um-yes-maybe · 6 years
Reblog if
Seventeen is your HOME
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um-yes-maybe · 6 years
Me too Dan. Me too.
Baby found a unicorn.
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um-yes-maybe · 7 years
@frogsuggest Such a good lad!
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um-yes-maybe · 8 years
Poor tired little Dorito. :(
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um-yes-maybe · 8 years
Number 1 all the way! <3
Makeup options!
Alrighty so I got a few asks for some fun makeup ideas. Note if you sent a suggestion and it’s not here, no worries! I’m keeping them all in a list :)
So if you’d like to see me attempt one of these in a makeup just comment with your number choice!
1. Yōkai 2. Fawn 3. Alien 4. Naga 5. Zombie superhero
Think you’ve got a good makeup idea? Then send it my way. And yes I also accept repaints of existing makeups.
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um-yes-maybe · 8 years
I also only have this on my left arm...but not on the right (my dominate arm). Wtf!
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Lay your arm on a flat surface and push your thumb and pinky together. If you don’t see a raised band across your wrist, you are a product of evolution. If you do, you’ve got a useless extra muscle in your arm that is slowly being erased from our genetic code. Source
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um-yes-maybe · 9 years
White arms and legs to go with the new porcelain face, huh? Rabbit are you the robot from this --> http://youtu.be/EjAoBKagWQA with pink hair?
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Rabbit’s Spring outfit! #bunnybennett #isabellabennett #spg #steampoweredgiraffe
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um-yes-maybe · 9 years
While we're talking about asking for things you want...Staples, did you ASK to use Last Week Tonight's show intro, host name, and theme music?
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um-yes-maybe · 9 years
But wait...there's more!
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um-yes-maybe · 9 years
Really Staples? Making a piss poor version of Last Week Tonight...as a training module???
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um-yes-maybe · 9 years
Doesn't need a question mark, as the answer is obvious. ^(._.)6 #perfect
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♡  follow for more philosophical grump aesthetic ♡
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um-yes-maybe · 10 years
I need this to be on iTunes right now! <3
Another live cd?!? That's so exciting! Does that mean that the audio mix on the cd and video is the "live" mix? I really like the way you all sound at shows and your other live cd is my favorite thing you've released but I know it's not actuallly concert live and I'm curious if this one is. I know the crowds can get loud and that the I'll Rust With You music video wasn't the live audio so I thought I should ask. Thanks!
The Audio CD included with the Blu-ray/DVD/Audio CD contains all the songs from the concert minus the bits (only way to fit the show onto a CD).The audio on this CD is straight from the actual concert, which includes the audience cheers, laughs, and cries. We think the mix sounds great!But yes, the audio mix for all the songs is from an actual concert, unlike our last Live CD which was recorded “live”, just without an audience and in a theater space by ourselves.The concert itself, on the blu-ray and dvd, is the entire show start to finish, and it clocks in around two hours….music, in between banter, and bits. It’s like attending a Steam Powered Giraffe show in 2013, and is the next best thing to being there. :)
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um-yes-maybe · 10 years
So right you are. For those who prefer pictures to digest such a message, I recommend: http://www.therobinhead.com/reviving-your-dead-pony/
You can't just let the Internet form an opinion for you. Think for yourselves and don't let petty things blacken your heart!
Hi, I know you're probably super busy, but could I ask, do you get lots of hate mail and such? and how do you deal with it if you do get some? Thanks :)
We do.
It’s only a small amount though compared to the positive stuff we get.
Literally it’s all from tumblr and children.
That’s not a knock against tumblr or it’s users. Obviously we get tons of great interaction with fans on all our social media sites.
But if you’ve ever used the Internet, you can probably guess how terrible it really is.
Everyone has this anonymity online and some people go out of their way to berate other people, “school them”, fling hateful insults, troll, uphold social justice, and generally just do a ton of things that would never be described as “Ok” by the general population.
At least that’s what I think.
It’s not just unique to Steam Powered Giraffe or my own experiences.
Just take a look at fandom reactions to a gazillion different things online…Or YouTube comments…Or Facebook….Or video game review site comment sections…
There’s something wrong with these people…It’s some sort of social disorder or something…where some people have to warrant their own existence by bringing other people down…
I think the worst thing though is that some stuff is justifiable to people when it’s not blatant “You’re a fag” or “Go kill yourself”.
I think a lot of it comes down to young people on the Internet who think they know everything about life and have the soapbox of the Internet to preach their wisdom.
I am sure there is a more eloquent way to put that…
But anyways, to me it’s all kind of dangerous, because some of the stuff these people say, other young people latch onto…and what they’re saying isn’t always progressive things forward for society.
It’s almost like people are reinventing the wheel and they don’t see it because everything they know about life has been taught to them through social media.
There’s a lot of smart people out there…Young and old…I get the pleasure of interacting with them online and at events through Steam Powered Giraffe. It’s great.
But there are these other people that just…exist who are unpleasant.
Some can be straight up hateful and hurtful people, and others can be ignorant of their own terrible actions due to some hazy fog clouding their eyes so they can’t see how terrible they are…and their actions are sometimes subtle and sometimes not so subtle…but they are always justified in their own minds because they think they are doing good.
Anywho.Basically you just ignore these people.
For Steam Powered Giraffe they’ve always existed.
They existed well before we had a following.
And the more exposure we get, the more crap we get.
But I think it balances out with positive stuff.
It’s like 100 positive people to 1 non-positive jerk.
I think some people (like me) are predisposed to see the bad…But a lesson of life is to see the good, and ignore the dumb people.
People people are dumb.
I am dumb too.I sometimes find other people dumb and laugh and think poorly of some people who send us terrible stuff through messages and emails and all that…
But those same people probably think the same thing of me.
It’s a bit unfair that I get to receive it directly and can’t realistically ignore all of it completely while the other side of the equation is just a frustrated immature person who can send whatever they want.
But I think it’s painfully obvious that if you are a part of something that has a large enough following, you will be the target of someone.
It’s just statistically that way due to the amount of people who hate their lives and want to make other people less than themselves in their minds by lashing out…however direct or passive aggressive….or secretly plotting it may be.
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um-yes-maybe · 10 years
But they are capable of producing children...and their children, barring any kind of problem, could produce children. Hence - grand kids. I fail to see why this is a reason to get your underwear in a bunch. O.o
sometimes I think the SPG fandom really forgets
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um-yes-maybe · 10 years
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Also, nice Spine photo bomb at SPWF. [And, somehow Rabbit's eyes turned gold with the flash...looks pretty cool with the oxidation. Just sayin']
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um-yes-maybe · 10 years
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There's nothing I can post here that isn't going to sound incredibly lame...but this was a huge moment for me. I'd only just heard about SPG at the beginning of 2013. Didn't take long till I was hooked though. Between their characters and their music...that and David, Bunny, and Sam are just really genuine, fantastic people. Anyways, I digress. An awesome friend gifted me tickets to the Steampunk World's Fair that took place this past weekend. Included with entry into the con, was also some special tickets to join in a dinner with Steam Powered Giraffe! I was beyond excited and kept thinking about this singular event all week prior to the con. And I must say...it by far exceeded my expectations. SPG showed up in makeup and in character and went from table to table, interacting and taking pictures with fans. My husband and I had just made it in time for the dinner and ended up at a table all the way in the back of the venue. Still, I had a blast just watching the different tables as Rabbit, The Spine, and Hatchworth drew closer and closer. When they were about two tables away, it dawned on me that they were actually about to be right there beside me...and I was going to have to come up with things to say. My husband did way better than I did, I must admit. By the time they made it to us, I was shaking and too tired/overwhelmed to come up with anything clever or funny to add to the banter. Again, my husband saved the day by having the presence of mind to ask if they would all take a picture with me. I wanted to hug each of them and thank them so much for being such a bright spot in each and every day [totally not crying as I write this, by the way]. I don't know why 3 people in makeup, acting as vintage robots has so won over my heart, but this moment right here means the world to me... I was still shaking so badly as they got ready to head to another table that I couldn't make myself stand up and hug anybody. The Spine did seem to take notice though and offered his hand [so surprised his glove was soft, as I had always imagined it being a little stiff from the silver paint]. And just like that it was over and they moved on to another table.  The concert on Saturday was dynamite! It was awesome to get to hear some songs from MK3 live and to see the new bits that went along with them. The few days that my husband and I spent in Jersey were exhausting, but it was so worth it to get to meet SPG and see them perform again. I don't know if there's a chance that any of the members of the band would see this, but I just want to say...
Thank you guys so much for making this past weekend so wonderful! Thank you for sharing your delightful characters and your music with all of us. The world can offer what petty criticism it wants...but you guys mean the world to so many. And I know that for me personally, my life is so much better just knowing that you and your music exist. 
Thank you so SO much! <3
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