umidaily · 5 months
Feels so weird, the need to defend someone a public figure. They don't know who I am. Zadie doesn't know who I am. But I guess when i defend them, what I'm really doing is defending myself. And what really matters, and the only thing that really should matter, is my own personal opinion of a thing. And my opinion is just an opinion. And the fear and anxiety that erupts, and presents itself as defensiveness, when people criticize people that I idolize, is really just a body reaction to feeling attacked, feeling like I am being told I'm wrong for continuing to support people. When I am not. Like I am allowed to agree with zadie. It doesn't make me a bad person. I think there are arguments to be made about whether the article was necessary, or whether it really served any purpose at all. But I do, ultimately, agree with it. I do think there is danger in all of the labels and chants and buzzwords floating around the internet regarding palestine. I think it's wild to not be able to zoom out for even just one second, and acknowledge the humanity of both sides. At the very end, she says to call her whatever you want. "Toothless humanist" was one of them. And I think a lot of people on the internet, leftists, obviously, are calling her that. And maybe that's what I am too. "You can't 'both sides' a genocide" is something people are saying. But that again, has become a saying that people throw around on the internet like it's a cool thing to say. So I just...can't do it. And that's ok. I don't have to. And if it ultimately means that we have conflict. If it means, ultimately, that Amanda and I, drift apart. It means, we drift apart. And that's ok. Because the worst thing I can do is pretend like I believe as strongly or even in the same things as she does, get swept up in it, and feel like a fraud either way.
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umidaily · 5 months
Re: AmCh
I can feel it all crumbling. I can feel the judgment. I know that they want me to be more active, that they look at me and my life and think "Why does she not care? She has the time, why does she not devote any of it to this?" They've both been called to activism. And maybe it's because of the way we were raised, maybe it's that I'm lazy and selfish. It's probably both. But it's also that I, ultimately, think we all have to prioritize the personal over the community. And I think that's just what it is. I sometimes wonder if Amanda giving so much to these causes is a way for her to give back the wealth she was born with. Her parents paid for her to go to law school. She has a trust fund. She'll travel to Hong Kong and get paid flights. She'll tell them that about her friend's mortgage and they'll pay it off in a blink. And I think sitting in that amount of privilege and wealth, knowing that she was born into that class and still choosing to benefit from it, makes her feel guilty, and she's doing everything she can to feel better about herself. And I guess that's good. That's what we want, I guess.
I don't know. I don't know enough about politics, and I don't really want to know. I want to be dumb about it. That's the thing. Like, I want to be clueless about it and bop around and maybe get taken advantage of and whatever. But I really want to just... live my life. Like, that's the thing with activists. I am like great for you, go you. I don't want to do that with my time. And that's a selfish choice I'm making, but that's a choice I get to make. And it makes me sad, obviously. And this issue is personal to her, obviously. And she's a history major so she was already naturally geared toward this stuff. Like I am not. I just am not interested. And you can call me dumb or selfish or whatever, but I still get to not be interested.
I guess ultimately, we might have a friendship breakup over this. I can see it escalating to that point, I really can. The stuff both of them post on social media is so intense. It's intense on purpose. The actual events are even scarier than whatever people are posting, so that really makes you think. But it's also not my life. It's not my people. It's not my family. And that's selfish to not care because it's not about me, but we all have to not care a little bit. I wonder if she would still care if Myka's boyfriend wasn't Palestinian. It's because she has skin in the game that she is so particularly vocal about this over everything else. And I guess that's how I make myself feel better, but it's also just true. Because at the end of the day she can preach global activism and community care all she wants but it's a personal issue for her.
There is a moral superiority and need to shame people that doesn’t sit right with me. Maybe it is a facet of all activism and maybe that’s why I can’t be one, but I don’t like the high horse, moral “what are you doing if you’re not doing this? How COULD YOU!!!!!” Energy. It’s exhausting and short sighted and not empathetic and I hate it so much.
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umidaily · 6 months
Morning coffee - cafe di espresso
Walk to flower shop -buy flowers for grave
Taxi to grave
Taxi to obaachans
Petit bakery - all the bread
Visit obaachan
-buy tea from vending machine
Chill at obaachans
Walk around itsukaichi
-old obaachans house!!!
Train and ferry to Miyajima
Miyajima!! Deer!! Sakura!!
-yakigaki, oyster curry bread
-Australian dude lolol
Ferry and train back to hondori
Dinner at suishin - fish and kamameshi
Fried chicken comparison
-7 eleven, Lawson, family mart
Back to hotel
Watch ぐるナイ
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umidaily · 6 months
Morning coffee
Breakfast at hotel: toast
Go to Shinagawa station -short delay
Buy ekiben -salmon and takikomigohan&nikuman
Read: ta Nehisi
Arrive at Hiroshima station
-so rainy!!!
Taxi to Mitsuii Garden Hotel
Cafe di espresso -mocha
Check in to hotel
Rest/play scout
Dinner at Negiann -okonomiyaki
Magic Bar
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umidaily · 6 months
Jenny landed! Arrived at hotel at 8am
Morning coffee
Breakfast: toast and boiled egg
Walk around Sumidagawa
Sakura mochi -sit near water and eat
Lunch at local katsu place -aji fry and katsu
Nanaya - matcha ice cream - matcha and hojicha
Walk around Asakusa /Sensoji
Back to hotel to rest
Go to Ueno with mama
- gifts for Ryuma-ojichan (socks and handkerchief)
-omiage - まんじゅう&水ようかん
- Kaldi - fried onion and coffee
- strawberry milk concentrate
Matsuya basement
-grocery - buy milk
Back to hotel
Mama switch rooms
Brent arrived at 8pm
Dinner at small local izakaya - yakitori so good!!
Family mart - ice cream / Brent -onigiri lolol
Back to hotel/ sleep time
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umidaily · 6 months
Morning coffee
Narita found mamas green card!!!!!
Go to suehirocho
Kanda Myoujin-7 stone shrines
Lunch at Kiyari soba
Yushima Seido
Walk to Kanda
Train to Ueno
Mama: Skyliner train to Narita
Go to Ueno park
Call Charlie
Train to Suehirocho
Lawson - chips and jasmine tea
Started raining :((
Yodobashi camera
Meet Friends at Akihabara station
Walk around
-bic camera
Go back to Jae’s hotel
-Chats about.. stuff
Meet friends at Tokyo station
Tokyo character street
-Pokemon store
Dinner at Beer Hall
-big katsu, Hamburg steak
Train back to hotel
Pass out
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umidaily · 6 months
Morning coffee and toast
Scramble about mamas green card
-call Brent
Meet friends at Onotesando
Lunch at Slice of life Bbq
-jer waited in line
Flying Copenhagen
Gentle Monster
Jae left
-chill and chat with Jer
So hot!!!
Inge and monkoo join, plus Diana and Freddy
Walk to Roppongi Tokyo Midtown
Dinner at Tsujihan
Roppongi Hills -photos
Jae’s hotel to chill
Asakusa at night
McDonald’s -shrimp filet good
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umidaily · 6 months
Up early
Go to Tsukiji
Meet Jae, Jenn, Jer at Tomboya for tuna skewer
-So good!
Walk to ginza
Breakfast at Noa cafe
- waffle and latte morning set
- walk to don quijote
-family mart - famichiki
Train to Asakusa
Sanrio store
Melon pan/ meet crystals friends
Sensoji - so crowded!!!!!
-omikuji- 大吉
Hatoya matcha
Walk Around
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umidaily · 6 months
Morning coffee
Really heavy rains until noon :((
Bookstore at Matsuya
Go to Shibuya
-tower records - yuuri cds! - Beyoncé????????
-walk around miyashita park
-late lunch/early dinner at RAKERU (omurice, gratin)
Back to Asakusa
Matsuya basement floor
-buy chika chan unagi bento
-roll cake
7 eleven
Tea and chats at chika chans
Back to hotel
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umidaily · 6 months
Read: before the coffee gets cold
Morning Coffee
Breakfast: Siumai
Morning TV
Go to Yurakucho Station
Tokyo Kotsu Kaikan:
-regional shops:
—Okinawa: salt, snacks, umibudou
— Akita: natto snack
— also Hokkaido and Niigata
Lunch: うまや 牛タン&チキン南蛮
Walk to Ginza
Itoya -so crowded
-cafe in Itoya: cheesecake and lattes
Matsuya dept store food
- あげ、油揚げ、おにぎり
- ぱんやさん
Back to Asakusa
Stop by Matsuya dept grocery store
-soy sauce, yogurt, more salt
Back to hotel
Watch アメトーク
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umidaily · 6 months
Read: Before the coffee gets cold
Morning coffee and breakfast: toast and yogurt
Nice weather!!
Walk around Sumidagawa with Mama
-no blooms yet :(
Lunch at okayu place: 粥や佐藤
Walk to Kappabashi
-lots of kitchen goods
-restaurant food supply: sesame seed paste
Back to hotel
Chill and relax
Walk to Skytree
- look for salt at grocery in Tokyo Solamachi
Back to hotel
Pickup dinner at Matsuya dept store
-siumai, kimchi, たきこみごはん
Watch: show with medium
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umidaily · 6 months
Morning coffee
Long chat with mama -3 hrs, emotional bleh
Buy train tickets for Nikki at Asakusa station
Fo to Tokyo station
-character street
-日テレ tv store - いってq calendar
-Daimaru - buy strawberry &lychee peach jam
-buy Shinkansen tickets
Go to chika chans - so rainy T.T
Dinner at chika chans -roast beef, ebi fry, salad, octopus fried rice - so good
Watch 占ってもいいですか
Watch 今夜の謎トレ
Watch show about 毒女
Walk back to hotel
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umidaily · 6 months
Morning coffee and yogurt and toast
Go to nihonbashi
Togo cinema: Buy movie tickets
Lunch at spaghetti Sora - carbonara
Watch Godzilla-1.0 : muscat soda and sour cream and onion popcorn - pretty good!!
Loft - small haul, no Jan start :(((
Muji - buy curry for dinner (green curry, butter chicken, beef curry)
7 eleven: pick up sandwiches and dessert (ice cream and warabi mochi)
Dinner: instant curry and rice - not the best but not bad
So sleepy, pass out at 9pm lmao
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umidaily · 6 months
Read: Family Meal
Breakfast: Toast on stove, plus egg and sausage
Mama up late
Watch: News/Japanese morning TV
Train to: Ueno Hirokoji
Ameyoko: Fruits (Amanatsu, dried persimmon, dried sweet potato) - so heavy!! - がんばれ!
Marishiten Tokudaiji Temple - Inoshishi
Walk to Ueno Park - no cherry blossoms yet ):
Chill & Snack - ずんだ団子、みたらし団子
Buy Strawberries at Ameyoko
Stop by Matsuya - Unagi Bento - Groceries: Yogurt & Snack
Mini Stop - Water & Beer - kind of shitty LOL
Dinner: unagi @ hotel (:
Watch: Aiba Manabu
Watch: Chubo no Alice - finale!
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umidaily · 6 months
wake up once at 4:30, back to sleep until 7
Morning Coffee
Morning TV
Chill/Veg until noon
go to Nihonbashi:
TOHO CINEMA: buy movie ticket for 四月になれば彼女は at 1:25 pm (Godzilla too full)
Walk around COREDO to kill time, bookstore - bought japanese books!!
Watch Movie: slow romance. meh; dropped phone T.T
Mitsukoshi: Mama - Shiseido; walk around Mitsukoshi
Walk around COREDO more, buy pine tea, go to MUJI
Dinner at Hakata Motsunabe Yamaya Coredo - good but so salty, too much food
back to hotel
chill/veg out more
Pine tea... weird
sleep early
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