unharmeddrudge · 8 months
Their face is not forgotten from your eyes.
Their voice is not vanished from your ears.
The ambitions, preferences and desires of their mind are not forgotten in your heart.
Extending your love, they live again.
Extending your sincerity, they appear before you.
Appearing and living before you, unforgotten in your heart;
How can it be accomplished without respect?
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unharmeddrudge · 8 months
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unharmeddrudge · 8 months
i was just happy being mentioned ❤️
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hey COURT EUNUCHS who HATE confucian scholars and filial piety. this is for you.
cant believe this has to be said but nsfw do Not touch and do not interact
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unharmeddrudge · 8 months
wuxia and confucianism
Hey. Thought I'd answer the wuxia-confucian question very briefly. I did suggest wuxia being closely knitted to confucianism, but I do understand the other perspective of wuxia being anti-confucian. Quick answer only because I've got little time right now -- might add on to it later!!
First the central themes of confucianism:
常 (cháng): Virtues of compassion and courtesy. 仁 (rén)、义 (yì)、礼 (lǐ)、智 (zhì)、信 (xìn)、忠 (zhōng)、孝 (xiào)、悌 (tì) (there are more). These in order in crude translation mean compassion, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom, integrity, loyalty, filial piety, and respect to one's older siblings. These are the main ideas Confucius, the founder of Confucianism, wished to spread through his philosophy.
纲 (gāng): Order. This is about the relationships between people, the filial piety of child to their parents, the relationship between significant others, between friends and teachers, and expanding outwards in the sphere of influence in our circle of life, the patriotism and loyalty of a liege to his lord.
Understand that Confucius came up with these ideas in a time of war. He lived his life traversing different kingdoms and establishing his prominence by getting emperors to trust him as a consultant and employ his school of ideas. As such, these beliefs are very much centred around creating harmony and order in society, and of course entails the respect of commoners and lieges to their lords (because why else would kings employ his beliefs over other schools of philosophy if not so?).
Moving on to the wuxia genre, the 侠 (xiá) in wuxia emphasises righteousness. xia, as people, are itinerants and rebels in the fictitious pugilistic society who tire of the power of the aristocracy and seek to use their own, often unlawful ways, to help others through 锄强扶弱 (chú qiáng fú ruò) -- helping the needy and going against the strong (the morals are debatable but that's me trying to sum up wuxia in 5 minutes off the top of my head rip).
So I guess that's enough information for you to form your own conclusions, and here's what I think, at the very least.
Against Confucianism -- Subverting the power pyramid. Many of the heroes/xia's in wuxia are lawless rebels. They aren't good, upstanding citizens of the society. Hell, xia was first popularised from 游侠列传 (yóu xiá liè zhuàn) in the Han dynasty records, talking about how a "xia" went against the officials and helped the commoners in the name of righteousness. This goes against the confucian beliefs of respecting your lord and serving the kingdom.* That's why I can understand why some would consider wuxia going against confucianism.
Align with Confucianism -- Righteousness. Ultimately, however, wuxia is about righteousness and nobility and honour, defined by society and commoners and not by royal blood. These values of etiquette, decorum, and nobility were long ingrained in the hearts of all these chinese characters, from when the courtesy and etiquette rules were defined in the Zhou dynasty, and afterwards, from the Han dynasty on, when emperors heavily employed Confucian beliefs in education and throughout society because it helps in rebuilding a harmonious society.
Confucianism is about compassion and righteousness, the staples permeating and defining chinese culture in the last two thousand years, and it is these values that serve as the central impetus of the xia and wuxia genres. People are born into these values; as such they fight against the injustice they see, and thus engenders the lost xia's of every dynasty.
*And well, even Confucius wasn't that dead set on fealty to lords. Confucian highly venerated loyalty, but when the court is corrupt, they acknowledge insurgence over the mindless following of an emperor. This is a story for another day, one I would have to back up with more quotes and citations, but I hope this answered your questions, or even better, let you form some conclusions of your own :)
Confucian philosophy is only one aspect that has correlations/influences over the "xia" genre, there are many other interesting things to say about Taoism and Buddhism as well (e.g. Jin Yong's wuxia classics have quite a bit of Buddhist values in the characters owing to author preferences), it's definitely worth looking up on these things if you're interested!
initially reblogged under the original meta post on wuxia, xianxia, and cultivation differences, but i realised it was too long and would bury the reply, so please don't mind me opening a new post for this again.
feel free to ask and discuss!!
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unharmeddrudge · 6 years
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<3 Phoneme chart <3
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unharmeddrudge · 6 years
people who don't wear glasses who are writing characters who wear glasses;
they get fogged up when we drink hot beverages. they get smudged for no reason. we will push them up using anything in our area (i.e shoulder, whatever is in my hand, scrunching my nose up so they get pushed up, etc.). they get knocked off our faces all. the. fucking. time. when we change clothes we either take them off or they fall off when we pull our shirts off. we have to clean them after being in the rain. we own multiple pairs of them, not just one lone pair for our whole lives. most people don’t wear them in the pool, but some have extra old pairs for the pool (like me). some people take them off during sex, that’s fine! but some people keep them on. they don’t get squished into your face when you kiss (most of the time. at least from what i’ve experienced and i’ve got some mf big glasses). if we look down and look back up while you talk/to peek up at something, we will just peek blindly over the top of them. we clean them on whatever item of clothing is closest. some of us have prescription sunglasses and some of us wear contacts when we need to wear sunglasses. please keep some of these in mind when you write characters with glasses cause y'all who have 20/20 vision keep telling me all characters sleep in their glasses and own the same singular pair from age 6-25 and they never clean them.
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unharmeddrudge · 6 years
when EM forster said “a happy ending was imperative. i shouldn’t have bothered to write otherwise,” i felt that 
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unharmeddrudge · 6 years
In a world where candy is illegal, you’re a candy dealer. You’ve been dating a police officer for a couple of years now and they just found out what you do for a living, but instead of weakening your relationship it made it stronger. Why?
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unharmeddrudge · 6 years
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unharmeddrudge · 6 years
im a native american english speaker and thus follow american spelling rules, but have decided personally that grey is superior to gray
non native english speaker culture is constantly switching between british and american spelling and writing words however you prefer without caring about consistency and you dont really always know which is which anyway
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unharmeddrudge · 6 years
“On closer acquaintance, however, because of the richness of its idioms, the language seems to be a forbiddingly alien form of “Desesperanto” – a language of which one can read a page and understand every word individually, and have no inkling of what the page was all about.”
— from the blurb of john haiman’s khmer grammar (SOALL)
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unharmeddrudge · 6 years
can’t connect w my mutuals anymore… kpop this kpop that… can’t we all just listen to gregorian chant again :(
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unharmeddrudge · 6 years
0 notes
unharmeddrudge · 6 years
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unharmeddrudge · 6 years
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What my week old spaghetti sees when I’m microwaving it at 4 am
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unharmeddrudge · 6 years
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unharmeddrudge · 6 years
Amulet of Updog
Wonderous Item, Uncommon, requires attunement.
This amulet is a gold disk ingraved with the image of a sunglasses wearing humanoid holding up finger guns. While attuned to and wearing this amulet, you may, as an action, ask a creature who understands and can speak at Least one language you know, “does it smell like updog in here?” Or a similar question designed to prompt them into saying “What’s updog?”.
The creature makes an insight check contested by your deception check. On a success, they see through your shit. On a failure, they take 3d10 psychic damage and are stunned until the end of your next turn as you say “Not much dog what about you?”.
A creature who has heard this joke before and remembers it automatically succeeds on their insight check.
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