twirlergirl583 · 4 years
yeah yeah influencers are bad and the culture around them is terrible but let me be clear. if i could get paid to take pictures of me traveling to beautiful places all over the world i would 1000% sell out in a minute
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twirlergirl583 · 4 years
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#that’s it #that’s the show
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twirlergirl583 · 4 years
6 months (on the 24th).
6 months has passed since you were ripped from this Earth.
Birthdays, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, Your Daughter's 3rd birthday (today).
6 goddam months.
I didn't know you well, but I grieve the relationship we could have had. The relationship our future kids would have had with you. All the time your husband and daughter lost. The time your brother and sister and mother lost. I grieve for your extend family, especially those you grew up with and were close to.
And I'm angry, not at you, but at the world. You shouldn't have had to miss your daughter growing up; it's only been 6 months but she's grown so much, full conversations, riding a bike with training wheels, giving her dad more trouble than he should have to handle on his own. And I'm angry that he has to do this by himself. He has his and your family, but it's not the same at all. You'd be proud of your daughter for who she's becoming and how quickly she's advancing. You'd be proud of your husband for being as good of a father as he can be. You'd be proud of your brother and sister for their new jobs, and for taking the steps needed to exist amongst their grief.
And I wanted the opportunity for you to see your brother get married. It's hard to even think about asking him to celebrate yet another event you should have been there for. And people say it gets easier as time goes on, but what really happens is that we get better at coping. The sad days come less frequently, the happy days are filled with less accompanying sadness and guilt over being happy. But the sad days will always come and the happiness will always be accompanied by guilt. Because why should we be happy when you aren't there to be happy too.
And maybe if I believed in God and/or heaven, it would be different. But I haven't since 2007. Because look at this world...if God was real, he'd just be a slumlord of the earth. A god that sees bad things happen and doesn't care. It's selfish, it's dickish, and it's just not scientifically likely that something like a god, is up there watching all this shit go down.
Once you're gone, you're gone. And all the love there was for you, it's stuck with nowhere to go. And it sucks. Because grief sucks.
And how has it been 6 months already and yet only 6 months.
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twirlergirl583 · 4 years
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Or do I owe her an apology? Men in Black (1997) dir. Barry Sonnenfeld
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twirlergirl583 · 4 years
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this week in I Am Very Smart: having enough money to go to the opera, museums and concerts correlates with having enough money for food, shelter and basic health needs
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twirlergirl583 · 4 years
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twirlergirl583 · 4 years
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twirlergirl583 · 4 years
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twirlergirl583 · 4 years
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November 2019 Illustrations  ヽ(• ‿ •)ノ
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twirlergirl583 · 4 years
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peak stozier
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twirlergirl583 · 5 years
Go on Bake off. Make sure everything I make is flavours Paul hates. Smash the actual bake though.
When he says I don’t like those flavours, stare him in those souless eyes and say “I know.”
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twirlergirl583 · 5 years
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twirlergirl583 · 5 years
I’m not sure what’s funnier. The fact that in HBP Harry’s thought process goes “Hmm. Draco’s ignoring me. He must be a Death Eater now. Nothing less than a secret deadly mission from Voldemort himself could be more important than our rivalry.”
Or the fact that he’s completely right.
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twirlergirl583 · 5 years
Being up at 4-5 am is like loading in a level but the textures haven’t loaded all the way through yet.
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twirlergirl583 · 5 years
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twirlergirl583 · 5 years
“Gretchen: On the International Space Station, you have astronauts from the US and from other English speaking countries and you have cosmonauts from Russia. And obviously it’s very important to get your communication right if you’re on a tiny metal box circling the Earth or going somewhere. You don’t want to have a miscommunication there because you could end up floating in space in the wrong way. And so one of the things that they do on the ISS – so first of all every astronaut and cosmonaut needs to be bilingual in English and Russian because those are the languages of space. Lauren: Yep. Wait, the language of space are English and Russian? I’m sorry, I just said ‘yep’ and I didn’t really think about it, so that’s a fact is it? Gretchen: I mean, pretty much, yeah, if you go on astronaut training recruitment forums, which I have gone on to research this episode… Lauren: You’re got to have a backup job, Gretchen. Gretchen: I don’t think I’m going to become an astronaut, but I would like to do astronaut linguistics. And one of the things these forums say, is, you need to know stuff about math and engineering and, like, how to fly planes and so on. But they also say, you either have to arrive knowing English and Russian or they put you through an intensive language training course. But then when they’re up in space, one of the things that they do is have the English native speakers speak Russian and the Russian speakers speak English. Because the idea is, if you speak your native language, maybe you’re speaking too fast or maybe you’re not sure if the other person’s really understanding you. Whereas if you both speak the language you’re not as fluent in, then you arrive at a level where where people can be sure that the other person’s understanding. And by now, there’s kind of this hybrid English-Russian language that’s developed. Not a full-fledged language but kind of a- Lauren: Space Creole! Gretchen: Yeah, a Space Pidgin that the astronauts use to speak with each other! I don’t know if anyone’s written a grammar of it, but I really want to see a grammar of Space Pidgin.”
Excerpt from Episode 1 of Lingthusiasm: Speaking a single language won’t bring about world peace. Listen to the full episode, read the transcript, or check out the show notes. (via lingthusiasm)
@rokirovka your time has come
(via theminism)
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twirlergirl583 · 5 years
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black twitter will live forever
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