twostreetsapart · 4 years
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Chinese drama-The Pillow Book/ Eternal Love of Dream
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twostreetsapart · 4 years
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Dong Hua Dijiun ── ♡ 东华帝君
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twostreetsapart · 4 years
“LITTLE PILLOW BOOK MEME TRANSLATIONS COMPILATION, PTS 1 - 7”, bc Admin Ro gotta share the crack content. You can find all of these lil bits on Tang Qi’s weibo, linked (HERE).
Keep reading
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twostreetsapart · 4 years
Eternal Love of Dream
There’s one definitive way to tell if the stoic ex emperor of the universe likes you as a person.
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If he doesn’t care about you at all he will tolerate you with aloof detachment. If he considers you a friend he will literally prank and/or mock you at every given opportunity and then he will do this-
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It’s his unique way of showing his friendship.
However I can honestly say I’ve never heard of him pranking a female immortal before 👀
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He power pulls Feng Jui’s flowerpot to him and unceremoniously knocks her on her ass causing a massive scene. It’s hilarious.😂
If you consider his reactions to Zhi He and Ji Heng compared to this, it speaks volumes!!!
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And there’s that smile again!!! 😍😍😍
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twostreetsapart · 4 years
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twostreetsapart · 4 years
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I’m so happy they released this bonus scene. The fact that Daddy Dong Hua is still just as possessive over Feng Jiu to even his own son makes me chuckle. I love seeing these family interactions!
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twostreetsapart · 4 years
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#we stan a shameless virgin
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twostreetsapart · 4 years
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Fine. Then spit it. Who is the one you like? How does she look like?
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twostreetsapart · 4 years
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when your idea of a date is dueling the Demon King together
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twostreetsapart · 4 years
DongFeng Headcanons
Headcanons coming to you from @m-mimima and @lovesasusaku12 . Because we love the DongFeng couple and need more than what the show gave us. Though we were blessed with a lot.  
Both Dong Hua and Fj are super thirsty for each other and some of the women try to shift into FJ. Dong Hua catches on pretty quickly and questions them about all the things they did/do. He usually is still pretty ice face unless FJ is around and then all of his attention is on her. Everyone is confused af about this powerful, stoic god who is putty in FJ’s hands. 
Fj likes to hang out with new immortal General Ye, but she always makes sure that DH is around and flatters him a bit more than usual. Dh likes Ye, just not around his wife. 
Fj becomes more mature, but she is still FJ through and through. She still loves to play pranks and is super flustered when DH calls her Fu Ren. 
If anyone tries to bully Fj or say anything about DH or her family, she reminds them who her husband is. She is pretty powerful on her own, but there are some people that don’t listen to her. DH always shows up and silently supports her. 
After the ending of pillow book, DH and Fj finally get married. Dh personally issues a statement saying that he will destroy anyone that dares to stop or interrupt the ceremony. Needless to say, the ceremony goes well and they are finally together “officially”. 
DH being a baby and calling FJ back for slight injuries. She doesn’t really mind and loves to be around him. 
Zhi He dies when she comes back for visits and sees Dh and FJ together and tries to get in between them, but Dh stops her and is like why are you coming in between me and Fu Ren. FJ always gets flustered when Dh calls her Fu Ren. DF love to sit together at banquets and she serves him food and he ignores everyone but her and likes to tuck flowers in her hair. Fj gets sad thinking about Aranya, but DH reminds Fj that the failed fate brought them together. 
DH and Fj have three kids, two boys and a girl. DH slightly favors his little girl because she is basically a mini FJ. Fj and baby girl usually fight over who gets to sit in DH’s lap (in fox form). 
Dh is forever sad at missing Fj’s pregnancy with gun gun. So he keeps FJ close during her subsequent ones and is a super attentive husband. He likes to burns summons from the heavenly king for meetings, so FJ just goes with him. But he pays more attention to her and stops meetings to get something that FJ wants, and guilt trips fj with him missing Gun gun’s time. He hugs gun gun a little bit tighter and dotes on him too. 
The third pregnancy (baby girl) is the hardest on FJ. At night, she likes to grab DH’s hand and tells him to tell his restless child to stop and let her rest. He replies with “this one takes after their mother in being restless” but dies happily on the inside. 
Dongfeng babies are usually well behaved and the entire Bai family is astounded. But since they are the kids of two trolls,they love to pull pranks and never get caught. DH loves to join in the pranks. 
The babies join Dh in the meetings. He loves wearing the baby in slings and curl up against him when they are older.  If anyone gets too rowdy, then he points to the baby sling and tells them to settle down and not wake his kids. 
DH loving his family and having family dinners even after the kids grow up. He loves having his family surrounding him because he has been alone for way too long. He also makes sure that all of his family is protected. He doesn’t hover, but makes sure that they are okay. 
Dijun loves to spoil his daughter and carries her everywhere either in his arms or sitting on his shoulders. He teaches his daughter how to play Go and she eventually beats LS (as a small baby). Dh tells her to call LS “nephew” because he lost. Zhong Lin comes to tell him that FJ is calling the baby and DH is like *___*, I’ll take her. 
FJ uses her babies to get out of trouble. They usually just show up and say “Grandpa” and BOOM, forgiven. #noshame 
The DF babies are both mentally and emotionally smart. They are well behaved, but very naughty. They and BQ’s kids cause so much mischief. They love to prank Si Ming, who just accepts his fate. 
Everyone likes to cling onto FJ and she is all “I love you all, but i have stuff to do. When did i become the responsible one?” =_=“.
The sky kingdom is a lively place due to all the little ones (Df, BQ, and LS and Cheng yu’s kids). The girls have tea parties at Tai Chen Palace and FJ makes them pastries and DH provides the tea and hangs out for a bit with them. 
Zhi He dies every time she comes to visit and sees the df babies. She knows that she can’t do anything to them bc Dijun will not stand for it. Whenever Zhi he tries to pull anything, the babies call her Grumpy Old aunty instead of just aunt. She also dies seeing the (df) baby girl looking a lot like a mini fj. 
Xiao Yan joining the babysitting squad (He is always supervised with the kids). Dh’s baby girl develops a baby crush on Yan yan and Dh loses his mind and tells her no she doesn’t like him like that. Dh stays a little jealous of Xiao Yan and FJ is ???. 
DF’s daughter grows up to be a beauty (after her mother) and Dh threatens any suitors with his sword (he’s not subtle about it). LS uses his friendship with Dh to threaten away his daughter’s suitors. 
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twostreetsapart · 7 years
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twostreetsapart · 7 years
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twostreetsapart · 7 years
I’m beginning to recognise that real happiness isn’t something large and looming on the horizon ahead but something small, numerous and already here. The smile of someone you love. A decent breakfast. The warm sunset. Your little everyday joys all lined up in a row.
Beau Taplin (via wnq-writers)
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twostreetsapart · 7 years
I crave your legs intertwined with mine, I crave nothing but you, in the most simplest of ways.
(via wonderfulsenses)
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twostreetsapart · 7 years
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twostreetsapart · 7 years
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twostreetsapart · 7 years
What I have with you, I don’t want with anyone else.
Unknown (via wordsnquotes)
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