavishing her in attention and praise, whenever he hasn’t reeked of baby spit-up and fallen asleep standing.  
    “Right, c’mon.” He snags her whole pouch of nail polish–covered in pink-clad warrior princesses with large swords, riding flying dinosaurs (don’t ask) and really featuring his filched polishes, as she’s ordinarily far too young for make-up.  He unzips it.  “Pick a color and daddy will show you some tricks.”  
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twinsofthetardis · 5 years
She HAS been feeling rather overlooked lately, although she doesn’t have the words to match that feeling. She just knows that things are different now, and though she’s so excited to have a baby brother, she didn’t expect things to be so.... loud and fussy and tiring. 
Looking through the bag, she pulls out a sparkly purple colour, bright and garish and perfect. “This one,” she says, handing it to him as she snuggles back into his once-again-flat torso.
"Daddy," Sammy says, walking up to him in a bit of a mood. "I can't paint my nails, it always ends up so messy!"
The Master clicks his tongue and playfully sulks down at his daughter.  
    “A travesty for the ages, my sweet little princess, come. Hop on pop.”
He guides her into his lap.  Since the birth of Franklin, Sammy has been in a perpetual state of petulant insecurity, and her father, from whom it seems her exact personality was genetically grafted, recognizes why.  Pointedly he’s been lavishing her in attention and praise, whenever he hasn’t reeked of baby spit-up and fallen asleep standing.  
    “Right, c’mon.” He snags her whole pouch of nail polish–covered in pink-clad warrior princesses with large swords, riding flying dinosaurs (don’t ask) and really featuring his filched polishes, as she’s ordinarily far too young for make-up.  He unzips it.  “Pick a color and daddy will show you some tricks.”  
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twinsofthetardis · 5 years
Jack's cheeks darken ever so slightly when Koschei whispers that to him, and he's struggling to keep that thought tamped down while the kids are there.
The kids, of course, are oblivious, soaking up their expected adoration and smiling up at their father.
"YEP!" Sammy declares for the both of them.
Vicky, though, is a bit more thoughtful. "Does Franklin have two hearts too?"
In comes a breakfast tray with "smiley eggs" and orange juice, plus a small bouquet of flowers. "Happy mothers day, darling," he says as he presses a kiss to koschei's forehead. "The twins INSISTED they could make these for you, and I think they did a half decent job."
A hapless expression crosses the Master’s face when his husband greets him with a kiss.  
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    “Oh, sweetheart.  You landed us at a Mother’s Day?  Well now hold on, I have to dream you up something as well, or I’ll not even accept this.” 
Koschei beholds the blobby egg-eyes and bacon smile made by his babies, whom he only just taught a week or so past, and feels a wellspring of absurd emotion.  He dabs at his eyes with his nightshirt sleeve. 
   “Bloody hell.  Okay okay. Here, get in bed with me.  Where’re they?  Kids!”  
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twinsofthetardis · 5 years
"You can dream something up for me anytime you like," he chuckles, sliding into bed with him. "We do have a time machine, after all." He cups his hand to his mouth and calls for the kids, who come running in and LEAP into the bed, snuggling up to their fathers - after both drop a kiss to their little-brother-to-be.
"Look!" Sammy cries, pointing at his breakfast. "Look! Me and Vicky each cracked one of the eggs, and we didn't get none of the shell in there at all!"
In comes a breakfast tray with "smiley eggs" and orange juice, plus a small bouquet of flowers. "Happy mothers day, darling," he says as he presses a kiss to koschei's forehead. "The twins INSISTED they could make these for you, and I think they did a half decent job."
A hapless expression crosses the Master’s face when his husband greets him with a kiss.  
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    “Oh, sweetheart.  You landed us at a Mother’s Day?  Well now hold on, I have to dream you up something as well, or I’ll not even accept this.” 
Koschei beholds the blobby egg-eyes and bacon smile made by his babies, whom he only just taught a week or so past, and feels a wellspring of absurd emotion.  He dabs at his eyes with his nightshirt sleeve. 
   “Bloody hell.  Okay okay. Here, get in bed with me.  Where’re they?  Kids!”  
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twinsofthetardis · 6 years
"Bootiful!” he declares, starting to stack up the blocks into a single pillar, then knocking it over with a peal of giggles. This happens a few more times before he picks up one of the blocks and offers it to him.
“Daddy bootiful too?”
Have a Vicky taking his father's hand and dragging him off to play blocks with him.
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    “Hm? Ohhhh Vick, marvelous, GOOD!  What great, solid structure shall we build today?”
The Master plops down on the hardwood floor beside his son, and rattles his hands through the sea of plastic blocks. He grins at him, diabolically, and winks.
    “Order from chaos, that’s the natural route.  We have to start messy. Go on. Knock something over. Then we’ll rebuild something even MORE beautiful!”  
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twinsofthetardis · 6 years
He nestles down in her arms, a serene smile on his face now. He’s not the most talkative child, but he nods and declares, “Friend!”
Then, he starts pointing towards the nursery, wanting to show her all his toys.
“Yep!” she chirps back at him, grinning brightly as she carries him in the direction he wants to go without question. She always has been indulgent to the whims of children, so long as it doesn’t put them at any risk of danger, and clearly this time is going to be no different.
“What it is you want me to see, hmm?” she asks, following his pointing all the way to the nursery. “Ooh, I see!” she laughs softly, giving his nose a gentle boop. “Do you want me to play?”
Vicky nods enthusiastically at her question, then starts to wiggle so he can be put down. He immediately open up a large wooden chest and pulls out some blocks, a few cars, and two dolls, offering one of the dolls to Layla. “Play?”
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twinsofthetardis · 6 years
“Bof’,” Sammy grins, impish and happy and proud all at the same time. Vicky nods his agreement, clambering up into his lap. Sammy, however, tugs insistently on her father’s hand. “Got somethin’ for you to seeeeeeeeeeeee.”
Outside, there’s a messy sandcastle near the grill where they have so many of their family dinners. “Look!! We did that, Vicky ‘n me!”
Koschei dons his reading glasses the moment his daughter declares her need to show him the fruit of her labors.  
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       “Both! Oh golly.  Are you sure daddy’s ready for sooch a shock?”
Guided, or rather strongarmed, outside, he peeks around the grill to where the monstrous lump of wet sand stands, erected to the glory of the McCoy-Oakdown name.  
     “Well MY GOODNESS!” he roars, and flings himself down beside it. “What a feat of modern architecture! My children are TRULY avant-garde! That means you invented something all new!” 
The two of them beam proudly at his praise. Never once do they think they’ll receive anything less than enthusiastic support for their endeavours, and that is one of the reasons that they always seek out their parents (and grandparent) to show them these creations, regardless of how they turn out.
“Vicky says that one day, we can do it for real an’ make it big enough for ALL of us to live in. Is that true, Daddy?”
Two little toddling terrors run FULL TILT at him and smash into his legs, each clinging to his trousers and looking up at him with big toothy grins.
Send Koschei stuff from his kids.
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The Master’s in the process of hydrating when Sammy and Vicky rampage around the corner.  His eyes go owlish.    
He’s barely seized the stairway railing when they collide with his legs.  He goes down hard, landing on his ass on a stair, offhandedly grateful that there’s more padding there than in younger years.  
     “Golly,” he comments, with an infectious thunderclap of laughter.  “What a welcoming committee.  Either you two want me to do something, or you’re hiding something else.”
He playfully pinches the ear of each twin. 
    “Which is it, hm?” 
And kisses the top of both their heads.  
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twinsofthetardis · 6 years
“Bof’,” Sammy grins, impish and happy and proud all at the same time. Vicky nods his agreement, clambering up into his lap. Sammy, however, tugs insistently on her father’s hand. “Got somethin’ for you to seeeeeeeeeeeee.”
Outside, there’s a messy sandcastle near the grill where they have so many of their family dinners. “Look!! We did that, Vicky ‘n me!”
Two little toddling terrors run FULL TILT at him and smash into his legs, each clinging to his trousers and looking up at him with big toothy grins.
Send Koschei stuff from his kids.
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The Master’s in the process of hydrating when Sammy and Vicky rampage around the corner.  His eyes go owlish.    
He’s barely seized the stairway railing when they collide with his legs.  He goes down hard, landing on his ass on a stair, offhandedly grateful that there’s more padding there than in younger years.  
     “Golly,” he comments, with an infectious thunderclap of laughter.  “What a welcoming committee.  Either you two want me to do something, or you’re hiding something else.”
He playfully pinches the ear of each twin. 
    “Which is it, hm?” 
And kisses the top of both their heads.  
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twinsofthetardis · 6 years
@immortaljackal is getting a Vicky!
Two big brown eyes blink up at her. The quieter of the twins, Victor (though everyone calls him Vicky), is looking up at this new person in his home. He knows that anyone who has made it into their home is a safe person, so he has no qualms in reaching his arms up to her, silently asking to be picked up.
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“Well hello to you too, sweetling,” Layla coos quietly, a soft smile playing at her lips as she scoops the little one up into her arms. “Aren’t you just darling? My name’s Layla. It’s so nice to meet you. I’m sure we’re going to be the best of friends, yes?”
He nestles down in her arms, a serene smile on his face now. He’s not the most talkative child, but he nods and declares, “Friend!”
Then, he starts pointing towards the nursery, wanting to show her all his toys.
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twinsofthetardis · 6 years
@immortaljackal is getting a Vicky!
Two big brown eyes blink up at her. The quieter of the twins, Victor (though everyone calls him Vicky), is looking up at this new person in his home. He knows that anyone who has made it into their home is a safe person, so he has no qualms in reaching his arms up to her, silently asking to be picked up.
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twinsofthetardis · 6 years
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Pick your babyface!  😂😂😂 Anyway, the Master napping with an infant, you’re welcome.
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twinsofthetardis · 6 years
She's instantly happy as she wiggled closer for those cuddles and her story. Her eyes light up as she listens - the warrior princesses are her favourite stories to listen to. There's a little gasp when she hears the princess's name, and looks up at him, not a trace of irony or sarcasm in her voice. "Princess Samantha is my favourite," she says quietly, like it's some deep, wise secret she's sharing with him.
Sammy climbs up into his lap as if it is her universe-given throne. "Tell me a story?"
Send the Master his babies. 
Koschei removes his glasses and clears his throat. He tucks his daughter in against his side, combing her chestnut braids over one shoulder and leaning over to rub noses with her.  
    “Once upon a time there was a warrior princess clad in bright glistening vallidium armor whose mind was most powerful.  She used her mind for good, planting ideas about how to be kind in the minds of anyone she touched. So she dashed across the countryside on her noble steed, reaching over to tap the shoulder of anyone she came across. And that person would think of the most agreeable things to do for their fellow people: pick up a dropped object, offer a hand oop, pay a compliment.  And her kingdom prospered because she was ever so clever and good.  Her name was Samantha.”  
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twinsofthetardis · 6 years
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twinsofthetardis · 7 years
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twinsofthetardis · 7 years
                               she may be small but she bites
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