umhello--aaron-blog · 7 years
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“See, I don’t do all of that anymore so now I just stick with good ol’ Jack Daniels.”
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“He’s a good one.” Aaron chuckled. “Have you got any other hobbies?” 
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umhello--aaron-blog · 7 years
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Aaron watched the screen, but kept his hands on Jameson, just feeling and touching his skin. He heard the little pinging noise and she took her shirt off. “So that’s how it works...” He mused with a small laugh. Aaron looked back at Jameson and kissed his shoulder.
Couples Night || Jameson & Aaron [June 10th, 2017]
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umhello--aaron-blog · 7 years
Life can get you down, so I just numb the way it feels. I drown it with a drink and out of date prescription pills.
Ed Sheeran, Save Myself (via loveroftheligth)
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umhello--aaron-blog · 7 years
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umhello--aaron-blog · 7 years
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Aaron nodded and gave an embarrassed laugh. “That was a pretty stupid question, wasn't it?” He asked and looked over at Jameson with a light shrug. He could feel himself getting more relaxed as she spoke. He didn’t really know Max. And he wasn’t sure if that made it better or worse. Aaron lied his head on Jameson’s shoulder, watching the scren.
Couples Night || Jameson & Aaron [June 10th, 2017]
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umhello--aaron-blog · 7 years
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Aaron was blowing out smoke when he heard Max say his name. His eye brows shot up, and he gave a small smile. “Can she see us?” He asked and looked at Jameson. He felt a bit shy, but he nodded, “Nice to meet you too. Can she hear us as well?” He asked.
Couples Night || Jameson & Aaron [June 10th, 2017]
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umhello--aaron-blog · 7 years
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Aaron’s sweet brown eyes studied the screen, looking at Max curiously. He looked at the people who were also online. He leaned back into the pillows and crossed his arms over his chest loosely and looked over at Jameson. As he saw the blunt, his expression changed, into a lighter one. “Now this I can get behind.” He smirked and took the blunt from his fingertips, taking a long drag. This would calm him down. This would help.  
Couples Night || Jameson & Aaron [June 10th, 2017]
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umhello--aaron-blog · 7 years
Marley bit their lower lip enthusiastically rubbing their hands together. “You sure? I mean I wouldn’t mind leveling the playing field a bit first.” They smirked lightly. “Ready if you are,” they said holding a ball out to Aaron.
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“I wouldn’t say no if you wanted to get drunk as well.” The Brit replied with a laugh. “But I am so ready. Let’s go.” He readied himself at the handles.
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umhello--aaron-blog · 7 years
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Aaron gave a moan, arching his back in pleasure as he felt Jameson touch him more and take him in. When his boyfriend stopped, he frowned and looked at him, then at the laptop for disturbing what they were doing. Aaron sat up and did as he was told, peeling off his shirt, kicking off his sweatpants. He smiled a little as he kissed Jameson, and nodded. “Alright-- Yeah. About us.” 
Couples Night || Jameson & Aaron [June 10th, 2017]
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umhello--aaron-blog · 7 years
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Aaron couldn’t help but moan against his lips, feeling the pressure of his grip, and softness of Jameson’s lips. When Jameson took him into his mouth, his eyes closed in pleasure, feeling it spread through his body. Aaron’s toes curled .
Couples Night || Jameson & Aaron [June 10th, 2017]
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umhello--aaron-blog · 7 years
Jameson listened to his boyfriend speak, seeing that he wasn’t so sure but he hoped Aaron would be once he saw Max. He smiled, kissing him softly. “Just remember, I love you. Okay? That will never change.” He kissed him harder now to reinforce that. He looked at the time and smirked. It was about an hour now. They had a little time on their own. He put their wine glasses down and began kissing his boyfriend softly.
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Aaron kissed him back, unsure at first, but nodded as Jameson said that he loved him. Just him. Aaron then pressed harder into the kiss and smiled a little. Aaron was still a little cautious about this whole thing, not knowing Max terribly well and all. But he trusted Jameson. Their lips connected again and gave a small moan, feeling his boyfriend touch him and grip his cock, which was getting harder by the second. “Oh... I do like that. Fuck..” He cursed and moved his hips a little.  
Couples Night || Jameson & Aaron [June 10th, 2017]
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umhello--aaron-blog · 7 years
He smirked, practically catching Aaron in his arms and wrapping his arms around the other man’s waist, kissing him and nipping at his lip. “So I had this thing I wanted to try with you. Remember my friend Max? Well, she does cam shows and by accident… I stumbled across one of her’s last Saturday night and to be perfectly honest… I got off to it. Then I felt horrible for you and for her. I already talked to her and she said it’s fine. She even suggested that when I told you, you and I should watch together. She said it would help her performance knowing we were watching.” He sighed. “I hope you’re not mad.” He bit his lip. “She’s really hot and honestly, you’d get so hard just watching her. I wanna do this with you. And if it goes well, she does a show ever Saturday night.” He kissed his cheek and then bit his ear. “Is that okay baby?”
Aaron sat back and listened to what Jameson was saying. He raised an eye brow, looking curiously at him. His head tipped to the side like a puppy. He face showed no other emotion, not giving away what he was thinking. Aaron pressed his lips together. So Jameson got off on other people? Not just him? Alright... He thought before listening to him continue. “Well-- That’s all very interesting. And I’m glad that she’s okay with you getting off.. To her. What a kind friend.” He said. Aaron wasn’t sure what to think about it. He didn’t get off to many girls these days, but he supposed he could give it a try for Jameson. If he didn’t get off, Jameson would. “Alright, sure. We can try it.” 
Couples Night || Jameson & Aaron [June 10th, 2017]
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umhello--aaron-blog · 7 years
“I do. I’m very excited.” She smirked. “You and Jameson should come in for one of my kink workshops. I’m thinking of doing a same sex couple version for men and then one for women.”
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“Would you be teaching the guys one?” He asked. “Can you give good tips on gay sex for men?” He asked with a laugh. “But sure, I’d love to come and drag my lovely partner along.”
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umhello--aaron-blog · 7 years
Jameson had planned everything out. Aaron was coming over and they wouldn’t be leaving their room the rest of the night. Jameson had sent Eli off to Mila and Jackson’s place for the night. They were going to watch Max’s show that night and Jameson had taken the liberty of getting some wine for he and Aaron to drink. Jameson set up his laptop in the middle of the bed, turning it on and logging into his account on the chat site. Everything was all set out. All he needed was his boyfriend.
Aaron wasn’t sure what Jameson wanted to do, probably just a night in. They went out a lot, they stayed in a lot-- They had a nice balance of both. He was happy whenever he was around Jameson, so what they did wasn’t a concern. It’s always be better with his boyfriend. Aaron wore a pair of black sweatpants and a black sweatshirt. His hair was messy but in the cute way. His beard was trimmed, per usual and he decided to play around a little and curl the ends of his mustache just for the hell of it. Aaron walked into Jameson’s house. “Honey, I’m home!” He called and tossed his keys on the counter and looked around, making his way to Jameson’s room. “Ooo look at this. Laptop, wine? How romantic.” He chuckled and pounced on the older man and kissing his cheeks and neck and lips playfully.
Couples Night || Jameson & Aaron [June 10th, 2017]
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umhello--aaron-blog · 7 years
“Anything to do with sex, relationships, that sort of thing. Especially some kink workshops.”
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“Oh that’s weird. But great. It sounds like you got a real thing goin’ here.”
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umhello--aaron-blog · 7 years
Noelle folded her arms over her chest, the adrenaline leaving her left her feeling tired and vulnerable. “Yeah.. yeah a pastry sounds good.”
“Baked good can heal just about anything. Trust me. It’s a proven fact.” He pointed. “Not really, but they should really do some further research.” He shrugged. “You alright, though?”
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umhello--aaron-blog · 7 years
“So much I don’t know where to start.” Noelle sighed. She had run until she found someone she trusted, Jameson’s boyfriend was a pretty safe find. “Not your fault.. yeah.. me too.”
Aaron frowned slightly and looked at her, checking if she was alright physically. “Let’s get you out of here. Wanna grab some food? A pastry from this new place I found?” He asked. 
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