unabletowatchmits · 2 months
writers and artists will go “this isn’t good enough.” my brother in christ, you’re creating something new out of nothing and expressing yourself creatively. your productivity and unrealistic standards of perfection do not define you or the worth of your art. you’re doing great.
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unabletowatchmits · 2 months
So, about that outage, huh
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unabletowatchmits · 2 months
"you should be at the club" I should be working on my fanfic
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unabletowatchmits · 2 months
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“New rule. No one pushes anyone into lava for any reason,” Time glared at the trio avoiding his gaze, “and that goes for you three especially. Just because your animations are funny doesn’t mean everyone else’s are too.”
Scene from The Consequences of Falling in Lava as a Videogame Character by @tachvintlogic
This one genuinely makes me laugh every time
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unabletowatchmits · 2 months
“you’re a writer, right?”
me, staring at the one sentence i’ve managed to add in the last hour and the 12 open tabs on the specifics of shoes in 1845 Ireland: In theory.
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unabletowatchmits · 2 months
Me: *scrolling tumblr*
Castiel: I love you
Me: Dear god what’s happened now
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unabletowatchmits · 2 months
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i'm crying rn.... the fucking Torta.....
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unabletowatchmits · 2 months
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unabletowatchmits · 2 months
i keep telling myself i can’t handle longer projects but in the last four days i wrote 23,377 words just totally by the seat of my pants
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unabletowatchmits · 2 months
What a time to come back from a break. Zelda game staring Zelda AND a whole ass assassination attempt.
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unabletowatchmits · 2 months
im quitting tumblr
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unabletowatchmits · 3 months
Thank you for the eighteen year journey together, Naya. Please rest easy in the sunshine.
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unabletowatchmits · 4 months
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unabletowatchmits · 4 months
Somethin somethin trans your robot
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unabletowatchmits · 4 months
Ha a lélek vándorlásában hiszünk, el kell fogadnunk hogy ha zenészek voltunk, zenészek maradunk akkor is, ha négy lábbal újraszületünk..
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unabletowatchmits · 4 months
blogging on company time while neglecting your work is imperative to dismantling capitalism
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unabletowatchmits · 4 months
Oh, my sweet old wee beastie bestie.
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