uchuouji · 5 years
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uchuouji · 5 years
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wow jackie you shouldn’t have
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uchuouji · 5 years
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uchuouji · 5 years
Enjoy the Pride festivities but remember that the first Pride was a RIOT started by drag queens and trans people of color fed up by police harassment. If you aren't welcoming all members of our community you only weaken our resolve towards full equality.
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uchuouji · 5 years
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Via bidoof apologist
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uchuouji · 5 years
If your ADHD is causing you to fuck up more, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the ADHD is getting worse.. you could just be doing more things which gives you more opportunity to fuck up.
This is one of the reasons, ADHD can get ‘worse’ as an adult. A child has very few responsibilities. An adult on the other hand, has all kinds of opportunities to fuck up on. 
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uchuouji · 5 years
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Recognising silent acute pain in animals - assorted species grimace scales:
Development of the Horse Grimace Scale (HGS) as a Pain Assessment Tool in Horses Undergoing Routine Castration 
The composition and initial evaluation of a grimace scale in ferrets after surgical implantation of a telemetry probe 
The Assessment of Facial Expressions in Piglets Undergoing Tail Docking and Castration: Toward the Development of the Piglet Grimace Scale 
The Sheep Grimace Scale as an indicator of post-operative distress and pain in laboratory sheep and the  Coding and quantification of a facial expression for pain in lambs 
Mouse -  How to be a pain management advocate for exotic and zoo animals (full text available - includes additional species)
The Rat Grimace Scale: A partially automated method for quantifying pain in the laboratory rat via facial expressions 
Evaluation of EMLA Cream for Preventing Pain during Tattooing of Rabbits: Changes in Physiological, Behavioural and Facial Expression Responses 
Pain evaluation in dairy cattle 
Pain is subtle - we cannot depend on vocalisations or extreme abnormal behaviour to determine if an animal is on pain - animals can cover up pain while going about their daily life. Grimace scales have been found to be reliable indicators of pain (full text available)
Unfortunately, I could not find a clear visual grimace scale for dogs, cats or birds :(  
Which is a shame, because perhaps I could have recognised my own dog’s discomfort for the acute pain it was sooner:
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(left: dog in pain. See eyes, tension, cheeks, whiskers, ears compared to the multiple species grimace charts above. right: tired but not in pain dog)
Perhaps my new books that arrived today might have some on dogs at least. There’s this visual blog post of a stressed dog at the vet - stress in the absence of a trigger looks very much like pain.
Here is a small comparative cats, with the link going into more detail. Not a scale but better than nothing:
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Bonus round - you can get free A3 posters on recognising pain for Rabbits, Mice and Rats from the National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research. My rabbit specialist vet has the rabbit one!
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uchuouji · 5 years
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uchuouji · 5 years
when you see a cat outside and try to pet it but it runs away
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uchuouji · 5 years
“As the Bechdel Test began to creep into the sightline of mainstream movie criticism, it was notable to see the surprise of some male critics that their favorite movies—One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Goodfellas, The Princess Bride, Clerks, the original Star Wars trilogy, the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy, and even Tootsie, when you get right down to it—so soundly flunked it. For many women, the reaction was more of a shrug, along with relief that, finally, there was a simple way to help writers and directors step over an embarrassingly low baseline. To be clear, applying the rule isn’t about snatching away the well-earned status of Raging Bull or The Godfather or even This Is Spinal Tap. As Anita Sarkeesian, creator of the Web site Feminist Frequency, noted in a 2009 video about the rule, “It’s not even a sign of whether it’s a feminist movie, or whether it’s a good movie, just that there’s a female presence in it.” The latter point is something that many people fail to grasp when trying to explain away why their favorite movies don’t pass the test (“But Batman is the hero of the movie! Of course the women characters are going to talk about him!”): the Bechdel Test is not a judgment of quality or nuance. After all, the beautiful, moving Gravity fails the test, while a formulaic rom-com like 27 Dresses passes with no problem. But the test itself is a simple, bloodless assessment of whether female characters are deemed important to a story—and a way to conclude that, most of the time, they aren’t.”
— We Were Feminists Once: From Riot Grrrl to CoverGirl®, the Buying and Selling of a Political Movement (Zeisler, Andi)
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uchuouji · 5 years
shoutout to all my followers who don’t hate me yet
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uchuouji · 5 years
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uchuouji · 5 years
you’re art give me animal crossing vibes and if i didn’t already love it my love just tripled and got squared bc damn i just love it so much you’re doing so great keep up the good work!!
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uchuouji · 5 years
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[Image Description: Tag reading “donatello/michelangelo”]
The AO3 Tag of the Day is: Renaissance fanart
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uchuouji · 5 years
i think one of the biggest bde (big dyke energy) things i’ve ever done in my life was when i was in the 8th grade and my whole class had gone away on a three-day trip, and so we were staying in this hotel and someone had brought a wii and super smash bros. for us to play during down time. 
and on our first night at the hotel, all the boys wanted to play (whether they were nerds or jocks or whatever, everyone just wanted to play the wii lmao) and i was the only girl who was enthusiastic and willing and they patronizingly allowed me to play cause they figured i’d be an easy loser and they made fun of me for picking peach (because the typical femme lesbian i am, of course i main as peach) 
and the rules were that you had to pass the controller to someone else if you lost and the only person who was allowed to keep playing was whoever was in 1st in the last round 
and each and every single round that we went, i picked peach and played as only peach, and beat out every single one of them and i never had to relinquish my controller because i was in 1st place every. single. time.
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uchuouji · 5 years
you DON’T wanna see what’s underneath.
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uchuouji · 5 years
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