ukopjos03 · 2 years
For coaching & service inquiries please visit my website http://butterflyfactory.co. Here we dive into the depths of consciousness, emotional, physical and spiritual fitness. We strive to understand the path we are driven to be on through Biohacking, Astrology and Spiritual Alchemy. Let us all work together to make this world a better, high vibration place. Love and Light to you all, so much gratitude for visiting my channel!
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ukopjos03 · 2 years
Physical And Spiritual Fitness
For coaching & service inquiries please visit my website http://butterflyfactory.co. Here we dive into the depths of consciousness, emotional, physical and spiritual fitness. We strive to understand the path we are driven to be on through Biohacking, Astrology and Spiritual Alchemy. Let us all work together to make this world a better, high vibration place. Love and Light to you all, so much gratitude for visiting my channel!
Physical And Spiritual Fitness
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ukopjos03 · 2 years
Consciousness Fitness
For coaching & service inquiries please visit my website http://butterflyfactory.co. Here we dive into the depths of consciousness, emotional, physical and spiritual fitness. We strive to understand the path we are driven to be on through Biohacking, Astrology and Spiritual Alchemy. Let us all work together to make this world a better, high vibration place. Love and Light to you all, so much gratitude for visiting my channel!
Consciousness Fitness
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ukopjos03 · 2 years
Emotional Fitness
For coaching & service inquiries please visit my website http://butterflyfactory.co. Here we dive into the depths of consciousness, emotional, physical and spiritual fitness. We strive to understand the path we are driven to be on through Biohacking, Astrology and Spiritual Alchemy. Let us all work together to make this world a better, high vibration place. Love and Light to you all, so much gratitude for visiting my channel!
Emotional Fitness
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ukopjos03 · 2 years
For coaching & service inquiries please visit my website http://butterflyfactory.co. Here we dive into the depths of consciousness, emotional, physical and spiritual fitness. We strive to understand the path we are driven to be on through Biohacking, Astrology and Spiritual Alchemy. Let us all work together to make this world a better, high vibration place. Love and Light to you all, so much gratitude for visiting my channel!
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ukopjos03 · 2 years
There are two levels of auditing that we illustrated below
Cellular-Microscopy, Flow Systems Auditing
Viewing blood under the microscope gives an education on the qualitative perspective of an individual’s underlying biology. Its a reflection of the internal “biological terrain” – the “Milieu” – of one very important fluid compartment, the blood. But behind the microscope picture lie numbers that can quantify the nature of the picture and point an individual or practitioner in a direction to examine primary homeostatic Astrologer Los Angeles balance points that strongly affect health.
These balance points, whether in balance or out of balance, can be key to knowing whether an individual has the immune capacity at all levels too bring dynamic health or will have trouble until things are corrected. For practitioners this is the next step for spot on clinical clarity and client education.
Cellular Microscopy
Basic:Here we explore the live and dry blood auditing, this Weill take approximately 30 minutes and give you the qualitative Fascial Stretch Therapist perspective of the terrain of the blood which is a biochemical representation of the consciousness. This level of assessment gives you a broad idea of what is going on in your body and why. This option is great to use as a checkpoint or benchmark on your way to attaining a goal or end result from where you started.
Extensive:Here we go into both qualitative and quantitative aspects of the terrain in the body. This means we test multiple levels of autonomic functioning, to dig deeper into the Cellular Microscopy imbalances by testing and assessing other fluids and systems in the body. This process is for you if you have any pre-existing conditions, autoimmune issues, feeling “off” or just intuitively feel that you need to know what’s going on in your body and why. This audit will take approximately 60 minutes and includes live and dry blood auditing, urine and saliva testing and autonomic nervous system assessments.
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ukopjos03 · 2 years
Ozone Therapy Los Angeles
Ozone: inactivates viruses, bacteria, yeast, fungus and protozoa. stimulates the immune system cleans arteries and veins, improves circulation’ purifies the blood and lymph.
Ozone Therapy Los Angeles
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ukopjos03 · 2 years
Vibroacoustic Therapy
Vibroacoustic therapy is a recently recognized technology that uses sound in the audible range to produce mechanical vibrations that are applied directly to the body.
Vibroacoustic Therapy
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ukopjos03 · 2 years
Best Healing Center
Nahum BioWizard Vizakis is an Athlete, Combat Veteran, Fascial Stretch Therapist, Astrologer, Entrepreneur, Coach, Personal Trainer, Ordained Minister and Mentor.
Best Healing Center
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ukopjos03 · 2 years
The Butterfly Factory
Contact for best Butterfly Factory for Vibroacoustic Therapy, Ozone Therapy Los Angeles, Cellular Microscopy, Facial Stretch Therapist and Astrologer Los Angeles
The Butterfly Factory
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ukopjos03 · 2 years
Lifestream Generator
A Lifestream healing session strengthens your body’s ability to physically relax, heal and mentally and emotionally manage stress and increase your level of awareness and focus.
Lifestream Generator
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ukopjos03 · 2 years
Mission Statement
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There has been a concerted effort over the last two centuries to destroy the Indigenous cultural traditions that focus on healing the body and mind through nature. The blessings of these indigenous Best Healing Center traditions have been suppressed and taken to the verge of extinction. This Religious tradition uses plants and herbs along with ceremonies, biohacking therapies, frequency and vibrational technologies to heal body, mind, and spirit, and assist with the transitions of life that we all experience. This natural and spiritual way of healing is directly opposed to most of the pharmaceutical medicines which can create dependency, overwhelming side-effects, and the use of technical approaches that invade and disrespect our bodies.
The Butterfly Factory (Healing center) and Phoenix Factory (Church) were created from Divine inspiration to access multiple pathways to heal the mind, body and spirit and expedite the journey of human consciousness of living life from the heart space, uncoupling the conditioning that bombards us all from the moment we exit the womb.
We welcome everyone from all races and creeds, so long as you are willing to do the inner work to shed that which no longer serves your highest vibrational good in this life. As we enter this new world that is based on compassion for our fellow man and woman, honoring mother earth and our truth. We must bring back the values, morals and ethics that honor the communal and familial bond instead of creating separation and isolation. We are meant to come together, as a species, and live in abundance. True abundance begins with self love, when living from this space, miracles happen in life. Through building community, offering healing and support we rise above the constrictive control dynamics of the old system that is dying off.
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