ufosverse · 4 years
Yet another Homestuck ‘Verse
Hello everyone who is reading this hopefully because of the tags and people reblogging this, and welcome to UFOSverse! A non-canon Homestuck setting, open not just to canon Homestucks, but actually everyone who’s willing to deal with lots of sci-fi, adult scenarios, and moderate levels of nonsense!
We have of course a blog for the setting, FAQ’s, descriptions, a partial character list, and plenty of openings for new characters! Don’t have a homestuck character? That’s fine! Most anything Sci-fi or even appropriate kind of comic book will work! Don’t want to build a specific character? Also fine, we would love anons to interact with and bounce off of!
Please, do come. Look over the blog, send asks, get involved if you’d like! We’d love to have you!
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ufosverse · 4 years
Notable races/Groups
To make things easy on new players, and give some details! Will be expanded upon!
Named polities/corporations:
UFOS: The universe’s number one police corporation! Holds effective territory in multiple galaxies, and sells their services to any space nation that’s willing to pay for their excellent service and massive success rate.
COPS: A rival Police Corporation, not nearly as large as UFOS, or able to offer their level of service. They try, but because they don’t have as many star nations willing to support them, they’re not quite up to UFOS’s level, nor will they likely become such on their own.
Alternian Space Empire: The Alternian empire is a relatively small rogue space nation, who’s ships engage in piracy and low level wars of conquest.
Named Races:
Trolls/Alternians: Yeah, you know who they are
Humans: Again, you should know.
Greys: And again, think little grey men.
Whatever that fish in a bowl was: yeah, this one’s getting edited
Tamaraneans: Vriska learned to use X’Hal from someone!
Anubians: Tall and generally powerfully built race of anthropomorphic canines, standing at about 8-9 feet tall. Known for being very powerful, and very well endowed.
Races not allowed:
Carapaces: Because Carapacians are game constructs, and the game doesn’t exist... You’d be better off making up a similar race, or adapting a race idea.
Cherubs (pending)
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ufosverse · 4 years
Rules: Players
All players must be 18+. No kids, no kidding.
There will be smut.
Characters must be approved by Terezi/Vriska before becoming officially part of the AU.
Out-Of-Universe interactions are okay, but don’t expect most characters to be able to leave the ‘verse.
Don’t be a Dick. (duh)
Major scenarios that would affect other players/the setting need to be discussed in advance, and any changes that happen need to be agreed upon. Mainly so that nobody is robbed of their enjoyment in the setting.
Rules: People outside the AU
Lack of cross-dimensional travel means most players can’t leave, don’t expect them to come to you.
Don’t give commands as if you’re a higher up in UFOS or of a government unless specifically requested.
Not all players will accept M!A’s or Anon commands, please respect that.
Things asked by actual people!
Is there a discord? Not yet, but if this changes this will be updated,
Can I use my sci fi oc? Races need to be approved, please run them past us, if we don't mind yes, OC's are fine
What about humans? Humans exist. Trolls exist. Tamaraneans exist.
How do I apply? Apply your character concept in a Non-anon ask to this blog, it will be run past Terezi and Vriskamun’s. Please include other characters you’ve played to help with the decision?
Also how many characters can a person have? I think for now I'd personally prefer 1+ crew. Like, Vriska has herself, her ship and the crew for her ship, but Terezi flew a few ships without crew, and Kanaya is solo. So basically if you'd be running a gang, you'd have the head and the gang members, to make it easier? This may change, so be warned.
And there are more FAQ questions answered about the following...
What is the nature of Magic Anons? (Part 2) (and 3)
What is expected of UFOS? (two) (Three)
What’s the background of Terezi/Vriska? (and 2)
What does UFOS stand for? (and what are their responsibilities)
Nature of transportation in-universe
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ufosverse · 4 years
Terezi Pyrope ( @4rb1t3r ) Space Mall Cop {AU Founder}
Vriska Serket ( @spacecop8lues ) Detective-Sergeant on the rise {AU Records/Sci-fi nerd/Head }
Kanaya Maryam ( @glorifiedamanuensis ) New to Support
Equius Zahhak ( @equinespacedreams ) Engineer in a bit of a bind. 
None yet
Aradia Megido (two versions exist, Space Pirate and AI, both on long hiatus, waiting details)
Yes, there are a lot of canon spots open!
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ufosverse · 4 years
'So, what the heck IS this AU about anyway?'
The simplest way to describe it is a very canon-divergent smut-prone Homestuck AU. Or as 'Well, Troll Space Cops sounds fun, right?' But in a very real sense it's so much more than that.
UFOSverse is a Sci-fi setting 'verse, emphasizing the eponymous UFOS, a Private Military/Police Company that has an influence over a majority of the police services in the setting universe. The primary characters are members of the UFOS active service, be it Officers, Support crew, or otherwise. However, what we need is not just more officers, but Pirates, Criminals, and Traders!
In addition to this, because of the nature of the setting the cast is not just limited to Homestuck characters. It's outer space. Aliens are to be expected, of all sorts. Best to consider it a sort of hybrid setting, ready to take... mostly everyone.
So, to go back to ‘Canon Divergent’, what exactly do we mean? Well, for one thing, there’s no SGRUB/SBURB. This isn’t to say that the present cast isn’t aware of the game, trans-dimensional internet exists for them and they can’t seem to STOP running into people who survived (or didn’t, as the case may be) the Game. But there was no SGRUB for them. And no tech boost for the Trolls. And no Grand Alternian Empire. The Alternian Empire exists, as a somewhat small space polity, her Imperial Condescension ruling a little pirate empire trying to gain traction against a mildly annoyed Galaxy, but the existence of UFOS has rather kept her in check. Which means almost all trolls existing outside of Alternia and it’s fleets are Expatriates with no love for Homeworld.
So. No Jujus, no godtiers. There is still magic and psychics, and strange powers beyond mortal ken... Just not related to the Game. 
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