ulciscens · 11 years
You'll regret that you abandoned Edo Tensei... Die!!
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ulciscens · 11 years
       To which was dedicated the majority of his immediate disdain, he wondered; her incorrigibility, sheer erroneousness, or — the sheer fact that she was a gaudy Shinobi whose traits were so synchronised with the rest of her sort that it was all but a predicted, if infantile, provocation?
       Sasuke inquired in a low lyricism, haunting cadence floating upon the winds like a lance of ice. It was scarcely even so much as an address towards the Hollow, drifting away like a plume of winter air to nothing in particular; such lax courtesy was not the result of vulgarity or rudeness, but instead an instinctive callousness that demanded nothing and returned nothing.
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        A pink speck dashed quickly across the fields, attempting to escape the ominous sky surrounding her. “Don’t rain, don’t rain, don’t —- damn.” Drops began to fall, fast. Jaded pools scanned the area around her, looking for signs of shelter. No luck. Normally, such a thing wouldn’t be of importance to the kunoichi, but something of great significance was soon to come and she absolutely could not afford to become ill. Suddenly, legs came to a halt. A feeling of nostalgia, a certain prescence hit her — hard. “No.” Her words were soft, practically inaudible. It couldn’t be. Though they felt faint, they were close. There was no time to waste. Her legs made their way ahead once more, following close behind their trail. His trail. “Sasuke-kun!” As his name escaped from between her lips, a tinge of pain struck across her chest.
                                                             Rain continued to fall.
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ulciscens · 11 years
"Uchiha...? Is that... you?"
              “Are you blinded by ignorance? Pathetic. It is wise to be observant.—”
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ulciscens · 11 years
            Opportunities to impress control and authority over the spilt remnants of the Uchiha who dwelt within the beheaded order of command. He had been timetabled and organised in their assembly to occupy, reinstate and affirm their dominance across the plains of the subjugated primitives. Personified by rebirth that very feeling, the ominous foot that now pressed upon the airwaves — Uchiha Sasuke — did very little to suppress the unnerving sensations throughout the past hours that something, somewhere, was bound to return either undesirably or willingly.
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Footsteps crackled outward in a thunderous, ambient rumble…
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ulciscens · 11 years
☃ Sasuke no-nips
1. My muse starting a snowball fight with your muse.
          A rare look of precipitance streamed across the ivory individual’s features upon the others relentless demonstration of his area of expertise; sharp motions deflecting what they could through the duration of his monitoring.  The aboveboard and rigged endings of his teeth cringing and subsiding against each other creating friction.  His eye sockets developed as if he’d just been struck down with the force of emotion.
                        “What are you doing, woman.”
          A foetid scrap of rubbish, and no more. Such a snivelling waste of air should have been thankful that so much as a fleeting glance was permitted in the final minutes of its breath-addled carcass. By presence alone was a state of disrepair crumbled through the foundations of this human condition, withering bones and muscle into wilted water. No words were minced, as ever — because they were not brought forth at all.         
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ulciscens · 11 years
Send me an ☃ and I'll generate a random number for:
1. My muse starting a snowball fight with your muse.
2. Our muses snowed in together.
3. My muse making the perfect hot chocolate for your muse.
4. Both muses ending up under mistletoe together.
5. Our muses building a snowman together.
6. Our muses getting stuck inside an igloo together.
7. My muse making chocolate chip biscuits (cookies) for your muse.
8. Your muse catching mine dancing and singing badly to Christmas songs a month too early.
9. Our muses walking in the countryside together, seeing the first snow of the year.
10. Our muses shopping together, acting like children and breathing heavily to see their breath in the cold.
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ulciscens · 11 years
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ulciscens · 11 years
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Yup, I hit a milestone not too long ago and I said I would so something for it soo, it’s a follow forever thing by me. I don’t have my art software currently, so worked with what I had. u.u
Here and here, also have people on there that I may not have included on here but you should definitely follow them~!
Anyways, the blogs on this are people that I admire, stalk, talk to, and love altogether. They are all brilliant roleplayers that play their characters AMAZINGLY. They add their own little things to their character that just make them come alive beautifully and I love them all to bits. Some I may not talk to, but trust, I stalk them because whoa, quality. If you are looking for quality, rest assured you’ll find them here. u.u
Also, I wanna thank all of you that bothered following and talking to me. It means a lot, and I love you all a bunch. <33333
And, onto the list, which I will make in whatever order I see them. I’m not organized at all if you couldn’t already tell.
(gomen, I accidentally spelled your url wrong on the picture u.u)
stubbornartist (happy late birthday by the way since I meant to say it yesterday but I forgot. D: I’m sorry, I fail. ) 
So, yes, follow these lovely people~! :D
//sorry the post is so long, I tried putting them all near each other on a few lines, but tumblr hates me right now ehheh
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ulciscens · 11 years
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ulciscens · 11 years
        Sibilants departed from his oral aperture, spoken analogous to an anathema in which was blasphemous for him to even cogitate upon. This place carried the same spiritual temperature as it had done all those months ago during his first few voyages into this realm. Its taste, however — perhaps the requiem of what he had once become, was vague and alien. "The players who've come in have taken us on to a different level and the players who won promotion have also performed at the top level, so long may it continue.-- I'll save you the trouble. You and I. -- We are nothing. I don't need your respects. It is just how it is."
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                 ‘——…………..?’     What— what, exactly, did he mean with those words? Humanise his existence??      Sakura was well-read, one of the most intelligents of their age groups, but, it seemed, all that wasn’t enough. Humanise, why would he talk about that, he was human already, wasn’t he? How exactly was she humanizing his existence and —and why —how come he didn’t want her to?                                         ‘I didn’t get that—….’
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ulciscens · 11 years
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ulciscens · 11 years
"Hmph." [Offers a slice of pumpkin pie] [ Ooc; I sob 'cause I wasn't online to answer you on skype yesterday ; 3 ; ]
                              “What sequence has occur for this putrid visit, Sakura. Is he finally dead..?”
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ulciscens · 11 years
          The expression of tedium soon dithered once he laid eyes upon the roseate - her vibrant and lightening auro raised his mood ten-fold. Tiers gently stretched, forming a wary smug, an arm lifting to a close. "Sakura..--— it is Sasuke, and no more. Do not humanise my existence. You are just as I remember."
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                    ’Sa~su~keh-kun~!!!’   How lucky of her to find Sasuke conveniently napping by the red bridgework the team usually met by, a perfect spot just by his side was calling, no, screaming her name.         How could she resist!?
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ulciscens · 11 years
         The immaculate raiment of Sasuke Uchiha's blood-kin was a gallant and extraordinarily stainless, tailored uniform which would typically have rendered the Uchiha replete and dignified within its sanctified cloth. 
                   …But no more.
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              ‘Furrow furrow furrow~!'     She singsongs as she burrows into the warmth.
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ulciscens · 11 years
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ulciscens · 11 years
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Hello! So, I finally decided to make a simple follow forever because I just thought, hey, why not? I just wanted to place some people that have literally been following me for the longest now and are absolute sweethearts or plain ol’ cool kids. Their writing inspires me to improve my own. They are spectacular people who definitely deserve a follow. Though many of us have rarely or never spoken, I wanted to let you guys know you’re all wonderful people with incredible talent. Thank you for following me even though I’m not the greatest roleplayer/writer/Sakura out here. Seriously, I’m invisible.  (;≧▽≦) Wahh. Hopefully, one day, I’ll gather up the courage to speak to most of you. Again, thank you! (Please forgive me if I messed up any URL’s and maybe I follow you and you’re not on here — I’m a forgetful person and a butt, I’m sorry!)
platinumcosmos ❀ casiabellator ❀ shinosays ❀ the-uchiha-avenger ❀ irukas ❀ samehadaa ❀ medicalhime ❀ theorange-flash ❀ dementedeyes ❀ fuzzybrowss ❀ smallcherryblossomofkonoha ❀ sordidsensory ❀ amai—viola ❀ mercenary-uchiha ❀ stepasidethedoctorispresent ❀
kuro-kyuubi ❀ thousandbirds ❀ atramentous-dawning ❀ naruto-baka ❀ asumas-gaiden ❀ etherealpurity ❀ okasho-sakura ❀ itachi—u ❀ uchihasauce ❀ its-killer-b-motherfuckers ❀ dokugiri-o ❀ ladyshizune
crimsonbellator ❀ severedbond ❀ kushimaki ❀ floreusbellator ❀ bondofhatred ❀ stubbornartist ❀ careless-shadows ❀ arashinotessen ❀ theorenjihokage ❀ crimson-illusionist
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ulciscens · 11 years
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