undeadinventress · 2 months
( ooc fun fact : anjin's database is securely stored in one of ASUNARO's facilities . that is where she gets all her knowledge , her code , almost her everything . )
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↥︎ ( reference . photo isn't mine . )
( technically , if you were able to bypass the endless security systems , you would be able to access her mind . you could even hack her database , if you wished to do so . code her to be however you'd like . )
( however , once the room where her knowledge is stored in detects an intruder , anjin is immediately notified . if you want do it , act fast . don't lose your life over it . )
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undeadinventress · 2 months
( one listen to butcher vanity and all of a sudden i start revamping ) ( real ) ( not fake )
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undeadinventress · 6 months
【︎ She nods at him , then turns her back to him . She turns her head to the side , ' side - eyeing ' him with her robotic eye , deciding to add one more thing to her statement . 】︎
【︎ It was easy for her to say ; dolls like her never needed any sustanence , hence she could work all day if she wanted to. Truthfully , she wanted him in his office / lab so he wouldn't meddle with her or her 'subjects,' lest he decides he's bored and needs entertainment . 】︎
【︎ Seeing KAGEHARA idly standing and humming — without a care in the world , the INVENTRESS decides come up to him , after she finished her recent experiments . 】︎
【︎ She crossed her arms . It looked like the doctor needed to be steered back on track onto his doll-work . 】︎
( @undeadinventress )
“ nah, finished my tasks for now. i'll be back to it in a few. ”
smirking, rocking back and forth on his feet. hmm.. perhaps he's just out for a cigarette break. it gets lonely and cold in that workshop.
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undeadinventress · 6 months
【︎ ANJIN is sitting by a computer . Typing out the notes about her current invention in progress . 】︎
【︎ Unluckily for ANJIN , she could never try it out , lest she deactivates and falls face first to the ground . Thus , she simply forced the lower ranks in the robotics department to do her dirty work . 】︎
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undeadinventress · 6 months
various things spoken in an adventuring party pt.2
part 2 of an assortment of quotes and sayings i've found doom scrolling through pinterest that i think an adventuring party would say during their never ending perilous adventures . please do not copy/repost or add to this list, thank you!
Affectionate ❛ i am in love with an idiot ❜ ❛ i’d be his if he asked  ❜ ❛ even your rage is beautiful  ❜ ❛ there’s still good in you  ❜ ❛ my darling, you will never be unloved by me ❜ ❛ you are too well tangled in my soul  ❜
Questions ❛ are you a monster or a victim?  ❜ ❛ can anyone betray anyone?  ❜ ❛ who in the fuck authorized this?  ❜ ❛ where do you purchase your audacity from? ❜ ❛ why is everyone in this kingdom so gods damned stupid?  ❜ ❛ if you don’t terrify people a little bit, then what’s the point? ❜
Banter ❛ people can do worse things than kill you  ❜ ❛ gods help anyone who dares to disrespect me/you  ❜ ❛ magic always comes with a price  ❜ ❛ the gods love to fuck with us  ❜ ❛ i’ve got a spell for that  ❜ ❛ i do very bad things, and i do them very well  ❜
Tragedy ❛ anyone can betray anyone ❜ ❛ not all of us are going to make it out alive ❜ ❛ i was once a child with innocent eyes ❜ ❛ i remember all of them ❜ ❛ i’ve been having a bad day for the past several years ❜ ❛ a golden cage is still just a cage ❜
Fierce ❛ what i did, i did for us ❜ ❛ if they touch you, i’ll break their necks ❜ ❛ it appears that you have mistaken my dislike of causing harm as an inability to do so. ❜ ❛ you are divine violence ❜ ❛ burn it all. ❜ ❛ i am so much more than you told me i was ❜
Antagonistic ❛ lets cause a little trouble ❜ ❛ i think you’re caught between who you are and who you want to be ❜ ❛ tell me what it’s like to conquer  ❜ ❛ you’re a little tragedy, aren’t you? ❜ ❛ disrespectfully, i decline  ❜ ❛ with all due respect, which is none- ❜
Neutral ❛ there’s bravery in being soft ❜ ❛ the trees told me about you ❜ ❛ i do not care for your god. ❜ ❛ if i can still breathe, i’m fine ❜ ❛ i’m nice as fuck. ❜
Comedic Relief ❛ do you mean to give me another one of your stoic nod? ❜ ❛ if you don’t want a sarcastic answer, don’t ask stupid questions ❜ ❛ i’ll get over it. i just need to be dramatic first. ❜ ❛ what’s your favorite pastime? mine is reckless behavior ❜ ❛ i’m definitely the nicest asshole you could ever hope to meet ❜ ❛ i wanna contribute to the chaos ❜ ❛ we can’t giggle, we’re at a crime scene! ❜ ❛ the nonsense has escalated ❜ ❛ go stand over there. your existence is giving me a headache ❜ ❛ being smart has never stopped me from being a complete fucking idiot. ❜
BONUS FROM THE HERO TO THE VILLAIN ❛ you took everything from me ❜ ❛ haven’t you taken enough from me? ❜ ❛ go ahead. underestimate me. that’ll be fun. ❜ ❛ touch me and you’ll burn ❜ ❛ the reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated ❜ FROM THE VILLAIN TO THE HERO ❛ don’t bleed on my floors ❜ ❛ people will never bleed enough to fulfill your vision of justice ❜ ❛ i am the child/daughter/son of a king who forgot my name ❜ ❛ i am the end of all things; i have drunk the blood of kings. ❜ ❛ congratulations, you have survived! ❜
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undeadinventress · 6 months
a collection of character development questions based on the arcana and their themes !! this is part of a collection of tarot-themed asks. if multi, please specify which muse(s) the question is directed toward !!
[THE FOOL] - Do they weight their options when making a decision, or do they impulsively make a choice?
[THE MAGICIAN] - Are they resourceful? What skills do they possess that help them navigate the world around them?
[THE HIGH PRIESTESS] - Do they meditate? Would they be considered "in tune" with themselves, or do they struggle with personal growth?
[THE EMPRESS] - Do they participate in or have a self-care ritual? If so, what does their routine look like?
[THE EMPEROR] - Is your muse a leader? If so, what kind of leader are they? Do they take a hands-off approach, or do they micromanage?
[THE HIEROPHANT] - What are important traditions to them, if any? Do they stay true to these traditions, or do they adapt them to fit their current situation?
[THE LOVERS] - What do they consider to be the "perfect partner", be it romantic, platonic, alterous, etc.? Is there someone like that in their life?
[THE CHARIOT] - Are they confident? If so, what makes them the most confident in themselves/their abilities?
[STRENGTH] - What are they determined to accomplish the most?
[THE HERMIT] - What does their inner voice sound like? Is it self-reflecting and introspective, or domineering and judgmental?
[WHEEL OF FORTUNE] - Do they believe in destiny/fate? If so, what do they believe their "purpose" is in this life?
[JUSTICE] - Are they a mediator, or do they prefer to step away from potential conflict?
[THE HANGED MAN] - Would they sacrifice themselves, literally or metaphorically, for those close to them? If so, what kind(s) of sacrifice would they make?
[DEATH] - What is their view on the cycle of life? Do they believe in reincarnation?
[TEMPERANCE] - Are they a patient person, or do they tend to act on impulse?
[THE DEVIL] - Which of the capital vices is your muse tempted by? (Pride, Greed, Wrath, Envy, Lust, Gluttony, Sloth)
[THE TOWER] - Are they a destructive individual (be it literally or metaphorically)? If so, how?
[THE STAR] - What is their health like? Do they consider themselves healthy, or do they feel like they could make improvements to better their health?
[THE MOON] - If they had to choose one trait to describe themselves, what would it be? Is it a genuine answer, or the illusion/persona they put on for others?
[THE SUN] - What makes them feel good? This can be happy, energized, revitalized, etc. It's all about good vibes, so what gives them to your muse?
[JUDGMENT] - What was an epiphany/awakening they recently had? Did they realize something that they've been naive to? Did they discover something about themselves? What happened?
[THE WORLD] - How would they define a utopia? What would it consist of, and do they see it as something achievable?
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undeadinventress · 6 months
a collection of prompts for bad situations that two muses might find themselves in together, ranging from minor inconveniences to life-or-death scenarios. change & alter as needed.
Send 🌧️ for our muses to get caught in the rain together
Send 🪢 for our muses to be handcuffed together without the key
Send 🏆 for our muses to compete against each other in a competition or contest
Send 💡 for our muses to wait out a power outage together
Send ✈️ for our muses to wait for a delayed flight together
Send 🚗 for our muses to get stuck on the side of the road together when the car breaks down
Send 🔒 for our muses to get locked in a closet together
Send 🔑 for our muses to get locked out of the house / car together
Send 🚪 for our muses to get stuck in an elevator together
Send 🌳 for our muses to get lost in the woods together Send 🐺 for our muses to face down a wild animal together
Send 😱 for our muses to be forced to face their greatest fears together
Send ⛵ for our muses to be shipwrecked together
Send 🔐 for our muses to be captured / imprisoned together
Send ⚔️ for our muses to be forced into a fight to the death
Send 🧳 for our muses to get stranded in a different country together
Send 🚁 for our muses to go on the run from the law together
Send 🏝️ for our muses to get stranded on a desert island together
Send 🏠 for our muses to get trapped in a haunted house together
Send 🗡️ for our muses to get attacked by a third party
Send ❄️ for our muses to get trapped outside in a blizzard / snowstorm together
Send 🔥 for our muses to be trapped in a burning building together
Send 🚀 for our muses to be stuck in outer space together
Send ✨ for our muses to be stranded on a different planet together
Send 🌐 for our muses to be stranded in a parallel universe together
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undeadinventress · 6 months
starter call 2.0   feel free to combine prompts !
for  a  happy  starter .
for  a  melancholy  starter .
for  an  excited  starter .
for  an  angry  starter .
for  a  soft  starter .
for  a  silly  starter .
for  an  angsty  starter .
for  a  violent  starter .
for  a  romantic  starter .
for  a  sexual  starter .
for  a  comforting  starter .
for  a  threatening  starter .
for  an  argumentative  starter .
for  an  action / adventure  starter .
for  a  flirtatious  starter .
for  a  loving  starter .
for  a  hostile  starter .
for  an  envious  starter .
for  a  fearful  starter .
for  an  injured / sick  starter .
for  an  urgent  starter .
for  a  celebratory  starter .
for  a  reunion  starter .
for  a  lazy  starter .
for  a  protective  starter .
for  a  domestic  starter .
for  an  intimate  starter .
for  a  weather - based  starter .
for  a  surprised  starter .
for  a  malicious  starter .
for  an  illegal  starter .
for  a  concerned  starter .
for  a  tense  starter .
for  a  sentimental  starter .
for  a  hopeful  starter .
for  a  hopeless  starter .
for  a  guilty  starter .
for  an  embarrassed  starter .
for  an  anxious  starter .
for  a  desperate  starter .
for  a  disappointed  starter .
for  an  aggressive  starter .
for  a  cautious  starter .
for  an  impulsive  starter .
for  a  resentful  starter .
for  a  suspicious  starter .
for  a  conflicted  starter .
for  a  provoked  starter .
for  an  awkward  starter .
for  a  dishonest  starter .
for  a  fatigued  starter .
for  a  grateful  starter .
for  a  flustered  starter .
for  a  vulnerable  starter .
for  a  manipulative  starter .
for  a  professional  starter .
for  a  mischievous  starter .
for  a  relieved  starter .
for  a  cooperative  starter .
for  an  uncooperative  starter .
for  a  moody  starter .
for  an  impatient  starter .
for  a  competitive  starter .
for  an  encouraging  starter .
for  a  sensual  starter .
for  an  interrupted  starter .
for  a  clumsy  starter .
for  a  tearful  starter .
for  an  affectionate  starter .
for  a  cozy  starter .
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undeadinventress · 6 months
So if I said "Hey Anjin" would she respond with "mhmm" like Siri does
【︎ ANJIN sighs between her robotic teeth . She sure did have the knowledge to basically be SIRI , yet questions like these are sort of ANNOYING , or at least a SIMILAR feeling coming from someone with as DEAD of a heart as hers . 】︎
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undeadinventress · 7 months
if anjin had an ai i think it would be like. a Mii. because that sounds very funny
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mirabelle ai with a ponytail and the suit she wears to work teehee
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undeadinventress · 7 months
blood CW under the cut
Of course, it was always Anjin who stayed behind in the doll lab. She was never satisfied. She always craved more. Her thirst to experiment, create, and tinker with them would never end. That was a fact everyone knew about her. They'd hear screams from the human subjects she tested her inventions on. They were never ending. Anjin could almost crack a smile when the subjects pleaded with her to stop-- her mouth being completely shut and still prevented her from doing that. How she could make them fear her more if she could smile..
She wouldn't let up on her endeavors-- it was her job. To test out her gadgets on subjects. The forgotten ones were her favorite ones to torment. No one cared about them, and they knew it well. That's what made it all the better.
It helped her gain knowledge.
Nothing can stand in the way of that.
If a few people had to die in order for her to learn, so be it. Her bottomless heart can't care less about the lives that were lost. She couldn't, even if she tried.
Her violent status was quite known in ASUNARO. People usually leave her be in the lab. They might be experimented on as well if they push her buttons.
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undeadinventress · 7 months
tag dump; feel free to ignore .
★︎ ―︎🍦𝙸'𝙼 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙸𝙽𝚅𝙴𝙽𝚃𝙾𝚁 𝙷𝙴𝚁𝙴 . / rp posts from anjin
★︎ ―︎ 🧁 𝚈𝙾𝚄 𝙳𝙾𝙽'𝚃 𝙳𝙴𝚂𝙴𝚁𝚅𝙴 𝙸𝚃 . / asks answered by anjin
★︎ ―︎ 🍨 𝚆𝙷𝚈 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙷𝙴𝙻𝙻 𝙰𝚁𝙴 𝚈𝙾𝚄 𝙲𝚁𝚈𝙸𝙽𝙶 ? / asks answered by ME
★︎ ―︎ 🍧 𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙰𝙱𝙾𝙼𝙸𝙽𝙰𝚃𝙸𝙾𝙽 𝚃𝙷𝙰𝚃 𝙸𝚂 𝚈𝙾𝚄 . / ooc posts
★︎ ―︎ 🍰 𝙳𝙾𝙽'𝚃 𝙼𝙰𝙺𝙴 𝚃𝙷𝙸𝚂 𝙷𝙰𝚁𝙳𝙴𝚁 𝚃𝙷𝙰𝙽 𝙸𝚃 𝙷𝙰𝚂 𝚃𝙾 𝙱𝙴 . / normal posts from anjin
︎★︎ ―︎ 🎂 𝙼𝙰𝙺𝙴 𝚄𝙿 𝙵𝙾𝚁 𝙵𝙾𝚁𝙶𝙾𝚃𝚃𝙴𝙽 𝚈𝙴𝙰𝚁𝚂 . / anjin lore posts
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undeadinventress · 7 months
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- ❝︎ i want to see you come undone . ❞︎
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have you ever wondered what it was like to know everything? every single piece of knowledge, coming to you at the drop of a hat. what if i were to grant you that very wish... at the cost of your humanity? oh what am i saying, of course you would.
you would do anything to fill that decrepit brain of yours.
Hello. I go by many names, but you can call me Sylv. My main account is @menharakun, not that I'm active posting there in the first place..
I'm not a minor. I'd prefer if young children didn't interact or follow, thanks in advance. 17 or 16 is fine, but anything other than that (unless i interact and/or follow first) it's a no from me.
This is a yttd rp blog for an ASU-NARO affiliated OC, Anjin Ventoure, a doll with the equivalent of a private Google website implanted in her brain. Her name is supposed to be a play on 'An Inventor," however, it is very loose with it (mainly because i did not want to name her 'Anne' or 'Annin.')
Rule wise: just don't be stupid. I do allow NSFW asks, say whatever you want. Don't worry about your ask being "too far." If it is, I'll probably delete it from my inbox.
Anywho! Here are some links! And extra info under the cuts.
consent form she signed teehee
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APPEARANCE; includes her robotic adjustments and a neopolitan ice cream themed outfit.
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• she's 5'8", compared to mirabelle's 6'2"
• probably one of the heavier dolls to hold, due to her legs being entirely made of metal, weighing at 220lbs. makes her a hard hitter.
• physical threats will not work on her!! she cannot feel pain
• sometimes, she mimics other people as a way to bring her own emotions to light. she may copy your mannerisms or actions if she finds you particularly interesting.
• she speaks in all caps, and in a robotic voice. there are very rare times her actual human voice would shine through
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