tylerdurdenthedude · 2 years
What career direction you would like to pursue when you are done school? How has your program help you?
Hello everyone! My name is Tj. I am a 21-year-old Business -Accounting student at DC. Today I would like to take time off to discuss what career direction I would like to pursue when I am done with school and how the program, I’m taking has helped me. The career direction I would like to seek for now is to become a bank teller.
              Growing up I didn’t really know what I wanted to become when I got older. I didn’t find many interests or hobbies growing up. I didn’t even know what I was good at.  When I was in high school, I didn’t know what field I would choose for university/college. In grade 11 I said that I wanted to go into computer science or programming just because most people were going into that field. So, I enrolled in the computer science course and fixed a meeting with my guidance counselor to discuss my goal. But I changed my mind after talking with my counselor and attending the course. I realized I was missing prerequisites for any computer-related program, and that computer science just wasn’t my thing either. So, I started thinking again and realized I was good with numbers and communicating with people. That’s when I got the idea to go into Business-Accounting as it was the right career to choose based on my knowledge and skills. The fact that accounting jobs/careers also got paid well was another reason I decided to choose this field of study as well.
              To become a bank teller, I chose the program of Accounting-Business at DC as it was the path to becoming a bank teller. This program has taught me to construct and record financial transactions, present financial statements, prepare income tax returns and essential tax planning and more. Other than gaining accounting related skills at DC, I was also shaped for the future for not just to becoming a bank teller but more accounting based fields I can chose from. The program I am taking has given me the career opportunity to become a financial analyst, Budget Coordinator, Billing analyst, accounting administrator, Bookkeeper/payroll clerk, etc.
              To be honest, I still don’t know where my life will go and what career I will be stuck in and fulfill for the rest of my life. I say this because my mind and mood change all the time. For a starting career, a bank teller is a tremendous job for an accounting graduate, and it is a high-paying one. This is my job goal for now. But I don’t wish to be a bank teller for the rest of my life or until I retire. I want to be in higher positions, manage, be known, earn fame and power, etc. Sorry sounded too cringe and too noble. I am aware that a bank teller can serve as an entry-level position in banking and can guide me into higher-paying career paths within financial services. Which is great for my life and going up the level.
However, I also have another career option and backup just in case my job gets boring or if something crazy happens in my life/career as a bank teller. Since I was a child this has been my dream job, but I was forced to think it was impossible. And you all are going to be shocked and laugh at what It is but let me tell you, I am prepared and still working on fulfilling that career on the side. I am sure I will somehow get a chance one day to fulfilling that supposed career or “dream” I have in mind. You know, because I am perfect for it, and let’s say I was born for this as well but let me not get my hopes up. I will elaborate in a blog later, on the second career direction I have in mind and on the side for my life. I know you all might be wondering why I’m wasting so much time hyping and not saying what that supposed “dream” and second career path is. So that supposed dream and second career I have in mind and working on the side is to become an Actor/Model. Not just any kind of actor but my dream is to become a movie villain. Now that I have told you all my dream goals and career, I will talk to you all in my next blog regarding my second career option and why I am born for it. Take care!
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tylerdurdenthedude · 2 years
Do you think social media has positively or negatively affected your career / social life? How?
Before I get to talking about how social media has affected me, ill inform everyone that I am not against social media or the creators whatsoever, I am just here to share my opinion and understanding, and realization. So, coming back to the topic, "Has social media affected my career or social life positively or negatively?" I will say that social media has impacted my life drastically in a negative way however there are some positive aspects involving social media that I like and find interesting. The reasons for this response of mine are common and multiple studies have stated the same reasons have caused others' lives to change negatively due to social media. The reason I say social media has affected my life negatively is that it caused me anxiety, anger problems, and loneliness, promotes negative experiences, and gives out an unrealistic view of the world, it is a distraction, attributes social comparison which reduces self-esteem in a person, causes a higher chance of depression, the sleeping schedule becomes ruined, and finally can cause eye fatigue. I know you all might say "Yeah, when you use too much of something, it will become bad for you" or "you are just viewing the negative aspects of social media and not the positive ones" but yes, I did mostly watch positively related contents but without me even realizing I was going overboard and couldn't help myself and I always would come across something that would be toxic on social
So, as we all know, a massive reason for mental issues nowadays starting is due to social media. In my experience, I will tell you that before COVID 19 occurred, I spent a limited time on social media, and I was doing well both mentally and physically. But when COVID hit and we were locked in our homes for nearly 2 years, I began using social media and OTT.  I was always on Tik Tok, Instagram, YouTube, Netflix, and Amazon Prime. I spent my time mostly scrolling and then actually engaging in everyday activities. Let me tell you, within 6 months, I became depressed, lazy, and aggressive. The excessive consumption of social media had drained my energy, mood, motivation, and even life. I noticed how Tik Tok, and Instagram kept filling my mind with content very toxic at times and made me slump and took control. I began comparing myself to others on the net. I became jealous of others going out and enjoying when I was just sitting on my bed scrolling on my phone all day hooked. Social media also gave me a negative and confusing view of the world and people as well for a while preventing me from being at my best potential. When I came to the point where I was sick of myself, I came to understand that this was all because of me excessively scrolling through social media all the time.
A few other reasons I say that social media has affected my life was because of health-related issues that not just me, but others also have experienced because of social media. The problems I faced were having a sleep schedule becoming messy and experiencing eye fatigue. Scrolling through Tik Tok and YouTube had taken a huge hold of my sleeping cycle that I only went a week with just 5 days of sleep with around 3-4 hours of rest each night. And my eyes became so irritated and even became dark underneath with bloodshed veins. And no, I was not using drugs, I was simply on social media.
After a point, I stopped going on social media and I limited my use of going on the phone. I am now healthy both mentally and physically. I can communicate with people well, I am confident, I no longer feel unmotivated or lazy, I no longer have bloodshed dark eyes and I am me once again. I'm not saying social media is the reason for people's downfall in lives, but I am saying however that can be a distraction and a tool to instigate failure if used regularly, just like in my case instance.
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