This blog has officially been archived! Find Tyrion on @multimuse-rp <333
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This blog has officially been archived! Find Tyrion on @multimuse-rp <333
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This blog has officially been archived! Find Tyrion on @multimuse-rp <333
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This blog has officially been archived! Find Tyrion on @multimuse-rp <333
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I need a new url for this blog… any ideas?
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I am officially on hiatus! You can find me on almost any of my other blogs, but predominantly my lcdp ones ( @andresdefonollosa , @gcvernedbalance , @herocomplex , @beartamed ), my multi ( @multimuse-rp ), and maybe even alfred ( @kingalfrcd ). Love you all!
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Tyrion’s gaze moved downwards once more. It had never been him to give her the golden coins; it was his father, but arguing about that would only make it even more real. He wished he could forget about that night, but how could he? And how could she?
“I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I’ll do anything, Tysha… I don’t want you to hurt anymore. Not because of my family… not because of me.” If he had to take the blame, he would.
He supposed he deserved that. The day Tyrion had found out the truth, he’d never felt lower. He couldn’t believe he’d wasted all this time when he could have had it all. It was why he’d killed his father; he still didn’t regret it to this day, even if there was still an ache in his heart because of it.
“Please.” Tyrion looked up at her, taking a deep breath. “Allow me to make it up to you.” 
Eyes grew wide and one could see fire burn in them if they looked close enough. Her jaw tensed, as did her shoulders. “What are you gonna do, huh? Give me more golden coins?” It was a harsh reference to what once had happened. It had been years ago now, but the sting had never eased. Tysha doubted it ever would. 
She wasn’t one to feel sorry for herself, but she did allow herself to be angry. The woman had every right to be. 
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Despite her joking tone, Tyrion’s smile faded slightly at her words. She knew damn well he couldn’t marry her, not even if he wanted to. Last time he’d married a whore, he’d had his heart broken — not to mention his family. They would never approve. Not that he cared, but still.
“Oh, I won’t knock you up,” he finally replied, chuckling a bit and returning back to his joking state. “Come here.” He pulled her closer, their lips joining in a passionate kiss.
She had a point. Plus, her humor was almost the same as his; she could always make him laugh. He tossed his head back, letting out an amused string of laughter before composing himself again. “Perhaps I have.” He hadn’t, obviously, but it was fun to mess around. 
“Lucky for me, I will never run out of dirty jokes, even if I run out of gold.” He’d never run out of either unless his father disowned him and took all his wealth, which was entirely a possibility. “I believe you are to be stuck with me forever.” 
She offered him a disgusted look, even though she was more than aware that his statement was as much of a tease as her previous words had been. “When are you going to ask me to marry you then? If you ever manage to knock me up, your child will be a bastard. Is that what you want your legacy to be like?” she asked, arching a sharp brow. 
Not that she expected him to propose to her or anything. It was impossible. His family would never allow such a thing. 
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@ncrthremembers (Arya Stark)
@chaosladders (Petyr Baelish)
@iron-kraken (Theon Greyjoy)
@loyalxsquire (Podrick Payne)
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Tyrion let out a soft chuckle at the boy’s words. “Oh, they definitely should,” he agreed. But every action had consequences, and beating up half of Westeros didn’t seem like a great idea, especially in his position. He was already the most hated Lannister. His family had essentially disowned him. He liked hanging out with Rickon a lot more than being in King’s Landing. Perhaps that was pathetic, but that was how he felt.
His eyebrows raised at the suggestion, and a small grin spread across his face. “I do like the sound of that,” he admitted. “Subtlety is key.” He winked at Rickon. “We must not get caught.”
     “Well maybe they should.” Rickon quipped, furrowed brows dancing in blatant confusion. While he wasn’t able to spend nearly as much time with Robb, Jon, and even Theon, as he wished he could have, the few instances had taught him all about fighting, and when a man should defend his honor. ( Despite knowing very well his lordfather would disagree. Yes, sometimes it was a wonder the pacifistic Ned Stark created such a boy of claws and teeth; one as wild and untamed as the winter’s storms. )      The boy is hesitant to release his anger, but as the other musses up his hair an easy smirk finds him once again. “Okay … but we could still spit in his drink or something, if you want.”
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Tyrion put an arm around her and sighed softly. “Joanna, I don’t need your protection. Never put yourself in danger just for me. I’m a dwarf; it’s inevitable that I’ll be in danger.” He squeezed her hand.
He didn’t care what Tywin said. He loved Joanna more than anything. Just because Tywin was a shitty father didn’t mean Tyrion would be one, too; at least, he hoped he wouldn’t. “Are you hungry?” he asked.
@amaidasfairassummer asked: ❛ Have you grown bored protecting me? ❜
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Tyrion’s head tilted to the side as he fully faced his daughter, shocked by her words. Did she truly believe that? He let out a small laugh, though it really wasn’t the time for humor; she was clearly being serious.
“Joanna…” Tyrion looked her in the eyes. “I will never tire of protecting you.” Had he done something wrong? “What makes you think otherwise?”
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Tyrion considered it for a moment, then let out a chuckle. “Oh, Bronn. You crack me up.” He crossed his arms, looking him in the eyes. “You act selfishly. You hide behind your witty jokes and your sense of humor, but in reality…” He took another sip, then spoke the words. “You’re lonely.”
@brxnnxftheblackwater asked: ❛ Look at me and tell me what you see. ❜
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Was this a trick? Either way, Tyrion was all for playing games. He smiled, raising the glass of wine to his lips and taking a small swallow. He put down the glass on the table before he spoke. “A sellsword, obsessed with money and women.” He leaned against the armrest of his chair. “But there is more than that. You’re hiding something.” He smirked.
Bronn watched as he took a sip of his drink and then hard what Tyrion replied with. “You do have a point there. But I didn’t grow up imagining I would be….as you described. I mean…underneath it all, what do you see?” He asked. “You think I am hiding something.”
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@ncrthremembers (Arya Stark)
@chaosladders (Petyr Baelish)
@iron-kraken (Theon Greyjoy)
@loyalxsquire (Podrick Payne)
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@ncrthremembers (Arya Stark)
@chaosladders (Petyr Baelish)
@iron-kraken (Theon Greyjoy)
@loyalxsquire (Podrick Payne)
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Jaime: Nobody’s gonna know. Nobody’s gonna kno-
Cersei: They’re gonna know.
Jaime: How would they know? How would they know? How would they-
Cersei: I can’t. I can’t. I just… I can’t.
Jaime: OH MY GOD
( @jaimelannisterthings you know the tiktok sound )
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“My brother and sister, sitting in a tree…”
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( @jaimelannisterthings )
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Tyrion had slapped Joffrey before, but seeing this innocent girl so upset made him want to punch him this time, give his nephew a black eye to show how serious he was. Of course, he couldn’t do that, and it wouldn’t do any good anyway. “You don’t have to feel strong. You just have to fake it.” He looked her in the eyes. “Pretend you are your father.” Perhaps that was a bad comparison to make, especially considering how Lord Stark had died, but it was the only thing Tyrion could think of.
@rebelliousfamily (continued from here)
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Poor Sansa had been through so much. She’d lost nearly everyone and was forced to marry the ugliest Lannister of them all. Tyrion felt badly for her, so when he’d seen her crying, he couldn’t help comforting her. “You will,” he reassured her. “You always are. You are so much stronger than you seem.”
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