twloha-nw · 8 years
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You matter.
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twloha-nw · 8 years
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twloha-nw · 8 years
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twloha-nw · 8 years
gentle reminder
you are made of the very atoms that burn the brightest in distant stars
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twloha-nw · 8 years
At the rise of every false claim made against me by my mind, I take to the walls. I scribble “beloved” and “precious” and “daughter” in every color and across every space I can find until my heart finally begins to accept them as words that belong to me. When my mind tells me I am alone and unloved and unworthy, I write down every person who would take my call if they got one and console myself with the sight of each letter.
Grace Laffoon, “When 3AM Finds You” (via twloha)
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twloha-nw · 8 years
gentle reminder
living is an achievement, too - you deserve to be loved and you are worthy even if all you do is exist
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twloha-nw · 8 years
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It’s okay to reach out for help. It doesn’t make you weak.
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twloha-nw · 8 years
Elections can be stressful and almost always leave about half of the people who voted upset or disappointed. This year’s election 2016 was no different and has left many feeling upset, anxious or worried about the future. Today I offer up some self-care tips to help get you back on track and feeling like yourself. I encourage you to try these for 1 week.
Please share this video, you never know who may be having a hard time or just need a reminder to take care of themselves. xoxo
1. Stay off of social media and stop watching the news. If what we are allowing our brain to take in is upsetting to us, maybe we just take a break from it. This doesn’t mean stick our heads in the sand and not be informed, but maybe we just take a week off from it.
2. Spend time with those you love. I know that this is something that makes me feel better when I am down. Being around those who are positive, and who remind us of things we love in life can be great during times like these.  
3. Get enough sleep and eat properly. These are the first things to go out the window when we are upset, and in truth, end up making us feel way worse. So try to get back into your regular sleep schedule and make sure you are not only eating ever 3-4 hours but that you are eating a variety of foods.
4. Get back into your routine. Sticking with your normal routine can sort of trick your brain into thinking everything is okay. It can also be really comforting and calming. So try to go to your regular coffee place each morning or grab lunch at that same favorite place. Whatever it is, just get back into it, it will help you feel so much better.
5. Lastly, be patient with yourself and others. A lot of people are excited and a lot of people are upset. This is a time of transition and it can take us awhile to feel back to normal.
I hope you found this helpful and can use some of these tips to improve your mood and week! xox
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twloha-nw · 8 years
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twloha-nw · 8 years
gentle reminder
it’s okay to not be productive some days, you can rest whenever you need it
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twloha-nw · 8 years
Event tonight!
Hello lovelies! Don’t forget about the lecture going on tonight, at 7pm in CJT. Ross Szabo will be speaking on mental health and an array of other topics, some come listen! 
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twloha-nw · 8 years
gentle reminder
its okay to look at yourself in the mirror and know you’re cute as heck, so please try your best to not be afraid to flaunt your beauty
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twloha-nw · 8 years
Take Care
Hello lovelies! I know how stressful this day can be for some of us, so just remember that no matter what happens, we are all here for each other. I love you all, please take care of yourself today. xoxo
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twloha-nw · 8 years
Stop and listen.
Listen to me. You are worth it. Your struggle is valid. Your emotions are valid. You might not be feeling okay right now, but that is okay. Take a moment. Stop. Breathe. Release any tension that is in your body right now-your neck, your hands, your back, just relax. Feel the breath in your whole body and let it calm you down. Take a moment to yourself. You are worth it. You are lovely.
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twloha-nw · 8 years
gentle reminder
whether you watch all your favorite cartoons from when you were little, go for a run, see your friends or take a long nap, your way of feeling better is totally okay as long as it isn’t hurting you or anyone around you
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twloha-nw · 8 years
There’s a term in chess called zugzwang. It’s a point where the move you make puts you at a disadvantage. This may be a decisive action, with you seeing a better outcome in the future because of that move. But in many cases it’s the point in the game where you realize that no matter what you do or what move you make you will lose your king. That’s when you have to make a decision. Do you forfeit the game to avoid the pain of losing or do you keep playing and hope that you may be able to find some way to win?
Kat Turner, “A Game of Chess” (via twloha)
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twloha-nw · 8 years
gentle reminder
sometimes you just need to be still and do nothing, and that’s okay
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