You’re a regular office worker born with the ability to “see” how dangerous a person is with a number scale of 1-10 above their heads. A toddler would be a 1, while a skilled soldier with a firearm may score a 7. Today, you notice the reserved new guy at the office measures a 10.
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I hate this fucking circle you throw me in.
I knew.... I fucking knew it....
So what?? Deleting the messages now??
I'm so fucking done. I can't believe this.
And watch me hear how you know nothing about it when I get to you
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I love how you can just lie to my fucking face.
Youre not talking to any other girls huh... You're mine huh...
I wonder how you'd like it catching some guy's nudes in my dms.
Or catching posts bout how I wanted to start a real thing with somebody else.
Or how about some other guy posting about how I sent him something so fucking nasty it made him have to go clean up?
Or me posting my nudes all over Tumblr.
Fucking watch me💯
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It almost makes me hate you. Because it's killing me from the inside out and I dont know what to do because I can't stand to not have you. I cant bear the thought of it but I wish for it desperately...
How am I ever going to get past this? How do I conquer feeling inadequate because you want everyone else? How do I let go of you and her fucking flirting day in and day out laying right next to me like I matter?
What do I do... I just want to stop hurting. I wanna be able to trust you. But I know I can't. And I know you'll leave eventually. I just don't know how to handle it...
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Too much drama for you huh... Guess I'll never be able to show you off like I want to. Because she's more important. Because she'd leave after knowing you belong to me... Ugh. 💔💔
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Fuck you 😔
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I'm done with us.... Can I even be done though? Are you ever going to let me end this? Sure it'll hurt at first but in the end we'll be better off ....
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Team Free Will sending you snaps when you had to stay home because you’re too sick to come on a hunt with them.
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I don’t even know where to begin with this
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How to Explain Supernatural:  An Illustrated Guide
1. These are Sam and Dean, the main characters.  
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They cause the apocalypse a lot.
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You will be sexually attracted to them. 
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2.  This is Castiel. 
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He’s the show’s most powerful and dangerous main character.
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No, seriously, I mean it.
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3.  They all love each other.  So, naturally, they spend the next eleven years subjecting one another to the worst forms of pain imaginable. 
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Like heartbreak and betrayal. 
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And, of course, endless sexual frustration.
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4.   You will also become incredibly emotionally attached to these characters. Then, the writers will proceed to brutally torture and kill them before your eyes.
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Over and over again. 
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But seriously, it’s a really fun show.
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5.  They also have some great secondary characters for you to fall in love with!
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Then, of course, you’ll have to watch them all die horribly.  But hey, it was fun while it lasted!
6. There are a few exceptions, of course.  Like God. 
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(As you can see, they’re extremely conservative in their portrayal of omnipotent theistic beings.)
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7.  Or the king of hell.
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8.  And who can forget the longest surviving characters of all?
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9.  And finally, once you watch it, all these GIFs will make perfect sense to you.
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No, seriously, I swear.
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How do you stop your brain and your heart from going to war with each other?? I’ve never been so torn in half …
My brain is so tired of you. Tired of the games and tired of making me look stupid and tired of that bitch coming to the back of my mind to piss me off all over again when you make me forget and tired of not knowing where the fuck we’re going with ourselves and tired of getting treated like a fucking toy.
But my heart breathes you in and screams to drown in you. My heart skips and makes me remember the other night….the first time I’d ever felt what making love was like. Everything about it was amazing…. But hearing you tell me that you’re mine. That fixed everything. My heart aches when I try to pull away from you or when I don’t let you kiss me. And it flutters like a damn hummingbird when you pull me against you and kiss me anyway. Everything melts away when my lips touch yours… lightning flies through my veins and it takes my breath away. My mouth tingles after you pull away every time. It tickles, for so many moments after.
My body constantly wants you. It’s like you look at me and my body just wants to do exactly as you tell me, anything to make you want me. Anything to make you happy. I already sold my soul to my love for you, I’m never getting it back from that. But I get so fucking lost when you’re near me. Everything about me just wants you… It’s maddening.
The waves of burning rage when I think of her on your phone though…. or thinking of when I caught you fucking molesting her on your friends couch and I had to leave because I had to go beat the shit out of my car so it wasn’t her. Or you being all over in the back seat of my car because you didn’t want to lose her. Is anything even different now ? I know you said they are but you still have her as tinker bell in your damn phone, still talk about your specially conformed version of your Neverland with her, still going to have her around because she can’t live without you, what’s going to happen when she’s done with all her other people and decide she fucking wants you, the one who constantly treats her like every fucking girl dreams of being treated and the one who’s always been there for her??
Am I going to mean anything then….
I hate this. I hate being like this. I just wanna let this go. But God I cant… I’ve tried.
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I want that stupid skank off your phone... I want her nickname deleted... I want her to know that she's never going to have the chance to have you again... I want you to fucking tell her that she's worthless and she isn't who she thinks she is but none of that is true is it?? No. Of course not... You're still in love with her. You're still going to leave as soon as she fucking says she wants you. But you had the audacity to fucking lie to me and tell me otherwise ?? I'm so fucking tired of being in this game. I can't take it. You love me and you're mine, but she's your tinker bell and you're her Peter Pan with NO Wendy??? Fuck this.
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The Ten Types of Supernatural Episode:  an Illustrated Guide.
1.  The Generic:
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This is the kind of episode fandom veterans fondly refer to as “Old School Supernatural.”  Features a 70s rock soundtrack, a classic (yet in hindsight, relatively nonthreatening) ghost or monster, comically bad special effects, and body horror.  Probably from season one. 
Examples:  “Wendigo,” “Bloody Mary,” “Bugs.”    
2.  The Classic:
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Not to be confused with the Generic, the Classic is the kind of episode that everybody remembers and everybody loves.  It’s infinitely quotable, carefully toes the line between hilarious and absurd, and is still frequently blogged about even if it came out 7+ years ago.  Almost definitely features Gabriel. 
Examples:  “Tall Tales,” “Mystery Spot,” “Changing Channels.”
3.  The Life Changer:
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Once you see this episode, you will never be the same.  Whether it introduces a beloved character, kills them, or raises them from the dead, the Life Changer is the episode that either sends you into a downward spiral of unhealthy obsession, or merely accelerates it.
Examples:  “Lazarus Rising,” “Abandon All Hope,” “Lucifer Rising.”
4.  The Black Comedy:
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Though much of Supernatural revolves around a unique cocktail of horror and humor, the Black Comedy is almost impossible to miss.  From famine-induced cannibalism, to a would-be antichrist, to a killer pagan Santa Clause, the humor of these episodes is darker than Batman’s worst nightmares and probably at least twice as depressing, yet manages to be oddly magical all the same.
Examples:  “Yellow Fever,” “My Bloody Valentine,” “A Very Supernatural Christmas.”
5.  The Crack Fic: 
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These are the episodes whose only real purpose is to make you wonder if Supernatural is some kind of elaborate fever dream.  Neither advance the plot nor provide much further insight into its characters, but still entertaining in terms of pure absurdity. 
Examples:  “Man’s Best Friend with Benefits,” “It’s a Dog Dean Afternoon,” most of season seven.  
6.  The WELL-WRITTEN Crack Fic:
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Despite having the same brand surreal absurdity of the Crack Fic, the WELL-WRITTEN Crack Fic not only serves to further character development, but will also tug at your heartstrings, make you laugh, and very likely make you cry. 
Examples:  “Monster Movie,” “Sam, Interrupted,” “Hunteri Heroici.”
7.  The Meta Fiction: 
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Some shows break the fourth wall, but this one comes at it with a sledgehammer.  From directly addressing the fandom and its terminology to the show itself, the Meta Fiction episode is usually surprisingly enjoyable and well-done, if you can get past the sheer mindfuck of it.
Examples:  “Fanfiction,” “The French Mistake,” “Don’t Call me Shurley.” 
8.  The Tearjerker: 
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This one specializes in one thing and one thing only, and that is emotionally destroying you.  May disguise itself as other kinds of episodes, like the Crack Fic and the Meta Fiction, before swiftly and efficiently moving in for the kill.
Examples:  “the Rapture,” “After School Special,” “the Man Who Would be King.”   
9.  The Tragedy Porn:
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Do you enjoy watching your favorite characters suffer and die horribly for no particular reason?  No?  Well in that case, you picked the wrong show, my friend.  From the heart wrenching pain of Dean being forced to kick a newly-human Cas out of the bunker, to the soul-destroying injustices that were Kevin and Charlie, the Tragedy Porn is an episode that exists for no other reason than to make you want to crawl into a hole and die.
Examples:  “I’m No Angel,” “Dark Dynasty,” “Rock and a Hard Place.”
10.  The Grand Finale: 
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The Tearjerker, made ten times worse with the addition of “Carry on my Wayward Son” and a cliffhanger ending.  Specializes in metaphorically ripping your heart out, making you sob like a pre-adolescent girl, and psyching you up for the next season, no matter how emotionally exhausted you may already be.
 Examples:  “No Rest For the Wicked,” “The Man Who Knew Too Much,” “Swan Song.”  
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