twobillionseconds · 5 days
June 12th 2024
Woke up early. still suffering from jet lag. Did the morning routine and went into work. It was an ok day. Before coming home I stopped by the lake and went for a run. Came home and showered, cooked dinner and shiz. Gonna head to bed early.
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twobillionseconds · 6 days
June 11th 2024
Woke up early to go to a doctor's appointment. I had to stop by the pharmacy to pick up suppositories for my ass. I missed a delivery for the wife's IVF stuff. I just had to wait at home. I was sick of waiting so for lunch I got Tacos El Gordo. After that I had to do a poop test. I literally scooped my own poop to test it out. After that I walked the dog. The wife's flight got delayed so I picked her up when she landed. I headed to the gym and picked up some stuff for dinner. Cooked Korean BBQ. Started watching Sex and the City Movie.
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twobillionseconds · 7 days
June 10th 2024
Woke up at 11 AM. I swear to god I slept for 12 hours straight. Oh well. I gotta late start to the day. I did some work, but not much. I went to the gym. Cooked dinner. Cleaned around the house. Practiced some piano. I'm gonna head to bed earlier tonight and definitely will set an alarm.
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twobillionseconds · 8 days
June 4th - June 9th 2024
June 4th:
Another day of testing. Except this time we got out on time. My colleagues and I walked around some shopping district in Ginza. Afterwards we tried to get dinner at a restaurant but it was booked... On a Tuesday night. After searching and searching we finally made it to a place. It was quite expensive. Anyway after that a few colleagues and I went to this cool bar called Bar Centifolia. Apparently the bar tender was a world champion.
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After since couple teammates were leaving in a few hours, we checked out another bar. Then they took me to a place called Don Quijote. It's a shop where you can buy literally anything. We all ended up going back to our hotels around 4 AM.
June 5th:
Woke up semi late. I still had an afternoon to test with Sony. I met up with the colleague to test and we got lunch. We started around 1 and ended around 6. Afterwards we went back to the hotel to rest up. We got dinner at some Japanese BBQ place. Then we walked around the city. I wanted to check out some salsa bars but I was so tired from the night before I fell asleep.
June 6th:
Last day in Japan so I decided to walk around the city a bit. I checked out a shrine and some parts of Tokyo. After that I took the train to the airport.
When I landed in SF. I met the wife and my parents for lunch. Then I went to the airport. I just slept at the airport and on the plane. When I got home I unpacked and rested for a bit. I picked up the dog and for dinner I got In-N-Out.
June 7th:
I went to bed around 11 PM last night and woke up around 12 PM. Oof I needed that. I was still tired. I tried to work, but was so tired. I didn't even go to the gym. I just walked my dog a couple times. I got In-N-Out again late night.
June 8th:
Woke up at 11 AM. Woo getting a bit better. I did more stuff. I went to the gym. I made dinner. I just lounged around the house. I took the dog to the dog park.
June 9th:
Forced myself to wake up around 9:30. Got an earlier start to the day. In the afternoon I met up with a couple buddies to go for a bike ride. After we caught the NBA finals and had pizza at their place. I think I am getting adjusted back to real life.
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twobillionseconds · 15 days
May 31st - June 3rd 2024
May 31st:
Travel day. Woke up early to go for a jog because I was gonna be on a plane all day. Hung out at my favorite lounge. Uneventful flight.
June 1st:
Flight landed around 3 PM. Getting out of customs took a long time. I also decided to take the train to the hotel. All in all I got checked in around 5. After resting up a bit I went for a run. After I met a couple colleagues for dinner.
June 2nd:
I made a last minute decision to go to Kyoto for the day. Took the first train out at 6 AM and got there around 8 AM. Spent the whole day just catching the major highlights of the sight seeing spots.
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June 3rd:
First day of testing. Woke up and got a little breakfast with a colleague then we walked over to the conference. We were slammed all day. We started at 9 AM and ended our day at 7PM. After we met another set of colleagues for dinner. Great place. We walked around for a bit and decided to head back.
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twobillionseconds · 18 days
May 30th 2024
Woke up and went to the gym. After I got some breakfast and started my day. I had a relatively productive day. I got a lunch with a buddy of mine. I wanted to check up on him. After work I met up with some old coworkers and got drinks and dinner. It was great catching up.
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twobillionseconds · 19 days
May 28th - May 29th 2024
May 28th:
Woke up went into work because of some meetings in the morning. I grabbed lunch and started heading home. Stopped by the gym and then stopped by the hospital. They still don't know what's wrong with me. But they don't seem concerned. Came home after and lounged around. I packed slowly. Walked the dog with the wife. Had dinner with the wife and we finished Sex and the City.
May 29th:
Woke up at 5:45 to catch a flight. Landed in the bay around 9 and I took the train to a bus stop to get to work. I wanted to take the company shuttle for old time's sake. I ran into some old colleagues. It was a day of catching up. Had some meetings and solved a problem. Checked into the hotel after and went for a run. Grabbed dinner and now I think I'm gonna head to bed.
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twobillionseconds · 21 days
May 24th - May 27th 2024
May 24th:
Friday woo hoo. I can't remember much. I did some work. I went to the gym for sure. For dinner I met up with a buddy of mine. He had a grad school buddy visiting. We decided to show him around San Diego. We hung out at a bar that had a virtual golf studio. Learned how to swing. After we went to another bar. Since my buddy is getting divorced he is unleashing the beast so to speak. After that bar we went downtown and hit up couple places. The night ended up meeting some random people.
May 25th:
Woke up relatively early but I went back to sleep. Had a late start to the day as expected. I did some errands around the house. Took the dog for a long walk. Made myself some lunch at home. Since it was a Saturday night they wanted to go out again. So we started out at a bar with some pool tables to get the night rolling. After we hit up more places down in other parts of the city. It was one hell of a night. It was a tamer night for me because I was the DD. For my buddies, they definitely had their fill of liquor for sure. One of my buddies threw up a couple times. Made sure they got home safe and I chilled at home.
May 26th:
Woke up late as expected. Did the usual things, like walking the dog and what not. I went for a run in the afternoon. I just needed a good cardio session. After I cleaned up and met up at another buddies' place. A few of the guys got together to hear my buddy's story from Vegas. We chilled in the hot tub for a while. After a few of us got dinner and hung out for a bit. A lot tamer night.
May 27th:
Woke up later. Not as late as the nights before. Going out on the weekends is a young man's game. Anyway did the usual things. Today is a holiday so no work. Thank god. I needed today to just recover. I just hung around the house. Took the dog to the beach and the park. Sort of a reward for putting up with my weird schedule this weekend. In the evening the damn YouTube algorithm put this fitness instructor's video and I have been binge watching that. I gotta get ready for my trip. Headed to the bay and then to Japan.
I'm just thinking right now. It's almost 11:30 and I am listening to some pensive music. Worse time to listen to this stuff because your mind leads you down into some rabbit holes. One of the videos that had the music on had this picture of what appeared to be 4 teenagers walking around dusk along a coast some where. It brought back memories of when I was in high school and college where I did that stuff with friends.
Nostalgia. Powerful emotion. In some ways those were some of the best times of my life. There was a level of innocence and naivety that in some ways I really miss. I remember in high school we would sneak out and take our parents cars and just drive around town and to the beach. The summers were the best because at night the temperature would be just right. We would park somewhere by the beach and hang out til 3 or 4 in the morning so that we can sneak back in. I still have to say that the summer after high school graduation was one of the best summers I've experienced. I wish I could go back to that. I wish I took pictures of it. I just have to dig through my mind and draw the pictures mentally.
College was pretty good too. Made friends that I still talk to today. Actually all the people that I am thinking about right now I still maintain contact. We try to get together when we can, but you know life happens.
I guess I am pretty blessed to have met the people that I consider close friends. The fact that we still talk to each other even though it's periodical. Life's short. You just gotta enjoy it to the best you can. I am of the belief that at the end of your life your success should be measured by how many people will be at your funeral. Whether it be children, grandchildren, other relatives, friends or whoever it maybe, I think the saddest part is to have nothing to show for. Then again in a 100 years everyone who attended your funeral will be long gone too and no one will even remember who you were. Well, I guess it doesn't matter how you go.
Anyway. I know I was very stupid in my younger days, but I wish I could relive it too. For the most part I actually like my life right now, but I know that this too will not last. The only thing that I wish I had were a couple kids. The wife and I have been struggling for the past 4 or 5 years with this. I know that there is a good chance that we will never experience the joys and sorrows of parenthood, but we are still fighting the best we can. The odds aren't favorable.
Because of this I feel like just saying fuck it and let me just experience all the pleasures of life. We've been doing the whole fertility thing for a long time. It's frustrating as hell. I fucked up a lot. I'm trying to be better. I'll keep on fighting. I tend to get nihilistic, but you know, in the face of completely meaningless void, I rather go out fighting for things that I want than to just lie still and have the universe happen to me. It's a stupid position because if it doesn't matter then why bother? But something in me keeps wanting to fight. You gotta fight. If you can move and do something about it, you have to fight. That's at least my philosophy.
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twobillionseconds · 25 days
May 23rd 2024
Woke up did the morning routine. Took the wife to the airport. Went into work. Had a relatively productive day. Came back home early. I stopped by the gym before coming back home. Took the dog to the park. Came home and ate some left overs. I did some light work and practiced piano and I'm planning on going to bed soon.
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twobillionseconds · 26 days
May 22nd 2024
Woke up earlier than usual to get a start on the day. Did the morning routine. It was a fairly productive day at work. Went for a run at the end of the day. I was prepping for my trip to the bay and to Japan. Came home and the wife made some pasta sauce. Ate dinner and practiced some piano. When the wife came back home we watched some TV. Gonna try to go to bed earlier.
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twobillionseconds · 27 days
May 21st 2024
Woke up early to get an earlier start. Did the morning routine and stopped by the gym. Had a relatively good day at work. Came home earlier and try to eat dinner earlier. I am trying to go to bed earlier. Let's see how it goes.
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twobillionseconds · 28 days
May 18th - May 20th 2024
May 18th:
Woke up and took the dog for a walk. Met up with an old buddy for some coffee before our bike ride. After loading up we met up with another buddy and went for a long ride. It felt like old times. We got lunch on the way back. I came home and took the dog to the beach after. He got in the water. Came home and washed him down. Made dinner and watched a lot of Sex and the City.
May 19th:
Woke up late. The wife went to church and took the dog for a long walk. After she came back we went to go get Korean BBQ for lunch. Came home and took a nap and we took the dog for another walk. I watched the Timberwolves game. God damn good game. We watched more TV and went to bed.
May 20th:
Woke up and did the usual morning routine. The wife and I went to Costco. Had a tough time getting stuff done. Walked the dog again. Went to the gym and made dinner after. Gotta get back to the grind.
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twobillionseconds · 1 month
May 17th 2024
Woke up late. Walked the dog. Went to REI to pick up some stuff and went to the gym. Ran into some friends. Came back near home for a dentist appointment. Ugh another filling. Came home and made lunch. After I went to a coffee shop to get some work done. Came home after and took the dog for a walk and then took wife to work. Cooked dinner and decided to watch some TV before going to bed.
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twobillionseconds · 1 month
May 16th 2024
Had a tough time waking up. Got up eventually and did the morning routine. Drove into work. Had a relatively productive day. Came home and had a quick bite to eat and took the wife to work. Went to the gym after and met up with a buddy of mine for dinner. Gonna do some more work before going to bed.
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twobillionseconds · 1 month
May 14th - May 15th 2024
May 14th:
Went into to work. Head to grab some breakfast. It was my last meal until tomorrow before my colonoscopy. Anyway got into work and had a pretty productive day. Came home early and took a nap. I skipped the gym. I was starving. At night I had to drink this bowel prep crap. 2 liters of it now and 2 liters tomorrow.
May 15th:
Woke up early to drink 2 morel liters of the crap. I walked over to the hospital. It was a lot of waiting. I got sedated. I woke up and my neighbor graciously picked me up with my wife. Apparently my wife had trouble with my car. My first meal was In-N-Out. It was so good. I took a 3 hour nap. It felt great. I cooked a light dinner and watched some more TV.
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twobillionseconds · 1 month
May 13th 2024
Woke up kinda late? Not sure. I didn't sleep that well. I think all that meat from last night's dinner. Did the usual morning routine. A bike mechanic stopped by the house to tune up my bike. Cool dude. I went to the gym early in the afternoon. Took the dog to the dog park. Ran into an old friend there. Came home cooked dinner. Reading up on the colonoscopy that's coming up on Wednesday. Let's see.
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twobillionseconds · 1 month
May 10th - May 12th 2024
May 10th:
I decided to go to the gym in the morning. I got lunch with a buddy of mine. We went to some sushi place. It was a long lunch. After I went to a coffee shop to get some work done. Then I came home and took the dog for a walk. I worked later some more.
May 11th:
Woke up and took the dog to the park. After I came home and gave him a long walk. I decided to go up to LA for Mother's Day. It's also my mom's birthday on Monday so yeah. Kill multiple birds with one stone. I did some work before and made sure the dog got plenty of exercise. I left for LA around 4:30. I got there around 7 PM. We had dinner and celebrated Mother's Day and I caught up with my parents. Came home and ran into some nasty traffic.
May 12th:
Woke up and took the dog to the park again. Then after took him for a walk around the neighborhood and did errands. After I met up with a buddy of mine to go for a bike ride and run. After we hung out at his pool and got dinner after. It was good catching up with him.
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