undercoveredtho · 4 years
will never be the same
*Kriingggg *Kriinggg  7:00 AM ALREADY!
(just kidding, I will not narrate like that *insert emoji)
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Excited, challenged, unsure. That’s what we feel. Waking up too late and having breakfast at exactly 12 in the afternoon is OVER.
It has been six months when we stopped going to school. It has been so long since we personally saw our friends and our mentors. Who could have imagined that it would be the last time to eat with our friends? that it would be the last time that we would all be chasing our dreams personally together. 
No one saw it coming. Either I.
First day of class. No words can describe how different it is as it were before. Gone were the days of struggling to wake up so early so you could catch a jeepney, a trike, to arrive at school early. Gone were the days of greeting the school guard “Good Morning!”. Gone were the days of feeling inspired and happy as you and your classmates personally share each other’s success and failure. “You gain weight!” “You look prettier?” “You look amazing!” Who would say that now? Tell me. Can your laptop say that? Can your mobile phones speak to you?
Haha really different.
In this very time, pandemic, not all students are privileged to continue their studies. Not all students have the means to do so. Maybe a majority can, but how about the others? The ones who only rely in free education? Yes the government is doing their best to provide the needs of the students but we cannot deny that it would never be enough. No one can provide the genuine feeling of actually being in school. No one can provide the experiences we cherish every time we go to school. 
We are challenged from what the pandemic has brought us. It left us no choice but to embrace the changed and continue. It might be really hard to push through and it might take a lot of energy to do so. To you fellow learner, don’t be too pressured. Slow down. No need to rush. Today, little progress would be enough to celebrate with. You have your loved ones and friends but all that they can give is a morale support. It is you who needs to do it. It is you who needs to work for it. Suffer now, enjoy later. 
“This thou shall pass.” That’s what we should keep in mind. If the situation demands us to change the way we live, then be it. If the situation demands us to try something new, then try it. We need to be flexible and adaptive. But be careful, take care of your inner purpose and goal. Don’t let the situation change the very reason of your existence. 
We are in the same ocean experiencing the intensity of waves. We are sailing with the waves that is trying to to stop us and push us back from the shore. But look at us now, we struggled and win over those waves and now we are half way to our destination. We may have not the same boat, but we are all towards the unseen end of the ocean. 
You are not alone. You have the greatest.
So keep sailing until we reach the end.
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undercoveredtho · 4 years
She's back. Now she can't stop singing.
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undercoveredtho · 4 years
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From the untold sadness Unopened heart that droves to madness Our dearest Grata, she’s back Feeble jokes ready to crack
Two nights before Her only company is Taylor’s Folklore She is unreasonably anxious Struggling, don’t know how to continue.
Overwhelming and happy conversations Bombarded in her Messenger “Hi, Hello, How are you” Truly now she’s fine, Thank you
Today is a proof There’s no room for slightest goof If you stand firm and endure If you believe that you’ll make it through
Like a bubble that quickly pops Her sadness didn’t last She is really spoiled by the Greatest Just one plead and now she’s the happiest.
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undercoveredtho · 4 years
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Rain is pouring, yes her favorite weather. How ironic it is that instead of enjoying the cozy feeling, there she is hardly dealing with her own sad and depressive thoughts. Why she is sad? Isn’t she’s supposed to be happy? Hey it’s her weather. Her f-a-v-o-r-i-t-e weather. 
Senti. Too emotional. That’s what she is now. She feels like she have no purpose. No will to push through. It just seems SO HARD for her to continue.
She knows what to do but cannot do it. Seems like no energy at all. No motivation. She just DON’T UNDERSTAND WHAT IS HAPPENING. This situation, this just makes her cry. Cry baby she is. Dramatic. Emotional.
She is now in the phase were she just don’t understand why she feels so lonely and sad. All that she knows is that she badly wanted to talk to someone that needs few more years before she could.
Oh poor girl.
She have friends, but have no guts to tell what she’s going through. She’s just afraid. Afraid of being dramatic and being this kind of person in front of them. She has no face for her “weak” side. All she can do is divert all of her feelings in writing, the only thing she knows that will somehow make her productive? (that’s what she thinks).
Stay strong, you’ll get through with this. This is just temporary. Everything in this earth is temporary. It’s okay not to be okay now, it’s okay to be sad. But don’t be drown by sadness.
Go back to the happy memories and look how far you’ve come now. 
Take a little break but don’t stop. Please keep going.
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undercoveredtho · 4 years
No matter how hard it is, don’t stop. Take a little break but DON’T STOP.
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