ultrarohitkishore · 5 years
Different Types of Yoga That Will Make You Fit
Yoga is a system of exercises practiced to control the body and mind. It is said that “Right intension is to the actions of a man, what the soul is to the body or the root to the tree”. There are different types of Yoga that you can try to begin your journey to a better life with eternal happiness.
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To get the advantages of this divine activity, it is necessary to choose the right kind of yoga style and most importantly, do it in a right way. For example, if you are a beginner then you must start from the basic postures and gradually proceed towards the difficult ones. In this health & wellness blog, we have briefly described the following 5 different types of Yoga:
1. Hatha Yoga
This type of yoga is a slow-paced, gentle and focused on breathing and meditation.
Aim: It introduces beginners to yoga with basic poses and relaxation techniques.
§  Relieves stress
§  Provides physical exercise
§  Improves breathing
2. Vinyasa Yoga
This form is a successor to Hatha. It covers basic poses and breath-syncing movements. This variant of Hatha yoga emphasizes on the Sun Salutation (a series of 12 poses where movement is matched to the breath).
Aim: To link the breath with movement and build lean muscle mass throughout the body.
§  Helps improve strength
§  Improves flexibility
§  Tones the abdominal muscles
§  Reduces risk of heart disease, blood pressure and diabetes
3. Ashtanga Yoga
This style focuses on eight limbs. It is a form of power yoga which is fast-paced and intense with lungs and push-ups. To learn how to practice this yoga, you can refer relevant videos or some health articles.
Aim: Improves one’s spiritual self.
§  Relieves stress
§  Improves co-ordination
§  Helps in weight loss
4. Iyengar Yoga
It covers all eight aspects of Ashtanga yoga and focuses on bodily alignment. Props like blankets, straps and blocks are used to assist in strengthening the body.
Aim: To strengthen and align the body.
§  Helps improve balance
§  Speeds up recovery from an injury
5. Bikram Yoga
It is commonly known as Hot Yoga. It is practiced in a room having temperature of 95 degree Celsius to 100 degree Celsius. It is a series of twenty six poses that allows loosening of tight muscles and sweating.
Aim: To flush out toxins and to deeply stretch the muscles.
§  Speeds up recovery from an injury
§  Enhances flexibility
§  Cleanses body
Yoga is a perfect antidote to over-indulgence of biological needs. It is way to reach spiritualism. The person practicing yoga is not only transformed but transfigured. There are different types of, though they all are based on same poses, each style has a particular focus. If you are a health blogger and want to submit a guest post on such topics, feel free to contact us through our website.
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