tworoses-fantasyrp · 20 days
Travis knew she was upset. And this was all his fault. What he'd been doing wasn't working. It was making things worse. Be honest. If she thinks you're crazy then at least she won't blame herself.
"Wren, wait..." He moved around the island counter towards her, but stopped in the middle of their kitchen. He didn't move close enough to touch her. He took a deep breath and took of his shirt. There were scars. Three months old now. He would've thought these beings... these aliens would have had some technology not to leave them. But sometimes he was almost glad they did. It was the only proof he had. They looked like surgery scars. Very precise, very straight and lined in a way that no doctor or even a masochist would bother to do. After he showed her the front of his chest, he turned, showing her his back.
They were all nearly an two inches, nothing longer. They were all precisely 5 centimeters. He had measured. One over his heart at a angle. One, vertically, over his right lung. One right in the middle of his sternum, also vertical. Two others at an angle, over a kidney and liver. Four up his spine, horizontal, equal distance from each other. Two at opposite angles at his shoulders, on either side. Like something had held him down.
He turned back around, "I ...I did go somewhere. I just... I don't want you to leave me. I don't... want you to think I've fucking lost it, Wren." Travis' breath caught again. His hands clutched at his teeshirt, wringing it, anxiously.
"That trip Bill and I took a few months back? Something... happened. I can't explain it... And I never wanted to scare you..." Travis' breathing was getting a little more labored. It was more of recalling that night to explain himself to his wife than anything else. The faces. The lights. The screams that he hadn't even realized were his...
"There were... There were these lights... In the sky..."
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"You miss me...?" Travis glanced up to her, the obvious disbelief in his voice. Almost cold. Almost. Because she did want him back. And the painful truth was... he wanted her too. Badly. Desperately.
But there was ... what he told himself for weeks now was pride, keeping her at bay. He only now admitted it to himself. It was shame. All this stuff he'd been going through, he'd been doing it alone. Not because he was trying to protect her from what had happened to him... But he was ashamed.
And he was terrified she wouldn't believe him. He didn't believe it for days.
"I haven't gone anywhere." There was a sudden, unexpected hitch in his voice. He merely glanced at her, but Wren knew him better than he gave her credit for. He looked back down at the carrots he was chopping. He'd always been a bit of a cook but he was going all out lately to avoid Wren. Busying himself and refusing her help in the kitchen.
He set down the knife. The gleam of steel set off a series of images and he shut his eyes for a moment. He had gone somewhere. It wasn't real. It had to be real. She would leave him. She would tell him he was having some mental break. It couldn't have been real...
But there were scars on his body he couldn't explain away. Marks that his tee shirt and boxers covered up. The reasons why he was going to sleep with a shirt on when he didn't before, why he had shouted at her so suddenly when she had tried surprising him in the shower. Things they would normally do, being sexy, being cute, being intimate... He wasn't only avoiding them but discouraging them.
If he was distant and angry and hurt for things Wren hadn't even done... maybe he wouldn't fall apart. He was cracking, he knew it... Three months was too long not for things to start taking a serious toll. He was having dreams, nightmares, of being back there. Luckily, he hadn't woken Wren, not that he was aware of. He'd move to sleep on the couch, or not even go back to sleep, reading or watching TV.
The things he'd seen were impossible. He'd sworn Bill to secrecy, he knew his best friend wouldn't go blabbing to everyone. Maybe if someone asked straight out... But Bill hadn't been taken. He'd only seen the UFO. He hadn't even noticed Travis had been gone.
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tworoses-fantasyrp · 4 months
"Oh," Orym nodded, fully understanding what he was here for now. Of course, there were plenty of rumors about the prince. And Orym was fairly new to the scene. But it made sense, though Orym thought it was a little dangerous. He'd heard rumor of guards turning on a royal family... though he thinks there were vampires in that story as well.
Not that he ever would. He didn't mind something casual and what else was the prince to do? He couldn't fall in love with a guard or a servant.
"Do you do this a lot? With other guards, I mean. They were teasing me in the barracks. I think I understand now." Orym chuckled slightly.
"Oh-- uh-- I could've--" Orym began watching the prince serve the wine. He felt himself blush, taking a breath and telling himself that the prince could surely do as he liked. And the royal family weren't so helpless they needed a servant to pour every glass for them. Indeed there were no servants at all at the moment.
Just himself and the prince.
Orym settled into the cushions, moving one further behind him to get more comfortable. It was a terribly intimate setting, but that was the whole point. He wasn't very good with small talk or most social interactions. It made his job easy that way. Standing and being watchful and being silent for the most part.
"This looks lovely. You didn't have to do all of this just for me..." He blushed a bit more, his pointed ears turning a slight red.
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tworoses-fantasyrp · 4 months
Belligerent Sexual Tension starters
"Why do you always have to be so aggravating?" "Maybe because it's the only way to get your attention!" "Ugh, why do I even bother talking to you?" "Because deep down, you know you love it." "You're impossible!" "And yet, here you are, still talking to me." "I can't believe you said that!" "I can't believe you're still surprised by anything I say." "You drive me crazy!" "Good, at least I'm driving you somewhere." "Why do we always end up arguing?" "Because it's the only way to keep things interesting." "I swear, you're like a magnet for trouble." "And you're like a moth to a flame." "I can't stand you." "Yet, here you are, standing right next to me." "You're such a pain!" "But admit it, life would be boring without me." "You make me want to scream." "Go ahead, I'll just kiss you to shut you up."
[GRAB] the receiver's collar as they pull them into a heated argument. [PUSH] the receiver against a wall during a heated debate. [YANK] the receiver by the arm and storm away angrily. [PIN] the receiver against a table, leaning in closely to make a point. [SHOVE] the receiver playfully during a teasing exchange. [GLARE] at the receiver with narrowed eyes, challenging them to respond. [PROVOKE] the receiver by bringing up a sensitive topic.
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tworoses-fantasyrp · 4 months
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I want some drama! Also smut, obviously.
Just some muse/FC gifs to inspire.
Come at me with an idea or an RP meme and FC request or answer one of my Open starters?
Send me an ask, tag me in a thing, I’m not picky!
(Feel free to reblog this as it’s not showing up in the tags. Fucking tumblr, honestly.)
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tworoses-fantasyrp · 4 months
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There was an obvious distrust, he had grown up with it weighing down his shoulders. His family where servants of the lord of the land they "owned", nothing more. The village was full of people who always had more, his family always on the back foot.
It was a feeling he was very familiar with, a feeling that he hated so much. Not knowing what other people did. He felt it now more than ever. This horrible change in him that had turned him into a monster. And now being taken from his once quiet life because of it. But he had no life there anymore, if he really thought about it.
The fact that Jax held out his hand... It struck Eduardo as romantic, if Jax meant it that was or not. It was a move he'd perfected with every courting he'd attempted. A gesture of help, even when it was barely needed, an offer of balance even if it was a small step or up from a seat. A gesture of ensuring ones safety, and an excuse for a touch. Eduardo took the larger man's hand. Jax towered over him by nearly half a foot.
"Will this explanation come with a meal? I... haven't eaten in some time."
When his advisors told him of the male’s origins his eyebrow twitched with interest. Freshly bitten? Completely new to their world. And this one was to be his mate? His perfect match? If Jax didn’t feel the pull of his scent, he wouldn’t have believed it.
But he couldn’t deny it. His whole pack was humming in anticipation. The fear and distress coming from him was suffocating to the Alpha. He wanted to ease this worry. “You will not be harmed.” It wasn’t quite the warm welcome he wanted to give, but it was the best he could do right now. Every nerve he had was on edge now, being this close to the one he’d waited too long for.
“I will explain everything. Come.” Jax rose to his feet, looming over the newcomer as he held out his hand.
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tworoses-fantasyrp · 4 months
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It wasn't like James to be late, Owen kept thinking. James was always early, always five minutes ahead. His watch was five minutes fast. Owen was the one that was always late, always apologizing, always catching up.
Tristan was already gone by the time James' mother had pulled Owen aside and broke the news. She was already on her way to the hospital. Owen had declined, he needed to find Tris. The man had come all the way from Scotland to spend the week with them, their engagement party. And now...
"Tristan?" Owen walked up to the bar, his voice soft, lost and far away. He stood at the next seat, then after a second decided he needed to sit down. Owen wasn't much of a crier. James used to call him a robot for not crying at movies that made James weep. But Owen did feel deeply. He was also extremely practical, and a caretaker. He had a horrific job to do right now. He could grieve later.
Judging by Tristan's look, Owen was a bit confused, wondering if he hadn't already been told, but... no. It had just happened. James' little brother had called from the hospital. James had been driving. The other driver had run a red light and...
Owen realized he wasn't saying any of this aloud. He was still trying to process things himself.
"Tris..." Owen felt his mouth go dry and reached over for Tristan's drink, taking a hard gulp of it. He thought back on the summer in Scotland he met James and Tristan in the bar. He was vacationing, discovering his own Scottish and Irish roots. They had hit it off so well, two Scots and the American, Owen had postponed his Ireland plans to stay in Scotland with them. And eventually he and James went further and James talked about how he always wanted to visit America... and meet Owen's family.
"James is..." Owen swallowed hard again, taking a shallow breath, "Tris, James and Michael got hit, coming here. Michael is okay, some broken bones... The other guy hit James broadside... Tris, James is gone. He's... he's gone."
open starter for all genders your muse is getting married to tristan's best friend, tristan has been in love with your muse the whole time.
Tristan didn't like to think of all the milestones those around him had reached before him. There he was at his best friend's engagement party and he ought to have been thrilled for him. But how could he? How could he when his chest ached from how much he was in love with the person they were about to get married to? He had escaped the main room and found himself at the bar with a glass of wine, silently lamenting his own misfortune when he was approached by the last person he wanted to see.
"Just needed another drink." He lifted up his glass. "Want anything?"
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tworoses-fantasyrp · 4 months
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Eduardo did not want to be here. He did not wish to be killed this way. He was convinced that was why he'd been hunted down and captured by these people. He had been turned, very recently. The first moon was horrible. He could barely remember any of it, waking up exhausted and naked and covered in blood.
Perhaps he had murdered someone and this was their family out for revenge. Perhaps it was the wolf who had so cruelly changed him and abandoned him only to come back and capture him. For what?
He didn't have much to his name, a small piece of land left to him by his father, a cozy shack that was more or less destroyed by his attempt to fight his first transformation for as long as he could. He did have chickens, but...
Eduardo stood up, hearing the footsteps approaching his cell. Hopefully he would at least get some answers before they killed him. He was to young a wolf to transform at will, too inexperienced to tell his who was among his own kind.
"What do you people want with me?"
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Jax had to keep a neutral face. He’d been Alpha for nearly a decade and in that time his pack had grown stronger than ever. However, he remained alone. His people had tried to find his match but so far, they’d been unsuccessful. He’d grown use to his solitary life so when another tribute came in the form of a young wolf, he didn’t even want to meet them. That was until he caught on to their scent, commanding his attention. The need to dominate slowly consuming his thoughts.
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tworoses-fantasyrp · 4 months
It was a warm May afternoon when Lyra found herself hiding in a remote cavern. She had escaped her captors and was determined to never let anyone enslave her again. Little did she know, her solitude would be interrupted by a mysterious stranger, one who sought to claim her for himself. She knew she had a bounty on her head. One never ran from being the slave to a count and was simply forgotten.
Lyra sat in the cool darkness of the cave, her bare skin covered only by a long remnant of dirty linen cloth that did little to conceal her nude body. Her red hair was tied up but messy from her trek, and her blue eyes scanned the cavern warily, always on the lookout for any sign of danger. The brand on her shoulder, a mark of her slavery, was a constant reminder of the life she was trying to leave behind.
As she gathered kindling for a fire, the quiet echo of approaching footsteps reached her keen ears. Her heart raced as she extinguished the small flame she had started, plunging the cavern into darkness. Hiding in the shadows, she watched and waited, her breath coming in short gasps.
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tworoses-fantasyrp · 5 months
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Rules/About ... RP memes ... Open starters
Erotic role play ... featuring fantasy, historical, sci fi, taboo settings
Mun 25+ female, experienced writer, open to plotting or jumping in
Side blog, will not follow back
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tworoses-fantasyrp · 5 months
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"No," Owen shook his head, speaking softly as he normally did, a touch more sympathy in his voice, seeing her face. He reached behind him, turning the kitchen light back off. There was enough moon light in the sunroom windows that would cast a cold glow across the room. No need to wake the parents. Owen was the widower of Jack's older sister, who had died nearly four years ago. He often wondered if he and Sylvie hadn't had a child together, would be considered of the family, still? Probably not. His little girl was asleep upstairs, in Grandma's bed, of course. Jack had made his excuses as to why he had to cut the trip for his mother's birthday short, leaving just this afternoon.
Seeing the red lipstick on the collar of the shirt made Owen's blood boil. Not only was Jack stupid enough to do something like this at his mother's house, but the dumb asshole didn't even take the evidence with him. Jack and his secretary Madeline had shown up at Winnie's party today, under the guise that Jack had brought Madeline to set up with Owen. She was nice enough, but boring and too flirty... And Owen took notice of how much she kept her eyes on Jack. The jealousy he saw when Jack was with Georgia. Like he should have been.
Another huge red flag was how quickly she grew impatient with Willow. Something that Winnie had noticed, too, and spoke her mind to her son about, who brushed it off. Willow had hardly noticed, being just three years old, running off to Auntie Georgie (as close as she could get to Georgia) instead. Owen also thought that Madeline wore too much makeup and was probably a bit colorblind, if he was being nice about it. She called it being bold. But now Owen called it undeniable evidence.
Owen moved into the room, barefeet under his pajama pants hitting the smooth floor quietly. He sat next to her, the view of the large pond on the southern estate Jack and Sylvie's parents owned, where they had grown up, where Sylvie had hoped to see Willow grow up around, the moonlight that reflected in it. It would have been romantic if the situation was different.
"How long have you been awake?" Owen asked. It was a little past 3am.
open to males.
plot: georgia just found out her boyfriend's cheating on her so she needs some uhhh ... comfort ;)
connection: step / relative , boyfriends relative / friend , etc .
feel free to slide in my dm's to plot! pls don't like this starter.
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the sniffles of a womans cry fills the once quiet and still dark room, unknowingly echoing across vacant parquet hallways. southern belle feels her sugary heart swole in sternum, the aftermath of a heartbreak perched onto the couch, salty eyes watching as thumb brushes against her fiancés shirt, trashy shade of red leaving a print shaped of plump lips right against the collar. bottom lip wobbles, and the sound of footsteps has her slouching into the cushion of loveseat, attempts to make herself small as kitchen light flickers on. white fingernails press against bare lips, breath inhaled in silence, but it’s not use as blues meet another. “oh, hello...” crackled voice, but georgia clears her throat, used back of her hand to wipe away beams of tears slipping from thick lashes. “i sure hope i didn’t wake you.”
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tworoses-fantasyrp · 5 months
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Eduardo groaned in surprised at being pushed against the wall, another noise of shock at the kiss. The need and surprise from Frank was exciting, making the smaller man hard almost immediately. He loved it when Frank man-handled him, showing the difference between how big Frank was compared to him. How much power Frank had. But the accusation was a bit too much. And Frank didn't sound like he was joking. Eduardo was pretty good at reading him, they'd been together nearly a year.
This wasn't like him.
Eduardo was pretty and the small town they lived in thought his accent was charming and cute. Frank was proud enough to show him off, proud to boast how Eduardo was in trouble and Frank had come to his rescue.
"Letting him? We were talking! That is all! Am I not allowed to have a conversation?"
open to: m/w/nb 21+
character: frank hamilton. 42. police sheriff (if plot set in small town) detective (if set in some big city) he really doesn't want to be toxic and possessive and jealous its just that the deMON, THE PARASITES
plot: frank and ur muse are both in the neighborhood barbecue and he just saw some guy flirt with ur muse. he then proceeded to get unreasonably mad and follow ur muse inside where they can be alone. is this forbidden and frank is jealous when he is not supposed to be bc they are not even supposed to be together? is he just an unreasonably clingy and possessive boyfriend? worlds ur oyster, babey. this can turn into a fight, it can also turn into smut, it can def also turn into both lol.
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frank moved inside, as calmly and quietly as he could, which was, honestly, not much at all. heavy large steps carrying him until he had turned around the corner and walked into the hallway, empty save for him and them. — there wasn't much thought there, not anything besides whatever was required to get him to cross the three steps that separated their bodies before shoving them against a nearby wall and pulling them into a kiss. lips crashing together as large hands settled on their hips. touch every bit as needy and possessive and he really felt. "you letting random assholes flirt with you?" his voice was low, low, so very low it almost turned into a small growl, words whispered against their lips as he pulled them even closer somehow.
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tworoses-fantasyrp · 5 months
m/m smut gif starters
Put a number 1-20 in my ask box + the names of the muses you want and I’ll write a starter, drabble or short fic based on the situation in the gif. Bonus points for not peeking!
[ the only good one has more than half of the images as broken links, so this is my take on it. some tame, some kink, all smut. gifs are from my collection and gathered from all over tumblr, if they’re yours & want them off i will replace them ]
[01] [02] [03] [04] [05] [06] [07] [08] [09] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20]
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tworoses-fantasyrp · 5 months
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tworoses-fantasyrp · 5 months
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Follow-up commission of this piece.
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tworoses-fantasyrp · 5 months
I’m such a whore for monsters
I’d bend over and bare my cunt for any monster.
Let its thick cock rip me open and fuck me raw in any hole.
Watching the perfect massive outline of its cock in me, making my stomach bulge out.
Get so pumped with its cum I’d look pregnant.
Forced to be its breeder.
Letting tentacles squirm into literally every possible space they could (I do mean everywhere, get creative and if you think you’ve figured out something new I’d love to hear)
Filled with eggs and pushing them out
Having tentacles go down my throat and come out my ass (or vice versa) so a monster could use my whole body as a cock sleeve.
Having slime and tentacle monsters force their way into my womb to live
I just want to be a monster’s fuck toy ❤
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tworoses-fantasyrp · 5 months
fallout new vegas spicy rp / Ultra Luxe Desserts
Where: Post apocalypse setting
What: Amelia is a slave to the White Glove society, used as a dessert tray for their lavish private parties. Are you a member? Are you undercover to take the Ultra Luxe down? Or are you someone who's wander where they aren't supposed to be?
Limits: Vore/gore, watersports, infantilism, and don't try to kill her.
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In the Ultra Luxe, Amelia was laying still as she could on a table, the soft white tablecloth underneath her naked body. The last course was chilled and placed on her stomach and chest, carefully. She had to breathe shallowly, as not to disturb it. Chocolate pudding was spread over her breasts in neat perfectly circular mounds with a cherry where her nipples were. A slice of red velvet cake over her shaved pussy.
She was a slave here though she didn’t wear a bomb collar, her masters deeming it distasteful. No, if she disobeyed they would just kill her, they promised. She belonged to the luxury hotel, as a serving dish and a whore for whomever wanted her after tonight’s extravagant feast the Ultra Luxe was known for. She knew what they did. She knew they wouldn't hesitate to kill her if she disobeyed. She didn't know any of their names or faces, because of the masks they wore, but it hardly mattered.
In a few minutes the party would arrive. For now, Amelia laid still, controlling her breathing, listening to the faint noise in the kitchen and even fainter chatter and laughing coming from the lobby.
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tworoses-fantasyrp · 6 months
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Dragons, please; capture pretty humans to turn into your breeding slaves. I really enjoyed painting these scales, usually I hate them, but they’re just so shiny, I want to pets. *whiinness* x3 No cum version.
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