Five-Minute DIY Sweater Vase Project
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I finally took down my Christmas decorations.
I put it off as long as I could, but Valentine's Day was looking at me with a scolding face.
There's seriously nothing worse than getting chastised by a holiday.
After the boxes were packed and the twinkling lights were put away and the halls were undecked, it all looked clean.
And fresh.
And ready for a new year.
But truth?
It looked a little empty.
So I took 1/12 of an hour and a thrift store bargain and came up with this.
A five-minute DIY sweater vase project.
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I started with a random set of vases I had around the house.
They don't have to match.
No one will notice when they are wearing their sweaters.
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I found three cream sweaters at the thrift store.
You may have some sweaters around your house that might work, too.
The rest of the sweater might look a little awkward, but just make sure the arms are cute.
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Place your vase next to the arm of the sweater to measure.
Add six additional inches in case the sweater stretches.
(total aside:  don't worry if you mess it up-the sweater has another arm.)
Then cut the sweater arm off from the rest of the sweater.
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Pull the sweater arm onto your vase.
Straighten the seam in the back.
And then?
Just cut to fit, leaving a small hem at the bottom.
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Then just tuck the hem under at the bottom.
You could also add a little bit of fabric glue to hold it in place.
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Fill it with water and add branches.
Place the vases at different heights.
I used books to stack and arrange them.
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That's it.
Here are a few tips I learned along the project way:
1. Know your vases before you pick your sweater.  Some sweaters are looser and some are tighter weave.  You want to make sure your sweater won't overstretch.
2. Mix up the weaves of your sweaters to make the display even cozier.
3. I also thought it might be cute to add a pom pom to the top or front of the vase.
4. Cream sweaters are pretty, but you could add color and pattern, too.
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Hello 2019.
Best five minutes I've spent this year.
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PS  I've been getting so many e-mails from so many of you who are interested in starting a blog.
It must be all those New Year's resolutions.
I want to help, so I'm opening up FOUR slots for a one-hour consult.
Want to start a blog?
Want to grow your business?
Want to bring a product to market?
I'm all ears and here to help.
Here are the details on cost and what the consult offers and reviews of some individuals I've consulted with.
Just e-mail me at [email protected].
Here's to the BEST 2019 EVER.
The post Five-Minute DIY Sweater Vase Project appeared first on Thistlewood Farm.
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How to Get Rid of Cockroaches
Prevent Cockroach Infestations on Your Property & Stop the Unsightly & Unsafe Critters from Putting Your Family at Risk
Cockroaches are one of the most common household pests in the world, with Florida being home to over 70 different species of roaches.
Keeping this in mind, it is extremely likely that people will encounter cockroaches at some point in their home. This skeevy pest excels at adapting to new environments and can bring disease-causing germs into your home that can lead to allergic reactions, food poisoning, hepatitis, and diarrhea.
Facts About Cockroaches
If you see one cockroach, it's likely there are more. And if there are more, you've likely got yourself a cockroach infestation.
If you've found yourself with an infestation, there are a number of things worth knowing about the pest.
First, cockroaches are small and sometimes hard to see, with dark brown or black bodies that are only 1/2 to 3 inches long.
Cockroaches prefer warm and humid environments (like Florida, especially Southern Florida) and they are scavengers in every aspect. They'll eat almost anything; glue, the material in book bindings, and dead skin flakes are just a few of their odd-ball favorites. Some species of cockroach even eat their own young.
Cockroach Infestations
Cockroaches are nocturnal and spend their days hiding in small cracks and crevices.
Hiding places for these critters varies depending on the species, but as a rule of thumb, cockroaches will fit themselves in extremely small cracks and feel most secure when they're being touched by surfaces on all sides.
Once roaches have infested an area of your home, they multiply quickly and become harder to eliminate.
How to Get Rid of a Cockroach Infestation
To practice the most effective cockroach control, it typically requires more than one type of treatment method.
One of the most effective ways to control a cockroach infestation is roach spray, but it must be sprayed directly onto the roaches. To use this method, you must be able to see the cockroaches, and react quickly as the pest will scurry away.
To identify where cockroaches are hiding, examine your home for potential entry points.
Use a flashlight to search popular hiding spots, including under the sink, closet corners, crevices in cabinets and shelves, as well as behind the refrigerator.
After you've examined your home, an application of roach glue strips or glue boards will help to ultimately determine where the roaches are hiding. Leaving these in place for a week or more will help to ultimately determine if you have found the cockroach infestation.
When you've found these areas, another solution to getting rid of a cockroach infestation is to use gel bait. Gel bait comes in the form of a tube and can be applied in places where cockroaches are likely to hide. It is and extremely effective method for removing a cockroach infestation.
How to Prevent Cockroach Infestations
To prevent future cockroach infestations and control current ones, the most important things that you should practice in your home are cleanliness and proper sanitation.
Some basic guidelines for that are:
Don't leave dirty dishes out overnight, keep food stored in closed containers, and clean the areas behind and along large kitchen appliances like stoves and refrigerators.
Immediately clean up spills and vacuum cracks and crevices in your kitchen.
Take the garbage out frequently and store it in a covered trash bin outside of the home.
Externally, seal any cracks that cockroaches could use to enter your home. Fix any leaky pipes and install dehumidifiers in your basement to eliminate areas of excess moisture.
Benefits of Professional Cockroach Pest Control
If your home or office in Southwest Florida has a cockroach infestation, it's imperative to have it taken care of before it gets out of hand.
Contact a pest management professional as soon as you spot a roach in your home, especially during the day. These insects are usually only active at night, so if they are out during the daytime it is an indication of a large-scale infestation lurking in your house.
The pest-elimination professionals from the premium pest control provider in the area will ensure your home is protected from cockroaches and cockroach infestations with a complete removal plan that has been customized to eliminate the issue you are faced with.
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Whole30 Pizza Recipe
This Whole30 Pizza recipe uses a cauliflower crust as the base and is topped with tomato sauce, prosciutto and arugula and is perfect for your weekly pizza night. 
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You read that right-yes, you can have pizza during whole30! …with some modifications of course. This whole30 pizza recipe will leave you feeling satisfied and SO happy, because pizza = happiness. 
The one thing I'm currently craving while doing this second whole30 is….. everything. I'm craving bread and sugar and all my normal foods, one of them being pizza. I know so many people work pizza into their weekly meal plan, and I don't want anyone to have to go an entire month without their beloved pizza night. This whole30 pizza recipe is surprisingly filling despite the fact that the crust is made of cauliflower. 
Have you tried cauliflower crust pizza? I know it's been all the rage for at least the past year, probably longer. Truthfully, I don't eat pizza often enough to feel like I need to sub out regular pizza crust. But, now that this cauliflower crust has made its debut into my life, I'm thinking that I might need to start a weekly pizza tradition for myself. 
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So what's on this whole30 pizza anyway? What can you possibly eat?! It all starts with the cauliflower crust. 
Tip: buy bagged cauliflower rice if it's available to you. This will save you time and you'll be left with less dishes in the end.
Tip: ALWAYS use parchment paper when making a cauliflower crust. This will make it way easier to transfer the pizza onto your plate and assure that the crust doesn't stick to the pan. 
Cauliflower rice, egg, almond flour, herbs, and some salt are the ingredients in this cauliflower crust. You'll stir everything together and then use your hands or a spatula to form the “dough” into a circular crust. 
Once the crust is made, you'll bake the crust in the oven for about 15 minutes. Then, you'll add on your appropriate toppings. Available pizza toppings include but are not limited to: tomato sauce, roasted garlic, caramelized onions, really any kind of vegetable, and any kind of meat too, so you really shouldn't feel deprived.
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  For this recipe, I opted to use roasted garlic marinara sauce as the base, and then I topped it with prosciutto and arugula. I wanted to keep things simple and show that you don't need a ton of toppings for this to be a flavorful recipe, though of course you can add more toppings. 
After you decide on your toppings, you'll add them on top of the baked crust then place the pizza bake into the oven to bake for an additional 10 minutes. Last, you slice it and eat up! 
Note: I also decided to whip up a quick sauce while the pizza was in the oven, because I'm all about dips! I made Eat the Gains whole30 buffalo sauce and it was amazing!
I hope this whole30 pizza recipe makes its way into your life, even if you're not doing whole30. Trust me when I say I had low expectations for this recipe-I mean, who actually wants to eat cauliflower crust?-but it surprised me in the best way possible. If you make this recipe, remember to tag @thealmondeater on Instagram! 
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Whole30 Pizza Recipe
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This Whole30 pizza recipe will be your new go-to during your whole30. It's made with a cauliflower crust and you can use as many compliant toppings as you wish!
Author: Erin
Prep Time: 20 mins
Cook Time: 25 mins
Total Time: 45 mins
Yield: 2
Category: dinner
Method: oven
Cuisine: pizza
for the crust:
2 bags cauliflower rice (approx. 6 cups)
3/4 cup almond flour
1/2 tsp garlic herb seasoning
1/2 tsp salt
1 egg
for the pizza:
3/4 cup marinara sauce
5 slices prosciutto
1/2 cup arugula
1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
Preheat oven to 425° and line a large baking sheet with parchment paper. Line a large bowl with cheese cloth and set aside.
Cook both bags of cauliflower rice according to the package instructions. Pour cauliflower rice on top of the cheese cloth and wait for it to cool a bit. Then, use both hands to press as much liquid out of the cauliflower rice as possible. If the cauliflower rice is too water-y, the crust will turn out mushy.
Pour dried cauliflower rice into a separate bowl, then stir in the flour, seasoning and salt. Last, stir in the egg.
Use your hands to form mixture into a ball, then transfer it onto the parchment-lined baking sheet and press down on it, forming the mixture into a circular crust. Bake crust by itself for 15 minutes.
Remove crust from the oven, then add your toppings! Start with the sauce, then add on your meat and veggies. Place pizza back in the oven and bake for 10 additional minutes.
Remove pizza, wait a few minutes before slicing and serving.
You can use whatever compliant toppings you want! Feel free to add more toppings and/or your own vegetables or meat–whatever your heart desires.
Keywords: whole30 pizza, cauliflower crust pizza
Did you make this recipe?
Tag @thealmondeater on Instagram and hashtag it #thealmondeater
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The post Whole30 Pizza Recipe appeared first on The Almond Eater.
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Cozy in Coastal Maine
Maine is famous for beautiful summers with refreshing temperatures, ocean breezes, and plenty of outdoor activities. The winter season is pretty fabulous too, and there are many offerings to entertain the adventure enthusiast or the homebody. Maine's various ski mountains attract visitors from all over New England and beyond. Frozen lakes and ponds are perfect for family ice skating or a vigorous round of hockey; and there are numerous trails for snowshoeing or cross-country skiing. Whether you wish to go out and enjoy one of these brisk winter adventures, or simply cozy up by the fire, these stunning Maine homes have got you covered.
Aspinwall Bremen Long Island, Maine
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The great room in this historic island home features massive oak trusses and the commanding central fireplace, made from local stone, is thought to be one of the largest in Maine.
Undercliff Cottage | Camden, Maine
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This lovely den with coffered ceilings, Cypress trim, and a stone fireplace is perfect for enjoying a good book while the flakes fall outside
Sears Cottage | Islesboro, Maine
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This fine historic home features eleven unique wood-burning fireplaces and water views from almost every room.
Periwinkle Beach | Islesboro, Maine
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This central, brick Russian fireplace is designed to maximize warmth and coziness.
Otter Creek Lane | Islesboro, Maine
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The three limestone fireplaces in this bright and open home were inspired by Giorgio Armani.
Northeast Point | Camden, ME
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When it is cold out, cooking and dining is a pleasure in front of this warm and inviting fireplace.
Dark Harbor House | Islesboro, Maine
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With nine fireplaces throughout this thoughtfully-renovated historic home, it is difficult to choose just one!
260 Bay View Street | Camden, Maine
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The double-sided, commanding stone fireplace in this festive family great room is perfect any time of the year.
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For additional information about these listings, please contact Joe Sortwell, [email protected] or Terry Sortwell, [email protected] in our Camden office, 207-236-3543.
The post Cozy in Coastal Maine appeared first on LandVest Blog.
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What Should be Your Cleaning Schedule
How can you make a house cleaning schedule? Cleaning schedules can help you to know what needs to be cleaned and how often it should be cleaned. A good house cleaning schedule makes it a lot easier to set with daily, weekly, monthly and yearly cleaning tasks. A cleaning schedule is an easy and effective way of maintaining all equipment regularly. Some items in a cleaning schedule require to be cleaning more than once a day, for example, kitchen cleaning, garbage of our house. Other items can be done once a week like home furniture cleaning, dust cleaning etc. In weekly cleaning, you can schedule bedroom cleaning as a major part. If you want to schedule your home cleaning with a maid cleaning service you can follow this.
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The post What Should be Your Cleaning Schedule appeared first on .
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Easy DIY Eyeglass Storage
    In honor of the new year I'm sharing one of my favorite storage projects with you. 
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Click here to read the rest of this post...
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The Anatomy Of An Adjustable Rate Mortgage Increase
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I'm so excited to share with you something I got in the mail the other day. No, it wasn't a notification that Financial Samurai had won an award for being the best personal finance site. My site is too focused on understanding hard things to make us all rich to appeal to the masses.
Instead, I got something better. It was letter from my bank saying my adjustable rate mortgage interest rate is going up!
This is the first time I've ever received such a letter because, in the past, I would always refinance my 5-year ARM (my preferred ARM term) lower before the fixed period was up.
But with interest rates having moved up since I bought my house in 2014, the logical thing to do was keep holding it until the reset.
The Origins Of Our 5-Year ARM
We bought a San Francisco single family fixer in 1H2014 for $1,250,000. We were tired of living in the north end of San Francisco for the past 9.5 years and wanted a change of scenery.
Originally, we had planned to relocate to Hawaii, but when we found our current house with ocean views, we though this would be a good compromise.
We put down 20% and took out a $992,000 5-year ARM. Originally, I was going to put down 32%, because I had about $430,000 come due from a 4.1% 5-year CD. But with a mortgage rate of only 2.5%, I felt it was worth borrowing more and investing the difference.
The 2.5% mortgage rate was based on the one year LIBOR rate + a 2.25% margin – 0.25% discount for being an excellent customer. Back in 2014, the one year LIBOR rate was at only 0.5%, hence my 2.5% rate.
The London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) is the average interest rate at which leading banks borrow funds from other banks in the London market.
LIBOR is the most widely used global “benchmark” or reference rate for short-term interest rates. Check out the historical one-year LIBOR chart below.
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As you can tell from the one-year LIBOR chart, I bottom-ticked my mortgage rate in 2014. Some of you might be thinking that instead of getting a 5/1 ARM, I should have gotten a 30-year fixed rate instead.
But given my strong belief that we will be in a permanently low interest rate environment for the rest of our lives, I felt that paying 0.85% – 1.25% more for a 30-year fixed rate was a waste of money. So my actions followed my brain.
Besides, the average homeownership duration in America is only around 8.7 years. At most, one may consider taking out a 10/1 ARM to match durations.
As I planned to either sell my home within 10 years in order to buy a nicer home in Hawaii or pay off the mortgage during this time frame, to me, taking out a 5/1 ARM was worth the “risk.”
Regardless of whether you want to waste your money on a 30-year fixed mortgage or not, mortgage rates have indeed gone up for all of us since 2014.
Based on the current one year LIBOR rate of ~3.1% + my margin of 2.25% – my 0.25% for being an excellent client, my new mortgage rate should be a reasonable 5.1% when it resets in mid-2019.
If I end up paying 5.1% for the next five years, my average mortgage rate over a 10 year period would be 5.1% + 2.5% = 7.6% /2 = 3.8%. 3.8% is pretty much in-line with the rate I would have gotten if I just locked in a 30-year fixed rate mortgage in 2014.
However, with the money saved from not paying a 30-year fixed mortgage and the $100,000+ less in downpayment, I ended up investing the difference and earned a ~7% return on average from 2014 – 2018 because the stock market went up until 2018. Although I did eek out a 0.8% gain in 2018.
But surprise! I won't be paying an estimated 5.1% mortgage rate in 2019. Instead, my letter says that I'll be paying an estimated 4.5%. Have a look at the portion of the letter below.
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The letter clearly states how they calculate my mortgage rate, yet for some reason, they still come up with an estimated rate of 4.5% instead of 5.1%. Perhaps my good customer discount of -0.25% will grow to -0.85% next year? Or perhaps my bank simply made a mistake in their calculation.
No, no. Banks aren't stupid. The reason why my rate only goes up from 2.5% to 4.5% is that under the terms of my mortgage, my ARM can only reset by at most 2% after the initial 5-year fixed rate of 2.5% is up.
This maximum reset amount is pretty standard among ARM loans. But this reset amount is something you must have your bank point out in the document.
The other thing to note is that ARM loans generally have a maximum mortgage interest rate they can charge for the life of your loan. In my case, that maximum is 7.5%, but we're never going to get there in my opinion.
Unfortunately, after one full year at 4.5%, my bank can raise my ARM by another 2%, bringing my mortgage rate up to 6.5% for year seven.
However, I doubt rates will keep on surging higher as the global economy slows. Instead, by the time my ARM reset occurs again in 7/1/2020, we might very well be in a recession with one year LIBOR rates moving back down.
Paying Down Principal
In order to make more money, mortgage brokers and banks LOVE to scare the heck out of inexperienced homebuyers by saying their payments will surge higher once an ARM resets.
They don't show them a 35-year historical chart of declining interest rates. By scaring their customers, they have a higher chance of locking them into 30-year fixed rate mortgages for fatter margins.
Don't be fooled.
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Historical 30-year Mortgage Interest Rate Chart
You can see from the letter that despite my mortgage rate increasing from 2.5% to 4.5%, an 80% increase, my monthly payment is only expected to increase from $3,919.60 to $4,079.33, a mere 4% rise.
The reason for the slight increase in monthly mortgage payment is because we've paid down 32% of our loan in 4.5 years ($992,000 down to $734,000).
Paying down over $250,000 in our mortgage was partly due to normal monthly principal payments coupled with random extra principal pay downs. Although the 2.5% interest rate is low, paying down mortgage debt has always been part of my long term investment strategy.
Following my FS-DAIR strategy, I would regularly try and use 25% of my free cash flow to pay down debt and use the other 75% to invest. Again, I'm just taking action based on my own advice.
I kept on paying down principal randomly until the 10-year yield breached 2.5% in December 2017. Once the 10-year yield was higher than 2.5%, I stopped because I was now getting an interest-free mortgage since I could simply invest the amount of my mortgage in a 10-year bond yield to cover all my payments.
Living for free is one of the best things ever!
If I had taken out a 30-year fixed mortgage for 3.625%, I wouldn't have been able to experience interest-free living.
Your mileage will vary in terms of how much principal you actually paid down during the initial fixed rate period of your ARM. However, even if you didn't pay down any extra principal during a five year period, you will have still paid down ~10% of your principal balance, depending on your interest rate.
An Appreciation In Your Home's Value
Even if you've got to pay a higher mortgage rate when your ARM resets, you may be pleased to discover that your home has appreciated in value during the fixed rate period.
The San Francisco median home price increased from $1,100,000 in 2014 to ~$1,500,000 today, or a 37% increase.
A $420,000 principal increase more than makes up for a measly $159.63 monthly increase in mortgage payment, roughly half of which is going to pay down principal anyway.
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Again, your home's appreciation amount will vary. Unless you timed your home purchase completely wrong, such as buying in 4Q2006 – 4Q2008 or maybe 1Q2018 (jury is still out), you'll likely come out OK.
Even if you did purchase at the most recent peak, normal downturns usually last no more than 3-5 years with 10% – 20% corrections.
Make A Mortgage Pay Down Plan
Given I have until 7/1/2019 before my mortgage rate jumps from 2.5% to 4.5%, I plan to keep paying my mortgage as usual and not pay anything extra to principal.
As soon as I exhaust all 60 months at 2.5%, I will pay down $50,000 in principal on month 61. After the initial $50,000 extra principal payment, I will keep paying down between $20,000 – $30,000 a month in extra principal until the mortgage is gone or until I find my Hawaiian dream home.
Based on my extra principal payments, the mortgage should be completely paid off by January 2022, or about 7.5 years after I first took out the loan.
Anything can happen between now and January 2022, which is why it's prudent to continue investing and paying down debt while having a good cash hoard. You can now earn a healthy 2.45% in a money market account with CIT Bank, for example. That's huge, since just several years ago, savings rates were under 0.5%.
Earning a 4.5% rate of return is excellent at this stage in the economic cycle, but so is having enough cash to find a gem of a property in Hawaii at a big discount. And boy, am I seeing discounts everywhere now!
The alternative solution to aggressively paying down principal is to simply refinance my mortgage when it's time to reset to another 5/1 ARM.
After checking online for the latest mortgage rates, I can get a 5/1 ARM jumbo for only 3.25%. This means that after 10 years, my blended interest rate is 2.875%. Not bad at all.
Article Summary
1) Match the duration of your mortgage's fixed duration with the estimated ownership duration or the length of time you estimate it will take to pay off the mortgage.
2) Paying for a 30-year fixed rate mortgage might provide you more peace of mind, but you're likely overpaying for that peace of mind.
3) Read the terms of your ARM loan carefully and figure out what is the maximum interest rate increase during the first reset and what is the lifetime interest rate cap.
4) Try to make extra payments during your ARM's fixed rate period to relieve potential interest rate pressure during the reset.
5) Don't borrow more than you can comfortably afford = no greater than a 80% loan-to-value ratio with a 10% cash buffer after a 20% downpayment. Being overly leveraged is what consistently destroys people's finances.
Readers, why do people take out overpriced 30-year fixed rate mortgages when the average homeownership duration is less than 9 years? Why pay a higher rate when interest rates have gone down for 35+ years in a row? 
The post The Anatomy Of An Adjustable Rate Mortgage Increase appeared first on Financial Samurai.
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Couple Welcomes New Baby With 'Push It' Minutes Before Delivery
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A Texas mama went viral after sharing a video taken minutes before her daughter was born, and featuring her entire delivery room tribe singing Salt-N-Pepa's hit single 'Push It' as a preface to her delivery.
Every mama has a vision of what she wants her labor and delivery to be like, and one Houston, Texas mama had a serenade of the popular “Push It” song to entice her little girl Alaya into the world. Talk about customizing a birth playlist!
Related: This Amazing Video Shows There Are Many Different Ways to Give Birth
The video has gone viral, with over 10,000,000 views and nearly 200k shares, and it's not hard to see why as the baby's parents–Jordan Houston and Jadie Phelps look nervous, excited and ready for their new baby as they sing–they're not too shabby either!
Taken at Baylor All Saint Medical Center in Fort Worth, Texas, baby Alaya's family–which included her parents, uncle, aunt, and grandmothers–surrounded her mama with a song of encouragement. Daddy Jordan posted the now-viral video of their third little one, who was born on December 13, saying she really did come out in just two pushes. He called her the 'Push It' baby.
Mama said that their 'performance' was so well-received the nurses asked them to sing the song for the doctors and they ended up giving encore presentations a handful of times.
Related: 6 Birth Videos I Used to Prepare My Child for His Sibling's Entrance
Social media viewers are loving the calm, positive attitude Phelps has, and the fun it looks like the family is having as their newest family member is about to make her appearance. Many say they'd like to have their own version when their baby's about to debut, and why not? Is there a better song of direction?
Photo: Jordan Houston/Facebook
The post Couple Welcomes New Baby With 'Push It' Minutes Before Delivery appeared first on Mothering.
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Product Category Reviews for Small Landlord Prop Mgmt Software & Avail Reaching 100,000 Landlords
As the next step on our mission to help Geek Estate Mastermind members build wildly successful real estate companies, we launched something new: a category product review of companies in a particular industry space.
The goal is to help generate ideas, analyze what's working, figure out what's not, map the landscape, and to illuminate what opportunities might exist.
We're taking an optimistic, yet thorough perspective. Our goal isn't to cover every single product. It's to observe, examine, and question the market from an objective and strategic lens.
With more than twenty broad categories that define the real estate technology landscape (see here for residential and here for commercial), we're aiming for a panoramic view that includes a mix of direct and indirect competitors and even some of the players on the edges of any given topic. We'll conclude the reviews by comparing and contrasting the offerings, covering big takeaways, asking questions, and suggesting improvements.
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The first industry segment we chose is small landlord property management software. The 5 products we're reviewing as part of the first series are Zumper Pro, Airbnb, Avail (member), Zillow Rental Manager (member), and Cozy.
We recently released Part III (Zumper) and Part IV (Airbnb), and are working on Avail now. Given we're deep in research mode as we speak and Ryan Coon (co-founder & CEO) is a founding member of the Geek Estate Mastermind, we thought it worth sharing Avail's latest milestone: 100,000 landlords using their platform (press release below).
We'll publish Avail's review soon (for members) followed by Zillow Rental Manager, and finally ending with Cozy before putting together the conclusions. Particularly if you're a founder or executive at a company playing in the property management software space, we'd love to have you join us in the Mastermind.
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Avail Reaches 100,000 Landlords and Establishes Itself as Largest Online Rental Platform for Independent Landlords
Sets sights on future growth and new features
CHICAGO, Illinois, Jan. 2, 2018 - Avail, an online rental platform, rang in the New Year by surpassing 100,000 landlord users, nearly doubling their user base from this time last year. As user growth accelerates, Avail is setting its sights on aggressive signup goals in the next 18 months, while planning new features.
“It's incredible to see the landlord growth we achieved in 2018,” said Avail Co-founder, Ryan Coon. “We're providing significant value to landlords who have historically been ignored and that's resonating with them.”
Avail is establishing itself as the premier destination for do-it-yourself landlords seeking digital tools to improve their rental businesses. Avail offers a suite of tools for independent landlords that aims to be the only rental software they will ever need.
Despite the fact that Avail is the largest platform serving this market, the team is just getting started. They have ambitious plans to roll out at least four new features in 2019, including a feature that enables the fastest payment processing in the industry and another that increases on-time rent payments by providing incentives to tenants.
“Our team is comprised of innovators who are passionate about the problems we're solving. We will continue to push the envelope and create unparalleled solutions in 2019,” said Co-founder, Laurence Jankelow.
About Avail: Avail is creating a community of responsible landlords and trustworthy renters by arming them with the resources required to make renting easy. More than 350,000 tenants and landlords across the U.S. use Avail to save time and money through simplifying and automating the entire rental process, including listings, tenant screening, leases, payments, and maintenance.
To learn more, visit https://www.avail.co
The post Product Category Reviews for Small Landlord Prop Mgmt Software & Avail Reaching 100,000 Landlords appeared first on GeekEstate Blog.
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Happy New Year! A Fresh Start Calls for Fresh Color in Your Nashville Home
Ah, the new year... This is prime time for resolutions, new beginnings, rekindled goals, and boundless optimism.
It's great, isn't it? So much potential and promise rolled into the launch of a new year.
While we try to stay out of those resolutions that involve treadmills, gym memberships, and more or less of [you fill in the blank], we do love helping with resolutions that involve home improvement and color.
After all, tackling that project idea that's been gathering dust since 2015 can be just as much a resolution as any other, and completing it will offer benefits you can enjoy for months and years to come.
So, what's on your painting wish list?
Popular Interior Painting Projects in Nashville
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#1: Complete Interior Repaints
This is a big season for total repaints! And, for good reason. While localized projects can have tremendous impact, and in some cases are all that's necessary, larger projects offer an unparalleled opportunity for creating a cohesive palette and total transformation. It can also be more budget-friendly too, wrapping up a large project in one fell swoop rather than breaking it up over numerous smaller ventures.
#2: Painting Kitchens and Bathrooms
When done correctly, bathroom and kitchen paint jobs offer some of the highest returns on investment of any home improvement project. These environments can be difficult to paint, though, and are extremely hard on paint products. You need to make a choice guided by experience, and invest in a high-quality application that will really perform as you need it to.
#3: Kitchen Cabinet Painting Services
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This is one of our most popular services, and it's not hard to see why. Compared to a full cabinet replacement or kitchen remodel, painting can be much more cost-effective while still offering an incredible transformation.
Just be careful to hire a professional that knows the process inside and out, and has proven experience. Hiring a low bidder who is light on credentials can be an expensive, disappointing mistake.
#4: Repainting for Resale
Is your property going on the market anytime soon? Painting is one of the most recommended strategies for increasing the marketability of your home. Warm, inviting, neutral colors (NOT boring white!) look fresh and enticing, while still leaving room for the imagination of your prospective buyer. They want to envision themselves in the space, and NOT envision a painting project because of damaged, dated, or drab walls.
As we mentioned above, make sure your kitchen and bathrooms are on the list of rooms to refresh, as well as higher-visibility, high-traffic spaces.
How Can We Help with Your Nashville-Area Painting Needs?
Your team at Nash Painting is here to serve you! Please take a moment to get to know us better and explore our values and local history, and then contact our office. We're excited to get your 2019 painting goals rolling!
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2019 New Year Goals and Resolutions
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Hey Everyone! The first week of 2019 is already over, did you make some New Year Resolutions? I love the New Year because we can start off with a clean slate and forget about last year. Actually, I did pretty well in 2018 and accomplished most of my goals. I only missed a few and I'm okay with that.
This year, I'm going to keep it simple and have fewer goals. I'll keep them under 10. Read on to see what an early retiree's New Year goals look like.
Setting goals
In previous years, I had moderate expectations and set goals accordingly. This worked well because I was able to accomplish most of the things on my list. I find that setting high expectations doesn't work for me because I can't achieve them and then I become discouraged. My style is to go at a slow and steady pace. Shooting for the moon is probably better for younger folks, though.
Here is my approach to setting New Year Goals.
Set achievable goals – Don't shoot for the moon unless you have a sterling record of high achievement. Most of us will just become discouraged and give up.
Make the goals specific and measurable – New Year goals need to be very specific. Don't make vague goals like losing weight or saving more. You can't keep track of it and you'll forget about them by March. A better goal would be to lose 10 pounds or maxing out your 401(k)this year. You also need to figure out a way to get there. How will you lose 10 lbs? Will you increase your 401(k) contribution right away? You need a plan.
Write them down and track your progress– Write down your goals and put them where you will see them. The refrigerator door is a good spot for many people. Personally, I put my goals here on Retire by 40 and update the status every month. This has been working very well over the last 8 years. I have a public audience and you give me the motivation to improve. I made tremendous progress with our finances and personal life since I started blogging. It's been terrific. I recommend starting a blog if you don't already have one. It really helped me and it might help you, too.
Academic scale – On some goals, I'm grading myself on the academic scale. For example, I plan to save and invest $100,000 in 2019. Even if we fall short and saved $90,000, I'll get an A-. That's not bad.
Ok, let's get on to the goal sheet.
2019 Goals
Check out my goal sheet below. It's simple and helpful. I can see my progress at a glance and it's easy to update every month.
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I try to schedule most goals in the first half of the year because I usually don't get much done in the 2nd half. Summer is always tough because RB40Jr will be out of school. I'll try to get 3-4 things done by June. I plan to visit Chiang Mai in July and it'll be tough to accomplish much then.
Financial Goals
Increase our Passive Income > $60,000
We spent about $60,000 in 2018. That's a bit higher than I'd like, but it's still a pretty good level. In 2019, I'll try to increase our Passive Income above $60,000. This is going to be somewhat tricky because there are a lot of changes in 2019.
We'll sell our rental properties so our rental income will disappear in early 2019. I'll use the money to invest in dividend stock and real estate crowdfunding. I'm not sure if the income from these two will be able to replace the rental income. We'll have to wait and see.
Here is our Passive Income spreadsheet.
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I'll grade this on an academic scale because there are too many changes in 2019. I think everything will settle down in 2020 and it'll be easier to predict what our passive income will look like. It might take a couple of years to push our passive income above $60,000.
FI Ratio > 100%
Unfortunately, we took a step back in 2019. Our expense was higher than normal and our FI Ratio* dropped to 95%. That's not bad, but I need to get this to 100% before Mrs. RB40 retires. There are many changes in 2019 so I'm not sure if we'll achieve this goal. I think our expense will drop after we move, but I'm not sure. Hopefully, we can increase our Passive Income to $60,000 and reduce our annual expense at the same time. That's a tall order, though. You can see how I'm doing with passive income so far here.
*FI Ratio = passive income / expense
Save and Invest > $100,000
In 2019, we saved and invested $102,817! That was fantastic! However, the primary reason why we could save that much was due to a banner year with my blog income. I saved a ton in my solo 401k account last year, over $40,000. I seriously doubt I we could replicate it this year.
The starting points for saving and investing have always been our tax-advantaged accounts. The contribution limits have all increased for 2019. Here is what we plan to save.
$38,000 in our 401k accounts. That's $19,000 each.
$12,000 in our Roth IRAs. That's $6,000 each.
$4,000 in RB40Jr's 529 college savings account.
$11,000 as employer contributions in my solo 401k. This one depends on how much money the blog makes in 2019.
Add these up and it's already $65,000. That's a good starting point. We'll have to figure out how to save more as we go. Oh, I almost forgot. We should receive some money from selling our rentals. We could invest that and it will help push us over $100,000. Is that cheating?
Blog Goal
Update Retire by 40
Retire by 40 still needs a facelift. In 2018, I changed to https, got a new logo, and made a few minor updates. This year, I'll hire someone to install a new theme. Hopefully, it will work out. I'm always scared of hiring people because I rarely get the result I want.
Personal Goals
Travel Hack 100,000 points
This is the same goal I had last year. I paid less than $700 for 3 tickets to Thailand in December. The credit card points helped a lot. Accumulating credit card points is not too difficult for me because I have to pay estimated tax. Those tax payments were enough to push me over most credit card signup requirements. We'll travel to Thailand again in 2019 so the credit card points will come in handy again.
***I just signed up for the Capital One Savor and got $500 cash bonus. Sign up before the bonus expires if you want the same deal. Click through the banner below to find the right card for you.
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Consolidate down to 1 property
We're planning to sell our 2 condos then move into our rental home. This will simplify our lives a lot. Our tenants are moving out in February so everything is lining up. I hope we can sell our condos quickly and then move. We lived at our condo for 11 years and we really enjoyed it. However, the HOA fee and property tax had increased considerably. It's time to move on. I'm pretty sure our housing cost will be lower after we move into a house. Mrs. RB40 also doesn't want to be a landlord. She was very disgruntled when I left her to handle the tenants on this 5 weeks trip to Thailand.
Drop weight to 125 pounds
I rarely make this kind of goal because it never worked before. However, I think I can do it this year. Last year, I got my weight down to 128 pounds. That's really good! The key was intermittent fasting* and regular exercise. However, I'm probably up to 13x pounds now. I'm eating a ton of food in Thailand. My relatives keep pressuring us to eat more. It's a way to show affection here. Also, Thai food is so cheap and delicious. Who can resist? We don't get this kind of Thai food in the US. I'll weigh myself when I get home and then work on getting down to 125 pounds before summer.
*Here is how I do intermittent fasting. I eat only from noon until 8 pm on the weekdays. This cut down on the calories and I don't miss breakfast much. I'm busy getting RB40Jr off to school on the weekdays anyway. Try intermittent fasting if you want to lose weight. It really works. If you can't do it by yourself, I recommend Martin's Fasting Course. He calls it – What's for dinner? How you can get jacked by fasting. He's pretty helpful for a wrestler/blogger.
Fun Goals
Keep my happiness level at 8 or above
This one is a tricky one. The 2nd half of 2018 was tough for our family because my mom was diagnosed with dementia. She had hallucinations and she was having a really hard time in Portland. The situation was stressful and it dropped my happiness level from 9 to 8. We decided to move my mom back to Thailand and it's been very successful so far. She is much happier here and her symptoms are greatly reduced. She rarely gets hallucinations anymore and that makes a huge difference.  Life in Portland should be less stressful once we get back. Hopefully, I can raise my happiness level back to 9 this year. It should be okay as long as there are no new problems. (Why are there so many problems in our 40s? Lots of my friends are having all sort of issues. It's a tough decade.)
Visit Chiang Mai for 6-10 weeks
I'm typing this post in a nice little coffee shop in Chiang Mai. It's pretty nice here for digital nomads. Chiang Mai changed a lot over the last 10 years. Now, there are nice gyms, coffee shops, restaurants, movie theaters, and all sort of nice places for everyone to enjoy. I wouldn't mind living here for a few years. However, Mrs. RB40 and Junior aren't ready to move yet so I'll have to put it off until later.
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I'll come back in the summer to check on my mom and see how she's doing. Hopefully, she will be stable for a few years so we don't need to move her again. On the next trip, I plan to have a more structured routine. I'll get a gym membership so I can continue my exercise program. We'll also rent a place instead of staying with my dad. I can't get anything done with my parent around. It'll be a good opportunity to enroll RB40Jr in a Thai language program. He can only say “sawad dee krub” and “kob khun krub” right now. (Hello and thank you.) We'll also try to take a week off to visit Vietnam. It should be a fun trip.
So those are my goals in 2019. I'll give a status update every month so keep checking back to see my progress.
What about you? Do you have any New Year resolutions for 2019? Remember, the key is to track your progress. If you don't, then you'll forget about your goals and won't accomplish them. Also, get them done early if you can. Let's do it!
The post 2019 New Year Goals and Resolutions appeared first on Retire by 40.
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Updating Our Home With Woven Roman Shades
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Danielle Driscoll of Finding Silver Pennies wanted to make an easy update in her living areas. By simply adding new, bamboo blinds, she created a relaxed, coastal feel that is inviting to family and friends.
Updating Our Home With Woven Roman Shades
A new year is always filled with new opportunities and new goals. For me the new year always brings a clean slate. I'm delighted to share with you a fun and easy update we've added to our home for the new year:
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Stunning Roman blinds that add so much charm and character!
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We live in a historic Dutch colonial in a little fishing town here in New England. Our home has the charming dark woodwork which is original to the house. This is one of the elements I love about it so much. For a few years, I've wanted to add woven roman shades to our coastal home because these types of shades add character, but also give a relaxed, coastal feel. I thought going with a lighter color would also make our living areas feel airier. Previously, we had dark corded Venetian wood blinds, but the cords started snapping. One time, I was worried about the cord as our little puppy had it around his neck. It was time to shop for new (and safer blinds)!
We share our home with two boys (ages 12 and 9) and two rescue dogs. For safety reasons we decided to order cordless blinds. I'm so impressed with how easily the blinds go up and down. We keep the blinds up during the day but shut them at night for privacy, as our living area faces the street.
I was delighted to learn that The Home Depot offers designer blinds that are customizable. There are so many lovely choices and they sent me free samples so I could make sure I was happy with the colors before proceeding with my order. I ordered 10 samples in all – some very light and some darker. In the end I decided to go with the Bamboo Essence in Origami by Levelor.
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These bamboo shades are durable enough to really use. We open and shut them a lot so we wanted a weave that wouldn't be too delicate. The bamboo is perfect!
You can see the lovely warm tones and how they pick up our dark woodwork. These blinds would also be lovely in a home with white trim.
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Decorating in layers, with white slipcovers, white walls, furry blankets, and now our pretty bamboo blinds, makes it feel much more coastal and like we're staying at a retreat in our own home.
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It feels so much warmer and inviting now. The Roman shades we ordered have a light filtering privacy lining, but they also come with a black out option, which is great if you're putting them in your bedroom.
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Our living room opens into our dining room through beautiful dark wood columns, so we carried out the same blinds in the dining area. They really highlight our beautiful vintage chandelier.
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The bamboo blinds are so welcoming. Our rooms, while not huge, now feel more spacious and inviting with these new window treatments. I love how this simple update has made both rooms feel more elegant, but casual at the same time.
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I hope you enjoy our new Roman shades as much as we do! They've made a world of difference to these two rooms! I hope you'll check out the fantastic selection The Home Depot has on offer.
Fore more living room ideas, check out The Home Depot blog.
The post Updating Our Home With Woven Roman Shades appeared first on The Home Depot Blog.
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[Infographic]: The Cold, Hard Truth - Budgeting for Commercial Property Taxes
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It is a cold, hard truth that budgeting for commercial property taxes can be difficult. The stakes are high. If you get it wrong, your annual property tax bill can often be a budget-breaker. To create a meaningful budget that truly helps you manage your cash flow, owners need to know and understand the realities of property tax.
• GAAP won't work - GAAP requires amortized historical cost while property tax requires fair market value.
• Unpredictable - Process controlled by local taxing authorities and tax payers have the burden of proof.
• Local resources - State law is executed at the local level with available resources.
Before you need to grab a lifeboat, learn more in our infographic below.
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No Sugar Challenge: Fit for Good
Are you ready to give your body a break from sugar? Many people resolve to get fit in the new year and joining the No Sugar Challenge is a great way to drop a few extra pounds and inches. There's a saying that you can't exercise away a bad diet and it's true! When I first started getting fit for good I ate poorly most of the time (especially soda!). It wasn't until I changed how I ate that I really saw changes in how I looked, and more importantly how I felt. Now, almost seven years later I can skip the gym for a few days or even a week and still feel great, as long as I'm eating well. However, even if I'm going to the gym several times a week, if my diet is full of sugar and processed foods I start to feel crummy very quickly. The No Sugar Challenge is simple. Stop eating sugar. You set the parameters, regarding whether you are going to try and substitute sugar with honey or agave or if you want to give up the sweet stuff altogether. My recommendation is that you give it up totally so that foods that are naturally sweet (mainly fruit) can serve as your sweet treats and you will be able to make better choices in the future. We've done many no sugar challenges in the past and I'm excited to be doing another one with you. For many people this is what it takes for them to give up their daily soda or candy habit. While we're doing this challenge together beginning January 7th. Just sign up below and you'll get daily reminders, helpful tips, encouragement and a free printable journal. 
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How the No Sugar Challenge works
Enter your email below to join the challenge. Then, on January 7th you'll receive a series of emails from me with helpful tips, encouragement, and tactics to get rid of sugar. For 21 days we'll work together to rid our bodies of sugar. There will be bumps along the way, but we will do it together! This year, I'm also giving away a free Sugar Journal to help you keep track of your journey. Over the years I've found that writing things down keeps me accountable. I'm also able to back through my old journals when I need a boost of encouragement. Each day of the challenge you'll receive the next page of the journal for you to print out at home. Are you ready to take back your diet? Join us for the challenge below!
No Sugar Challenge
Join us January 7th for the No Sugar Challenge!
Email Address
We start on January 7th! Don't miss on your opportunity for accountability and a way to share your success with a community of people cheering you on.
More Fit For Good
Read previous Fit for Good articles
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The post No Sugar Challenge: Fit for Good appeared first on The Happy Housewife
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:: Real Life.
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  Do you have a meal plan outlying what foods to eat ? I find ... by Amy
I'm super excited to do this with you ladies! by Heather
I'm all for this! My sister gave up sugar a month or so ago, ... by Selena
As someone who has done it, can I encourage everyone to give ... by Rita
Is this as in not added sugar, or no sugary things or to each ... by Liz
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The post No Sugar Challenge: Fit for Good appeared first on The Happy Housewife™.
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No Sugar Challenge: Fit for Good
Are you ready to give your body a break from sugar? Many people resolve to get fit in the new year and joining the No Sugar Challenge is a great way to drop a few extra pounds and inches. There's a saying that you can't exercise away a bad diet and it's true! When I first started getting fit for good I ate poorly most of the time (especially soda!). It wasn't until I changed how I ate that I really saw changes in how I looked, and more importantly how I felt. Now, almost seven years later I can skip the gym for a few days or even a week and still feel great, as long as I'm eating well. However, even if I'm going to the gym several times a week, if my diet is full of sugar and processed foods I start to feel crummy very quickly. The No Sugar Challenge is simple. Stop eating sugar. You set the parameters, regarding whether you are going to try and substitute sugar with honey or agave or if you want to give up the sweet stuff altogether. My recommendation is that you give it up totally so that foods that are naturally sweet (mainly fruit) can serve as your sweet treats and you will be able to make better choices in the future. We've done many no sugar challenges in the past and I'm excited to be doing another one with you. For many people this is what it takes for them to give up their daily soda or candy habit. While we're doing this challenge together beginning January 7th. Just sign up below and you'll get daily reminders, helpful tips, encouragement and a free printable journal. 
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How the No Sugar Challenge works
Enter your email below to join the challenge. Then, on January 7th you'll receive a series of emails from me with helpful tips, encouragement, and tactics to get rid of sugar. For 21 days we'll work together to rid our bodies of sugar. There will be bumps along the way, but we will do it together! This year, I'm also giving away a free Sugar Journal to help you keep track of your journey. Over the years I've found that writing things down keeps me accountable. I'm also able to back through my old journals when I need a boost of encouragement. Each day of the challenge you'll receive the next page of the journal for you to print out at home. Are you ready to take back your diet? Join us for the challenge below!
No Sugar Challenge
Join us January 7th for the No Sugar Challenge!
Email Address
We start on January 7th! Don't miss on your opportunity for accountability and a way to share your success with a community of people cheering you on.
More Fit For Good
Read previous Fit for Good articles
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The post No Sugar Challenge: Fit for Good appeared first on The Happy Housewife
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:: Real Life.
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  Do you have a meal plan outlying what foods to eat ? I find ... by Amy
I'm super excited to do this with you ladies! by Heather
I'm all for this! My sister gave up sugar a month or so ago, ... by Selena
As someone who has done it, can I encourage everyone to give ... by Rita
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Environmentally Friendly Grill Cleaning
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  Having an outdoor kitchen in Arizona is about as important as having a swimming pool. It is a feature that can be enjoyed year round and is a great way to gather family and friends together for a meal. But most homeowners begin to lose interest in their grill when it's time for a good cleaning. Either they decide to stop using the grill as often or they decide to use a harsh chemical to try to avoid the effort involved in scrubbing the grill clean by hand. But now there is another option that is simple, does not require harsh chemical and is environmentally friendly.
The Only Items You Need Are Already In Your Kitchen
All you need to easily clean your grill grates are a few items that are already in your kitchen and cost almost nothing. First, you need a lemon and some table salt. Next, carefully slice the lemon in half, from end to end. It is important to cut the lemon from end to end so that you have a larger surface area.
Then, holding the lemon by the rind side, squeeze it gently so that it produces enough juice to moisten the entire cut surface. Next, sprinkle about a tablespoon of salt evenly over each half of the lemon and wait long enough for the juice to moisten the salt to help it adhere to the surface of the lemon. Finally, gently scrub the grilling surface with the salt covered lemon just as you would with a sponge.
The acidity of the lemon and the grit of the salt will break down any grease and loosen any partials which were cooked onto the grates. After scrubbing the entire grilling surface with the lemon, use a damp towel to wipe the grate clean and another towel to dry the grates.
A Tip For A Non-Stick Grilling Surface
To make grill clean-up even easier there is a simple and affordable trick to make the grates non-stick. Simply cut a regular potato in half and after the grill is fully heated, rub the cut side of the potato across the entire grilling surface. This will coat the grate and keep food from sticking. If you do not have a potato a halved onion or a halved lemon will work, but both of those items can leave a small amount of flavored residue on the grilling surface.
Try both of these tips to make grill clean up easier and safer for your grilling surface and the environment.
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DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 459
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Welcome to DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 459 Every Friday, 7 PM through Wednesday 11 PM Pacific Hi everyone! Welcome and a very Happy New Year to you! So… last party I mentioned I took an epic bike ride on Christmas Day. This change was unexpected but surprisingly, it made this one of my fav Christmas Days […]
The post DIY Salvaged Junk Projects 459 appeared first on Funky Junk Interiors.
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