undead-234 · 1 year
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8k views and counting. What am i supposed to feel.
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undead-234 · 2 years
& it all comes to me not trying.. why not u try to tone down ur anger issues instead of putting it on me
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undead-234 · 2 years
Aku halalkan kesemuanya aku da bagi.. aku tak nak mengira dengan orang yang aku sayang.
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undead-234 · 2 years
Time to reflect on myself…
Am i really that bad of a person to her now?
She makes me doubt myself with what she says about me. She is someone who will bring out the worst in you when things arent okay.
I am working in an environment where there is a stigma whereby people in my line of work is only here to find a partner or cheats on their partner. Since then she calls me a cheater. I know myself i know i havent cheated on her for as long as i was with her. But to her i have, just cause she is unhappy with whom im talking to…
For the first part of our relationship i have been there for her 24/7 even that she could find some reasons to leave me.
I honestly dont know where ive gone wrong. Loving her too much or trying to let her go….
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undead-234 · 2 years
Lets just let her talk shit about me.
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undead-234 · 2 years
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This fucker only post part of the message, not even the whole message knn fucker.
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undead-234 · 2 years
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Its like, yall have a secret way of saying im no longer arnd anymore so please come and text me. Its like he always know we’re fighting.
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undead-234 · 2 years
She doesnt even know why im hurt.
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undead-234 · 2 years
So much
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undead-234 · 2 years
It hurts
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undead-234 · 2 years
Aku diam jer eh… dulu part die order barang dari carousell aku kene ambilkan… da order part bayar suruh aku trf kan duit.
Semua aku diam… takpe keburukkan aku biar die bilang semua orang.
Sekarang pon die da malu kalau keluar dengan aku..
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undead-234 · 2 years
Aku ni ade Perasaan, tapi sebab aku rasa mcm tk guna ckp pape so aku diam. tapi lagi lama aku diam lagi lama die buat bende merepek
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undead-234 · 2 years
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Part die kerje hina orang sana sini. Part aku sorang kerje aku struggle just to give u wat u want and my needs never have i said things like that. Give me free food eh…
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undead-234 · 2 years
I cant wait to end work, i need that time alone tonight. Definitely not driving just need some air.
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undead-234 · 2 years
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First time bringing you for prawning….
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undead-234 · 2 years
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Is this what im gonna live w for the rest of the time im w u?
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undead-234 · 2 years
Fucking drama lol. Die yang cheat abeh nak tuduh org cheat knn. Mcm die je sempurna
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