tyguygoodman · 5 years
So sweet of everyone to disappear so Cyrus and TJ could have a cute gay moment :)
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tyguygoodman · 5 years
TJ: only five people know my name. And they're all named Kippen
TJ: *tells Cyrus his name*
Me: well, if you wait a bit longer, all six of them will be named kippen.
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tyguygoodman · 5 years
Long ago, Tyler James and Theodore James lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when Thelonious Jagger attacked.
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tyguygoodman · 5 years
Buffy: I like you. Like you liked me before you changed your mind.
Marty: I never changed my mind
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tyguygoodman · 5 years
Me, scrolling through my feed and seeing the bench scene for the 47th time:
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tyguygoodman · 5 years
Thelonious Jagger.
So...I'm not so against Tyler James anymore...
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tyguygoodman · 5 years
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I'm with you, all the way.
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tyguygoodman · 5 years
Thank you
Andi Mack has had a special place in my heart for a while now. I may have only joined the fandom at the beginning of season 3, but I remember when my brother told me about the show when it's trailer first aired. My parents didn't agree with it, my sisters thought it was stupid, and I thought it was going to be another Disney fluke. Then, a while later my brother brought up the show again, talking about how Cyrus was going to be gay. Despite not having watched any other episodes, I waited for s2 ep1 to air that night and when it came out, I was ecstatic. It felt so special to me, living with so many people that are homophobic to have a brand as huge as Disney have LGBT representation. Sadly, I forgot about the show again. I would watch the show if it was on, but not actively seek it out. Then, once more I heard that Cyrus was going to get an endgame. And something about a swing scene, with someone named TJ. So I looked up the scene, watched it. And finally, it stuck. I sat down and binged every episode up the the Bexie proposal. I found out that the new season was starting very soon, so I made a Tumblr and the rest is history.
This show had made the past year of my life so much better than it would have been. Andi Mack is the only fandom I've ever been in where I felt included. I knew how the characters acted, and felt comfortable enough to write fanfics about them. Andi, Buffy, and Cyrus were my go-to doodles when I was bored. I loved making mood boards for everyone, and most of all, I loved the cast. I was happy.
I'm going to miss staying up till 3:00 am every Thursday night, till Friday morning, and making terrible chocolate chocolate chip muffins whenever It was look late at night to go out and buy them. I'm going to miss all the edits and secret gift exchanges. I'll miss laughing at everyone's comments, theorizing about new plots and episodes. I'll miss everything so much.
So, To all of the friendom, the cast and crew of Andi Mack, and especially Terri, thank you so so much for giving me something I could look forward to.
I hope to see you guys around. ❤️
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tyguygoodman · 5 years
My friend started saying LOL out loud
And I was like "OH GOD I T S T J A L L O V E R A G A I N"
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tyguygoodman · 5 years
"Why would you do this?"
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W O W guys, I can't believe Andi murdered someone in the new promo,,,
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tyguygoodman · 5 years
When it's summer, but I'm also really self conscious:
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tyguygoodman · 5 years
Oh, don't sell yourself short Jonah....you also...put peanut butter on it...?
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tyguygoodman · 5 years
This mountain has some kick-ass acoustics.
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tyguygoodman · 5 years
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Nice :)
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tyguygoodman · 5 years
Am I the only one that wanted Cyrus to lean out of the golf cart a little too far and have TJ reach out and hold him to make sure he didn't fall?
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tyguygoodman · 5 years
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I wonder if these two know they definitely touched each other longer than strictly necessary.
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tyguygoodman · 5 years
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Seeing as you can hear Ambers footsteps in this scene, I'm pretty sure she can hear you ANDI.
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