ummthalabah-blog · 9 years
Beware of extremism in the religion, for verily those who were before you were destroyed as a result of their extremism in religion
Prophet Muḥammad ﷺ | Authenticated by al-Albānī in Ṣaḥīḥ al-Jāmi as-Saghīr wa Ziyādatuh #2680 (via aboohurayrah)
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ummthalabah-blog · 9 years
“The best of Emān (faith) is patience and pardoning.”
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ | [Silsilat al-Ahadīth As-Sahīhah (No. 1495)] (via ramiroo19)
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ummthalabah-blog · 9 years
What have you prepared for Allâh?
The Messenger of Allah ( sallahu alayhi wasallam) said, “Whoever wishes to know what Allah has prepared for him, then he should look at what he has prepared for Allah.” {Saheeh Al-Jami 6006}
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ummthalabah-blog · 9 years
The hardship and difficulty that a person may face make it permissible for him to join the two prayers (i.e. Dhuhr and Asr, or Maghrib and Isha).
Majmoo’ al-Fataawa al-Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen 12/216 (via aboonoor)
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ummthalabah-blog · 9 years
We are living in the calm before the storm reaches us. Prepare yourself.
(via at-tibyaan)
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ummthalabah-blog · 9 years
Sisters, carry your keys. Use them if needed if you get what I mean 👀
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ummthalabah-blog · 9 years
Shaykh ‘Uthaymeen, may Allaah have mercy on him, said:
“It is an obligation for a person to turn to Allaah, the Mighty and Majestic, because He is the One in Whose Hands is the dominion of the heavens and the earth, so do not, for example, rely on the firmness of eemaan in your heart, relying on [the idea that] the Devil will not overcome you and that the desires of the soul that orders evil will not infiltrate you; rather, always recourse back to Allaah, the Most High, and ask Him for steadfastness.”
[Tafseer Soorah Yaa Seen (p. 26)]
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ummthalabah-blog · 9 years
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ummthalabah-blog · 9 years
If you see your self filling with rage when you are given genuine naseeha
Then this shows that deep-down you know that what’s being said is true
“…but most of them are averse (against) to the truth” [23:70]
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ummthalabah-blog · 9 years
Sa’id Bin Abu ‘Aroobah reports: One year while Hajjaaj Ibn Yusuf was performing hajj, he stopped somewhere between Makkah and Madeenah in order to eat. As his meal was being prepared for him, Hajjaaj said to his guard; “Bring me someone who will eat with me.” since they were in the middle of the dessert, the guard had a hard time to find someone, but he finally came across a bedouin who was sleeping in the open. Kicking him with his foot, the guard said; “Answer the summons of the ameer (leader).” Though he was somewhat perplexed, the bedouin acquiesced and followed the guard back to Hajjaaj. Without any ceremony or introduction, Hajjaaj said; “Wash your hands and eat with me.” “One Who is better than you has already invited me,” said the bedouin. “Who?” exclaimed Hajjaaj, not believing the effrontery of the man. “Allaah has invited me to fast (an optional fast), and I answered His invitation,” said the bedouin. “You’re fasting in this extreme heat!?” “Yes, I am fasting for a Day that will be even hotter than today,” said the bedouin. “Then eat today and fast tomorrow,” said Hajjaaj. “Ok, but only if you guarantee that I will be alive tomorrow,” said the bedouin. “I of course can not do that,” said Hajjaaj. “Then how can you ask me to trade what is long-term for that which is short-term?” “Indeed this food is good,” said Hajjaaj, enticingly. “You do not make it good, nor does the cook,” said the bedouin. “It is made good and pure by safety [i.e., by it being blessed by Allaah].” [Taken from “Glimpses Of The Lives Of Righteous People”, Darussalam publishing, Pp. 99-100, quoting from “Al-Bidaayah Wan-Nihaayah”, 9/136] Through this story we can see the simplicity of the bedouins, and how their simple mindedness lead them to logical conclusions and deductions.
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ummthalabah-blog · 9 years
With reference to the important virtues of knowledge, the Shaykh (rahima-hullaah) mentions: ((That he who has knowledge does not become tired in protecting it. This is because, if Allaah bestows knowledge upon you, then its place is in the heart and there is no need for containers or keys or the like. It is protected in the heart and soul, and in time itself it is a protector for you, because it protects you from danger, with Allaah’s permission. So knowledge protects you, whilst with property, you protect it by placing it in locked up containers, and despite all this, you still remain insecure about it.)) Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen Kitaabul-'Ilm
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ummthalabah-blog · 9 years
al-Haafidh al-Khateeb al-Baghdaadee (d.463H) – rahimahullaah – said: “So knowledge is a tree, and actions are its fruit. The one who does not act upon his knowledge is not to be counted as being a scholar. And it is said, the knowledge is the father, and actions are its offspring. And action comes after knowledge, and narration comes after investigation. So do not feel content with action, as long as you are deficient in knowledge.” [Iqtidaa‘ul-’Ilmil-’Amal (p. 5-6)]
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ummthalabah-blog · 9 years
Utbah bin Ghazwaan:
“I seek refuge with Allaah from seeing myself great when I am little in the sight of Allaah.”
[Muslim no. 2967]
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ummthalabah-blog · 9 years
Whoever fears Allaah, Allaah will make everything fearful of him. And whoever does not fear Allaah, Allaah will make him fearful of everything.
Graded WEAK in Takhreej Al-Ihyaa by Al-Iraqi (v. 2, p. 145)
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ummthalabah-blog · 9 years
Mu’adh Bin Jabal said: “Stay away from a companionship that does not benefit you with knowledge.” [Adab Shari’yyah 4/232]
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ummthalabah-blog · 9 years
There isn’t any true relaxation for the believers besides the meeting of Allāh
‘Abdullāh Ibn Mas’ūd رضي الله عنه | Az-Zuhd of Ahmad, page 194 (via aboohurayrah)
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ummthalabah-blog · 9 years
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Very common amongst the people today. But that isn’t to say we shouldn’t advise people. We should worry about ourselves more than anything. At the end of the day, we’ll all be buried alone and we will be seen in the sight of Allāh all alone too.
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