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In the end of our German club, we thought about what we liked about it, as well as what can be improved. Brilliant👌
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Jolie: Wir wollen über Brexit sprechen.
 Nicht jeder ist dafür die EU zu verlassen.
Die Mehrheit in London, Schottland und Nordirland wollte in der EU bleiben.
Olive: Die Bevölkerung ist gespalten.
48 Prozent stimmen für einen Verbleib.
52 Prozent dafür die EU zu verlassen.
Amy: Weil niemand dachte, dass es tatsächlich passieren könnte, dass das Vereinigte Königreich die EU verlassen könnte, waren viele junge Menschen nicht wählen.
Selina: Das ist sehr schade, denn das hätte bei der knappen Entscheidung einen Unterschied machen können, denn viele junge Leute sind dafür in der EU zu bleiben.
Es ist unsere Zukunft!
It is a pity that the upload of the audio file didn't work out because of the format.
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Home / Heimat
For our final project session, we looked at the concept of home / Heimat and what it means. We watched the following two videos:
‘Film Projekt: Heimat und Identitaet’
‘What does home mean to you? | 0-100′
Then, each of the students discussed the topic and gave their opinion about what home is to them. They mentioned how language is very important when talking about identity and home too.
Home is...
... when I feel comfortable and at ease. (Sara)
... that first bite of my favourite food. (Mina)
... where I can have a good cup of tea. (Ms Mason)
... where I can be myself. (Karo)
... a feeling and your memories. (Lara)
... where everything is just right. (Hans)
... where I want to be right now. (Cedric)
... the place where you were born and grew up. (Danilo)
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‘What music means to me’
Recently, the students at the Berufliche Schule Wirtschaft thought about their favourite songs and pieces of music. They each chose a track which had a special significance to them and decided to write a couple of sentences to explain this. Together they have created a unique playlist for the students at the City of London School for Girls.
Track #1 chosen by Karoline -> Feuerwerk by Wincent Weiss
This song means freedom to me and the importance of just living and enjoying your life.
 Track #2 chosen by Sara -> Mein Rostock by Marteria
This song represents home to me. It’s about his love for this city and the people in Rostock. Every time I hear this song I am at the football stadium because they play it before the game starts. The music video shows special people and places in our town, our Baltic sea and our football club. It’s just a great feeling to see the video and hear the song.
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  Track #3 chosen by Mina -> Starke Schulter by Julian Le Play
I really like this song because it’s about the singer asking the listener to ‘lean on his shoulder’ whenever they feel down and feel alone.
 Track #4 chosen by Mina -> Primary Zion T. Gacko
Ok ok ok I know… But it’s a funky song and I can’t get it out of my head! At first it’s definitely weird but after a while you get addicted to it.
Track #5 chosen by Cedric -> Dieser Weg by Xavier Naidoo
This song reminds me to go my own way, also in difficult times. And don’t think about other opinions.
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Xavier Naidoo 
Track #6 chosen by Lara -> Flash mich by Mark Forster
My favourite song is ‘Flash mich’ by Mark Forster. It is a stereotypical song about big love and longing. I think the song is realistic about life in general. Everyone is in love or has a partner and it makes you feel sentimental.
 Tracks #7 + #8 chosen by Hans -> Aber bitte mit Sahne by Udo Jürgens
                                                         -> Chöre by Mark Forster
To choose a favourite song is really difficult. So if I had to choose, I would go for Udo Jürgens’ ‘Aber bitte mit Sahne’. He is one of the greatest artists who ever lived. Currently I like Mark Forster with ‘Chöre’. It is fresh, catchy and it gets you in a good mood.
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The final instalment of the Berufliche Schule Wirtschaft’s radio show, Puzzles.
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Here is part 3 of the radio show, Puzzles.
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Here is part two of the radio show, Puzzles.
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In March, the students at the Berufliche Schule Wirtschaft discussed the rise in popularity for the AfD, Donald Trump and Brexit. We looked at videos had discussions and then the students created a radio show on the topic. Here part one of their radio show, Puzzles. 
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Nach dem wir in der letzten Woche unsere ersten Gedanken über die Sicht der Briten auf Deutschland gesammelt haben, wollten wir diese Woche unserer Eindrücke noch vertiefen und haben begonnen es anschaulich darzustellen.
Dabei haben wir uns leckere deutsche Süßigkeiten schmecken lassen, mhm:)
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Wir haben auch sofort mit der Arbeit begonnen:) Es wurde damit angefangen, alles was wir mit Deutschland verbinden zusammenzutragen und das ist dabei rausgekommen, ha.
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Vor Weihnachten haben wir uns gemeinsam in unserem German Club überlegt, welche Dinge für Weihnachten in Großbritannien typisch sind, die wir den Schülerinnen und Schülern der Beruflichen Schule Wirtschaft Rostock schicken können, um ihnen eine Freunde zu machen. Wir haben eine Weihnachtskarte in Deutsch verfasst und als Gruß mit in das Paket gelegt und verschickt. Das hat uns großen Spaß gemacht. 
Voller Vorfreude haben wir das Paket unserer Partnerschule geöffnet und genießen nun jedes Mal, wenn wir uns treffen eine neue Leckerei aus Deutschland. Das macht uns großen Spaß und motiviert gleichzeitig. Vielen Dank!
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German Perspective of British Life
20.02.17 - Recently, the students at the Berufliche Schule Wirtschaft worked together on a mini project about the German perspective of British life. The students started the topic by writing down their initial thoughts and ideas on notes of paper. They then carried out research by reading articles and watching YouTube videos and wrote out their new ideas on new colours.
The group then created some resources about what they think of the UK and what they have learnt. They created a wonderful visual representation of their thoughts and feelings, which will then be displayed in the school at the end of the year. Then, some students created an audio file talking about their perspective of the UK and British life. 
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08.01.17 - Just before Christmas, the students at the Berufliche Schule Wirtschaft had a small Christmas party. At the Christmas party there was lots of food and drink to celebrate the festive season! The students also brought in a variety of presents which were then sent off in a package to the City of London School for Girls. In this package there was lots of lovely German food and Christmas cards. This was a fun way to start the project!
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