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At times like these, all I can remember Is HIM…
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あなたの名前は永遠に私の唇にあります...✨Your name forever the name on my lips...
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Sometimes he just puts on His jacket & sweater and watches as the snow falling.
Just like That night.
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So, fun little fact: Miyano Mamoru (Rin’s voice actor) is going to voice the main guy in the new movie adaptation of the 70s shoujo manga Haikara-san ga Tooru.
…you know.
That story where:
1) The girl is initially in denial about liking the guy, and tries to convince herself that she doesn’t want him around.
2) As soon as the girl realizes her feelings, she’s forcibly separated from the guy because he must go ABROAD.
3) While the guy is stuck there, he sends her a beautiful love letter in disguise LETTER about his situation, and how he’s trying to be strong by thinking of her.
4) She is so touched by this letter that she always keeps it close to her heart.
5) Their main love theme is based on a flower called sakura MALINKA.
6) Something terrible happens (which the girl feels very guilty about), and she’s sure that she must have lost the guy forever. After a bout of depression, she manages to pull herself up - but she never stops thinking about him.
7) When the boy finally comes back to Japan he’s completely changed, and the girl has to work hard to bring him back to his former self.
…yeeeeah, somehow I’m sure that he’s had more than enough practice for this role. *snickers*
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Hilariously enough, Lieutenant Ijuin was also described in a recent interview as ‘someone that both men and women can fall in love with’… just like Rin. XD
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This is for bottom Erwin week day 2, Official Art AU
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Is the art I’ve chosen, from the wit production team’s beautiful eruri bounty that they released during production of season 3.  The text says “I want to see your laughing face”
It’s the way he laughs. The Commander’s whole face lights up, his body shakes, his eyes crinkle and he can’t control his joy.  Erwin is a man in control of his emotions; disciplined, severe, intimidating… but catch him in just the right moment and he can’t stop himself, he laughs and it warms Levi to the core.
It’s not always big belly laughs either— sometimes it’s a warm soft chuckle, a bit of mirth escaping the Commander when Levi snarks him in private.  It grounds both of them, alleviates the severity of their situations a little… they’re both human, and they bicker and fight because they love each other, because every day Erwin stares death in the face and laughs.
Keep reading
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Levi: Devotes his entire life to following Erwin.
Levi: Only acknowledges Erwin as someone who’s existence superseds his own.
Levi: Puts his full trust in Erwin and no one else.
Levi: Continues to follow Erwin and support him even when he realizes Erwin has hidden motives behind his actions.
Levi: Low key says he’d be willing to become a titan if it helps Erwin in any way.
Levi: Tells Erwin he’s completely willing to die if it gives Erwin a chance to escape alive.
Levi: Helps Erwin let go of his dream so that he can do what he needs to to win the battle and takes on some of Erwin’s burdens to make things easier for him.
Levi: Admits that if there’s only one person he can save it will be Erwin.
Levi: Puts his feelings for Erwin above Humanity’s survival.
Everyone else: CLEARLY, Levi hates Erwin.
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Mikenana in Attack on Titan: Junior High  (●´□`)♡
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They deserve more love…
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How many more days until spring?
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“Say that again and you’ll find how your grave smells like!”
[More comics]
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“Is it too late now to say sorry?”
[More comics]
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Draws Erwin rocking the most clear cut seduce-me eyes when him and Levi see each other
Draws tons of yin and yang / duality symbolism between them.
Erwin and Levi touching hands is normal.
Their relationship is one of mutual respect and trust.
Erwin is the one person who Levi views as an authority above himself
Erwin is an irreplaceable existence to Levi
Levi Ackerbonded with Erwin.
It’s within Levi’s innate instinct to protect and follow Erwin
Erwin is the one choice Levi will never regret making.
Yes, that oversized fine black coat Levi wears isn’t actually his, he took it from someone else…. WINK WINK
“There’s a bit of a yaoi fangirl in me” <- direct quote.
Levi about Erwin “What a man.” <3
Has Erwin smiling for Levi and letting his guard down around him.
“Levi, Thank you.”
“I promised him!” 
Yams: “Part of me feels like Levi fulfilled his duties by being there for Erwin’s last moments.”
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Warning: Character Death
Eruri Week Day 7: Growing old
Please don’t repost my fanart.
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Captain thought it won’t hurt to clean Commander’s room.
Even though he cleans and cleans and cleans, he just can’t stop remembering.
(Captain misses the Commander!)
(Based on Winter Cleaning by Deco*27)
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Levi really loves sitting on Erwin’s lap~
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Thousand reasons to ship EruRi
- Erwin is the liege of Levi (Ackerbond)
- Erwin is an irreplaceable existence for Levi.
- Erwin’s existence totally exceeds that of Levi.
- Levi talks all the time about Erwin, even when he’s not there.
- Levi continues to follow Erwin, even after understanding his motives. He forgives him and goes beyond that.
- Levi chooses the peace of death for Erwin instead of the hell of life. And Erwin would surely have approved. He does it for love so that he will not see him suffer anymore.
- Erwin and Levi eat together after the expeditions.
- Probably Levi’s doing housework in Erwin’s office, and why not in his room.
- Levi went looking for Erwin’s bones long after his death to give him an official burial. We do not do this for a simple friend, it’s something very intimate.
- Erwin gave Levi his wings. Without Erwin, Levi would not be what he is.
- Without Erwin, Levi would not have become strong because the Ackerman can only use their full power in the service of their liege. Erwin dead, Levi will probably weaken.
- Erwin immediately saw who Levi was in the subway. He saw his potential in one fell swoop. It’s called love at first sight.
- Levi would have had every reason to kill Erwin at the end of ACWNR. But instead, he lets himself be subjugated by him, and decides to follow him to hell. It’s also called a crush. It’s almost supernatural so it’s hard to understand.
- Erwin is the “only one man” Levi wants to save, the only one he thinks about in the heart of the battle.
- Erwin and Levi have surely lived together a lot of difficult situations that have matured their relationship and mutual trust. For them to have gone from the ACWNR state to the one we see in the manga, it’s obvious. Imagination alone can give us an idea of their adventures for six years.
- Erwin knows Levi well, and admires his warmth and empathy. Levi knows Erwin too (perhaps not as much as he would like, but who cares) and admires his ability to go after his projects, even if it means sacrificing. This is something Levi has clearly said about him, so the apparent coldness and detachment of Erwin do not disturb him, for him these are qualities.
- If Levi threatens to break his legs, it’s because he’s worried about him. He does not want Erwin to leave the Walls to go to battle because he can not fight well because of his arm. It’s Levi’s way of showing his concern.
- For Levi, Erwin is an indispensable element for the victory of humanity. By letting him die, Levi therefore privileges the peace of Erwin to the victory of humanity. He does it for love.
- By ordering Levi to refuel, Erwin saves his life.
- In the arc of return to Shiganshina, Erwin and Levi expose alternately escape plans to save the other: Levi wants Erwin to escape with Titan Eren ; Erwin refuses because he does not want to leave Levi alone in front of the beast titan. Finally, they will go to battle together.
- At the end of ACWNR, Erwin puts his life on the line to convince Levi to join SC. He had enough faith in Levi (already at that time) to try this chance.
- They admire each other, which does not stop Levi from feeling quite comfortable with Erwin to make fun of him from time to time.
- Levi finds Erwin’s sofa very comfortable (lol)
- Without Levi’s confidence, Erwin would not be able to undertake all his plans. Levi has more confidence in Erwin than Erwin has confidence in himself. Similarly, Erwin’s confidence allowed Levi to take on responsibilities as a soldier, to rise to rank and become the humanity’s strongest.
- When the SC officers are summoned to the capital to report, only Erwin and Levi seem to take part. Because even if Hange is before in the hierarchy, everyone knows that Erwin and Levi are the two most important people of the SC. That their relationship is privileged. And they travel together in the same vehicle.
- While Nile threatens Erwin with his rifle, Levi probably hides a pistol under his jacket too big (that’s probably why he took Erwin’s jacket), ready to shoot Nile if he dares to fire. No proof but probable.
I’m sure there’s still some, but I’m exhausted, who’s around ? ^^
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feeling sad but cute today
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