tylenolsucks · 2 years
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@ jzcreativespace
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tylenolsucks · 2 years
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tylenolsucks · 5 years
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tylenolsucks · 5 years
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tylenolsucks · 5 years
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tylenolsucks · 5 years
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tylenolsucks · 5 years
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tylenolsucks · 5 years
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via vsco.co
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tylenolsucks · 5 years
Finally figured out my Tumblr email and password...only took a year lol.
Previous username was moodstabilizers
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tylenolsucks · 6 years
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tylenolsucks · 6 years
long time no see tumblr.
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tylenolsucks · 7 years
me when I can feel myself returning to a better and happier me
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tylenolsucks · 7 years
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Michael Johnson
Each zodiac sign rules a different part of the human anatomy. In seeing the macrocosm of the heavens influence over one whole organic unit, the ancients devised the philosophy that the body is a sacred space reflecting the eternity of the cosmos manifested in the present.
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tylenolsucks · 7 years
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tylenolsucks · 7 years
ASTRO NOTES: Synastry Edition 💍💋👅
1. Jupiter in the eighth house can indicate having a large quantity of sex with a partner (think quantity over quality) but can be good for having joint finances and sharing.
2. Having Saturn in a partners fifth house can be challenging. You may feel that the partner is boring or like you don’t have anything in common, but because Saturn is the teacher, you can learn to like the way the other person does things. It all depends on how Saturn is aspected.
3. Having Venus in a partners first indicates a huge physical attraction (especially for a man because Venus represents a mans point of attraction) it is up to the couple to keep the attraction alive though! Check how Venus is aspected.
4. A large quantity of planets falling into the fourth house can indicate marriage or feeling happy living together.
5. Positive Pluto aspects with a partner can mean that you have a soul connection.
6. A man’s Moon in a woman’s first house can also indicate marriage. The man feels that he can share his inner feelings with this woman.
7. A partners sun falling into the 12th house can be positive or negative. The 12th house holds your unconscious fears, so when your partner illuminates that, it can be kind of scary. It’s up to you if you want to face those fears though.
8. Pluto conjunct a partners ascendant can show an instant attraction. Make sure this is a healthy attraction that doesn’t turn into obsession!
9. Moon in the 9th house can show long distance relationships.
10. When a partner has Venus in the 3rd house they like to write love letters, poetry, songs and other forms of artistic expression about the partner. They like to use their mental abilities to impress the partner.
-A.H. (ariellehollihan.tumblr.com)
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tylenolsucks · 7 years
I grow stronger every time I successfully comfort myself through a difficult situation
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tylenolsucks · 7 years
not to be fake deep or anything but as much as we like to believe that we are good people…we all have the capacity to be toxic and draining to someone else and may have actually been without realizing
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