ubatheblogartist · 6 years
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ubatheblogartist · 6 years
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For those who want to help humiliate Trump for his entire visit, here’s a guardian article with info of what protests are taking place across the country.
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ubatheblogartist · 6 years
Do you ever get that feeling?
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I feel like this a lot about my friends.
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ubatheblogartist · 6 years
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July 9: Happy 31st Birthday to Animator, Director, Screenwriter, Producer, and both Singer and Songwriter Rebecca Sugar, who created the hit Cartoon Network Series, Steven Universe. Who is also the first female to create a series on the network.
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ubatheblogartist · 6 years
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ubatheblogartist · 6 years
If you see me in public and recognize me, you can say hi!
But if you approach me in person and say ‘I like your shoelaces’ I am contractually obligated to slowly lower you into a vat of bubbling acid.
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ubatheblogartist · 6 years
Jesus CHRIST. The way Blue was able to literally drop everyone onto their knees and make them double over with pain because they were feeling how much grief she has been feeling for thousands of years is horrifying.
And then Lapis…completely unfazed.
“I’ve felt worse.” Oh my fucking god.
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ubatheblogartist · 6 years
A story of epic proportions!
Prince Roman’s guide:
The first step to making a terrific tale is boundless brainstorming!
Fear not Thomas, your dutiful knight is at your service!
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Of course, all of my ideas are magnificent, but unfortunately some are not up to the standards of everyone. I shall table those for another time. 
Nevertheless, watch out my beautiful ladies, lords, and non-binary royalty, there are times when your inner critic is simply a bit harsh.
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Oh, woe is me! Next I must grudgingly take our dear Specs’ advice. Though I’d love to let my creativity soar, alas, stories have to make sense. Even in fantasy, there are rules in place to help our readers understand the world they ventured into.
Then again, this is fiction. Not everything has to be logical. Where’s the fun in that?
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Of course, I need our dear Padre as well. It has been brought to my attention that my heroes tend to be… well, shallow. Patton is a great help in fleshing out my characters. I give my darling babies motivation, and Padre gives them personalities.
Still, take some breaks in between all the feelings, my darlings. It can be quite emotionally draining for both the author and the reader.
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Now that our story is as brilliant as can be, the time has come to bring our baby out into the world. It takes a lot of confidence to put yourself out there, trust me, I know. It didn’t turn out perfect, definitely not how you’d imagined and now It’s supposed to be out there for anyone to berate.
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Never be afraid! I have learned through my ventures that it doesn’t have to be perfect. If you are willing to take the leap, there will be kind and good people to catch you. Whether this is your first story or one of many, it is amazing in it’s own way and most importantly it is you! And there is nothing more anyone can ask of you, than you.
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Ah, another comic… thing. Tried to write this like Roman with varying degrees of success :D
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ubatheblogartist · 6 years
yk I haven’t met anyone with adhd who isn’t just a fucking comedian like I think everyone with adhd just has the best sense of humor
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ubatheblogartist · 6 years
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ubatheblogartist · 6 years
Can we normalize doing nothing, please?
I work with kids. These kids are at my program before and after school, and then some of them have sports/dance/music sometimes all of the above before they finally go home, eat dinner, and go to sleep. Then rinse and repeat everyday, and games and more classes on the weekend, etc.
I’m all for extracurriculars, but this turns into the teen who is not only in the school play, but they’re on the newspaper, the football team, and seven different clubs. In college they take double the courseloads, and then once they graduate…what?
They work themselves raw because they arent used to downtime. They’ve been told they can always be doing something, and they don’t know how to relax. This turns into the adult that has anxiety because there’s nothing left to clean, the adult that desperately wants to watch that TV show but can’t force themselves to sit long enough for it.
Then they turn into the moms and dads who spend all their free time ferrying their kids to extracurriculars.
Like, these kids don’t know what downtime is? I told a kid I did nothing last weekend, and he looked at me like I was crazy. He asked what I was doing this weekend and I said “Probably sleeping, mostly,” and he actually gasped. Then he rattled off a bunch of things I could do, to which I had to stop him.
“No, you don’t understand. I plan on sleeping. I’m booked.”
“But you could–”
“Nah. I’m just gonna rest.”
It was as if I had said a bad word or something. I asked what he does when he gets sick, and he says he goes to practice anyway. I asked him what he does if he doesn’t feel like going, and he said he goes anyway. I asked when he takes time to rest, and he said when he sleeps at night.
Bring back lazy Sundays. Bring back Saturday morning cartoons. Bring back the idea of relaxing and soaking in your day before moving into the next thing. Bring back the right to breathe, the right to rest.
Bring back mental health days, and taking a break. Bring back taking a walk or watching a show or setting a timer to remind yourself to stop cleaning and relax.
If you’re running at 100% all the time with no time to recharge, then your battery is going to die spectacularly, and probably at the worst possible time.
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ubatheblogartist · 6 years
meanwhile, in latinoamerica:
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ubatheblogartist · 6 years
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too hot
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ubatheblogartist · 6 years
do you guys wanna see maybe the stupidest most absurd life hack video i’ve ever seen 
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ubatheblogartist · 6 years
if you identify as cis but haven’t actually taken time to sit down and examine and analyze your gender identity, it’s probably time to do that otherwise you’ve just given in to society forcing a significant part of your identity upon you.
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ubatheblogartist · 6 years
Ima just meme around abit
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ubatheblogartist · 6 years
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