unfortunatelyexisting · 6 months
If you hold me without hurting me , you'll be the first one who ever did ..
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I don't have a "go to" place , I don't have a "go to" anything and I feel like I don't belong anywhere ..
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five recipes for an exciting life (in my opinion)
spending enough time creating things with your hands (baking, drawing, scrapbooking, doodling, crocheting, journaling and so on)
keeping track of things like pretty skies, milestones, happy memories, appointments you're looking forward to
listening to music that genuinely makes you feel happy and energetic
making a habit of reaching out to people in a way that's comfortable to you (i send my dad songs he might like, my friend sends me monthly life updates)
being kind to all your five senses → like investing in a scented candle or essential oil dispenser or body mist, having a soft blanket or socks (or a soft animal to pet), listening to birdsong or the rain, looking at the sky more often, and having your favorite foods enough times
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اللهم اني أعوذ بك أن أظلِم أو أُظلم.
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My back hurtsssssss
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‏"﴿فَتَزِلّ قدمٌ بعد ثبوتها..﴾ مُخيفةٌ هذه الآية؛ أن تَرِق ديانتك بعد قوَّتها، وأن ترى ما كان باطلًا حقًّا، وأن تُفتتن دون أن تعلم، فهذا كُلّه موطئ زلل، اللهُمَّ بتثبيتِك لقلوبنا لا بقوَّة إيماننا، ﴿رَبَّنَا لَا تُزِغْ قُلُوبَنَا بَعْدَ إِذْ هَدَيْتَنَا وَهَبْ لَنَا مِن لَّدُنكَ رَحْمَةً ۚ إِنَّكَ أَنتَ الْوَهَّابُ﴾."
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Me every single week
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وفوض أمرك إلى الله تعالى، واستطرح بين يديه، وأشعر قلبك أنه لا ينالك من الرزق والخير إلا ما كتبه الله لك ولو اجتهدت فيه بحيلة السماوات والأرض، ولا يجري عليك ما تكرهه إلا ما كتبه الله عليك ولو اجتمع عليك من في السماوات والأرض .. واعلم أن الله تعالى إذا نظر إليك وعلم أنك قد جعلته معتمدك وملجأك، وأفردته بحوائجك دون خلقه؛ أعطاك أفضل ما سألته، وأكرمك بأفضل مما أردته .." -ابن قدامة المقدسي رحمه الله، الوصية، ص39، 40.
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ثم قالت
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Why did I cry so much !
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Random picture on a random day ❤️ I love it ❤️
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These pictures remind me of some very sad but quiet nights , I still remember the smell of the air then and how me and my friends used to laugh about our misery  :’D . I miss them and I miss those nights <3
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i go outside at night just to read and take low quality pictures :D i also have a playlist that i’m currently reading this books with and it’s honestly the best, the atmosphere it creates is a chef’s kiss
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