uncwfst · 7 days
UpTilt Film Festival #1 - Ian Brown
After my first few weeks interning at UpTilt, I can easily say I'm enjoying it. UpTilt is a festival that showcases films directed by women and gender non-conforming people. I get to watch some really great short films, seek out new films for the festival, and outline Instagram posts. I love a lot of the films I watch and it's so awesome to see so many different visions, concepts, and creativity on lower budgets and within a set timeframe. Finding possible films to be shown is a bit difficult because it's often hard to find the director's email or social media, but the search is kind of fun.
One of my learning objectives is to focus on making connections in the business. I know a few people working in the industry but I want to possibly have my foot in the door somewhere after graduation. Another objective is to find better words to describe the way I feel about a film. I find translating my feelings about a film into words is really difficult and I want to be more fluent in the way I analyze films.
I'm so glad I got this opportunity, it's a lot of work, but it's fun work, and I appreciate being able to contribute to something so cool. My goal for the rest of this semester is to not fall behind. The beginning of the semester was very busy and stressful, both because of school and a lot of other responsibilities, but things seem to be slowing down and I'm confident that the work is going to go smoothly.
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uncwfst · 7 days
Queer Fear Film Festival Internship- Mickey Morrow
I’m starting to get a hang of my internship at Queer Fear Film Festival! During my interview with the director Tiffany, we talked about some of the skills I could explore and she’s done a great job at assigning me tasks that align with my interests. I wanted to shape up my editing skills as well as get some practice with handling community outreach, so I edited together a trailer for the festival and I’ll be reaching out to some folks to spread the word about the festival. I also would like to post some writing online, which I’ll get to do later in the semester on the Queer Fear Film Festival blog! My biggest goal with this internship is to experiment and navigate different aspects of film/film festivals that I enjoy and see what really grabs my interest. I also see this as a great opportunity to work on social skills and networking and get over some fears of reaching out to others in the film community. I'm excited for the festival which is less than a month out!
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uncwfst · 17 days
My goals at Actor's Arsenal
I have my very much enjoyed my time with the Actor's Arsenal. My experience has been nothing but positive working with both the instructors and the students.
My goals when it comes to Actor's Arsenal is firstly, to get a better understanding of the acting process, see how they develop characters and understand those same characters. I'll do this by watching the actor intently and asking them about there progress.
Goal #2 is to learn more about the acting process from a casting prospective. Learn about the physical process of audition tapes and things of that nature but also what these casting director's are looking for when it comes to hiring actors for certain projects.
Goal #3 To just have fun. I wqant to become more involved in the industry but firstly, I think that comes from just learning to love the craft. So I am so excited to be apart of the Actor's Arsenal team.
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uncwfst · 19 days
CUCALORUS Internship - Leah Bivens
Learning Objectives
- Learn how to screen and select films for interesting film festival blocks. Learn how to follow CUCALORUS selection guidelines as well as set my own for a hypothetical film festival block.
- Learn how independent film industry companies differ from the Big Five (Disney, Universal, etc) in power structures, etiquette, architecture, community building, impact on surrounding city, and more.
These learning objectives strive to build awareness of what professional and creative films look like as well as observe the cultural differences between independent and big studios.
As an intern, I am tasked with screening films, delivering posters and invitations to various clients, designing advertisements and social media posts, setting up events, running a concession stand, and cleaning up after events.
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uncwfst · 21 days
Light Cannon Films Blog #1 - Ashley Reep
Here are my learning objectives when working with Light Cannon Films this semester:
I’ve been told that Light Cannon Films uses an efficient editing technique that enables its editors to meticulously organize and quickly edit videos. These would be an extremely helpful skill to learn as I have not had much guidance when it comes to editing videos.
The experience also gives me valuable exposure to the wedding industry and a professional environment that I can learn from and build upon in my future endeavors.
This internship also allows me to take initiative which builds my confidence for future leadership roles and improves my leadership skills for future projects.
Since the beginning of my internship, I’ve established a routine that allows me to come into the office and observe how editors work on wedding videos. Not only will I be editing videos, but I will also be second-shooting a few weddings this semester. I’ve always loved being a part of weddings, so this internship is the perfect fit for me.
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uncwfst · 21 days
Mackenzie Whaley - Cinespace Studios - Blog #1
Hello y’all! Guess who’s back for another semester of interning!? This fall I am super excited to have an internship at Cinespace Studios right here in Wilmington. I'm interning in their Office and Operations department. For the past couple weeks I have been getting familiar with the layout of the studio and its day-to-day operations. Honestly, one of my favorite parts so far has been sorting the mail, as there are a lot of deliveries that come in every day.
As for my learning objectives for this semester, my supervisor and I came up with the following two: 
Learn, understand, and help facilitate the day-to-day operations that Cinespace performs. 
Assist Cinespace in creating a productive studio environment for all clients on the lot. 
With these learning objectives in mind, I look forward to learning about what it takes to keep a studio like Cinespace up and running while also growing in my own office related abilities.
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uncwfst · 21 days
September 1 Blog Post - Carlos Hart (SDN)
Being part of the team that records/streams the sports event is unlike anything I've done before. Luckily, there is a lot of overlap with the equipment and techniques that go into traditional filmmaking. Broadcasting isn't something that is of great interest to me, but it has been something I've wanted to learn and add to my list of experiences.
My first goal is to become more comfortable with the software used for the livestream. For the broadcast there are elements such as information graphics which are entirely composed on the computer and displayed on on the feed in sequence. I'd consider myself pretty decent with computers and new software, but this part of the internship will undoubtedly be the biggest hurdle. However, it's important to get a feel for it in case I have another job that contains the same concepts.
Additionally, I would like to learn the logistics behind planning and directing a broadcast like this. Knowing the ins and outs of every position in the setup is great, but I'd also like to be able to offer a supervisory role in my experience if need be. I also just want to get better at coordinating multiple people towards a common goal, as it's my eventual goal within my profession.
In any case though, my talents are best utilized behind the camera, so I look forward to learning as much as I can over this semester and the rest of the internship.
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uncwfst · 21 days
Robert Cummins - Blog 1
Narena Brooks
These first two weeks with Robert Cummins have been very interesting. We've done a lot from pulling clips from b-roll to lighting a scene for headshots to going to Dunton studios and learning so much about different lenses and how they film car scenes.
The first goal I set is I would like to learn more about how to create cool transitions in editing. Robert has shown me some videos he's created for some bands with really cool edits and transitions that I didn't know were possible to create in Premier Pro.
My second goal is to learn how to color grade. I know almost nothing about color grading and think it would be very beneficial to me and my style to learn. Robert is really good at it and has shown me some of his work where the color grading is very cool and interesting.
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uncwfst · 21 days
Cinespace - Blog 1
Narena Brooks
When I first walked into Cinespace I was taken back by all of the equipment. So many lights upon lights ranging from 20K fresnels to ARRI LED 360 to par cans along with so much grip equipment.
The first goal I set is to learn how to fix broken equipment. Currently, things have been a bit crazy at Cinespace with them wrapping one show and starting two more. However, once things get a bit calmer and there is more time to spare, I was told I would get a chance to learn and fix the equipment.
The second goal I set is to become more familiar with the equipment itself. I believed I knew a lot about lighting but in reality, I only know a small portion. There is so much lighting and grip equipment I have never even heard of so it's easy to get lost when looking for certain pieces of equipment.
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uncwfst · 21 days
Robert Cummins CO.
Jasmine Cruz
The first weeks interning for Robert Cummins have been very fun. Although this is mainly an editing internship, I have had the opportunity to help Robert with some shoots and setting up a screening at Dunton Cine. One of my goals is to get more involved in
On a more technical level, my second goal is to advance my skills in editing software such as premier pro and davinci resolve.
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uncwfst · 21 days
Actor's Arsenal Blog #1
Thomas Koehler My first couple of meetings with the crew of Actor's Arsenal have been both fun and informative. When it comes to Film Studies and Production, I've always been more interested in the creative aspects of filmmaking rather than the technical aspects. Writing, Acting, and Directing are my primary motivations and Actor's Arsenal offers a great opportunity for me to learn the first steps to all three. One of my favorite aspects of this internship is writing short script each week for the actors to use. They are primarily dialogue driven and I enjoy this practice for myself as well as seeing how it translates over for the actors and director. The cast and crew at Actor's Arsenal are great to be around. The actors themselves are especially great to work with and seeing how they get into character and how the director then helps them to better channel their emotional performance is great to see. I look forward to continuing my internship there and hope to take up other responsibilities beyond writing.
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uncwfst · 21 days
UpTilt Film Fest Blog #1 - Abby Sullivan
This semester I am interning with UpTilt Film Fest. I am excited for this semester with them. It is my job to watch the films that have been submitted and rate them. I also draft posts for the social media, find other potential films to be submitted and look into venues to host screenings.
My learning objectives for this semester include, being better at critiquing and rating films. With one of my main jobs being to watch and rate films I feel this will help me become better at it. I will be able to judge the story, script, camera work, lighting, etc. better than I have in the past. Another learning objective I have includes, being able to discuss with venues about reserving screening times and rates.
I am really excited for this semester and can't wait to see how this helps me in the future.
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uncwfst · 21 days
Uptilt Film Festival - Allie Welborn
Interning for the Uptilt Film Festival has been so much fun and enlightening. I love that Uptilt showcases films made by women and non-gender-conforming people! Even though the film festival isn’t until next semester, there’s still much to do to ensure everything runs smoothly. I’ve been screening and rating films that are in consideration to be shown at the festival, researching and finding out information for more short films, and building assets for posts for the Instagram and FaceBook. This is just a handful of what I will be doing since moving forward I’ll be working with the Grant Committee and working on Film Festival courses. 
One learning objective I have is how to run a successful non-profit organization that is oriented around film and how to increase outreach. I have always enjoyed the business side of film, and I think that this is a great goal for me for the future. My second learning objective is how to properly connect and work with other business-minded people who want to support filmmaking. I think this goal is important since building relationships is the unspoken lesson to be learned in film no matter what you’re doing.
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uncwfst · 21 days
Lighting Cinespace blog 1
Abigail Schindler
The specific learning objectives that were goals for me in this internship were to gain a familiarity with equipment literacy, to feel confident helping the team with everyday responsibility, and to learn how the Lighting team operates.
I have had such a great time learning so much at this internship. There is so much knowledge to gain. On my first week I was mostly dealing with cables. I learned so many names and specifics while here. It is so good to see what people are talking about, but also to handle it yourself and touch it. I learned a huge amount of information just on my first day, and was instantly impressed with the intricacy’s of the job that this team does.
My second week I handled lights and grip equipment. I learned how important it is to be a good team. The Lighting and Grip team works so hard and is constantly tackling another project, running into issues, and reworking the problems into better solutions. They are handling a million things at once, and yet still have such positive and helpful attitudes towards each other and myself. I was so impressed with how much knowledge they hold, and how quickly they are all able to problem solve. It is such a joy to intern for people who are so passionate about what they do, and want to share that passion with me and the team every day.
I did not take any pictures but if I could paint a picture with words- I would describe it as vast, intricate, and exciting. There are so many things to learn about in the warehouse and it amazes me that I am only scratching the surface.
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uncwfst · 21 days
Cinespace Studios
Blog week 1 September 1st - Max Vosper
With so much equipment involved in film productions, specifically lighting and grip department, I wanted to absorb as much information as possible. One of the main learning goals for this internship is to start with the general basics of lighting equipment and know each and every individual piece. Or as much as I can learn and memorize in 16 weeks. That’s the first objective, to learn the fundamentals.
After that I'd love to get a little more training with the equipment as opposed to just loading and unloading. The training with the equipment will be challenging to find time to do so because the orders usually need to be ready to go quickly. So, in order to accomplish this second objective of learning to use the equipment I’ll have to pay attention to another step in the process they call “flashing”. At Cinespace they test each piece of equipment before and after the order has been completed. I should be able to get some hands-on learning from that.
And finally for learning objectives I'd like to just work on better communication skills. A key part of the job at the lighting and grip department on the lot is confirming orders and making sure every piece is accounted for.
This will require some better communication skills and I need to work on being more assertive and knowledgeable about the process. So, with these objectives in mind, I think I can master lighting and grip department from this internship and move on to a more creative aspect of film making like camera or editing.
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uncwfst · 21 days
Actors Arsenal Blog 1
Garrison Beall
When I first met Ron and Allie they asked what I wanted to do in the industry, when I expressed my desire to be a writer/director they tailored my internship around that. I get to write weekly scripts, observe the professionals and learn how direct actors to get the desired performance.
My first goal was to become a better writer, to help with this Ron and Allie are giving me feedback on my weekly scripts. If what I submit works, the actors will play the characters and give me feedback from a different perspective.
My second goal is to learn the ins and outs of the industry and the casting process is a fantastic introduction. Learning how an actors gets casted for a role and the process a production hires talent is necessary for a student like me who wants to go into the workforce as soon as I graduate.
My third goal is to gain confidence in my work and interaction with talent. I'm not the best when it comes to giving feedback and expressing what I want to see from myself and others. Watching Ron and Allie coach actors will give me a better idea of how to coach others and get the best performance out of the people I work with.
All in all I've had a blast so far meeting new people and learning the ropes. I hope to report back next month with some good progress and new knowledge.
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uncwfst · 22 days
Cucalorus Blog 1
Mackenzie Seace
One of the first goals I expressed to Addie and Dan was that I wanted to work on my connection making skills and really be able to put myself out there. During the first event, Party Robot, I was able to work in the front of house making popcorn, selling tickets, and talking with the performers as well as the people attending the show. It was a really cool and fun way to experience working an event right off the bat.
Additionally, I have expressed interest in learning programming films and projecting. I was able to see the projection booth and I’m looking forward to learn how to do it at the upcoming events!
Lastly, I really would like to help with the graphics, promotion, and art for the events and for the film festival in November. I was able to make a social media post for the instagram page this week and it was really awesome to see it get posted! Cucalorus reached their fundraising goal and it was lovely witnessing the celebratory interactions amongst the team.
I’m attending a shorts screening tomorrow and I’m really excited to see how that works and to watch some good movies!
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