ultimatemanifestor · 9 years
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ultimatemanifestor · 9 years
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ultimatemanifestor · 9 years
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ultimatemanifestor · 9 years
Hey Friend,
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All the best, Chaquana Hales
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ultimatemanifestor · 9 years
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Shoutout to buddha
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ultimatemanifestor · 9 years
Nature is not a place to visit. It is home.
Gary Snyder (via wooden-folks)
Truth 🌳🌿🍃🌎
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ultimatemanifestor · 9 years
Everyone should download this app. It's not just black people that are being abused. Pay attention people!!
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ultimatemanifestor · 9 years
I'm not sure how the comments got so off topic but I will have to say I agree that "reverse racism" does not exist. It is just plain racism no matter how you slice and no matter who is on the worst end of the equation. Also, on the later discussed topic of the dictionary's validity as a credible source, i would have to say that various dictionaries have various meanings so to quote a definition from a dictionary that quote should also be cited with the actual dictionary that it came from. Moreover, i would not use wikipedia as a credible source either because anyone can go in and make edits to what is written. You both made some interesting points. However, to my understanding it seemed like the argument was for nothing because at one point you both were saying the same thing in different words but were too fired up to realize it. I enjoyed reading this post. Keep them coming. I am intrigued! Thank you for sharing.
Racism is a social construct, not the way an individual treats you. That is prejudice. If you’re hated, disdained, insulted, bullied, etc., for your race, that is prejudice. Why isn’t it racism? Because there are no societal implications. That bullying doesn’t give you less access to education,…
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ultimatemanifestor · 9 years
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It’s funny how people are mad at protestors for disrupting the “peace”. Peace is subjective. The reality is that for man black people there is a constant feeling of fear, oppression, and sorrow. So when you say “all lives matter” you’re taking away from the magnitude of what we’re trying to get across. Don’t be mad at black people for saying we matter, be mad at the social, political, and economical injustices we face every day. Black lives matter.
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ultimatemanifestor · 9 years
Heaven on Earth!! 🌻🌻🌻🌈🌎
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ultimatemanifestor · 9 years
Sad but true!!
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This is the header and image yahoo used on their main page on an article about Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.
They used an innocent picture with his brother and fellow terrorist Tamerlan Tsarnaev, along with a headline about him crying in court. He’s an adult, but they are using his child pictures.
In this article (which I won’t link to), not once do they call Tsarnaev a terrorist. The words ‘terrorist’, ‘terror’ or ‘murderer’ aren’t used once in the article. Not once. They did talk about him blowing kisses to his relatives and how his relatives testified about him being a warm and loving child, and that he cried while watching The Lion King, and that he had a special sweetness.
Even a terrorist and murderer like Dzhokhar Tsarnaev will get better treatment than a Black child who was murdered by the police, like 12 year old Tamir Rice. 
The humanity of Tsarnaev is recognized and amplified, despite him committing heinous crimes, inflicting mass terror and bringing a major US city down to its knees by not only bombing a marathon, but by also taking the authorities on a wild, violent, bloody and bullet riddled manhunt that lead to even more death, injury, carjackings, armed robbery and continued mass terror by inflicting fear in the people of Boston and surrounding areas. The city was on lockdown. Survivors will be maimed for life, many having to go on with missing limbs, and others with permanent disfigurement and horrendous scars that zigzag across their battered bodies. They have to live on like that for the rest of their days.
This person who committed these dastardly acts is a “sweet boy” you see. He’s tender and fragile. He shed innocent blood wantonly, but he’s “sweet” and yahoo upholds this lie by using a “sweet” picture of him. They didn’t have to do this, but they made that editorial decision. This does not happen by accident. This is a deliberate course of action. Understand that first.
Tsarnaev, the “sweet boy” blows kisses, cries and loved The Lion King. 
I wonder what animated movies Tamir Rice loved. Will he ever get this level of compassion, understanding and humanity that is afforded to a terrorist and murderer, even as a victim of murder by the police at the ripe old age of 12? 
Tamir won’t be blowing kisses to anyone. He can’t. This we know. Neither will Aiyana Jones, Mike Brown, Jordan Davis, Trayvon Martin, Renisha McBride and the other murder victims who were younger than the now almost 22 year old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev at the time of their deaths. Operative words there being murder victims. Victims of murder. That can’t be emphasized enough.
The adult terrorist and murderer Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is infantilized, while 12 year olds like Tamir Rice and teens like Mike Brown and Trayvon Martin are depicted as monsters. 
In all this, Black children who are murdered aren’t afforded dignity, humanity or respect, even in death, much less shown a gentler approach and sensitivity in reportage due to their youth. Black youth is seldom recognized. Murderer, officer Darren Wilson even described Mike Brown as an unstoppable, raging beast that not only charged him, but was also somehow impervious to his bullets, until he shot him in the head at close range. Wilson said Brown looked like a demon.
The Black child is a threat that needs to be put down, while the adult Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, who is a terrorist and murderer is humanized and infantilized.
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ultimatemanifestor · 9 years
Some photos from the event that 1,500+ marched in and some surprisingly happy police helped escort with the exception of one cranky woman officer who tried to force those of us in the back (many blocks behind the front) onto the sidewalk. We stayed in the street and she drove around. Following the...
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ultimatemanifestor · 9 years
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO’s) are living organisms that have been genetically engineered in a laboratory using gene-splicing techniques. This science allows DNA from one species to be injected into another species; creating combinations of animal, plant, bacterial, and viral genes that do not occur in nature or through conventional crossbreeding methods. These techniques create unpredictable genetic changes within the cell’s DNA which have never been studied for long term effects on humans or the environment. Despite the lack of evidence regarding long term safety of genetic engineering, GMO’s are found in most packaged foods and animal feed around the world. This has come about because large profit driven chemical companies who produce GMO’s have strategic and financial liaisons with governments around the world and have not been required to prove long term safety of their genetic modifications due to the claim that GMO’s are “substantially equivalent” as their conventional unmodified counterparts. The GMO/biotechnology industry has also paid for questionable studies that show GMO’s in a favorable light to ease government and consumer concerns. Despite these biased claims of primarily chemical corporations manufacturing GMOs, independent scientific research has repeatedly shown major risks with GMO’s causing countless negative environmental and health effects. Animal studies have shown GMO consumption to be especially devastating in second and third generation offspring which we are beginning to see in children around the world today. GMO consumption has been found to cause cancer, immune dysregulation and reproductive failure in animal studies and people in nations exposed to GMOs are unconsenting human test subjects. GMO’s also endanger the existence of conventional and organic seeds through the process of cross pollination, threaten bee and butterfly populations, threaten economic sustainability of non-GMO farmers, and fail to deliver on promises of increased yield. Due to these serious risks many countries around the world have banned GMO’s entirely, banned GMO imports, required labeling of GMO’s, or restrict GMO’s heavily until long term safety can be confirmed. We need every country involved in this effort to ban GMO’s and preserve life for future generations. Please act now and sign the petition to Ban GMO’s Worldwide and be a part of the biggest food revolution ever.
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ultimatemanifestor · 9 years
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May 23, 2015
March Against Monsanto
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ultimatemanifestor · 9 years
Okay, so I feel like Tumblr is about to become politically aware again and “Occupy Monsanto”. They are an evil corporation that has a history of doing bad things, so I’m very happy that many of you are going to march against them. That said, I’d like to share some of my personal research on why to...
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ultimatemanifestor · 9 years
Thank you for getting so detailed. I appreciate this and you.
Some photos from the event that 1,500+ marched in and some surprisingly happy police helped escort with the exception of one cranky woman officer who tried to force those of us in the back (many blocks behind the front) onto the sidewalk. We stayed in the street and she drove around. Following the...
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ultimatemanifestor · 9 years
Despite hundreds of thousands of comments from people like you, today the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved Dow Chemical’s new “Enlist Duo” herbicide which is a mixture of glyphosate (the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup) and the even more toxic chemical 2,4-D of “Agent...
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