tyfam2k17-blog · 7 years
Juliet’s Last Snap
Pairing: Romeo/Juliet
Genre: Romance, tragedy, juicy drama, spicy meatballs
Summary: Juliet wakes up from her temporary death, hope awakened by the sight of Romeo. Her dreams come to a crashing end by the vial in his wilting hands.
A/N: If you’re stuck on any words, I made a glossary below :)
I wake up to see my bae drinking some potion. “OMG, bae, you came to get me.”
Romeo stops drinking the potion, “OMG, Juliet. You’re not totes dead?”
“I’m totes not dead. Didn’t you get Pastor Laurence’s text?”
“No,” he says slowly, looking pale as my foundation. “My phone is dead, unlike you. LOL.”
I almost ROFL, my bae is so funny. “Romeo, bae, what were you drinking?”
“Oh LOL, I thought you were like gone so I drank this poison stuff.”
I make the “:O” face. “Bae, are you like gonna die now?”
“Fosho. Soz not soz, but I wasn’t gonna live on by myself,” Romeo universal shrugs(¯\_(ツ)_/¯) and lies down on my death bed.
I rest my hand on his face, “Will I TTYL?”
Romeo shakes his head.
My phone buzzes. A notification from Insta says my cousin Rosaline just posted her MCM. I realise it’s Monday. “But Romeo, you’re my MCM. My ‘Man Crush Monday’. We haven’t even lived through a Monday together.”
“True,” Romeo lols. “Let’s take a selfie now.”
We selfie and I post my MCM. Romeo helps me write the caption: TFW you dying but your girl needs a #MCM <3
“Juliet,” Romeo whispers. “Kiss me. Do it for the vine.”
We kiss and take a vine of it. All our final memories are on social media. My phone is blowing up and everyone is commenting like “I thought you were dead” or “omg you like Romeo”.
“Romeo, Benvolio just DMed me. The POPO are coming.”
“Bro,” Romeo says. “I’m almost dead. They can’t arrest a dead man LOL.”
“LOL, true.”
I notice Romeo is beginning to fade. I rest his head in my lap, “Are you all g?”
“All g,” Romeo replies. “Juliet, I love you 5ever. Will you sing me something dope?”
“K. Soulja boy off in this hoe. Watch me crank it, watch me roll. Watch me crank that soulja boy then superman that hoe.”
“Now I mean you,” He joins in.
“Crank that soulja boy.”
“Now I mean you.”
“Crank that soulja boy.”
Romeo cranks that soulja boy one more time before he breaths his last breath.
I curl over his body in grief. Cruel fate has stolen my Romeo that I might live and he may not. I kiss his lips a last time. “Thy lips are warm,” I choke on my own words.
From the corner of my eye I spot an inconspicuous bottle, one half full of an evil liquid. My hand clasps it and I hold it before me.
I snapchat a picture of Romeo and caption it: My dear Romeo is dead…
I snap a selfie of myself with the bottle and caption: Same TBH.
OMG: Oh My Gosh (Or God)
Bae: Baby
Totes: Totally
ROFL: Roll on Floor Laughing
Fosho: For Sure
Soz: Sorry
Soz Not Soz: Sorry Not Sorry
Universal shrug: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
TTYL: Talk to You Later
Insta: Instagram; Social Media
MCM: Man Crush Monday
TFW: That Feeling When
DM: Direct Message
POPO: Police Officers
All g: Everything is good
Vine, Snapchat
5ever: Forever, but five-ever
Dope: Cool
TBH: To Be Honest
This one is 4 u :))) @yeol-stole-my-soul
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tyfam2k17-blog · 9 years
Here’s the masterlist to all things lizard soo
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