ungodlygifts-blog · 7 years
// if i revamp this blog and clean things up, would people continue to interact with me?
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ungodlygifts-blog · 7 years
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Guys, I'm in line for a BAP concert and this shit is about to be lit ❤💫
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ungodlygifts-blog · 7 years
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so instead of doing replies ( even tho i have high muse ) ive been working on my typography hw. i have only done 1/6 if the cards but whatever. anyway, can i get some opinions?
Keep reading
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ungodlygifts-blog · 7 years
[ CHUL. ]
“You were so laughing at me,” he said, raising an eyebrow as he looked over at the male. There was nothing else to really say on the matter of the other’s wish. Nothing more for the time being, not with the driver. As someone that was on the lower end of the totem pole, Chul knew that the ‘help’ was going to talk a lot of shit. And if he actually heard what Chul was saying, he would have spread that in about five seconds. “Musing with a giggle if we’re going to go with that.”
“He might kill us. He was late and he drives recklessly,” he hissed over to him. Chul was not the kind of person that took his life into his own hands. He was pretty, he was smart. But he wasn’t able to magically make himself survive a car accident. He tilts his head and looks out the window. It doesn’t seem quite as horrifying primarily because the city is beautiful. And that can get anyone to feel a little bit more relaxed. A grin comes to his lips when he hears the other, leaning so that he’s slightly pressed against the male to look at the mall. 
“To be fair, I was successful. Like, you didn’t jump into bed with me but you’re attached to me,” he teased, looking over at him. “So, it was a win. My move worked. Because you’re better than a boyfriend, you don’t annoy me as much.”
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            Seoul, South Korea had become his hunting grounds. He set up his boundaries, made a home of this country. He gained all the respect he had now, not out of the fortune he was born into, but through hard work, surprising many of the Gods and Deities of his home realm. 
          “I assure you he won’t kill us,” he says absently, not looking at the other. Even if they were to get in a car wreck, he wouldn’t die. And he supposed he could save Chul as well. As the mall disappeared in the distance once passed, the hound sat back in his seat once more. “That was my second mall I’ve owned here.” And now he ran eight.
           Studying Chul for a moment, a laugh escapes him. “I’ve thought of it,” he admitted with a small cant of his head before shrugging his shoulders. Glancing to the side toward the mortal, he then returned his eyes to his phone. “And what am I, exactly?”
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ungodlygifts-blog · 7 years
✿. ┊ 낯선 사람 *
                   《 ※ 》     SANGCHEOL WAS EXPECTING her to say no — deny him another opportunity to waste her time with another picture because he’s probably some crazed fan. But when the response is a positive one, his eyes light up and ears perk. Lips curve into a goofy, little grin and he readies the phone again, this time making certain to steady his hand. However, he’s caught off guard ( yet again ) by how those slender arms of hers are settling around his shoulders. Should I put my arm around her waist then? Or should I just … Awkwardly his idle hand moves behind her, but he doesn’t exactly place it on her back. Hesitation is getting the best of him and eventually after a few seconds of moving it up and down behind her back, he brings it up to his face instead, making a peace sign.
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❝ All right in 3, 2, 1 !   ❞ The pad of his thumb presses a few times, just to make sure that at least one of those shots were not blurry and decent. Dropping his lifted arm, he pulls the phone close to his face to eyeball the picture that was just captured. A content smile forms on his lips and he turns his head to face her, showing the image on the small screen. ❝ Thank you Sunhee-ssi. My friends are go — Uhh, you’re the best! ❞ Oops nearly slipped the truth there! 
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             The model could not help but to feel a little amused by the other’s actions. It would not be the first time someone did not know how to act around her, or did not know where to put their hands during photoshoots she hosted at fan meets. It was a little selfish of her, sure, but it made her feel a little proud of herself that she had become this popular to begin with.
              As he started to count down, she cradled her chin in her palm, lips pursed out in a flattering manner. Once the shutter went off, she slowly pulled away before looming over to see the picture. Catching the other, she peered at him before giggling quietly to herself. “There’s a print shop near by. We can get it printed and I can sign it for you. I’m sure that would make your friends jealous,” she chimes. Sunhee understood that it was in good nature and games, so she did not think poorly of the matter.
            “But, I have one condition,” she states, “you have to send me the picture. I think it came out really well.”
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ungodlygifts-blog · 7 years
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「 ƒ 」 God did she hate receiving nothing but charm and a devilish smirk whenever she was mad. Though she was far from mad at him. “Maybe by having you only pay attention to me? Because it sure seems questionable when you’re allowing trash like her to come up to you and touch you all over. If you’re supposedly letting everyone know I’m yours, how come she didn’t know that? How come she dared to come up to you and offer you anything at all?” The more she spoke it seemed like she was intentionally making herself angry as well. She hated being so easily controlled by him, but it wasn’t at all hidden that they both had power over each other. Tiffany just did not enjoy being the jealous girlfriend. Especially when he encouraged it. Maybe this was what she got for encouraging his possessive and jealous side as well.
He hands found place at his forearms as she tried to escape from his embrace, that only seemed to become more difficult to escape. She was a tough girl that could handle her own, but it seemed like her experience had nothing on Shincho’s. It wasn’t surprising, considering she improved a lot physically by learning from him. This didn’t prevent her from trying, though. 
“Hold on–” She scoffed, pushed back against him as if trying to smack against his much bigger and muscular form. Resting her head against his shoulder, she looked up at him in shock and mock anger. “She’s not even that pretty? but you’re not denying she’s not pretty? you’re just saying she’s not as good looking as she could be?” This was now Tiffany twisting words in order to continue her tantrum throwing. If she was asked, though, she’d simply say she was quick witted and was able to expose things that people weren’t immediate to catch.
Once again digging her perfectly filed and manicured nails into the rough skin along his forearm, Tiffany did it intentionally as a form of ‘punishment’ for his words. Though it was probably the complete opposite for him, but was she really bothered by it if she could rile him up now and have it pay off later on in the bedroom? “Let go of me.” She demanded, though in a softer tone this time around. “I can handle myself. You’re dating a lady, not trash like that dumb bitch.”
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             Shincho has been called several derogatory terms throughout his life, and most ( all ) of  them ringing true. A bastard? Sure. Maybe not the literal definition of the term, but yeah. Asshole? Definitely. Pig? He wouldn’t deny it, he can be, even with his relationship status with Tiffany. He was everything his mother made him out to be. The boy mothers warned their doe - eyed daughters about.
             The kelpie wrapped his large hands around her waist, bruising but not enough to hurt her completely/ Dark lashes fluttered at her, head canting to the side as he studied her girlfriend. Smirking widely, he leaned in, closing the distance between them. He loved it when she challenged him like this, it made his blood boil with excitement. “You’re putting words in my mouth, and you know how much I hate that,” he warns her, tone husky but menacing.
                          Guess he’ll have to punish her later. He licked his lips at the thought.
             Finally, his arms released their hold on her before he shoved his hands into his pockets. “A lady? I dunno, you look like one -- but you definitely don’t fight like one.” There’s pride in his tone now, though, as he guided her away now. “It would have been an unfair fight.” 
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ungodlygifts-blog · 7 years
☔. ┊ 하진 *
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Ha-Jin took a deep breath and smiled softly at the other before nodding. “Oh, yeah. Sure! I’d love to. Uh, do you mind if I shower at your place, though?” He asked with a soft, nervous grin as they walked out of the cafe. “If that isn’t much to ask. I have my clothes here, I just need to shower before I go to the place with you, because I think I might stink a bit.” He laughed, knowing that serving people all day could get him to be that way. “Otherwise, I’m excited.”
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☔. ┊          Tucking his things away into his side satchel, something he often keeps at his side, Hanbin turns to face the other. His eyes flicker up to the ears sitting upon his head before he chuckles once. “Yeah, you can use my shower,” he answers absently, wetting his lower lip for once. “Are you gonna wear those ears?” He asks, smirking a bit as he made way for the door with the other. 
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ungodlygifts-blog · 7 years
♞. ┊ 낯선 사람 *
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“The fuck–” he was just minding his goddamn business after the show and the next thing he knew, he was pinned onto the wall out of nowhere with a gun right up on his view. Sure as hell it took him less than a second to let his blood circulating as well that were not his skin and lips. His heart needed it more when it was starting to pump faster and harder, fight and flight sympathetic action. “I don’t have friends that associated with you assholes.” Was it Minki? Was it Daehan? The fuck? He never knew that his friends would actually beg loan sharks to give them money. “Fucking got the wrong person so fuck off.” Sure as fuck he has more than that but why would he want to give a stranger his money? It’s his money for the coming.
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♞. ┊              Oh good, he loved it when people gave him trouble. If people just keeled over, all the fun was taken away from it. “You seem to have shitty choices of friends,” he says, a small chuckle escaping him. The morality spectrum has always been a gray matter for Shincho; a job was a job, needed to fill his bank one way or another, right? “I’m sure you know how desperate people can be under desperate times.” Wetting his lips, he shifts his pistol, tucking it beneath the other’s jawline now. “Your shitty friends managed to pay off 75% of their debt, but shame how they send me to you to collect the rest, isn’t it?” Without removing his weapon, he digs out his phone and manages to thumb his way through the screen in order to pull up a photo. “This is you, isn’t it?” @yutamae
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ungodlygifts-blog · 7 years
♞. ┊ ㅋ릿*
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     WHAT the other may not realize was that the task at hand consisted of marking a target by gathering necessary information – which was something he could do on his own as well. But given the fact that a few of them knew the archer and that there were two targets to deal with at the same function, Kris might want all the help he needed from the other, although he was wary of his intentions as an informant. “Which is why I asked for your help, Shin.” He replied coolly to his query. He disliked saying those words out, but he did not have much of a choice. A small nod from him, before he looked back in front and huffed. “– There’s going to be two targets in the event, but we’re not going to eliminate them quickly since we need the information.” 
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♞. ┊             He watches Kris with a careful eye for a moment before he stands to his feet. This was a job he knew he could handle -- on his own. Gathering information was what he did best, after all. What he trained himself to do over hundred of years. Walking over to the other, he stood at his side and allowed his head to rest playfully against his shoulder. “I just wanted to hear it again,” he announced, a curl of his lips soon following. “Getting the information is my job. Erasing them is all you.” A pause as he turned his head to the side, chin hooked on his shoulder now. “Of course, I suppose I can get my hands dirty for you.” 
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ungodlygifts-blog · 7 years
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ive been having issues finding muse for this blog lately ;;; all my muses are being extremely picky. anyway, i made a new blog for yousuke hanamura from persona 4; if anyone wants the link to that blog, lemme know!
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ungodlygifts-blog · 7 years
☔. ┊ 여 *
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           Hearing that only made the male laugh more and shake his head. “I can’t help it!” Of course, he could but right now it was just one of the uncomfortable laughs that was happening. Seeing how the male was glaring at the screen he knew that the other was getting serious about the game. “And if I beat you again you’re treating me out tonight.” He teased, focusing when the game started knowing Hanbin was taking this very serious.
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☔. ┊            Hanbin has always been competitive by nature, this would be no exception. Looking over at him, a smirk touched his lips. “I hope your wallet can handle my appetite,” he warns with playful arrogance. Tongue peeking out between his lips, he focused on the screen once more. As soon as the other was ready, he hit the start button, and allowed his thumbs to press along the buttons accordingly. 
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ungodlygifts-blog · 7 years
☨. ┊ 출 *
Chul admittedly looks more annoyed by the act Kobal puts on when he starts to admit that he isn’t human. As though he believes for a second that the other would do something to harm him. He’s had ample time to do that. Also, he was remembering the fact that Kobal ‘s deep wish was his father’s approval. That was a downright killer for any true attempts at showing off his bad ass hell hound-ness. “I have heard of them, once or twice. I always just kind of thought that they dragged people to hell. And that they were dogs. Not chaebol men in their twenties.” 
“I came here,” he pointed out, giving Kobal another look. “Do you see me as ugly?” He asked, because he was curious. Did Kobal even like him as a person? Even as just a friend. They spent enough time together that Chul genuinely believed that they were. He had divulged a huge secret (his wish). “Or does that not work on you because you’re a hell hound?” He asked. Which would also make a whole lot of sense.
“Wait! If you granted my wish does that mean that I have a limited amount of time to live and you’re going to drag me to hell?” He asked, because belatedly that seemed to come into his mind as a possibility. 
☨. ┊              Kobal should not be mistaken as someone who was good of heart or caring. He was malicious. Manipulative. Dangerous. Almost everything he did was for the sake of fun and entertainment, and it wasn’t always harmless. Still, he supposed he wasn’t a terrible person, either. “That’s more or less the grand scheme of it. I make a contract, I drag them to hell. Rinse, wash, repeat,” he says as he crossed his ankles.
             At the question, however, Kobal snorts. “Unlike most humans, I’m not vain,” he says, shrugging his shoulder. “I was kind -- I just made you less attractive. There are far more ugly people than you right now,” he says with amusement.  Standing once more, he makes way to his kitchen, returning with a bottle of whiskey and two glasses. Setting it down before him, crimson hues flickered up.
              “Don’t get your panties in a bunch,” he retorts as he pours them both a glass. “You’re not gonna be dragged down to Hell anytime soon. After all, you didn’t sign any kind of contract.” It was his choice to grant his wish, after all.
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ungodlygifts-blog · 7 years
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guys,,,, i spent almost all of last night and all morning playing persona 5. ive been waiting since last june for this game. im also fighting the urge to make an akira blog cause i really love the protag in this game -- as always. i also low key miss my yousuke and souji muse. god, im going back into persona hell and i need saving. 
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ungodlygifts-blog · 7 years
♜. ┊ 낯선 사람 *
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“Your sense of smell must have already become accustomed to such a scent, my dear. Which is no surprise really since it’s been a while since you acted more like your own kind.” Giving the young ‘girl’ one look, Anastasia was slightly displeased with how she took form. But maybe that sweet face would work to her advantage. They would easily let their guard down to such a pretty face. 
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♜. ┊               Sachiko is just a mere pup in comparison to Kobal, who has sired her and made her what she is now. Her senses, though enhanced, is delayed, too intrigued by the woman before her to realize that she was as human as she was. Her eyes narrow in distrust toward the woman, unsure of what she was but just that she’s dangerous. “What do you want?” She demands, head tilting to the side. Unfortunately for her, Sachi wasn’t easily fooled by a sweet face. Not when she once carried the same facade during her human days, where she had Kobal create murders worth solving for her.
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ungodlygifts-blog · 7 years
☨. ┊ 낯선 사람 *
EVEN THOUGH HAESOL HATES HIS job with a burning passion, that doesn’t mean that he won’t do it, or that he won’t do it right. he puts on a nice suit, one that covers his tattoos so he looks respectable until one gets a closer look at him, at the scars marring the skin on his face and his knuckles. he knocks on the door and lets his hand drop to his side as the wood swings open.
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             “  i’m here to collect a debt.  ”
STARTER FOR @ungodlygifts
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☨. ┊          His head snaps up at the sound of a knock resonating throughout his home. A heavy scowl sits on his lips, eyes flickering toward his paperwork before him then to the door of his office. He really should hire a secretary to come home with him to deal with these unannounced guests. Slowly, the hound rises to his feet, his form dissolving into mist before materializing at his front door once more. 
            Pulling the wind open, Kobal assesses the other for a quick moment. When his words reach his ears, the hound throws his head back with a resonating laugh. “Funny,” he scoffs, leaning against the frame of the door, arms crossing his chest. “A debt you say? Do entertain me, will you: what is it that I owe?”
          The irony of the situation, really, that a crossroad demon would be approached by someone to collect a debt. Isn’t that something? 
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ungodlygifts-blog · 7 years
♜. ┊ 수리엘 * 
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To make himself feel at home – she didn’t have to repeat it twice. Suriel practically ran to the couch as soon as he’s given permission. He fell into it, hands spread to the sides and relaxed, letting his body sink into it a little bit. Only then he took a better look around. Not bad for an apartment, but he still thought it was a little too big for one person to live in. He’d get lonely. “You must have a lot of sleepovers then? It’s always fun in a group of friends.” a yell towards the kitchen. “I mean, if I had this big of a place to live in, I’d probably have at least three of my friends move in.” It wasn’t this big for for people to comfortably live together, but he thought the place was at it’s best when it’s crowded and swarming with life.
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♜. ┊                There’s the sound of rummaging of pots and pans coming from the kitchen as she pulled down her kettle. While there were automatic kettles on the market, Sachi really liked to be traditional about it and boil the water herself. As she prepared her brew, she worked on the other’s iced beverage. However, hearing the other speak out, she paused before laughing a bit. “No, just me, myself, and I,” she answers, shaking her hair out of her eyes. “I’m not home often, so I guess I never realized how big the place is.” That’s a bit of a lie, but not entirely. “The apartment was provided to me by my career, so I’m not complaining.” 
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ungodlygifts-blog · 7 years
☔. ┊ 낯선 사람 *
He tightened his brows, his glare faltering for a moment at the inconspicuous compliment before he let out a drained sigh. Annoyed or not, tempted or not, Namjoon was admittedly not the greatest at physical combat in the first place. (That and the stranger was annoyingly right, he’d get his ass handed to him if he went to work with bruises– even if he wanted to out of spite.) “Oh fuck off,” he cursed, one hand raised to jab the other in the the collar. “Your excuses are weak and your threats are weaker.”
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☔. ┊               “I’m so scared,” Hanbin scoffs with a roll of his eyes, even as he gave a slight stumble back. Hands pulled at the front of his jacket, adjusting it over his lithe form before he took an advancing step forward. “Are you sure about that?” He spits out, hands rising from his side to shove at the other, harder than he had. He’s been itching for a fight, honestly. It was a bit of a problem, but what can he say? He was out for trouble.
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