twoheartbeatss · 11 days
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Twelve was on the right track
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twoheartbeatss · 2 months
the doctor just. knows rose so well it hurts me. the hologram message he left as nine in bad wolf-- like he PLANNED that shit out ahead of time. he KNEW rose would be stubborn and not want to leave him. he KNEW hed have to force her away in the tardis to keep her safe if push ever came to shove. and he knew shed argue with him. and that shed move closer, and that he could turn and end up looking right at her. and in doomsday. he grabbed both magnaclamps.
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twoheartbeatss · 3 months
i think what massively turns me off this season is 99% of it is fandom bait. the susan teases. the master teases. mrs flood. the copy/pasted scene from the end of the world in space babies. the way RTD talks about the finale being such a spectacle and then it's just the empty universe from flux copy/pasted. the ruby is normal reveal copy/pasted from last jedi.
and none of it really matters or goes anywhere or has any emotional depth. it's all just stuff he knows fandom will latch onto and talk about and theorise and argue over. it makes it feel like the whole thing was written with the audience's reaction in mind, what would generate the most ragebait/discourse to keep people talking about the show. rather than having any coherent or interesting narrative it feels like endless clickbait shit designed to just keep u watching In Case it all actually means something. like with the landscape around media atm... i get it i guess. but it also just means it. sucks ??
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twoheartbeatss · 3 months
honestly i could write essay after essay about everything that made that finale bad. and i will. however comma i genuinely do not care about any of these characters enough to want to do that. i don't want to spend my time critiquing and analysing a show where all the characters are boring and the plot is all deus ex machina.
she's done with the whole SEASON. she was in EVERY episode. and we literally don't know anything about her apart from the whole mom mystery thing which is all for the big reveal at the end anyway?
and i can talk about the ways in which that was unsatisfying and so on. but like what does that tell us about RUBY? what do we know about HER
and the answer is honestly very little. ruby is such a stock doctor who companion that it's just kind of boring. she gets a big mystery, because of fucking course she does, and who is she outside of that? nice?? sweet?? does as she's told?? (this one is fucking boring btw) kind of like the chibnall companions, she's whoever she needs to be for the situation at hand. the writers say ruby needs to be shocked by landing on a planet after 6 months of travelling with the doctor, so she is. she isn't a person. she has one desire, which is to find her mother, and the only reason she gets to have that is that rtd needs to set up whatever the fuck was going on with her mom for the finale. that's it.
and the doctor. like why should we care about this doctor specifically, outside of the fact that this is the character we have been following for the whole show? who is he??? like seriously who is he? he doesn't get any character development? what makes him different from other doctors? who the fuck is this guy????
i said earlier that ncuti's doctor is what you get when you throw all the doctors in a blender and i stand by that. he's definitely the doctor, but he's like an average of all the other doctors with nothing particularly unique or special about him. ruby is what you get when you throw all the companions in a blender. definitely a companion, with nothing unique or special about her either. much like chibnall's companions, all she gets to do is stand around and watch.
and the crucial missing factor is we don't get to see what they see in each other. which from the companion's perspective is still excusable because here's a dude with a spaceship time machine and that sounds kind of sick so lets go and travel with him is an understandable motivation. but what does he see in her? because there's always a moment where you can see the doctor sort of think, oh yeah, i should travel with this person.
but there isn't really this moment with ruby. it's kind of like with how thirteen meets her companions. she just sort of runs into them, and now they're stuck together. and ncuti does get to emote more than jodie, so at least you can see that ruby and the doctor do like each other, but their relationship isn't really fleshed out ever. and like i can buy ruby risking her life for him, because that is just sort of what happens on doctor who, but it's not based on anything. we don't see them develop this trust of each other. their relationship doesn't get developed. it just appears fully formed.
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twoheartbeatss · 3 months
i fucking hate UNIT as doctor's buddies and wacky side character treehouse club. absolute worst iteration of UNIT we've ever had. it just does a disservice to both the concept of UNIT and all the companions that get tired up in it. if rtd really wanted to have a treehouse club and wanted to make it an exisitng doctor wh othing he should have brought back LINDA <- not joking. or even the support group from power of the doctor
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twoheartbeatss · 3 months
I’m not gonna get over UNIT having multiple children on the front lines. what the fuck. does Rose even have any qualifications?? what is going on. why did you give a thirteen year old a mobility aid with a machine gun
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twoheartbeatss · 3 months
The Doctor really beat Sutekh by tying him to the rear bumper of his car and dragging him at 100mph down the motorway making sure he hit every pothole possible.
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twoheartbeatss · 3 months
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Your life is out there now. I've shown you monsters and planets and legends. But this...Honey, your adventure is just beginning.
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twoheartbeatss · 3 months
it’s just most frustrating that we don’t know a thing about ruby beyond. abandoned, wants to find her bio mother, can play piano. shes 19 years old… does she have a job? is she in school? how does traveling with the doctor impact her life? does she ever go back home for regular periods, or is this full time with small breaks? we’ve seen carla, so it can’t be fullll time. what about friends? do they miss her? what does carla do while ruby’s gone?
and why did she want to travel with him? they met once and he saved her and yeah, that’s often enough but. was she tired of everyday life? was her mother always the goal? did she want the chance to be brave? (if so, she never took it…)
then, why does the doctor want her to travel with him? what is it about her, this random girl? probably the foundling aspect of it all, but she doesn’t save the day even once. when she gets close it is under the doctor’s plans. she’s just there to watch… yk, the doctor always complains about companions not listening when he says don’t wander off. maybe that’s why he liked her, instead of picking out another brave person who can reign him in.
idk. rtd was great with characterization in his first era but i was soooo let down here. chibnall’s characters had more life than ruby (and even 15, sorry) bc we knew things about them. even if it wasn’t consistent, it was at least there.
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twoheartbeatss · 3 months
tbh i dont think the finale was as complicated as everyone makes it out to be. sutekh is a viewer, just like us. hes obsessed with the "mystery". ruby's mum isn't the reason it snows, or the reason that christmas eve 2004 is "raw and open" and keeps changing. its sutekhs obsession. he gave that night its importance by building it up and obsessing over the answer to the one question he couldnt find, in the same way that we did. we gave rubys abandonment its huge significance with all our theories and our desperate need to understand. in a way, we are sutekh. voyeurs of a deeply personal moment that we never had any right to. building ruby into a mystery when shes really just a person. shes special because we believe she is. time is memory.
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twoheartbeatss · 3 months
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twoheartbeatss · 3 months
the doctor still feeling guilty about killing 1 single mf even tho it's literally the god of death. like bro you've genocided your own people including your entire family i feel like that ship has sailed
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twoheartbeatss · 3 months
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twoheartbeatss · 3 months
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would solve a lot of problems i bet
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twoheartbeatss · 3 months
nah man rubys mom pointing at the street name to name her is one of the dumbest things ever
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twoheartbeatss · 3 months
hey so not only is Gabriel Woolf the Classic Who voice of Sutekh (very cool to have him back!), but he also voiced The Beast in “The Impossible Planet”/“The Satan Pit”.
Ruby’s mom called the creature The Beast.
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twoheartbeatss · 3 months
it's truly the tried and tested Doctor Who formula for a showrunner to say "yep we're doing a soft reboot of the show! this is a great opportunity for new viewers to jump on board!" and then immediately pivoting to lore heavy additions and continuing 60 year old character arcs and pulling random plots from obscure 90s novels.
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