Blog #6: Social and Digital Self
"You can't be both"
All of us have different facade. We wore different masks in different situation and in every group that we belong to.
You wore a different mask when you are with your family and it also different when you are with your friends. It's the natrural response of people to situation they learn to adapt base on the people that they are going to be with and I think this is also the same when you are in social media. Nowadays everything is digital almost everyone in the world have a social media account it's now part of our society and Social Media is becoming the new way of socializing. In Social Media you can meet different people all over the world, talk with different people without actually seeing them in person and sometimes we are so engrossed in this digital reality that it's becoming the extension of ourselves.
We upload everything on our social media accounts, we rant about our problems on twitter, we post our latest travel photos on instagram and we share new milestones in our life on facebook. Social media is really part of who we are now.
But these post, pictures or even the things we share do they really define who we are?
We used the intenet to search for things we don't know but why does it looks like we are the one who is lost? do we really find what we are looking or are we the one who became lost in the process of finding?
I started using facebook when I was in Grade 4 I'm still underage but I'm able to open an account. Ever since I enter the digital world I'm already exposed with the different standards that these social media platforms set with just one click you can already see the different post from different people and mostly these post seems to potray their almost perfect lives.
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Because of this standards I learn to become insecure about myself I feel like I'm not pretty enough or that I'm not goood enough because I don't have anything that they have and that's when I started becoming who I'm not, for a brief second in my life I become a poser. I used pictures of celebrity to talk to different people I felt that they like me because they don't see my face. I put this facade and it seems like it works but after a few moments I've realized that I'm not happy anymore, people still leave me and I'm still alone. That's when I started to give myself a breather and slowly diassociate myself with social media I lie low and now I think I'm in a better place without relying heavly in the Social Media. I learn to become myself and to focus more on myself rather than thinking what people say and It's actually effective. When the digital world already became toxic to you, when you feel like it's already changing who you are, you should take actions to leave it all behind and came back to the real world to find yourself back.
The internet is a place where you can find almost anything, it can do alot of different things. You can go to different places without actually going there, you can talk to people over social media but you need to remember that you should always be true to who you are and that you in real world should also be the you in the digital world.
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Blog #9: How to be good student?
"Grades will never define you but your grades will define your future"
College is a difficult time. This is where most of our dreams and goals are outlined. This is a very important preparation for the real world because college most likely will predict what is your future. Most of us are bewildered or nervous when we first enter college we feel the pressure and we feel the need to be a good student in order to reach our individual goals but how are we going to do it? How are we going to be a good student?
1. Know your priorities
"You can't do both"
We must always take into consideration what are the things that needs to prioritize and the things that needs to be sacrifice for example are you going to play games the night before your examination or are you going to study for the test? This is a simple way of conditioning your mind that studying should be your top priority and that other things shouldn't be a hinder to it.
2. To be a student, you need to study
There is no other way to it. You are a student and you need to study there is no substitute . Developed a study habit that you will follow everyday and eventually will be your routine that is not easily breakable.
3. Your attendance is important
How can you learn if you don't go to class? This is given. I'm not saying that everything could be learn inside the classroom there are things that cannot be learn inside but remember that knowledge would bring you anywhere.
4. Do your tasks
Always do what needs to be done. Your homework, projects, essays are not there to make your life difficult. This is another training for you to know whether you really understand the topic and how can you apply what you learn in your own way.
5. Do.Not.Procrocastinate
Developed self discipline, this pretty self explanatory but most of the students including me failed in doing this but as a good student we must be self aware on how can we manage our time in a way that is healthy for us. What do I mean by healthy? Healthy for our mental, emotional and physical health because procrastinating could lead to several conflicts and usually it will just leave us burn out by the deadlines and the mountains of works that piles up because we procrastinate.
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Being a good student doesnt mean that you need to sacrifice all of your time in studying but being a good student is balancing out everything in moderation and learning something everyday while growing up to be a good a person.
How can we graduate with Latin Honors?
Simple. We don't need to graduate with Latin Honors what we need is we need to graduate with knowledge. Graduating with Latin Honors doesn't guarantee you with success yes maybe you could find a good job but does that mean your successful? Having all the recognition in the world, the medals, the certificate but are you happy? As what I said earlier knowledge could bring us anywhere when you know something you can be something. Medals, certificate everything will be rusty and old but learning and knowledge is what will remain.
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Blog #8: Stress Management/Self Care Plan
How can we take care of ourselves?
Stress is the body's reaction to any change that requires an adjustment or response. The body reacts to these changes with physical, mental, and emotional responses. Stress is a normal part of life. You can experience stress from your environment, your body, and your thoughts.
There are various things that makes us stress or anxious. Personally school takes a huge toll on one of my stressors. I like to procrastinate a lot it is a habit of mine that I developed during my SHS days. I always think that I have a lot of time to do things but eventually I would find myself cramming my way out to do a project or reviewing for an exam and in the end it just leave me streseed out.
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Probably the most effective way to manage your stress is to take a breather. Take a nap or do some leisure activity. Whenever I feel like I'm already burn out I sleep. If I continue to work and think it gives me more time to be stress whereas when I take a nap my mind would rest and after a good nap I can think more clearly and stop being panicky. Another thing that I do is I try to make a list of the things that I need to accomplish by the end of the week or before the deadline and I set schedules when will I do it and I try to finish it in the given schedule that I set, doing this will reduce the chances of me getting stress out about the deadlines.
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In conclusion we can't never get away with being stressed but we can do things that will prevent it or will lessesn the gravity of being stress. Always be nice to yourself and remember to also talk to someone if you can't hold it anymore.
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Blog #7: Physical and Sexual Self
The physical and sexual self are two interconnecting dimensions of the self we can't never talk about the physical self without mentioning the sexual self.
When we say sexual self it is not just about The sex, it is also tackles about our gender identity or even our sexual preferences.
How do you protect yourself? I can think of a number of ways on how are we going to do it but then one answer overrun them all it is to educate ourselves by educating ourselves we can learn a lot of new things that will help us develop our sexual self and at the same time will keep us on the right direction. Knowing and understanding the importance of the 'sex ed' or the 'sex talks' helps us to be more open minded in this taboo topic especially in our country. The risk of premarital sex and the consequences that will follow if we indulgence in our sexual urges. As what the quotation say "The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one"
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How will I love my body?
"How can I answer this question if I'm still in the process of doing it?"
That's what I thought when I first saw this question.
It is hard when you don't even know yourself how to do it but I think right now I'm a work in progress but I'm doing better.
Saying nice things about your body or about your self is a great help.
Start by looking at the mirror every morning and try to compliment yourself. Say that "you can do great things today" or "you look cute" I think this helps you to be in a better mood in the morning.
One of the small things that you can also do is to sleep early and to start eating foods that are good for you loving your body also includes being healthy and not doing any vices that will only do harm in you, doing these things may not seem like it doesn't do much but doing small steps are better than doing nothing. You start changing something in your lifestyle then bigger things will follow. Loving your body doesn't just include your physicality but also your inner self. Remember to always put a high value on yourself, you are more than just the whitening products or the slimming pills but you are unique in a way that no one is like you.
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Blog #5: The Spiritual Self and the Material Self.
When I was young I used to really want to have this cashier toy. I would keep on bugging my parents to buy it for me barely aware of our situation, my family is poor. My father doesn’t have a job my mother would try to make ends meet. We don’t have enough money to buy things that are not necessary for living but because I’m so eager to get it I would stubbornly beg for my father to buy it for me until they give in and just bought it. When I was little I never understood why I can’t get it. I want it so why I can’t have it?
When I grew up I kind of bring that mindset on me so whenever I have enough money or at least have extra money I would buy things that I don’t necessary need, thinking that ‘I want it, so why I can’t have it?’ The last discussion about the material self made me question why do I have this kind of mindset then it hits me maybe I think this way because I was deprived with things that makes me happy when I was young. I don’t have toys, always the hand me downs and even if I like something I can’t have it because ‘It’s not needed’.
Now that I have the liberty to buy things on my own I sometimes still think that way even if I don’t need it I would still buy it. Just like myself everyone has different reasons why they want to buy things; some acquire happiness, some feel accomplished or proud when they see the things that they bought and some have an underlying reason why they spend so much on these material things but nonetheless we shouldn’t easily judge them what we need to do is to lead them on a different thinking.
We are so engrossed with the material world and the things that this world offers that we tend to forget what is more important. What we need to give focus is our spiritual self. Our spirituality is far more important than any other material thing in this world it is part of who we are and our moral identity is align with our spirituality.
Everything will be old, your gadgets will soon be phase out, your car will be rusty, money now wouldn't have any value in the future but your soul will remain. Even if everything fades a good spirit will never be gone.
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Blog #4: My Dream Board
“D R E A M”
Let me start this by quoting a very cliche statement:
“Dreams dont work unless you do”
Ever since we are a child, we are constantly asked what we want when we grow up. Some say they want to be a doctor, or a lawyer, or a police even superheroes but no one wants to say they want to be a farmer or a fisherman, ever since we are a child society instilled to us that only white collared job is what we need to dream in order to be successful.
I used to say that I want to be a lawyer before, I want to help people who experienced Injustice or people who are wrongly accused. I joined debate and even read the Constitution I’m fascinated with lawyers and always admire the people who passed the board exam hoping my name would also be on that list someday but years later I kinda lost this dream and become quite unsure on what I want to do with my life.
When I enter senior high school due to the influence of one of my professor I dream now to become a psychologist. I have always been interested in human mind and behavior and I like observing the way people do things or how they act in certain situations. I enter PNU hoping that I would become a Psychologist but due to some circumstances I chose not to try.
What my point is we all have different goals in life, we want to become the better version of ourselves and dream of becoming what we want to be in the future but sometimes you dont get to do the things you badly want and you will feel lost or just stops dreaming at all. We sometimes don’t get what want because we have a different and a better path to walk to and I know that this path would serve a great purpose in my life.
Now I’m in the path of becoming a teacher, this is not what I dream to be, I still have questions and doubt but I know someday it would all make sense because his plan is better than mine.
Long term goals:
My long term goals is to become the best teacher that my student would never forget I want to become a teacher that would make a mark on their life that would inspire them to become better the kind of teacher that would pat their back and say that they can do great things in life.
Another long term goal that I want to achieve is happiness we sometimes look at the bigger picture but tend to forget the most important goal in life and that is to be happy. I want to make this as my long term goals because this kind of goal may seem like is easy to achieve but actually takes alot of effort to be able to do it.
Short term goals:
I want to pass this term with flying colors, thats probably one of my short term goals then pass the next term and so on until I graduate on time. Another short term goal I want to achieve is to atleast spend some time with myself and my family because of the busy schedule we sometimes don’t spend even a little time talking or chatting I want to be able to be more open to my family and create some time with myself also, just reflecting how my day went or what did I do today.
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Blog #2: Whats in my bag? /If I were to create something that would be easier and convenient in our daily lives what would it be?
Today I went through my bag and try to find things that is really important or that I can't live without when its lost and I realized that the thing that is really important to me is not in my bag but its in my neck. The yellow and blue contrast of my school ID is the most important thing in my life right now. The first time that I got my ID was the happiest, it was just a plastic card but weighs a heavy value in my school life. It doesnt just make me a student of PNU but also its symbolizes my hardwork in studying for PNUAT, my college life, my identity as a PNUians and also it symbolizes what the future awaits for me. My school ID would be a blind witness to my future endeavors in this University I would be with this ID for the next 4 years. It witnessed my entrance in this University with a better version of myself and exit in the University with the best version of myself.
I would create a notebook that would help me to focus on studying and also would help me to take notes easier. To be honest I don't really know how to do that or how to start inventing it, its just a concept in my mind based on my own struggle in keeping my focus especially in studying. Also another thing that I want to have is an alarm clock that would help me avoid to procrastinate. Its ridiculous inventions but I think many of the students can relate and it would be helpful for them if it were to be created.
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Blog #3: A Timeline of My Emotion in relation with Erik Erikson's Psychosocial Development Theory.
October 4, 2000
A girl named Karen was born she was a huge baby she was the second of the two girls. Her mother was happy her father expects a boy but both of her parents loved her as much as they can. Maybe thats the reason why she was a "bibo" kid when she grew up and developed autonomy.
4-5 years old
Karen loves to go outside she is a very playful and adventorous kid she is often excited and giddy every time that she had the chance to play outside she was a confident "bibo" kid her mother used to be mad at her all the time because she was stubborn, she do what she wants and often get what she wants. She always take the lead and initiative in everything she do.
When she entered elementary, she was really nervous she is anxious to meet new people and she doesnt know what to do but still she tries to make friends and participate in class but when she entered grade 3 she felt like she was a bad student, she used to cut class and her grades were low her mother once again mad at her, her teachers doesnt believe in her.
7-10 years old
11-13 years old
When she was in grade 4 She toped her class Karen was really happy she felt herself again she is motivated and she geuinely felt that confidence boost again and on that same year Karen's father died.
When she finished elementary and entered high school Karen sets goals in her mind she needs to start over and she want to feel herself again.
13-15 years old
She felt the exact same nervousness from when she first entered elementary to her first day in high school but she is excited and looking forward to what this new period has to offers. But just after enetering grade 8 she was lost she is in different path now she lost her way to her original goals, this continues until grade 9 she felt insecure, incompetent she felt like she was way lower than her classmates, that she doesn't excel in anything even though she is in the first section she was lost.
16-18 years old
Grade 10 is when Kary regain her self, she is now in a better place. Her teachers influence and inspire her so much that their encouragements made her to join different competition inside the school and even outside the school. The support and the words that her teachers gave her has become her stepping stone to move forward and to pull herself up. She is confident again, she graduated with honors she met good friends and she was happy.
18- present
Now Karen entered college in all honesty she doesn't really know what to get in college, Education is not her first choice. She doesn't know what to do and confused on how to handle college and her unstable emotions but she is trying to fix her own crisis with the help of people around her, with her supportive mom and ate and with the help of her extended family in her scholarship.
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Blog #1: New beginnings
Its the first week of class.
This is one of the most memorable week of my life. Another chapter had open and now I'm a college student, its a milestone not just for me but also for my family.
Know their names and their hobbies
On the first day we did something that is not typical for a first week instead of introducing ourselves in front, we met the people in the classroom by talking to them and initiating small talks. It was an effective way of knowing each other and it is an eye opener as well.
We are so focused in finding out their names and hobbies to get the prize but we forget the very essence of the activity which is to actually know them and not just their names.
You can buy a ballpen but you can't buy memories or chances that you might missed just because you want to win the activity.
And that is my first week as a college freshman.
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