ucleanofficial · 3 years
Tips to Remove and Avoid Sweat Patches ok Your Clothes
Sweating is natural and can’t be avoided. Sweating is a sign of a healthy body but many people sweat excessively. Even though there is no serious problem with excessive sweating, these people face a lot of issues due to sweating.
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Firstly, sweating in a public setting can be an embarrassing situation for a person. Secondly, sweating leaves a sweat patch on our clothes which is so difficult to remove at home. Laundry professionals can easily remove sweat stains from your clothes.  Laundry Services in Goa and Laundry Service in Alwar  like UClean can help you in dealing with all kinds of stains easily. But what can you do to avoid and remove sweat patches from your clothes? Here are a few tips to avoid and remove sweat patches from your clothes.
Soak in soap solution
The first thing that you should do to remove sweat patches from fabric is to soak them in a soap solution. Any detergent or soap solution would help in removing strong sweat patches from any kind of fabric easily. Soak the fabric in this solution for a few minutes and you will see that such stains are removed to a great extent.
Use lemon water
Lemon is a widely used ingredient in detergents, soaps and dishwashing gels. This is because lemon is good at removing all kinds of stains. You can try mixing lemon juice with water and applying it to the sweaty patches on your clothes. The stain-removing qualities of lemon will help you in eradicating the sweat patch from a fabric completely.  laundry service in Bhubaneswar and Drycleaning service in aurangabad like UClean use lemon-infused detergents to fight all kinds of stains. 
Use deodorants or sweat pads
Deodorants are a good way to fight sweat. There are some special deodorants in the market that help in eliminating sweat completely. Using these products will help you in avoiding sweat patches on your clothes. There are some sweat pads available in the market. These pads can be applied on sweaty areas and they will help you in soaking the sweat. This way the sweat will not come into contact with your clothes and it will help you in avoiding sweat patches completely.
Sweat is the biggest enemy of our clothes. But it is quite easy to avoid and remove sweat from our clothes. You can do it on your own or you can drop off your dirty pile of clothes at your nearest laundry service provider. UClean is the best Laundry service in aurangabad and laundry service in Rajahmundry and in India. UClean provides all kinds of cleaning and washing services along with pickup and drop to make laundry an easy task for you. 
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ucleanofficial · 3 years
Tips For Doing Laundry in Winter
Winter is a harsh time for doing any kind of chores. Laundry is one of the most hated household chores for many individuals. People hate doing laundry in winters more than at any other time of the year. Winter wind is cold and there is not enough sunlight during this season. Along with this, laundry involves the use of a lot of water. 
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If you find doing laundry a difficult task in winter, then you can always rely on laundry services in Alwar like UClean. But even then you might have to do some laundry at home due to various reasons. If you are stuck at home with a pile of dirty laundry, then you don’t need to worry. Here are some special laundry tips for you to help you sail through the harsh winter.
Use warm water
Even though the best laundry services in Alwar like UClean suggest using cold water for doing laundry, it is better to use warm water in winter. Warm or lukewarm water will help in removing certain winter stains and it would be better for you as you don’t have to use cold water in the cold weather.
Wash heavy clothes frequently
Most people do not wash their winter wear and heavy clothing items frequently. This is the reason why your heavy clothes are not able to retain their original size. Make sure that you wash every heavy and winter clothing item like Jeans and other materials after wearing them 3-4 times. Wash your heavy jackets at least twice during the winter season. If you can’t wash them yourself, then drop them off at your favourite laundry services in Alwar like UClean. 
Add Salt
We have all been a victim of fading winter wear. Winter wear is made from heavy materials. These materials require special care and attention. When you don’t give them proper attention while washing, they can get faded easily. Use salt to prevent fading in your woollens. Add a little salt to your washer and your winter wear will be saved from fading. 
Laundry is not loved by many people but you can always rely on laundry service providers for the best services. UClean is a leading Laundry Services in Goa and Laundry Service in Alwar  that caters to all kinds of laundry service in Bhubaneswar and Drycleaning service in aurangabad  and Laundry service in aurangabad and laundry service in Rajahmundry for your laundry and makes laundry a smooth experience for you. 
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ucleanofficial · 3 years
How to Prevent White Clothes From Yellowing?
We all know the golden rule for washing white clothes. White clothes are like blank canvases for your coloured clothes to leave their colour on. It is always advisable to separate your whites and wash them in a different wash cycle. This helps in retaining the whiteness of your clothes. But still many people find that their white clothes end up with a yellowish layer on top of them. How does this layer build up on the white fabrics and how are we supposed to prevent it from getting formed on our clothes? 
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The yellowish layer is sometimes formed due to the overuse of bleach on the white fabrics but there are other reasons that lead to the formation of this yellow layer. How do we deal with this problem? Here are some simple tips to follow to avoid this yellow layer from forming on your white clothes. 
Dry in the Sun
The best way to avoid this yellow layer from forming on your clothes is to ditch the dryer and put your clothes in the sun. Drying out your clothes in the sun is a good measure as all the elements that cause yellow layers on your clothes are sucked out by the sun. It also is a natural way to dry clothes which helps in conserving the energy that is otherwise used by the dryers.
Citrus is not only a good source of Vitamin C but it also helps in removing any yellowish residues left on your clothes after the wash cycle. Just squeeze in one tablespoon of citrus in a glass of warm water. Soak your clothes in this solution for a few minutes and then leave them to dry. Citrus helps in removing strong residues left on white clothes after the wash. It is a good way to avoid this yellow layer from forming n your white pile of clothes. 
White Vinegar
White Vinegar is like a magic pill for laundry purposes. It is a great method to replace bleach. Bleach is an element that is used in washing clothes. The overuse of bleach can lead to yellowish layers on clothes. The best alternative to bleach is white vinegar. It not only acts as a natural bleach but it helps in avoiding any yellow residue being left on the white clothes. 
White clothes should be treated with great care. Laundry experts like the UClean laundry service in Goa can help in washing your white clothes with the right methods. UClean is the Laundry Services in Goa and Laundry Service in Alwar  that caters to all kinds of laundry service in Bhubaneswar and Drycleaning service in aurangabad  and Laundry service in aurangabad and laundry service in Rajahmundry as well. 
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ucleanofficial · 3 years
Simple Guide to Better Laundry Practices
Laundry is the most hated chore by many individuals. Doing laundry is not only considered a boring activity by people, but it is a time-consuming task that requires a lot of effort. While you can outsource your laundry services, there are some instances when you are forced to do your laundry. 
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Doing your   Laundry Services in Goa and Laundry Service in Alwar can be a hindrance in your everyday activities but it is not as bad as it is considered by many people. There are certain basic laundry rules that one can follow to make this task much smoother and easier. Let us look at some of these laundry tips and tricks that you can use to make laundry simpler for you.
Wear more than once
One problem that leads to a huge pile of laundry is that many people put their clothes in the washer after every single wear. While there are clothes that should be washed after every wear, most clothing items can be worn a few times before they demand to be washed. You should optimise clothing items by wearing them more than once before putting them in the dirty laundry pile. 
Treat Stains Right Away
Laundry experts like UClean which is the best laundry service in Alwar advise people to treat any stains on their clothes right away. If you spill anything on your clothes, just wash that part of the fabric right away. This would avoid the stain from setting onto the fabric. This way, you can treat the stain easily afterwards and it would be much easier to remove from the piece of clothing as it has not settled into the fabric. 
Clean your Washer
One mistake that many people commit is that they never consider washing their washers and dryers. These machines go through a lot of dirty piles of clothes and shoes every day. The residues and dirt from the fabrics get attached to the machines. The dirt, when not cleaned on time, can lead to foul smelled coming out from the washer. These foul smells then cling on t our laundry. To avoid this, you should always clean your washers and dryers. 
 Doing laundry can become an easy task if you follow these three simple laundry basics every time. laundry service in Bhubaneswar and Drycleaning service in aurangabad  like UCean focus on following the laundry rules to provide the best results for the clients. UClean provides all kinds of cleaning and Laundry service in aurangabad and laundry service in Rajahmundry and also offers pickup and drop services for your laundry pile. 
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ucleanofficial · 3 years
Tips to Clean Your Delicate Clothes
We all have a bunch of clothing items that we love a little extra. Maybe they are a little expensive or gifted by a special someone. Some pieces of clothing in our wardrobe are too delicate. These clothes require special care and attention. While you can wash all kinds of clothes at home, it is sometimes better to rely on experts for these delicate kinds of clothing items. 
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Delicate clothes can’t be thrown in the washer with the heavy load of clothes. They can’t be washed with the usual laundry habits you have. These clothes require special attention and hence, here are a few tips to follow while washing this delicate pile of clothes in your wardrobe. 
Read the Labels
Almost every piece of clothing comes with an instruction label. This label mentions how to take care of the piece of clothing and the ways to clean and wash them. Always read the labels before you throw your clothes in the washer. Some clothes require a certain degree of temperature while others are not meant to be washed at all. You should never wash a clothing item that should only be dry cleaned.  Laundry Services in Goa and Laundry Service in Alwar like UClean pay attention to these labels before cleaning your clothes and thus you can consider outsourcing your laundry needs for such delicate clothes. 
Treat Stains as they occur
Once the stain sticks for a long time in such clothing items, it gets difficult to remove these stains without damaging the delicate fabric. Hence, it is advisable to always treat the stains as soon as they occur in a delicate piece of clothing. You can further send it over to a laundry service in Bhubaneswar and Drycleaning service in aurangabad like UClean but treat the stain first when it appears. 
Let it sit for a few minutes
Once you have treated the stain, make sure that you let the clothing item sit flat for a few minutes. This is crucial for retaining the quality, shape and material of the attire. Let the clothing item stay like this for a few minutes before you send it over to a Laundry service in aurangabad and laundry service in Rajahmundry . This will save your precious clothing from any kind of damage. 
There are many laundry services in Goa but UClean stands out as the best laundry service in Goa. UClean provides all kinds of cleaning, dry cleaning, washing services in one place. We also offer pickup and drop services for your laundry to make your experience easier and simpler. 
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ucleanofficial · 3 years
Signs that You Are not Washing Your Clothes Enough
Every individual whether young or old is very busy in the modern world. Between earning, building a social life and fulfilling other needs, people do not get the time to do everyday chores. One such chore that is overlooked by many people doing laundry. People consider Laundry Services in Goa and Laundry Service in Alwar  as the most boring chore and also do not have enough time to invest in washing clothes.
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This is one reason why people prefer to wash clothes after a few wears. Even though you can wear some clothing items twice or thrice before throwing them into the washer, how do you set the limit on this? Here are a few tips to help you in detecting these signs that you are not washing your clothes enough.
Unpleasant smell
One of the first things to look out for is any bad odours. When you don’t wash your clothes regularly, they catch a bad smell that hangs onto the clothes until you clean them. If your clothes produce any kind of unpleasant smell then it’s a sign to throw them in the washer. 
Rashes on your body
A primary sign of unwashed clothes is that they can cause severe rashes on your body. If you observe any unusual rashes on your body, then you must check the clothes that you were wearing during the previous weeks. This would help you in tracking down clothes that need to be washed. Unwashed clothes accumulate dirt that can lead to different kinds of rashes on your body.  
Permanent Stains
When stains sit for a day on any piece of clothing, they can become permanent and difficult to remove. If you observe any stains on your clothes that are not going away, then chances are that you did not wash that item of clothing enough times. Stains tend to stay on the clothing item if you do not wash them instantly. Hence, always wash stains as they occur. 
Stains on the armpit area
The armpit area secretes a lot of sweat. This sweat leaves a big patch on your top or shirt. If you observe such stains on the armpit areas in any of your clothing items, it means that you have not washed it for a long time and it is crying for help. 
Washing your clothes can be hectic if you are a working person. This is where laundry service in Bhubaneswar and Drycleaning service in aurangabad  providers come into the picture. Laundry services in Alwar like UClean can help you in maintaining a regular laundry cycle. UClean laundry service in Alwar provides all kinds of washing services along with pickup and drop services to make your job much easy. 
very individual whether young or old, is very busy in the modern world. Between earning, building a social life and fulfilling other needs, people do not get the time to do everyday chores. One such chore that is overlooked by many people is doing laundry. People consider laundry as the most boring chore and also do not have enough time to invest in washing clothes.
This is one reason why people prefer to wash clothes after a few wears. Even though you can wear some clothing items twice or thrice before throwing them into the washer, how do you set the limit on this? Here are a few tips to help you in detecting these signs that you are not washing your clothes enough.
Unpleasant smell
One of the first things to look out for is any bad odours. When you don’t wash your clothes regularly, they catch a bad smell that hangs onto the clothes until you clean them. If your clothes produce any kind of unpleasant smell then it’s a sign to throw them in the washer. 
Rashes on your body
A primary sign of unwashed clothes is that they can cause severe rashes on your body. If you observe any unusual rashes on your body, then you must check the clothes that you were wearing during the previous weeks. This would help you in tracking down clothes that need to be washed. Unwashed clothes accumulate dirt that can lead to different kinds of rashes on your body.  
Permanent Stains
When stains sit for days on any piece of clothing, they can become permanent and difficult to remove. If you observe any stains on your clothes that are not going away, then chances are that you did not wash that item of clothing enough times. Stains tend to stay on the clothing item if you do not wash them instantly. Hence, always wash stains as they occur. 
Stains on the armpit area
The armpit area secretes a lot of sweat. This sweat leaves a big patch on your top or shirt. If you observe such stains on the armpit areas in any of your clothing items, it means that you have not washed it for a long time and it is crying for help. 
Washing your clothes can be hectic if you are a working person. This is where laundry service providers come into the picture. Laundry services in Alwar like UClean can help you in maintaining a regular laundry cycle. UClean Laundry service in aurangabad and laundry service in Rajahmundry provides all kinds of washing services along with pickup and drop services to make your job much easy. 
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ucleanofficial · 3 years
Tips to Prevent Odours from Sticking to Your Clothes
Doing laundry is generally not a fun activity. This is the reason why many individuals and families prefer to outsource laundry services. Clothes get dirty and we need to wash them after every wear to get rid of any dirt or bad odours. Sometimes, the bad odour clings to our Laundry Services in Goa and Laundry Service in Alwar even after the clothes have been washed thoroughly.
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There could be many reasons behind this problem. Doing your laundry at home may sometimes end in such situations. Professional laundry services in Bhubaneshwar like UClean can help you in dealing with such issues. Expert cleaners at UClean ensure that your clothes look and smell new and are free of any bad odours. Here are a few tips from professional washers like the UClean  laundry service in Bhubaneswar and Drycleaning service in aurangabad to keep your clothes free of bad odours. 
The washer should be clean:
Sometimes, the problem is not your washing technique or your clothes. The washing machine that you use should also be cleaned every now and then. A lot of stinky pile of clothes is thrown in the washer every few days. The washer might be stinky and it could be the reason behind your clothes stinking too even after the wash. Regular cleaning would keep your clothes free of any odour.
Use Hot Water:
Even though cold water is more preferred for doing laundry, you can repeat the washing cycle with one warm water cycle. Warm water helps in killing odour-causing bacteria and thus, it would be helpful in eliminating any bad smell left on your clothes after the wash. Additionally, you can clean your washers with warm water as well. This will help in better cleaning. 
Try switching your detergent:
It may be a possibility that your detergent is causing a bad odour on your clothes. If that is the case, then you need to try using less detergent in the washer. If the bad odour reduces after reducing the amount of detergent.  Then you should try to change your detergent as it could be a major cause behind the bad odour in your clothes. 
Try UClean!
Only professionals can help you in dealing with this laundry problem. UClean is a professional Laundry service in aurangabad and laundry service in Rajahmundry. If you are looking for a laundry service in Bhubaneshwar that would help you in dealing with any kind of laundry service, then you should give UClean a try. UClean offers all kinds of laundry services and even pick up and drop services. 
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ucleanofficial · 3 years
Laundry Hacks For Washing Dark Clothes
Doing laundry is a cumbersome task and many people prefer to outsource this chore. Some people hire maids for doing laundry while others use the laundromats and local laundry service providers to get their clothes cleaned looking like brand new. There are many reasons why people prefer to not wash their clothes at home by themselves. Firstly, it is not an easy task. It requires a lot of skills that are not possessed by everyone. Secondly, people do not have time to do their laundry as they are already occupied with a lot of things these days.
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If we talk about the former reason, then many people lack the skills to do their Laundry Services in Goa and Laundry Service in Alwar . They do not know the basics of doing their laundry and end up ruining their clothes. For instance, there are certain rules for washing your whites and darks clothes. Many people mix light and dark-coloured clothes together which is the reason why they end up damaging their precious clothes. 
While it is common knowledge that white clothes should not be mixed with coloured clothes n the washer, there are certain tips involving washing your dark clothes. Dark clothes, when not handled properly could fade easily. In order to save your favourite black sweaters and tops from fading, you must follow the following tips while washing them.
1.     Separate them:
It is a basic laundry rule to separate your clothes into different categories. Whites should be separated from blacks and coloured clothes. Light-weighted clothes must be separated from clothes with heavy materials and so on. This separation would help you in saving your clothes from being damaged in the washer and would help your dark clothes to retain their colour without fading.
2.                 Use gentle cycle:
Some heavy, dark-coloured clothes require heavy cycles to be cleaned but try to use gentle cycles of the washer to save your clothes from being faded. This may not be possible if you want to really clean the clothes but try to get the heavy stains out from your dark clothes manually and use the washer only for lighter stains. 
3.                 Turn them inside out:
Turn the dark clothes inside out before you put them in the washer. This way, you can save your clothes from being faded. Also, make sure you dry these clothes on the clothesline with the same method. The sun rays would not be able to fade your dark clothes in this manner. 
If you are still sceptical about washing your clothes, you can always rely on laundry service providers like UClean. UClean is the laundry service in Bhubaneswar and Drycleaning service in aurangabad. If you are looking for a Laundry service in aurangabad and laundry service in Rajahmundry, then you should try UClean to get the best services. 
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ucleanofficial · 3 years
Key Things To Remember Before Washing Baby Clothes
Parenting is surely a difficult thing to do. And cleaning and washing clothes can be very stressful as you need to be vigilant about the germs nest in the baby clothes. 
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Your baby’s immune system is still changing, and you need to be vigilant as the health of the baby can be affected by bacteria and germs. For babies, washing clothes in the machine is not an option. Machine washing has some underlying germs which can reside in your baby clothes and harm their health. 
Baby clothes are best cleaned and sanitized when washed with hands. However, doing baby laundry can be overwhelming for the parents as the baby clothes are very small in size and are very dirty. 
So if you are buried in the baby laundry and do not want to stress, you can always contact the dry cleaners near me. They will clean and sanitize your baby clothes so that your baby does not come in contact with germs. 
In this blog, we will tell you some best tips and tricks which you can use for bay laundry. You will save time by using these tips, and you will get more time with your baby. 
Prewash care of baby clothes
Before you clean and sanitize your baby clothes. You must know the pre-wash care for the baby clothes. As we know, baby clothes are very delicate and soft. You do not want to ruin the softness. So you must first segregate the regular clothes with the good ones. 
Baby clothes are mostly dirty with their spots, vomits and poops. So make sure that you have hand washed the clothes and removed the food particles from the clothes that have made them dirty. You can also soak the baby clothes in warm water with a baby  Laundry Services in Goa and Laundry Service in Alwar disinfectant to remove the germs. 
Baby clothes wash
Washing baby clothes is no rocket science. However, the baby changes their clothes many times in a day which lead to a mountain of clothes to be ready for laundry. Once you have prepared your baby clothes for wash, you must ensure that the baby clothes are segregated from the adult clothes. 
Baby clothes must be washed separately. You can wash the baby clothes in a machine or by hand. But remember to use good quality baby laundry disinfectant for sanitizing their clothes. 
Separate the baby clothes basically like do colour separations and separate the clothes which need to wash by hand and by machine. You can also use laundry bags for the washing machine, which are designed to contain your small size clothing in the machine without hurting the fabric quality. 
Use delicate and lightweight liquid detergent for cleaning your baby clothes. Use warm water for removing the germ and hand wash delicates like baby sweaters and underwear. 
The market is full of baby laundry detergents and disinfectants. However, you should trust only brands which make high-quality baby laundry products. You can also contact UClean, the laundry service in Bhubaneswar and Drycleaning service in aurangabad . Visit the UClean website for a professional Laundry service in aurangabad and  laundry service in Rajahmundry. 
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ucleanofficial · 3 years
Washing Jeans & Denim Guidelines – Know How To Do Laundry in Aurangabad
Jeans and denim are our most favorite and regular wearing clothing. Although textile experts and denim designers suggest that you should hand wash the jeans, you can also toss them in your washing machine for convenience.
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Ideally, jeans and denim should be washed every 8-10 times of washing. However, you can get them washed if they are dirty and develop an odour. You can also give your jeans and denim to laundry service in Bhubaneswar and Drycleaning service in aurangabad . 
How should you wash Denim in the machine? Step by step guide
The best way to clean your jeans is to put them in the machine. You can hand wash it too, but machine wash is just so easy and not time taking. 
Step one- Read the brand label for Laundry service in aurangabad and  laundry service in Rajahmundry instructions. If your denim is fashionable and contains other elements like embroidered, embellished or distressed, you might not wanna ruin the styling of the jeans. Hence, it is necessary that you read the instructions on the label about washing. If you are washing the jeans for the first time, it is better you follow the instructions to prevent fading or shrinking. 
Step two- turn your jeans inside out. This step is very important for cleaning and washing the jeans. This way, you will not ruin the front part of the jeans. Even detergent deposits and bobbins will be prevented for a longer time. 
Step Three - Use cold water for washing your jeans. Hot water ruins the fabric quality and colour of the denim. You can use your favourite regular detergent for washing the jeans. However, it is advisable to use liquid detergent for better quality management of denim in general. 
How should you hand wash denim - Step by step guide
Washing your jeans with your hands can be time-taking. However, you can do it by using good quality detergent and cold water. 
Step one- fill the bucket with cold water. Make sure that your water is cold and not hot. It will ruin the colour and fabric quality of the jeans.
Step two- add your regular detergent to the bucket. You can add a small amount of detergent to the water, depending upon the condition of your jeans.
Step three- Put your jeans now in the water and swish them with your hands for 2-3 minutes. You can scrub off the dirt by using a washing brush. 
Step four- Now leave the jeans in the water for 5-10 minutes, depending upon the time mentioned in the label. Do not soak for more than 20 minutes. 
Step five- wash your jeans, and do not forget to wash the jeans from the foot area. Drain the dirty water and again, wash your jeans in the clean water and wash off the detergent from the denim. Once you're satisfied, remove excess water by squeezing your jeans with both hands. 
Hang your jeans up. Hanging jeans when not in use can help prolong the life of your jeans between washings. Especially in the knees and seat, it will help the fibers recover from stress and stretching. You can also contact your local dry cleaners. Visit the uClean website for a professional Laundry Services in Goa and Laundry Service in Alwar. 
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ucleanofficial · 3 years
The Right Way To Store Away Your Winter Clothes
Winter is coming to an end, and soon you need to store your white clothes because they are not needed in Summer. Anyone with a shortage of closet space will understand that storing woolen clothes is a real problem. When winter is coming to an end, we have to make space in the storage for woolen clothes, which is a lot. 
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So when you are short of closet space, where to store your precious woolen and winter clothes? Is the attic or garage safe for winter clothes storage? Here are some handy tips for laundry service in Bhubaneswar and Drycleaning service in aurangabad storing winter clothes at the end of the season. But if you are overwhelmed with the task, you can contact the best laundry service in Sector 49.
What is the best way to prepare winter clothes for storage?
Laundry everything
When you want to store your winter clothes at the end of the season, make sure you clean and dry them thoroughly. Even if your clothes are not looking dirty, you should make sure that your winter clothes are fully clean so as to avoid any kind of odor. 
 For cleaning the winter clothes, segregate them for hand and machine wash. The cashmere shawls need to be hand-washed with cold water, while some regular sweaters can be washed in a machine with a gentle cycle. 
 Use deodorizers
 For Making your winter clothes look fresh, you just use good quality fabric deodorizers. They keep your clothes fresh and smelling good when you open them up for next season. You can also use natural deodorizers like lemons while washing clothes to keep them fresh and clean for storage. 
 Which is better, hanging or folding winter clothing?
 Generally, woolen clothes with natural fibers should be folded and kept in storage for long life. The synthetic materials should be folded and lined with paper for better management of storage. Here are some simple tips for storing common winter clothes at home-
 Sweaters- The woolen sweaters should be folded and stored. You can use the plastic box or fabric containers to store the woolen. Just make sure that you do not cram the clothing in the box. 
 Winter Clothes- It is essential that you dry clean the winter clothes before storing them. While folding the winter coat, you must zip up the coats and button the coats before you put them away in the storage. Also, you must hang the coats with fur and leather fabric. 
 Delegates- Delegates are part of the winter season, and you must make sure they are stored well. For maintaining delicate clothes, you can line the clothes with acid-free papers and remove the plastic bags, as they can ruin the clothing.
 Store in the cool and dry location
 When you are storing Laundry service in aurangabad, you will not be using them until next year. Hence, make sure you store the clothes in a cool and dry place so that humidity and fungus don't ruin your clothes. There are many options for storing winter clothes when you have less space. Visit the UClean website for professional laundry service in Rajahmundry, uClean offers the Laundry Services in Goa and Laundry Service in Alwar. 
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ucleanofficial · 3 years
Tips to Wash Winter Clothing Items
Winter might be a short season in the Indian subcontinent but some places experience very cold winters in India. Even though certain coastal areas do not go through a harsh winter, many areas in the North, North-East and other parts of the sub-continent experience ruthless winters. The winter clothing needs to be prepared before the arrival of winter and there are certain tips that one needs to follow in order to maintain the shape of the winter clothing items. 
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1.     Use the right detergent:
Winter clothing requires special care and attention. The detergent that is used to wash summer clothing items can’t be used to wash winter clothing items. This is the reason why laundry service in Bhubaneswar and Drycleaning service in aurangabad  staff uses special detergents and gels that are meant to be used for winter clothing items. 
2.                 Flat-dry to retain shape:
When you wash your heavy sweaters, there is a risk that they may lose their shape. The drying technique must be such that the sweaters and bulky woollen wear do not lose their shape. The laundry franchise business uses a special technique to was and dry your winter clothing items so that they do not lose their shape and size. 
3.                 Hand Wash Delicate Winter Wear:
There are many winter wear items that are too delicate. The hand-knitted items are made using delicate wool and yarns. There are many intricate patterns made on these fabrics. When we wash such delicate clothing items in the washer or the machine, we may end up destroying them. Hand washing these clothes is a better alternative. The franchise business professionals use the method of hand washing for these delicate winter items. It is advisable to hand wash these kinds of delicate fabrics and clothing items to save them from destruction.
4.                 Layer it up:
The winter wear clothing items like sweaters and jackets can’t be washed every now and then. It is advisable to only wash these items twice during the winter season to save them from any kind of damage. One should try to add layers of summer clothing under the winter wear like sweaters and jackets to avoid their contact with the skin. This will reduce the need of washing these clothing items again and again. 
Winter clothing items should be handled with care. UClean provides the best services for all kinds of dry cleaning and laundry service in Rajahmundry, uClean offers the Laundry Services in Goa and Laundry Service in Alwar  like the UClean Laundry service in aurangabad. UClean has many franchises across India and if you are looking for a laundry service in Alwar, then UClean is the answer. UClean is the best laundry service in Alwar and many different parts of the country. 
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ucleanofficial · 3 years
Three Things That Can Be Put Into The Washing Machine
Have you ever thought if a particular item in your closet can be thrown into the washer? Are you also scared to put a delicate scarf that a special someone gifted you in the washing machine and fear that it would come out in bits and pieces? Don’t worry as you are not the only one who is apprehensive about using the washing machine. But there are many things that we are usually unaware of that can be thrown into the washing machine. If you would also like to discover this life-saving secret, then keep reading. 
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1.     Sweaters:
Next time you want to wash your favourite sweater, you can drop it off at our favourite local laundry franchise business. The professionals know how to wash your winter clothing like sweaters in the washer. They are aware of the specific settings of the washing machines that can help in cleaning your sweater without causing any damage. UClean is one such laundry service in Bhubaneswar and Drycleaning service in aurangabad and other places in India that knows how to take care of your favourite winter wear. 
2.                 Silk Scarves:
Silk is considered very delicate and many people believe that washing silk items in the washing machine can lead to a loss in the lustre of the item. This is a myth that needs to be addressed as throwing your silk pillow covers or scarves in the washing machine will not harm them. You just need to follow a mild process while washing them. The washing machines can be set according to the kind of clothing item that you plan on washing.
3.                 Sneakers: 
It is advisable by laundry experts at UClean to wash your sneakers in the washer every once in a while. It helps in the deep cleaning of dirt from your shoes and gives them a fresh look. Always remove the soles from the shoes and te their laces before throwing them in the washing machines. The experts at laundry service in Rajahmundry, uClean offers the Laundry Services in Goa and Laundry Service in Alwar  like the UClean Laundry service in aurangabad provides shoe cleaning services as well. The professionals at UClean laundry service in Goa and all over India take good care of your shoes while cleaning them and provide the best results. 
 The best laundry franchise business like UClean provides the best services for all kinds of cleaning needs in your home. The UClean laundry service in Goa provides the best services at the most economical prices and you can choose from a wide range of cleaning services from dry cleaning to shoe cleaning. 
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ucleanofficial · 3 years
Laundry Tips To Keep Your Clothes Odor-Free
Bad-smelling clothes are unpleasant and not liked by anyone. It does not matter if you are at home, a restaurant, or an office. The clothes you wear are your personality, and you do not want your clothes to be clean, white, and fresh all the time. 
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Whether you are at a party or work, people around you love your looks and clothes. No one wants dirty and bad-smelling clothes. It is unpleasant to work around people who do not value hygiene.
Keeping laundry service in Bhubaneswar and Drycleaning service in aurangabad clean is one thing and keeping them fresh is another. If you are doing Drycleaning service in Bidar at home, you might want to take care of the clothes in such a manner that dirty, messy clothes do not get in contact with your party and work clothes. Work clothes need to be washed separately as they need to be looked at best all the time. 
Doing  laundry service in Rajahmundry, uClean offers the Laundry Services in Goa and Laundry Service in Alwar at home can be overwhelming. But if you want help from professionals, uClean is the best option in Northern India that offers the best laundry services for all your clothes. 
Preventing unpleasant odors on your clothes and in your home
A popular proverb says- “Prevention is better than cure.” 
When you are talking of refreshing clothes, you just need to admit that rather than treating the problem, you should prevent the strong and smelly activities and actions we participate in and how to prevent unpleasant odors.
Here are some tips to prevent odors causing activities on clothes
Many of us love cooking. But we also know that curry stains are not only dirty but also very smelly. When you get curry stains on your clothes while cooking or eating, it may make your clothes smell bad for the whole day. 
To prevent this, you can wear an apron or switch on the exhaust fan in the kitchen. This will ensure that a bad smell is out of the kitchen and it does not influence your clothes. 
Use freshener in the house.
Many times our house linens, curtains, and sofa emit a bad smell. These smells do not come from anywhere but from our kitchen and sometimes from our pets. Hence it is necessary that you keep your house at regular times. Use the ventilation system at home so that bad air goes out of the house and fresh air comes in. 
Remove smell from kitchen and bathroom.
An easy pro tip is to boil the water and vinegar mixture and leave the mixture in the open. It will freshen up the aura and keep your air clean and refreshed.
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ucleanofficial · 3 years
Laundry Tips for Winters
Winter is chilly and damp in India, especially in the northern part of the country like Kurushetra. With the descending winter, the hardships of laundry exceed. We cannot dry our clothes in the sun. If you are looking for tips and tricks for winter Drycleaning service in Bidar , this blog is for you. 
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We have curated this blog to cater for your needs for winter laundry. We offer simple and practical solutions for your laundry needs with years of experience. 
Some of the below-mentioned tricks use household items like vinegar, baking soda or lemon. These are inexpensive and simple items for making your laundry effective. However, if you are overwhelmed with the laundry service in Rajahmundry, uClean offers the Laundry Services in Goa and Laundry Service in Alwar with an assurance that your winter clothing is safe with us.
Tips and tricks to do winter laundry at home
Prevent woollen fading
To retain the colour of your woollen and help to regain shine in your woollen clothes. You can use salt for washing clothes. You can add a dash of salt to the best laundry service in Bhubaneswar and Drycleaning service in aurangabad, as it will keep the colours of your woollen intact and keep your shining. Also, you can wash the woollen clothes inside out to prevent fading. 
A word of caution though, if your clothes have lines of leather or a patch of leather, you must avoid using salt for preventing adding. Salt will create a layer to your leather and make them look white.
In winter, towels are damp and not absorbent. For making them soft and fluffy, you can add one of the vinegar with one part of the baking soda. This solution can replace your regular detergent. However, if you want, you can add half the part of the detergent too and wash your towels and napkins. Feels soft and fluffy. Skip the dryer part to keep them soft for a longer time. 
Bad Smell
Suppose you are facing problems with the smell in clothes due to winter. You can squeeze one lemon into your washing machine or bucket before washing your clothes. The lemon will cancel out the bad smell and keep your clothes fresh.
Woollen clothes tend to shrink with the machine wash. If you want to retain the size of the woollen clothes in the washing, you can make a solution of hair conditioner and warm water and add them while washing clothes. It will help you bring back the same size o clothes easily. 
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ucleanofficial · 3 years
Baby Laundry 101: Caring for Your Baby's Clothes and Toys
Babies are little lovely angels. And they change your life for good. Among many changes, baby Laundry Services in Goa  is the most important aspect of the life of parents. We all love our babies, but doing baby laundry can be a very daunting task.
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The baby has soft silky skin. And not all the detergents work for them. If you do not do the Laundry Service in Alwar  properly, you could give your baby rash or itchy skin. Their skin is sensitive. Hence you need to be very cautious when you do laundry for baby clothes. 
Detergents and Cleaning agents for baby laundry
Clothes detergents are full of chemicals and hard agents that clean clothes harshly. However, there are many baby care detergents available in the market. You can buy them and use them for regular baby clothes. 
Though these baby care detergents are mild and soft, yet they contain traces of chemicals. To be sure, you must check the effect of the detergent on your baby before you regularly use the detergent. 
It is also advisable not to use softeners for baby clothes, as they contain artificial perfume, which may irritate baby skin. 
Machine wash or hand wash
When you are concerned about your baby skin, you must also ensure that while doing  laundry service in Rajahmundry, you cannot use the machine for the wash. The machine contains traces of the detergents used on a daily basis. This may reside in your baby’s clothes and irritate their skin. 
To solve this problem, we recommend that you wash your baby clothes with your hands. Hand Wash gives baby clothes better Drycleaning service in Bidar and keeps them soft for a longer time. 
Baby toys
All babies have their favourite stuffed toys for playing with. Cleaning the baby's toys are an important part of the day. As they take these toys in their mouths, they need to be cleaned so that germs do not enter their stomach. You can clean baby toys, blankets and clothes clean by using soft or natural cleaning agents like vinegar, lime or soda. These agents are easy to find and can be a better option than detergent. 
uClean for clean baby laundry
uClean is the best  laundry service in Bhubaneswar and Drycleaning service in Bhubaneswar that offers vivid laundry services for all ages. When you trust us with your baby clothes, toys and blankets. We take utmost care of your baby accessories and make sure that their clothes are clean, bacteria-free and soft to their skin. 
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ucleanofficial · 3 years
5 Benefits of Pickup and Delivery of Laundry Services
Laundry Services in Goa can be a daunting task when we are single-handed. We often face the issue of cleaning new and white clothes. It is necessary that the shine of the new clothes are maintained, and the whites are completely white for proper wear. 
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 Laundry Service in Alwar takes longer and can be very time consuming when you have too many clothes, and cleaning whites and non-whites separately are not easy. In today's world, many do not have time to get laundry done at home. Hence you should choose a professional laundry service that offers you high-quality service along with the convenience of picking up and dropping off your clothes at your doorsteps. 
 What are the benefits of a professional laundry service?
In today's busy world, men and women do not have time for menial laundry service in Rajahmundry. For this reason, they trust the laundry service that takes care of their clothes on a daily basis. Professional laundry services offer easy pick up and drop services for their customers to make the process easy. 
Here are five common benefits of this facility-
 -The foremost thing you can do by offering a pickup and delivery service is that you get to save time. You need not take time to go to the laundry shop for work. Just schedule pick up online on their website, and your clothes will be picked by them. 
 -Sometimes, you do not have access to the mode of transport to the laundry shop. In such a situation, it is better to have the facility as they will pick your dirty Drycleaning service in Bidar and deliver it to your doorstep. 
 -If you are in the professional business, you can outsource your laundry needs to the laundry shop. They will pick up your laundry and get them cleaning time. No need for the staff to drop the laundry at the shop. Adds convenience. 
 - Many hotels and business centres use fresh laundry for their service business. In such cases, it is better to outsource the laundry to a professional rather than having an in-house laundry service in Bhubaneswar and Drycleaning service in Bhubaneswar for your linens and clothes. They will also pick your linens and get them delivered on time as per contract.
 -For the house owners do not have sufficient time to get out of the house and get the laundry done. Hence you can use the laundry delivery service for your convenience.
 Uclean laundry service in sector 49 offers you an easy pick up and drop facility with online scheduling convenience. 
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