tyler-1777 · 2 years
Tyler Spicer
Professor Kaplan
20 February 2023
In this presentation I was able to learn a lot about Pedro Almodovar and Spanish filmmaking as a whole. Through research I found out more about Pedro’s life. He was born in Spain to a middle class family and both his parents wanted him to become a priest. He neglected this idea and took off with a small camera to pursue his love for film. He was unable to get into film school but quickly learned what he needed to know on his own. After that he took off and started making a ton of different films. A lot of these films did really well landing him awards from some of the biggest film festivals in the world. 
A lot about his films were very fascinating. He always made them like a puzzle. He would never just stick to one genre but mixing multiple genres into one film so the film would feel unique and be like something the audience has never experienced before. Another thing that he likes to do in his films is color sets. Pedro would always make sure he had a certain “mix” of colors or color paulette ready when it came time to make a film.
Pedros film’s cover a lot of important topics, including the ever more popular topic of gender identity and gender fluidity. He loved to focus his stories on female characters and see them develop through the story within the themes of transgressions, desire and identity. 
Lastly, Pedro has added even more to the film world in a couple other ways as well. First off, he has helped show that it is possible to make low-budget films just as good if not better than big budget special effects films.  Along with a couple other filmmakers he helped start the trend of using non-linear storytelling. This technique has become more and more prevalent in cinema and its thanks to people like him that the idea of storytelling reached the big screen. He also helped push Spanish cinema to become more relevant. He helped Spanish films go international and give them a name for themselves.
Lastly, Pedro talks about a personal seal in film. What he means by this is that every film has its own seal, Its own point of view that it is trying to convey that is different from any other film. He says that just by looking at the film's style the audience can find out who the director is. This is because a part of the director is put into this film.
Troyano, Ela, and Pedro Almodovar. “Pedro Almodovar.” BOMB, no. 47, 1994, pp. 58–61. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/40425050. Accessed 20 Feb. 2023.​
Lin, Ashley. “Author Profile: Pedro Almodóvar.” World Literature Today, vol. 81, no. 2, 2007, pp. 48–48. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/40159302. Accessed 20 Feb. 2023.​
Duncan Wheeler. “The Representation of Domestic Violence in Spanish Cinema.” The Modern Language Review, vol. 107, no. 2, 2012, pp. 438–500. JSTOR, https://doi.org/10.5699/modelangrevi.107.2.0438. Accessed 20 Feb. 2023.
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tyler-1777 · 2 years
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tyler-1777 · 2 years
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tyler-1777 · 2 years
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tyler-1777 · 2 years
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tyler-1777 · 2 years
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tyler-1777 · 2 years
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tyler-1777 · 2 years
In this writing Josef Albers talks about other artists and a lot of other people that try to compare themselves to him. He goes on to talk about realism. He believes that realism isn’t always true reality no matter how hard we try to create it. He then goes on to explain his love for geometrical shapes and why he uses so many of them in his piece. Then he goes on to talk about how all art should have a beginning and an end. This means he doesn’t want to leave his art up for interpretation but to give the viewer a satisfying ending.
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tyler-1777 · 2 years
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tyler-1777 · 2 years
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tyler-1777 · 2 years
Tyler Spicer
Professor Kaplan
20 February 2023
In this presentation I was able to learn a lot about Pedro Almodovar and Spanish filmmaking as a whole. Through research I found out more about Pedro’s life. He was born in Spain to a middle class family and both his parents wanted him to become a priest. He neglected this idea and took off with a small camera to pursue his love for film. He was unable to get into film school but quickly learned what he needed to know on his own. After that he took off and started making a ton of different films. A lot of these films did really well landing him awards from some of the biggest film festivals in the world. 
A lot about his films were very fascinating. He always made them like a puzzle. He would never just stick to one genre but mixing multiple genres into one film so the film would feel unique and be like something the audience has never experienced before. Another thing that he likes to do in his films is color sets. Pedro would always make sure he had a certain “mix” of colors or color paulette ready when it came time to make a film.
Pedros film’s cover a lot of important topics, including the ever more popular topic of gender identity and gender fluidity. He loved to focus his stories on female characters and see them develop through the story within the themes of transgressions, desire and identity. 
Lastly, Pedro has added even more to the film world in a couple other ways as well. First off, he has helped show that it is possible to make low-budget films just as good if not better than big budget special effects films.  Along with a couple other filmmakers he helped start the trend of using non-linear storytelling. This technique has become more and more prevalent in cinema and its thanks to people like him that the idea of storytelling reached the big screen. He also helped push Spanish cinema to become more relevant. He helped Spanish films go international and give them a name for themselves.
Lastly, Pedro talks about a personal seal in film. What he means by this is that every film has its own seal, Its own point of view that it is trying to convey that is different from any other film. He says that just by looking at the film's style the audience can find out who the director is. This is because a part of the director is put into this film.
Troyano, Ela, and Pedro Almodovar. “Pedro Almodovar.” BOMB, no. 47, 1994, pp. 58–61. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/40425050. Accessed 20 Feb. 2023.​
Lin, Ashley. “Author Profile: Pedro Almodóvar.” World Literature Today, vol. 81, no. 2, 2007, pp. 48–48. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/40159302. Accessed 20 Feb. 2023.​
Duncan Wheeler. “The Representation of Domestic Violence in Spanish Cinema.” The Modern Language Review, vol. 107, no. 2, 2012, pp. 438–500. JSTOR, https://doi.org/10.5699/modelangrevi.107.2.0438. Accessed 20 Feb. 2023.
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tyler-1777 · 2 years
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tyler-1777 · 2 years
David Zwirner
This podcast talks about paintings that make them seem alive. The artist said that It was like an animal waiting to attack. The painting seems to stay alive through time. For each different painting if it is good the longer you stare at it the more you will begin to learn about it. Some artist’s change certain parts of their paintings' color to highlight other parts and details.
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tyler-1777 · 2 years
Elements of Color
In the reading I learned a lot of very interesting things about physics and chemistry and how they can relate to the arts, specifically color and light. To show this they used an example of shining sunlight streaming through a prism. When the light came out from the otherside almost everything could be seen but the color purple. In this video I learned that hues can be found by finding its wavelength or it’s specific frequency. 
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tyler-1777 · 2 years
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