tymoras-prankster · 3 years
“Oh that’s so cool!”
Nico pauses, tail twitching. “Mmmmm what’s the favor? It won’t get me in trouble, right?” They didn’t think Cronus was that kind of person..er, god.
But still! Better safe then sorry.
Nico hums, examining a cup left on the altar curiously; completely forgetting why they were here in the first place. - tymoras-prankster
Cronus is going to snatch the cup back and put it on the alter.
He flicks a few sparks toward the kobold, low heat, more a visual startle than anything else.
"No. Bad kobold."
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tymoras-prankster · 3 years
“But it keeps changing patterns!” They huff, scales fluffing out some.
“Is it some sort of enchantment? An illusion?” They bounce of their heels, looking up at Cronus, any irritation apparently gone with the questions. “Did someone give it to you?”
Nico hums, examining a cup left on the altar curiously; completely forgetting why they were here in the first place. - tymoras-prankster
Cronus is going to snatch the cup back and put it on the alter.
He flicks a few sparks toward the kobold, low heat, more a visual startle than anything else.
"No. Bad kobold."
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tymoras-prankster · 3 years
Necromancy but like…catholic. Skeletons polished to a marble-like perfection, or filigreed in gold. Zombies with wounds that bleed light or molten metal, and have strangely peaceful expressions despite potentially horrific injury. Anything reanimated gets a halo and the sound of an otherworldly chorus leaks from their presence.
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tymoras-prankster · 3 years
“No, it’s just regular cookies. I don’t know that kind of magic!” They respond, bouncing slightly on their heels. “I just know like, healing magic and stuff. So I could probably make you feel better with them, but-“ they shrug, and smile.
“Hi!! Do you want a cookie? I got like, way too many and can’t eat all of these.” - tymoras-prankster
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"I like cookies." Ina breathes.
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tymoras-prankster · 3 years
“Oh!” The dragonborn shuffles through their bag, and holds out a peanut butter stuff donut, with chocolate on the top. “Here, try this!”
“Hi!! Do you want a cookie? I got like, way too many and can’t eat all of these.” - tymoras-prankster
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"I like cookies." Ina breathes.
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tymoras-prankster · 3 years
Nico hums, and nods, taking a few steps back. “That’s fair. I thought I would offer.”
Masako is preparing a care package of preserved food. Either for a lot of people... Or a long journey. Neatly packaged into small sturdy barrels.
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tymoras-prankster · 3 years
“Do you need some help packing those?” Nico tilts their head for a moment, watching.
“I wouldn’t mind helping!”
Masako is preparing a care package of preserved food. Either for a lot of people... Or a long journey. Neatly packaged into small sturdy barrels.
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tymoras-prankster · 3 years
Bounce, bounce, bounce.
The dragonborn is currently jumping from object to object in the room, cackling with happy laughter as two little children attempt to climb on them to get away from the floor which is of course, lava.
0 notes
tymoras-prankster · 3 years
“Who me??? Never!”
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tymoras-prankster · 3 years
Send my Muse mean, judgy anons based on their ic behavior.
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tymoras-prankster · 3 years
Nico pauses, looking up and down the street before darting across it. The copper dragonborn was careful not to draw too much attention to themself. Being a dragonborn was enough to garner stares, as they stood out like a sore thumbs against the mostly halfling, human and elven populace of the town.
Their tattered cloak billows behind them as they walk, head down, through the side streets of the small town. It was difficult being back home. They knew all of this town like the back of their scaly hands, and they knew that they weren't welcome here anymore. Still, it was home, right?
Nico pauses, across the street from the tallest building in the town, peeking out from the alleyway to look at it. It was as gaudy and unpleasent as they had remembered. The manor was where they had spent most of their childhood, wandering about and getting into no short amount of trouble. Constantly shirking lessons and duities they deemed too boring, they had been on rather bad terms with their parents, who had thought Nico would take over the family buisness once they were old enough; their parents managed a silver mine just outside of the town proper.
Nico, of course, had had no such interests, deeming the act of running such a buisness boring, and most of all, it just didn't set right with them that their parents were over there getting rich off of the mine, while the people who actually worked in it were no better off. It irritated Nico to no ends, enough so that they finally cut ties with their already estranged family, leaving without a word. They had lived life on the streets for several years after that, not that they minded too bad. They had learned a lot during that time, like how to take care of themself; among other things.
The clouds above the town were begining to drip rain, and Nico sighs, pulling the hood of their cloak tight around their head. They'd need to find a place to spend the night, before heading back towards Waterdeep. They'd come up this way with a few adventurers, helping them out a bit on their quest, though they had parted ways not too long after, and Nico was once again stuck in their childhood home town.
Perhaps they'd head up north instead. They'd heard of some issues happening towards the north, similar to what was happening here in their town. The rich getting richer, and the poor getting poorer. Yes, that sounded like a good thing to do; but first, something had to be done here. Something that was long overdue; what they should have done the first time they left.
It was very easy to sneak into the manor, as their parents had never bothered to bolt and lock the doors; and why should they, in such a peaceful little town? Of course, it helped that they knew the house very well too, able to avoid most of the creaky floorboards, and not make too much noise. It was almost like being a child again, sneaking back into the kitchens to get a little more for dinner after everyone had gone to bed.
They sneak quietly up the steps, towards their old bedroom. The door was firmly closed, but that was unsurprsing. What was surprsing, was the interior. The room had been completely remodeled, and in the middle of the room, surrounded by stuffed animals and toys on the floor, was crib. A baby sister, like their parents had always wanted.
Nico stifles a gasp, and creeps up to the edge of the crib, looking down at his little sister, who they had never once known had existed, feeling tears welling up in the corner of their eyes. "Oh...oh, little sister.." They wipe their eyes quickly, leaning down to give the sleeping baby a kiss on the forehead, before ducking out of the room quickly. Now they understood why their parents had never bothered to come looking for them, they had a new heir, and that was all that mattered. Nico just hoped they'd turn out alright.
It took a moment to find where their parents had hidden the safe, but it wasn't hard to crack. With little effort and a redoubled sense of determination, they crack the safe, pulling it open to reveal the large amounts of funds inside. They pull some of the gold and platinum into a pouch, jaw set and determined. They stop for a moment, fingering a small leather pouch at the bottom of the safe, inside a pack of golden inlayed tarot cards. Someone had probably paid with them at some point, and it had been stuffed inside and forgotten.
With a click, the safe shuts, and like a shadow, the forgotten child was gone, through a window. Facing north, they walked on, out of town in the dark; and towards their destiny.
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tymoras-prankster · 3 years
It's TMI Tuesday! Ask my muse anything and they'll have to answer truthfully.
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tymoras-prankster · 3 years
“That’s so cool! I have a friend, she’s real tall, not as tall as you, but she’s made of kind of stone too! It’s cool!”
They plop down on the ground, careful not to sit on their tail, and pull a small wrapped mound of food from their bag. “Do you want something to eat? I’ve got enough to share!”
What is essentially a miniature copper dragon, standing on two legs, stares entranced at Eir.
"I could say the same thing about you! I've never met a copper dragon before~" Eir said, excited.
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tymoras-prankster · 3 years
Okay but
I just had a very bad day
And it’s hilarious how a little bit of Nico rp can make me feel better.
Their just so happy!
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tymoras-prankster · 3 years
“Me too! What’s your favorite kind?” They ask, offering up a freshly made chocolate chip one. “Mine are oatmeal raisin!”
“Hi!! Do you want a cookie? I got like, way too many and can’t eat all of these.” - tymoras-prankster
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"I like cookies." Ina breathes.
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tymoras-prankster · 3 years
“Oooo! That’s a pretty name. Sounds like my sister’s, Eira.” They smile, and scratch a place behind a horn. “I’m a dragonborn! Lots of people think I’m a kobold, but like, I’m not that short!”
“Are you made of stone? Your horns look like opals!”
What is essentially a miniature copper dragon, standing on two legs, stares entranced at Eir.
"I could say the same thing about you! I've never met a copper dragon before~" Eir said, excited.
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tymoras-prankster · 3 years
The very short dragonborn beams with apparent glee, and pride. “I’ve never met a you before either!” They thrust out a hand, tail twitching with excitement at meeting a stranger.
“I’m Nico!”
What is essentially a miniature copper dragon, standing on two legs, stares entranced at Eir.
"I could say the same thing about you! I've never met a copper dragon before~" Eir said, excited.
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