tylercolby-blog · 7 years
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tylercolby-blog · 7 years
Tyler definitely didn’t blame her being extra terrified with him running along with the Jumper screaming like a lunatic with a chainsaw.That was pretty terrifying.He just had to hope Alice didn’t run from him. He hadn’t noticed that she hid since he was busy with the Jumper but when he saw a bit of pastel moving behind a tree he knew she was there. At her words he looked up and smirked. “Hey,Alice.” He said,watching her drop down. He put the chainsaw back on his back. “Yeah,it’s me.” He said,watching her get up.He had no idea what she could be thinking.Especially since he had it spread around that he died. Tyler was shocked when her arms were wrapped around him though. “I uh...Yeah,I know you too.” He said,hesitating before hugging her back.He will admit,that human contact was nice. When she pulled away he looked down at her. “I’ll tell you everything,Alice. Inside. I’m staying somewhere safe.” He told her,glancing around. “C’mon.” He started heading towards the building he had been in before. “As for how I got here,I was jumping from group to group.They talked about this place and I decided to leave and come here.Said there was some survivors here.” He shrugged,glancing back to check she was following.
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tylercolby-blog · 7 years
Tyler felt bad looking down at those big eyes. He probably looked horrifying even though he felt like he was going to pass out.A big man with a backpack and chainsaw on his back with his axe raised to strike.Yeah,it made sense why she was horrified. Tyle put the axe down on the floor and held his hands up in surrender.
“Look,I’m not gonna hurt you.I thought you were a Groaner.”
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tylercolby-blog · 7 years
Tyler had hopped from group to group,hoping for some decent people but he had yet to find any.Which really put a damper on the whole Apocalypse thing. Every person he had known in his past were ones he hoped to never see.The good people in his life...they never made it past the first few days. He hoped to find people he could trust. He was fast,a good fighter with and without a weapon so he was an asset. He just needed someone to trust. Tyler was definitely grateful he had stopped in time. Looking at the young woman in front of him now he knew he had pissed her off by the look she gave him.Well,part of him doubted he could make friends with her now since he almost chopped at her head. He glanced at the bat she held up and was amused to see barbwire on it.That wasn’t a bad idea at all.
“Yeah.” He murmured,technically he had killed a ‘normal’ person before.Before the Apocalypse,when clients went too far, and during it.Sometimes it was kill or be killed. He chose kill to survive. Tyler swayed on his feet so he spread his feet out to try and steady himself,dropping the axe down to his side. “You’re a doctor?” He asked,moving back to lean on the wall again. Tyler didn’t feel he was in danger...yet. His stomach groaned again but he pretended he didn’t hear it.”Do all doctors go around with barbwire covered bats?”
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tylercolby-blog · 7 years
Tyler found it stupid to worry too much about his long hair anymore.Or the blonde that was starting to grow out.It definitely made people notice him other than the chainsaw strapped to his back with his backpack.Yeah,that thing garnered a lot of attention.
He managed to find a place to stay but his body demanded food other than what he had found the day he got here.So he made his way further into the town to look for food with his fire axe in hand.He moved towards the first building he saw,trying to peek inside but he couldn’t see anything. Just as he continued towards the door he saw it open.Tyler paused before moving a bit closer and nudging the door with the axe. He moved closer and tapped on the door. Tyler waited a second before whistling,putting the axe back in it’s holster and grabbing the chainsaw.
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tylercolby-blog · 7 years
Tyler barely made it into Astoria without keeling over. The last group he had been with wasn’t the greatest. They just didn’t treat their women right. Degrading them and treating them like it was the 1700′s. They mentioned Astoria and decided on a different path but Tyler left and made his way here. He may have pushed himself too much though. He moved to the closest building and leaned against it with a sigh. His stomach grumbling at him for the millionth time.The sound of something moving to his left made him freeze and grab for the fire axe on his side.With it out of the holster he raised it,ready to strike until the side before him made him stop short. 
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tylercolby-blog · 7 years
Tyler had made it to Astoria. Now here he was being awakened by screaming. Tyler got off the floor and peeked out the window to see a woman running from a Jumper. Something about her hair was familiar and he took a closer look. Shit. Tyler jumped up and grabbed his chainsaw he had nabbed from a hardware store. He was up inside the attic of a building so he put the ladder down and shut the door behind him. He opened the nearby window and raced down the fire escape stairs,dropping down to the floor on the last stairs. He started up the chainsaw and took off running after the Jumper and the woman,screaming to gain the attention of the damn beast. He managed to distract it enough and lifted the chainsaw over his head before driving it down into the skull of the Jumper.He drove the chainsaw down more until it stopped moving. He took the chainsaw from the jumper and shut it off. “It’s okay! You’re safe.” 
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tylercolby-blog · 7 years
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