undyingwhimsy · 2 years
you should be addicted to shutting the fuck up
You wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid
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undyingwhimsy · 2 years
we no longer need eternal beings who have become jaded/emotionless and detached from the world and its people. we have evolved past the need for disillusioned uncaring immortals
ancient creatures who are still truly and deeply in love with and invested in the world and its fleeting peoples are my new best friends
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undyingwhimsy · 2 years
      ooh, she has bite tonight. thank god she does, too, otherwise he’d have hung up, continuing down his contacts list to find someone with more intrigue to them to take care of himself. hissing quietly in a feigned tsking, and his free hand no longer is so, laying over the hump of his cock.     “ are you going to be worth seeking out again? i could easily find something more tantalizing. more worth my time. “
      “so do it,” she tells him plainly. “go find it.” there’s a smugness in her voice, ears catching the sound for what it was. the book in her lap is abandoned in favor of laying down on the couch, still too casual for someone engaging in one-sided phone sex. “i don’t think you will. you like this, don’t you? is this the first time someone isn’t desperate to please you? to fuck you?”
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undyingwhimsy · 2 years
vmpyrkng​ ;; 
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“michel. i work for the vampire council.” 
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“of course you do. i wasn’t aware i needed help.”
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undyingwhimsy · 2 years
Vincent hooks his finger into the back of her pants, tugging her back towards where he sits, reading, when she tries to walk away, not looking up from the newspaper. "Where do you think you're going? "
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she loses her footing at the sudden tug, falling next to him with a huff. edeva turns an icy stare towards him, head cocking. "away from you, what did you think?"
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undyingwhimsy · 2 years
it's fortunate - (or not, depending on how she would view the encounter) - for her that he is in a particular mood, his bite and bark as diminished as they look of vigor in his eyes and the sunken edges of his features. " just shut it and come lay with me, " vincent growls, a muted sound as his head taps back onto the floor, nothing beneath him but the wooden boards and a thin sheen of dust.
well, this is new.
as always with vincent, edeva eyes him with suspicion, taking careful steps towards him as she considers his features. perhaps he hasn't fed in a while, if his current looks were anything to go by. still, edeva wasn't one to let her guard down, especially around another vampire.
she stops at his head, looking down at him with a barely there quirk of her lip. she taps his shoulder with the toe of her shoe gently, far more gentle than he deserves, and asks, "what's so special about down there?"
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undyingwhimsy · 2 years
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Alex Light
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undyingwhimsy · 2 years
a date where we smell candles together in a store and ask each other our opinions on one's we like
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undyingwhimsy · 2 years
i’ve been trying to work on drafts, but my brain isn’t working. hopefully i’ll get a few out by the time I head to bed, but if not, they’ll come tomorrow. sad times bc i wanted to cause mayhem today TT
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undyingwhimsy · 2 years
solariam​ ;; an asshole, but at least he’s pretty.
     “ sure you do, just like any other washed out woman with a bone to pick with me. “     he smirks, idly pinching and scratching at the beaded hem of his pure white towel sheathe.     “ you’d get to piss away all your anger of the day. you’d get to get off. “     of course he’s no less confusing now than he would be under any other circumstance.     “ unload. and later when i see you next, i’ll do the same for you. “
     her eyes roll, holding back a scoff. “it’s a good thing i’m not washed out, then. you wouldn’t be the one calling me if you thought so,” she hopes she sounds as smug as she feels about it. he called her, with intention to get off. she wanted to rub that desperation in his face. her voice drops, words dripping off her tongue. “will you seek me out again, vincent~? after i make you come with just my voice, are you already expecting to be so desperate to please me in person? cute.”
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undyingwhimsy · 2 years
solariam​ ;; an asshole, but at least he’s pretty.
@undyingwhimsy asked :  ❛ if you called just to get off on my voice, i’m hanging up. ❜
“ don’t you fucking hang up, “     vincent growls through the cell phone line, his back arching away from the leather sofa upon which he sits in order to scoot himself down, the towel from his recent shower being undone with his free hand.     “ you give me what i want now, and i’ll gift you with what you want later. “
     “i don’t have to give you anything,” edeva scolds him, but her voice doesn’t hold quite as much of its usual malice as it tends to when speaking to him. instead, it’s pitched lower and there’s a hint of curiosity [ everything about him is so fucking confusing ] in her tone at the fact that she’s right. and that’s the only reason she doesn’t hang up on him. “and what is it you think i want, vincent?”
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undyingwhimsy · 2 years
first kiss prompt ;;
     In 1587, Henry began courting Edeva. If that’s what you could call it. The two had met, and it had been an instant connection, much to the disappointment of her parents. Her family, while not rich by any means, was in better social standing than Henry’s family, therefore her parents thought she should consider her “other prospects” before marrying him. Edeva didn’t care about the money or social standing. All she cared about was the freedom she felt with Henry, the love and adoration, the wishes to run away and start over new.
     Their courtship wasn’t long at all, another reason for her parents to disapprove, but Henry did court her. He took her on walks and picnics, pushed them out on his father’s ferry when they were done for the day just so he and Edeva could watch the stars.
     On one occasion, it had started storming on their walk back to her home.
     One drop. Then two. Then it's like the sky opens up. Edeva squeals loudly at the cold rain, soaking her to the bone. Henry takes her hand and makes a run for it, the both of them laughing as they attempt to dodge puddles. They're muddy and drenched by the time they make it to Edeva's home, but both wear smiles as bright as the sun. It's like they're frozen, unable to tear their gazes from the other.
     "I should get inside," Edeva whispers, barely heard above the fall of rain. Her lack of action contradicts her words, and Henry chuckles.
     "Your father won't be too happy about this," he tells her, but he knows she has long stopped caring what her father thinks.
     "You know what else he wouldn't be too fond of?"
     Henry barely has time to reply, his questioning hum cut off by Edeva's wet lips. It's a quick press of their mouths, and Edeva catches him leaning into it as she's pulling away with a giggle and red cheeks.
     "Goodnight, Henry."
     He's a little dazed by her boldness, his mouth quirking upward as he gives her a little wave and watches her head inside. "Goodnight, Edeva."
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undyingwhimsy · 2 years
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Clarice Lispector, from “Near to the Wild Heart“ (tr. Giovanni Pontiero)
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undyingwhimsy · 2 years
solariam​ ;;
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     “ you’re not going to have much choice, i’m afraid. “     as if he were seeking her approval, her participation. hell, he could care less if she took a jump when the time eventually came.      ( how many years since the epochal reset, and he has yet to stumble across the great light other ? )       “ you’ll be sucked in like the rest of the world already was, not once, but twice. “     if that foolish child hadn’t fucked up, they’d still be warring now.     “ it won’t be fun, the point of war is not fun. “
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     he clearly wasn’t listening to her, and it was infuriating. all he did was spout nonsense she really did not care about without really seeming to have a point at all. maybe it was time edeva took a glance inside his mind. it wasn’t something she did often, not liking to disrespect others’ privacy, but he was so confounding, it might have given her insight. it didn’t, turned out. most of his thoughts making no sense, and she knew if she asked for clarification, he would likely ramble on with no real answer anyway. once again, the sickeningly sweet smile graced her lips, and she sighed.
     “ well, if you’re not looking for my approval or participation, and your not going to give any real explanation of anything, i’m going to assume you came with a warning. so now that i’ve been warned, i’ll be taking my leave. ” her eyes squinted with the smile and she turned to leave, pausing just a few steps away from the exit. “ you talk so much without ever really saying anything. does that come with age? can’t say i’m looking forward to it. good-bye, mr. whomever you are. ”
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undyingwhimsy · 2 years
solariam​ ;;
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     it is less an inability as much as it is a lack of care to understand anything beyond himself, despite how his words seem to carry some form or protection for those he speaks to. in the end, it’s all about him, his survival, his pleasure, his desire.      “ you have yet to see what my mouth is capable of, young thing. “    he smirks, lips curling into that devilish swirl that suggests there may be some form of flirting happening now, despite the abrupt cut off by a new tube being tucked between his teeth and lit.     “ if this war returns - which it will – “     he’s seeing to it personally,      “ – then the entire world will be engulfed in our fire. “
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     oh. he was one of those vampires. it made sense now — the arrogance and selfishness. edeva could hardly keep herself from rolling her eyes at his flirtatious attempts. did he really think it would work on her? or was he just that full of himself he didn’t even care if it did? likely the latter, edeva decided, the more he spoke. she stepped forward to put out the cigarette he dropped with her shoe, looking up and into his eyes once she had. a sweet smile tugged at her lips. “ well, then. you have fun with that. i want nothing to do with a war, especially if you have any part in it. ”
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undyingwhimsy · 2 years
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“ help with what exactly? i’m sorry, who are you? ”
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“hey. my name’s Michel. I’m here to help.”
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undyingwhimsy · 2 years
Send a ◈ for a first kiss between our muses. 
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