unearthlychildren · 5 years
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unearthlychildren · 5 years
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Custom Engraving Available Here
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unearthlychildren · 5 years
SLOW-MO SPIN TIME to show off those 80 hours of hand beading, painting, embroidery, and rhinestoning. So proud of how this ‘Milky Way’ dress design turned out 💙🌌🌠
lots more bts on the design process and construction on insta
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unearthlychildren · 5 years
Do you guys ever see your pet sleeping by you and just think holy shit holy shit this little animal feels safe enough and trusts me enough to be near me and fall asleep near me and just how fucking cool is that
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unearthlychildren · 5 years
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Howl’s Moving Castle
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unearthlychildren · 5 years
I’m setting up my new robot rn n he’s rl baby I love him
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unearthlychildren · 5 years
where! has! my! passion! gone! I had it abundantly when I was a child, and I must have dropped it along the way, but I cannot figure where!
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unearthlychildren · 5 years
i hope you pursue what you love in 2020, supported and surrounded by people who are so happy to have you in their lives. i hope you realize that we grow from failure, and that the lessons you learn will benefit you so much. those bumps along the roads, the sad days, the doubting, things not turning out just the way you imagined they would - they will happen, and it will be okay. you’ll face it, you’ll survive, grow, and you’ll make a wonderful year for yourself, regardless, or indeed because of that.
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unearthlychildren · 5 years
one of the weirdest ways that language is evolving in response to the internet is that “bad words” just. do not have the same impact anymore. i constantly forget that some people think ‘fuck you’ is a terrible insult
so threats and insults have to start getting really out there if the person wants to even mean anything. if a person told me to die i’d shrug it off but if i opened a post’s tags and saw “op i will sneak into your house and replace all your shoelaces with cooked pasta” do you know how shaken i’d be? do you know how upset i’d be if i saw “op is the personification of the look you share w other people in the grocery store when some dude is causing A Scene™ for no reason”
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unearthlychildren · 5 years
ok but like can you fuckin imagine being Bumi in ATLA… you’re literally a hundred and twelve years old, you’ve witnessed the complete genocide of an entire race, which your childhood best friend was apart of, and have spent the last literal century believing said best friend was killed along with his people. you’re doing your thing one day, being the king of your city, when some little punks recreate one of the crazier stunts you tried with your long dead best friend back in the day. and yknow thats pretty funny, hits you right in the nostalgia, you’ll probably let them off with a warning, when in walks your goddamn best friend, the one that presumably died a century ago, and is now somehow alive and still twelve. no explanation is presented for any of these things.
i honestly can’t blame bumi for fucking with aang for the entire episode bcause honestly can you even imagine how much he must have been internally freaking out? i bet after the gaang got locked into their room for the night bumi just went off and had a good long scream because seriously what the fuck.
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unearthlychildren · 5 years
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Stress testing bunny herds… with unforeseen consequences.
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unearthlychildren · 5 years
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Youve heard of Fake Dating AU now get ready for Fake Dad-ing AU
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unearthlychildren · 5 years
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unearthlychildren · 5 years
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When Zuko apologized to uncle Iroh in the tent cause he was so ashamed of his actions and what he’d done to the only person who unconditionally believed in his ability to do good >>>>>
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unearthlychildren · 5 years
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The Key Monster on Instagram / Etsy
Follow So Super Awesome on Instagram
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unearthlychildren · 5 years
when pompeii was first being excavated and studied ppl were writing about how there were literal hundreds of brothels. every street and every corner. and this was kind of accepted for a couple of years before someone went “hey that doesn’t actually make any sense at all. what are you using as proof there are so many brothels? what’s the criteria for it to count?” and it turned out ppl were like “oh if there’s a dick drawn on it it’s a brothel.”
so anyway after re-evaluating the criteria there’s only one single building in all of pompeii that researchers are pretty sure was a brothel.
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unearthlychildren · 5 years
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“A baby fox showed up to say hi at my grandmother’s house“
Taken from r/aww
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