unefemmeviolette · 18 days
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Kim Addonizio, from Lucifer at the Starlite: Poems; “You Were”
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unefemmeviolette · 20 days
May you attract a love that is considerate and gentle with your heart.
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unefemmeviolette · 27 days
I am giving up on romantic love. I will lean into my many hobbies, interests, get sex toys, and hang out with my friends.
I think I'm okay with being an old maid.
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unefemmeviolette · 1 month
“I am tired, I have colossal need of you.”
— Albert Camus, from a letter to María Casares written c. June 1944 (via violentwavesofemotion)
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unefemmeviolette · 2 months
Alignment in August. Unlearning in August. Growth in August. Unity in August. Success in August. Thriving in August.
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unefemmeviolette · 2 months
You deserve a life that feels good for your nervous system. Do whatever it takes to get there.
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unefemmeviolette · 2 months
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Marcin Gorsky
Beijing, CHINA, 2012
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unefemmeviolette · 2 months
Even if he did come back, it's not going to work. We're fundamentally two very different people and I can't see it working for long-term.
He's more nocturnal. I'm an early bird.
He's politically disengaged. I'm a community organizer.
He wants to trip with Shamans in Peru (ick). I want to be grounded in reality.
He's not that intellectually stimulating. I am smarter (lol).
He's a bad communicator which is another ick. I've worked hard to be an effective one.
He's not over his ex. I'm ready to lean into opportunities of love wholeheartedly.
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unefemmeviolette · 2 months
This is just divine redirection.
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unefemmeviolette · 2 months
This celestial season of my life, my main focus is healing my feminine energy wounds.
It is safe for me to be in my feminine energy.
slow down
walk barefoot on the earth
tap into my sensuality
positive affirmations
nightly ritual
take baths
10-30 min in nature / connect to mother earth
say 'no' when i want to say 'no'
show compassion
be creative
dance - fluid motion
elegant attire
practice gratitude
i radiate grace, sensuality, love, beauty and confidence.
i nurture myself and others with compassion and love.
i am connected with my inner goddess and her powerful energy.
What do my inner goddess look like, and how does she move through the world?
long hair
white, black and red colors
red lips
clear, glass skin
smells nice
soft skin
She moves through the world radiating a quiet confidence and magnetism that draws opportunities and people who uplift her and the community. She is gracious, kind, but strong and knows how to say no.
is willing to fail in order to learn or experience life What practices or rituals make me feel most connects to my divine feminine energy?
sticking to my skincare regimen
sticking to my wellness supplement regimen
getting flowers at the farmer's market
wearing perfume
wearing a nice lip color
gold jewelry
listening to LDR lol
What aspects of my life do I need to let go of to fully embrace my feminine power?
trying to be in control of things I cannot or have no business controlling.
holding onto old lovers / delusion and fantasy
fear of failure
inserting myself in other people's affairs
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unefemmeviolette · 2 months
I don't feel your energy anymore. Your attention is elsewhere.
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unefemmeviolette · 2 months
If he wanted to, he would.
He's not coming back.
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unefemmeviolette · 3 months
I swallow morning sun
drive down the lane
the wind strokes my hair
don't feel the same
my thoughts, they wandered
my thoughts, they wandered
i spent long hours without some sleep
lost like Ophelia
lost like Ophelia
drowned in waters, in so deep
the rays are pouring out
coming from my mouth
happiness spreads like fire
i didn't think i'd feel this way
the feelings vanished
i woke, they vanished
i went to sleep and they disappeared
the truth came out
the truth came out
i loved no more, the pain is gone
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unefemmeviolette · 3 months
date 1
how did your body feel? distant, on guard / tense
felt drained
lightly laughing
did i feel respected? yes
did i feel heard? yes
did i feel attractive and confident? yes
did i feel captivated? no
did i feel bored? yes
did i feel somewhere in between? no
date 2
how did you body feel? distant, on guard / tense
felt drained
not really laughing
did i feel respected? yes
did i feel heard? yes
did i feel attractive and confident? no
did i feel captivated? no
did i feel bored? yes
did i feel somewhere in between? no
date 3
comfortable, at ease
felt energized
did i feel respected? yes
did i feel heard? yes
did i feel attractive and confident? yes
did i feel bored? no
did i feel captivated? yes
did i feel somewhere in between? no
date 4
anxious, excited, horny
felt energized
did i feel respected? no
did i feel heard? yes
did i feel attractive and confident ? no
did i feel bored? no
did i feel captivated? yes
date 5
anxious, on guard, activated, tense
felt drained and angry
light laughing
did i feel respected? no
did i feel heard? no
did i feel attractive and confident? no
did i feel bored? no
did i feel captivated? no
did i feel somehwere in between? yes
what side did they bring out of me?
my feminine side
i couldn't fully be myself.
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unefemmeviolette · 3 months
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unefemmeviolette · 3 months
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The Los Angeles House: Decoration and Design in America's 20th-Century City, 1995
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unefemmeviolette · 3 months
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