txdtnx · 3 years
She’d always enjoyed listening to him talking. One time during their fifth year Andromeda recalled admitting she liked the sound of his voice when she was drunk, but also with her usual dramatic flair to things that was only intensified with alcohol she told him never to repeat it or she’d never speak to him again. At this point in time she certainly would still speak with him if Ted was to ever tease her about it, but she’d certainly deny ever uttering the words. Even though just the thought of the memory was enough to bring a small smile to the Slytherin’s lips. 
“Looks like you did everything a bit quick,” she remarked, teasingly as light brown hues followed the hand which ran through his endearingly messy hair. Andromeda Black never allowed a hair out of place— she’d been raised to not only be her best, but look her best. Druella and Cygnus Black expected perfection from their children. Even when she was young, Andromeda was handed off to a nanny the second she stepped inside after playing outside and getting dirty— Merlin forbid someone see a child who was having fun and potentially have a little mud on them. She blamed them for turning her into the neat freak she was to this day, often saying it was hardly her own fault when she remarked about her dormmate’s messy habits. It got Andromeda and Alecto into a fight on several occasions over the years.
Gaze leaving the Hufflepuff and moving to the cloak laid upon the grass, Andromeda chewed on her lower lip in thought. Cassius Avery, a fellow Slytherin and the middle Black daughter knew it was only a matter of time before a betrothal was to be announced, was annoying if he did a gesture similar to Ted’s. He felt obligated, where as Ted would likely offer his cloak to a stranger if he thought they needed it more than him. People baffled her sometimes. “Thank you,” she finally spoke, realizing she might have allowed herself to stay in thought too long and the silence which lingered could be perceived as offense. “I have plenty of skirts, so one with a grass stain would hardly limit my wardrobe. But I appreciate the thought, nonetheless.” Andromeda moved to sit on his cloak then, reorganizing her materials. 
“Is it?” she asked, brow arching as she smirked ever so slightly. “We have family names which are reused in my family, but we usually wait a few generations before repeating. Lack of originality?” Andromeda, after a moment, realized she might’ve sounded a little cruel so she gave a snort. “Not that I have any room to talk. Most of my family’s names’ are written in Astronomy books.”
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An easy laugh fell from Ted’s lips and he nodded in agreement, looking down at himself.  “Aye, That’s probably true. Didn’t want t’ be late, guess ah could have done t’ take an extra minute or two.”  He shrugged, being messy was almost part of Ted’s personality at this point, he’d grown up on a farm for a start, and for another, if he wasn’t covered in dirt, he was covered in car oil.  He’d stopped caring about it years ago, and sometimes that went against him, like when he went to his aunt’s wedding in overalls and dirty hands.  It was the thought that should count though, right?  
Lowering back onto the grass, a soft smile formed on his lips to see that she had appreciated the sentiment of him offering his cloak to sit on. He wondered briefly what she must think of him, it wasn’t really a secret to know what her sisters thought, and Ted didn’t even want to know about her parents, but the glint in her eyes was almost kind, soft.  He’d noticed it before, and it was one of the reasons he had become so intrigued by her years back.  Given his heritage, he was hardly a stranger to the sorts of comments that most Slytherin’s would hurl his way, though she never had. Never even so much as smirked when someone like Mulciber was calling him every name under the sun.  She was somehow different, but he never could quite work out why.  
The smile on his features softened, and he shrugged again, “Aye, could be that.  Ah think it was more of a first born son typa thing.  Me mam wanted t’ call me Nicola if Ah’d been a lass, after her, just t’ mix it up abit. But much t’ her chagrin, she had another male Tonks t’ contend with.....poor sod.”   He thought about Andromeda’s last comment, and his gaze moved from her face to the sky above them, which was only just going dark, some stars becoming visible, due to the Scottish Winter nights coming in.  “Ah duno, ah think that’s quite beautiful.” He said honestly.  “Kinda like no matter where ye are, they’re looking down on ye.” Ted had a slight issue with not having a filter on his tongue, sometimes it was endearing, and other times it got him in trouble.  He paused because it occurred to him that maybe he spoken out of turn, because he had absolutely no idea how that comment would sit with her. 
“Sorry, what was it we’re meant to be looking over again?”
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txdtnx · 3 years
Send 💔 and a number for one of the prompts below:
my muse watching the ex they still love (your muse) get married to someone else.
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It wouldn’t work, it wasn’t meant to be, it was hopeless.  Those were all things that everyone had told him, even his best mate, Dirk had said so, and he was the epitome of a hopeless romantic. But Ted had chosen not to listen, follow his heart and to hell with everyone else.  But then, the inevitable had happened, her family had used the full force of their powers within the Wizarding community and Ted was ordered to never speak with her again.  He’d even had Sirius Black pay him a visit, he had meant well, but it still came off as condescending. “You don’t understand the way my family are.”  And all that sorta talk, and well maybe he didn’t, why would you force your own child to marry someone they don’t even like, nevermind love. It never would make any sense to him.
He’d been told not to go anywhere near the ceremony, not to show his face. He’d be about as welcome as ....well a muggleborn at a pureblood party. So he didn’t go....well,  not up close anyway.  He’d sent Andromeda a letter several days earlier, and he’d been careful to use a Ministry owl, so he knew that she had received it, but he had never heard back. It had basically said that he would always love her, and that she knew where to find him.  Maybe it had been too  much to ask. So that was it then.  Definitely over.
It was hard to get close enough to see her, without actually being seen, but he managed to hide in an alley, just across the street.  As soon as his gaze landed on her, his heart stopped, she looked so beautiful, she always did.  He even opened his mouth to speak, but she wouldn’t hear him from where he stood. “Ye Look lovely.”  He whispered before turning round and leaving, dipping away out of sight.
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txdtnx · 3 years
The world, even though Emma told her it wasn’t, was conspiring against Andromeda. Her friend more than likely assumed Andromeda dreaded the thought of being paired with Edward Tonks for an assignment was because of just who he was. While that was certainly true, it wasn’t his blood status which irked her. No, what bothered Andromeda most was she couldn’t get him out of her head. He wouldn’t have been the first muggleborn she made friends with in secret— she had a fascination with anything to do with muggles and liked to learn through her peers who actually knew anything about them. No, he’d be different because Andromeda already knew herself well enough to know she’d get herself into trouble if she ever lowered her walls around the Hufflepuff. That’s why over the years she was never cruel to her classmate, but more often than not she’d try to be nothing more than just polite. ‘Try’ being the key word there because Andromeda failed on that every now and then when her curiosity or interest in the man got the best of her, and she allowed herself to sit and talk with him for hours on end. Then ignore him the next day— it was a cycle which probably made him think she was insane.
They’d agreed to meet outside near the lake, Andromeda wanting to soak up the last bit of summer sun before the cold weather started to sink in. Being who she was, the Slytherin arrived early, taking the time to lay out her textbooks, papers, and quill that’d she need. She surprisingly hadn’t had to wait long for how early she arrived, and she wouldn’t let herself admit that perhaps she was a little too excited for an excuse to actually be around the man. Well, a proper excuse.
Gaze lifting when she heard her name, Andromeda’s gaze moved over the man— almost like she was scrutinizing him. Looking for some sort of weakness which would make him less interesting and get him out of her bloody head. “Hello, Edward,” she said, formally as always even though over the years he’d always insisted she call him ‘Ted’ like every other person at Hogwarts. “Your tie is crooked.” That’s all she said before looking back down at her textbook.
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Ted had always been a pretty laid back guy, infact, his mother would often say if he was anymore laid back, he’d be horizontal.  But even he knew that in the wizarding world anyway, he had not been dealt the best cards.  Not that being a muggle born bothered him, he had always been really proud of his roots, there was just certain people in the school that he did his best to avoid. Andromeda herself, wasn’t one, but her sisters were and that Malfoy twat that seemed to follow the Black sisters around was another.  Ted unfortunately, wasn’t the type of bloke that ignored the names he was often called, in fact he had, more than once landed himself in a scrap with Mulciber and Malfoy, and truthfully he was still proud of giving the smug, blonde git a black eye in their third year. He shouldn’t have spoken to McDonald the way he did, if he didn’t want a punch.  But he didn’t go looking for it, trouble just had a knack of finding him.     Case in point, though he wasn’t necessarily disappointed to be paired with Andromeda, just cautious, and he was always nothing but friendly, unless someone gave him a good reason not to be.  
He could almost feel her gaze burning into him as he climbed the small hill, and lowered onto the grass beside her, consciously leaving a fair amount of space between them.  Though, a friendly smile graced his lips, which reached his brown hues. “Mornin’ how are ye?”  The question falling easily from his lips, and although it had been some time since he spent more than a week back home, his thick Yorkshire accent hugged his words. “Oh.” Another laugh escaped his lips, and looking down, he shook his head at himself, and adjusted the yellow tie around his neck, “Just came from Quidditch practise, guess ah got dressed abit quick.”
Running a hand through his messy auburn hair, he went to take off his cloak, finding that he was still warm from practise and stood again briefly to lay it on the grass.  “Ye can sit on that if ye want, Ah’m already covered in grass stains so it doesn’t matter much t’ me.”    The silence made him slightly awkward and so his gaze left Andromeda’s face and momentarily the sound of the water swishing in the lake stole his attention.   “Call me Ted though, Edward is my grandad’s name.....and my dad’s name...”
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txdtnx · 3 years
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Roots;  Family Tree Prompt
From left to right, Edward Andrew Tonks; Paternal Grandfather, Elizabeth Tonks nee; Jones; Patneral Grandmother,  Eric Michael Tonks;  Father     Eddie Alexander Tonks Paternal Uncle,  Nicola Tonks nee; Mackay 
Clearly the ginger was his grandmothers fault, and for any fellow UK residers, yes that is Rita from Coronation Street.  
I thought about going even further back, but I’ve already spent alot of my time on this believe it or not.  I have a family tree page on Ted’s blog but the code kept f**king up so here we are.  
Edward and Elizabeth met eachother when they were young teenagers and started to date when they were 15.  Neither one has ever loved anyone else, Liz often says that she knew the moment she set eyes on him that she would marry Edward.  A sentiment that is shared.  Edward asked Liz’s father for permission to marry her when the two had turned 16, and he happily agreed.   Never straying far from where they first met, in the north of England, very close to the Scottish border.  They settled down in a little village, and Edward got a job on a farm, whilst Liz stayed at home.  It wasn’t long before they welcomed their first child into the world, and named him after Edward.  Eddie Alexander Tonks.   There was a few years between their first son and their second, this was because by the time Eddie was born it was 1916, the first world war was in its second year.   Edward and his wife Liz were both only 20 years old, and it was highly probable that Edward would be called to arms, which he eventually was. 
The war was the longest time the couple went without seeing eachother, it actually makes Edward and Lizzie laugh when Ted refers to it as the first Muggle war.  Edward was away from home for a whole two years, writing home when he could, being shipped off to the likes of Japan.   By the time he returned, Eddie was nearly three and walking.   Something that Edward has never forgiven himself for missing.   Two more years by before Eric, Ted’s father was brought into the family.  
For a fairly long while their family of four lived a very peaceful and quiet life on their Edwards farm, which he had now bought from the old owners for whom he used to work.   
Eric and Eddie however, didn’t have the best brotherly relationship and Eric moved away from the family home when he was seventeen.  Not because of his parents, but because of his brother.  It was around this time that he met Nicola, who he would go to marry.   The pair met just after the second war had ended, Eric never fought in it, though his brother did. Which was something they argued over, although Eric could not join due to his asthma.
He’d never in his life met someone like Nicola, she had lived in Liverpool, which to a man who had grown up on a farm seemed so massive.   She was outspoken, and yet caring, loud but in a way that was endearing, at least to him.  Her thick scouse accent was so warm and inviting to him.  Truth be told, the first few months of their relationship was somewhat of a whirl wind, though they were together for a few years before their first and only child was born.    It was when Nicola fell pregnant that Eric bit the bullet and brought himself and his pregnant soon to be wife home to his parents.    Of course, Edward and Liz welcomed her into the fold without any hesitation and whilst Eric tried to figure out exactly where they would live with their child, the Tonks family spent alot of time together, even Eddie welcomed Nicola into their lives. 
Although naming the first born son Edward was somewhat of a Tonks tradition, Edward did not expect it.  And he cried when he held Ted for the first time, and it was actually his Grandfather who called him Ted first.  “Well I’m afraid Eddie is taken, but y’know what, ye look like a little teddy to me.”     Nicola warmed to it immediately and shortened it to Ted when he got slightly older, though she does refer to him as Teddy occasionally.   
[[  Derek Jacobi - Edward Tonks
Barbra Knox - Elizabeth Tonks
Iain Glenn - Eric Tonks 
Mark Lewis Jones - Eddie Tonks 
Nicola Walker  - Nicola Tonks cause she looks so much like a nicola]]
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