txtfromwildtiger · 10 years
Wild Tiger-san, if there were another hero who had already taken your animal choice for a hero name, what would you have gone with? Wild ______?
thnks fr the message!!ill tell u a secret origin sotry!!a long time ago i thougt abot all the hero namees I could haveand theres so many cool ones like THE PRINCE OF FISTS: MR PUNCH orFATE WANDERER: THE DESNTIY(u can use those if u want!! theyre pretty cool, right??)
but my favorite wasFIGHTING LIONbecause lions are pretty cool and strong, right??but a very important friend saidwhat abot tigerthey r pretty cool toolions have packs but tigers fight on their own!!so they’re cool loner types and they ar defintely stronger! like u!but i guess im not really a longer type anymore? i have a partner but im defintely not going to change my name!  
alone or with friends, both are goodbut theres always someon supporting ubut id not have it any other way!WILD TIGER …. and Bunny!I think it sounds best that way now
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txtfromwildtiger · 10 years
um. mr tiger? if some body like meybe a kid had wierd stuff hapening some times an thout she was meybe geting powers...what shuld she do?
hello!!! thnxs for the message!!!hm if u think maybe weird things r happeningU need to tell somene!like a friend r a parent or teachrsomeoen u trusti thik theres a phone numbr toojdhfh LHtht:kd,.httpldnfNEXT SUPPORT LINEso u can talk to someon and get help and good advicther r mor nexts than u think!but dont keep it to urself! peple r ther to help u! n u r definitely not alone!!whatevr ur problems or worriessomone will listen to u!just lik the heros we dont work alonso dont worry alone either!!
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txtfromwildtiger · 10 years
Huge fan here, sir! o7 I was wondering, um, do you have a family? I guess you probably can't name names, but how do you get along with them? And do you have any advice for getting along with family members? My brother can be such a pain sometimes...
HELLO : D thanks for the messag!!a hero never gievs away secrets!! secret id is important but evryones got some kind of famlyeven if ur not related likrelated related like bunlike barnaby u see hes got likpeople rooting for him and hes not alone!! that kind of family is important 2!!!but brothersn getting alongu have 2 remember theyr people too!likethey car about u orthey hav troubles 2 and lots on thir mind andsometimes parents or siblings have 2 do things to protect uthat may not make sense until u get oldr
and sometimes mayb they can be wrongand do the wrong thingsfamily isnt perfect no ones perfect!!nbut REAL family looks out for each other and cares! they want u to be happy n safe even when theyr being a painlikesaying not to go out late at night or to tell them where u r going after schoolor to eat breakfast and good things for you and to not get into fights
they want to protect u like HEROS!! even if it might not make sense at the time
but brothers can bemean sometimes or hrd on u and if its OLDER brotherits twice as badthey usually care abot you becauseyour the yonger one sorta so they end up in charge of ulots or responsibility!!but dont let them pick on you!! thats not goodand u gotta make your own way, tooreal family supports u even when bad things happen!give them a chance and try to see it from what they seemaybe they just worry about you and want the bestso try to listen to what your family tries to saythey’re all differentrelated or not related and sometimes you have to find your own familybut in the end try to understand their feelings!!(n if they send u something even if its not cool, they just want to tell you they miss you!!!)
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txtfromwildtiger · 10 years
Wild Tiger, what do you have to say to allegations that you and Barnaby Brooks Jr. are in a romantic relationship?
allegoryalligatorjhdfall e g atio nsisnt that just a fancy wrd for rumor???i dnt realy read all the gossip stuffbut is this smthng a lot of people say?? 
mybe ill ask bunny if anyones sad it to said it 2 him 2wait y dosnt he have to do this answer thingI cnt type in these glkvesnywayi guss partners r REALLY IMPORTANT >:I(thats a relly serious face)so u need to stick w themn try ur best all the time!!! so thats a relativityrelationship i guessif thats what u meann were around each othr all the time all the timelke i knw his favorite sugar fr his coffeen hs favrite shampoo brandits so dumbhes so specific abt everythingi guess thats charm point??? 
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txtfromwildtiger · 10 years
Hi Tiger-San! Do you have any future plan about remarrying? Or when do you guess Barnaby will get married? We all hope you guys find a perfect match
hello!!!!!! :D thnks fr the messagehwo do u kno about being marrid??altho i guess I wear a rng
but most peple arnt lucky to meet SOUL MATEmore than oncesobunny’s so prikly he needs to get nicer firstare u suggesting urself??? >: Di would be careful he makes girls cry!!!!!
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txtfromwildtiger · 10 years
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NC 1980 - Apollon Media is proud to present the HERO RENEWAL CAMPAIGN. Following the events that threatened the city, two of Sternbild's most beloved Heroes, BARNABY BROOKS JR. and WILD TIGER are back in the spotlight. Let's meet our favourite Heroes again!  As part of the HERO RENEWAL CAMPAIGN Apollon Media announces their ASK A HERO special event. Featuring WILD TIGER, the CRUSHER OF JUSTICE, questions from fans across the world are being accepted for answers from the HERO himself.  WILD TIGER is an experienced member of Sternbild's unique 7 person Hero Team. He protects Sternbild as a NEXT with HUNDRED POWER, the ability to magnify his natural abilities by one hundred times for ONE MINUTE. Known for his dedication to protect the city, Apollon Media is happy to welcome him back to the FIRST LEAGUE. His partner is BARNABY BROOKS JR. A NEXT that needs no introduction, he also has ONE HUNDRED POWER for five minutes. As the first hero team, they protect the citizens of Sternbild. [This is a parody ask-blog in the style of answers written as texts from Kotetsu T. Kaburagi/Wild Tiger from TIGER&BUNNY. Mostly because I really enjoy writing like a dad with a fancy phone he can't use. This is entirely for fun and fandom amusement. Set post-Rising, all spoilers will be tagged.]
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