unhciligen · 5 years
I keep try to make this blog work but it jsut won’t so...this is going to be a permanent Archive now. The blogs you will reach me at nowadays are :
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unhciligen · 5 years
Icon Commisions
Hey guys i know i’ve been absent for a looong time but shits going down on my end and somehow i gotta get 180€ each month for health insurance so i’m making this post to promote my Commissions.
100 Icons - 5€ | 200 Icons - 10€ | 300 Icons - 15 €
These are exsamples of icons i use on my own blogs:
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I will and can include a custom made Psd but that will cost a little bit extra. Please make sure to provide a source of where to get screencaps of the fc you want to use! If you want me to use a specific Psd please provide that too!
If you’re interested send an IM to this account OR you can message me at @sirencfclouds
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unhciligen · 5 years
my muse is sleeping with yours, and neither of them can sleep. let’s make things interesting. 
24 starters | possible NSFW | TW: night terrors, drugs mention 
tired and sleepy
« i’m gonna personally beat up morpheus just watch me. » 
« huh, fancy seeing you awake. i can’t really sleep either. »
« sleep is for the weak. and i happen to be very strong, apparently. »
« it’s been a while since i last managed to actually sleep. i’m almost used to it. » 
« i usually just take pills but i finished them. maybe we can find something else. »
« i think there’s some chamomille, around here, but… i don’t really feel like standing up, now… » 
awakened by a nightmare
« i’m sorry, i. i didn’t mean to scream. »
« calm down! calm down please! it was just a dream! »
« it… it was there. it was right there, i- … i swear i saw that- »
« it’s always the same nightmare. the same fucking nightmare. i’m… so tired. »
« i swear i saw something moving there. or maybe it’s just me being fucking tired. »
« don’t ask sorry. really. i wasn’t really sleeping either, just… what was that scream for? » 
caught doing stuff
« just one more chapter and then i turn off the lights! promise! »
« i didn’t wake you up, did i? i didn’t think this would be THAT loud. »
« ‘night. or… morning, actually. no i didn’t just come back from the bar, i swear- »
« when i can’t sleep i cook. from what you see i really can’t sleep at all. want a cookie? » 
« listen, just. just give me a second, i can’t fuckin pause online and we’re in the middle of a raid- »
« i’m up here because of that fucking mosquito, yep. if i reach for that asshole we can finally sleep! » 
nasty content 👀
« woah, there. calm down. i thought you wanted to sleep~ »
« we’ll have plenty of time to sleep later. let’s have some fun, first~ »
« woah. do you have a knife under the blanket, or you had a very good dream? »
« the two of us, in the same bed. hm. this sounds like the beginning of a looong night… »
« weeeell, since neither of us is sleepy, maybe we can spend the night in some other way~ » 
« i just had the best fucking dream, so. uh. i was wondering… would you be in to try and recreate it… ? » 
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unhciligen · 5 years
don’t tell me “you can’t do that” ‘cause I will do that
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unhciligen · 5 years
episode four - git gone
❝ d’ya mind ? ❞
❝ best drinks have self defining names. you order a manhattan, god knows what you’re gonna get, but you order a gin and tonic, a jack and coke, it’s not just a name. it’s a command. ❞
❝ how long you’ve been working here for ? ❞
❝ ooh, that’s bad luck. ❞
❝ don’t do it. ❞
❝ i was waiting for you. ❞
❝ why’d you help me ? ❞
❝ you’re really not very good at this; i saw you coming a mile off. ❞
❝ are you trying to recruit me ? ❞
❝ you could be a world class thief. ❞
❝ you look like you could get anything you want just by asking for it. ❞
❝ what d’ya say, huh ? ❞
❝ hang on a minute. i’m sorry. ❞
❝ i owe you one. i feel beholden. ❞
❝ let me buy you a drink. ❞
❝ let’s go somewhere. ❞
❝ so you are a thief. ❞
❝ the weak spot, see ––– all you need is one. and it’s usually people’s attention. ❞
❝ show me. ❞
❝ oh, god. ten years, and [ … ] has NEVER looked at me like that. ❞
❝ there’s a lesson in there somewhere. ❞
❝ my grandma always had cats. she said that they could see ghosts when we can’t, and warn you of thieves. ❞
❝ do you ever worry about what will happen if you keep stealing ? ❞
❝ do you believe in the afterlife ? ❞
❝ all i know is there’s more than i know. ❞
❝ yeah, i think that might sound wiser than it is. ❞
❝ when you die, you rot. it’s a fixed system. physics doesn’t take sundays off. ❞
❝ my parents believed in everything. father, son, holy ghost, spirit filled and full of the light of god. they taught me all of it, chapter and verse. ❞
❝ i went to bed every night in a world full of magic where anything was possible. ❞
❝ it’s like everything that made the world anything more than what it is is just –– stories. like snake oil. but worse, because snakes are real. ❞
❝ i wanted to get that magic back so bad, but one day i just accepted the fact that i couldn’t, because life is just not that interesting. ❞
❝ don’t look at me like that. ❞
❝ the fun is just getting started. ❞
❝ i could teach you to fight. ❞
❝ hey, you want coffee ? ❞
❝ are we pregnant ? ❞
❝ what i’m about to say may sound irrational to you, but i have all sorts of rational reasons for saying it, and doing it. ❞
❝ say it, and we’ll talk about whether or not you should do it. ❞
❝ are we … discussing this, or are you telling ? ❞
❝ there’s some wiggle room. ❞
❝ are you unhappy ? because i’m happy, okay, you make me happy. ❞
❝ yes, i see that you’re happy. from this side of it. the wrong side of it. and i think maybe i resent not being happy. not resent you, just … resent. ❞
❝ do you still love me ? ❞
❝ we are like a history book. we’re established fact. we don’t change. ❞
❝ i represent FAILURE to you ? ❞
❝ i can take it. if you’re on the other side. i can make it if you can. can you wait for me ? ❞
❝ just glad that i could be here to help you, you know ? ❞
❝ hey, don’t stay here alone tonight. ❞
❝ why did you say that ? ❞
❝ come on, [ … ] , say what you mean. ❞
❝ last night was a one time thing. you were there. and thank you, but we’re not doing this. we did this. and now it’s done. ❞
❝ you don’t love him. not the way he loves you. ❞
❝ is that all this was ? just fun ? ❞
❝ are you saying no ? ❞
❝ i lived my life, good and bad. definitely not light as a feather. ❞
❝ in life, you believed in nothing, so you will go to nothing. you will be done. ❞
❝ there is nowhere else for you to be. ❞
❝ tears have fallen for you. ❞
❝ do i get a say in this ? ❞
❝ death is not a debate. ❞
❝ how many do you think have come before you, all with promises and threads and offers of gold, glory, love ? who are you to misguide me from my duty ? ❞
❝ you are but a man, not even one i should remember. ❞
❝ i’m gonna come in now. i’m gonna come in now, okay ? ❞
❝ is this a haunting ? are you haunting me ? ❞
❝ does [ … ] know ? ❞
❝ i’m a vulgar woman. anger and grief have just really made me vulgar. ❞
❝ god, you know, i should thank you. it’s so much easier grieving someone when you’re glad they’re dead. ❞
❝ oh, fuck your feelings. ❞
❝ everybody has feelings, everybody cares about what they feel. i don’t care about what you feel. i care about what you think. what do you think about what you did ? ❞
❝ what was your big lie, [ … ] ? ❞
❝ i love [ … ] … loved [ … ]. love [ … ]. i love [ … ]. (s)he’s the light of my life. ❞
❝ you, i remember. ❞
❝ there is nothing i can do to lighten your heavy heart. ❞
❝ your heavy heart sank you like a stone, right back where you last left off. ❞
❝ was it love ? ❞
❝ love will always have you at a disadvantage. ❞
❝ many is the man who would take any version of his lost love rather than leave his love lost. ❞
❝ (s)he/they will say thank you to whichever god has sent you back to him/her/them. ❞
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unhciligen · 5 years
.゚☆゚.  ╼  pick up line meme.
Feel free to change pronouns as needed !!
❛  Even though there aren’t any stars out tonight, you’re still shining like one. ❜ ❛ Your hand looks heavy can i hold it for you?  ❛ Do you know if there are any police around? Cause I’m about to steal your heart. ❜ ❛ Guess what I’m wearing? The smile you gave me! ❜ ❛ Do you like my sweater? Its boyfriend material. ❜ ❛ Can I borrow a kiss, I promise I’ll give it back. ❜ ❛ Do you come with coffee and cream because you are my sugar. ❜ ❛ I think you’re an alien. You just abducted my heart. ❜ ❛ Even if there wasn’t gravity on earth, I’d still fall for you. ❜ ❛ If I had a star for every time you brightened my day, I’d have a galaxy in my hand. ❜ ❛ Are you a banana? Because I find you a-peeling. ❜ ❛ You’re kinda, sorta, basically, pretty much always on my mind. ❜ ❛ There is something wrong with my cell phone. It doesn’t have your number in it. ❜ ❛ You must be a hell of a thief because you stole my heart from across the room. ❜ ❛ Hello, I’m a thief, and I’m here to steal your heart. ❜ ❛ Is your name “swiffer”? ‘Cause you just swept me off my feet. ❜ ❛ Was your father a thief? ‘Cause someone stole the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes. ❜ ❛ Can I hit you in the face… with my lips? ❜ ❛ If I could reach out and hold a star for every time you’ve made me smile, I’d have the sky in the palm of my hand. ❜ ❛ When I look into your eyes, it is like a gateway into the world of which I want to be a part. ❜ ❛ Excuse me, I don’t want you to think I’m ridiculous or anything, but you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I just felt like I had to tell you. ❜ ❛ You’re single. I’m single. Coincidence? I think not. ❜  ❛ Baby you make palms sweaty, knees weak, arms spaghetti. ❜ ❛ You know what you’d look really beautiful in? My arms. ❜ ❛ See these keys? I wish I had the one to your heart. ❜ ❛ May I flirt with you? ❜ ❛ It’s not my fault that I fell for you, you tripped me! ❜ ❛ Do I know you? ‘Cause you look a lot like my next boyfriend. ❜ ❛ I can’t stop looking at how gorgeous you are… If I kiss you will I get slapped? ❜ ❛ I must be in a museum, because you truly are a work of art. ❜ ❛ Did it hurt? When you fell out of heaven? ❜ ❛ Are you from Starbucks because I like you a latte. ❜ ❛ There is something wrong with my phone. Could you call it for me to see if it rings? ❜ ❛ Are you going to kiss me or do I have to lie to my diary? ❜
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unhciligen · 5 years
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unhciligen · 5 years
daeneryskairipa :
Rebekah in 4x10 “Phantomesque”
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unhciligen · 5 years
moonbeammuses :
“He’d better,” Erik joked. 
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“What are you talking about? Lorna, your hair is beautiful,” he admonished gently. “Haven’t I always told you how much I love your hair?” He chuckled at the out of place slang. “It was. In the past. And in the past is where it should stay.” 
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“It’s just green and long “ she shurgged a little and then looked at a strand of her hair. “ I mean i guess i’m just used to it by now , but for others it’s still very special. Especially the color..I mean i like your hair , brown hair on top , and a ginger beard” she then giggled. “ It’s funny how nature does that huh? Not only can you controll metal but you also grow a ginger beard!”
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unhciligen · 5 years
Thread for @theirvoices
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“I look weird aren’t i? I knew i shouldn’t have shaved my head” Hank then looked in the mirror and back at Charles. “ I-I there was a wound there from the last mission and i had to stitch it up so i thought ...why not shave it all off...oh god what have i done?”
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unhciligen · 5 years
moonbeammuses :
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“You know, I like to think I’m still handsome,” he shot back as he looked to the book. “Yes… his hair was very soft to the touch,” Erik replied, flipping through the pages. “He was quite proud of his hair, you know. A bit vain, but for all the best reasons.” 
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“ I mean you’re a handsome dad , but I’m sure that Charles will always find you beautiful” She then nudged him a little , in a playfulway though. “ I mean if i had that mane i’d be proud of it too. It looks pretty darn...groovy. Isn’t that what was hip and cool to say back then” she joked
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unhciligen · 5 years
Thread for @moonbeammuses
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“Hey Dad , i found an old photoalbum that Charles put together. You were right when you said you were handsome back then” She then chuckled a little “ Charles with hair looks weird though , was it really as soft as he said it was?”
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unhciligen · 5 years
DOCTOR SENTENCE STARTERS requested by anonymous! / tw: general doctor-y stuff / 14 starters
the good and gentle doctor.
« you don’t need to worry! i’m here to help. »
« i assure you, it won’t hurt a bit. »
« it seems way worse than it actually is. you’ll get back on your feet in no time! »
« first of all, breathe. you need to calm down. »
« what’s the matter? what do you feel? »
« does it hurt if i press here? »
« okay, now take a deep breath… and now breathe out slowly… »
that kinda scary doctor you don’t want near you.
« mhh, yes, yes. let’s amputate. there’s no use of the left arm anyway. »
« oh, damn. where’s your vein? i can’t find it… wait, maybe if i push a little more the needle… »
« oh. oh god, you’re losing a lot of blood. that’s not good. »
« you’re aware, right, that the blood needs to stay inside the body? »
« what to you mean “a plaster is not enough”? »
« nah, not to worry! you will be fine! almost certainly! probably. maybe? not sure. »
« it seems pretty bad, but in reality it’s absolutely atrocious. »
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unhciligen · 5 years
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Moderation - Florence + The Machine
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unhciligen · 5 years
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unhciligen · 5 years
*: ・゚✧   interrogation starters.
feel free to change pronouns etc as needed.
“ tell me, what happened?”
“ did you see anything?”
“ what do you remember?”
“ do you remember anything unusual?”
“ please, try to remember as much as you can.”
“ every detail is important.”
“ and what happened next?”
“ and what did you do when all this took place?”
“ what were you doing around __ am/pm?”
“ where were you around __ am/pm?”
“ can anyone verify that?”
“ was someone with you?”
“ and you had nothing to do with it?”
“ and you weren’t involved?”
“ did you see it happen?”
“ did you see who did it?”
“ did you see or hear anything? anything at all?”
 “ you seem scared… is that why you don’t want to talk?”
“ did someone hurt you?”
“ it’s okay. you can tell me.”
“ you were just trying to defend yourself, weren’t you?”
“ we can take a break, if you want.”
“ everything will be okay, i promise. but you need to talk to me.”
“ it’s okay if you don’t want to talk about it. but it really would help if you did.”
“ there is something you’re not telling me.”
“ i think you’re lying.”
“ you looked away just now when you said that. are you sure you’re telling the truth?”
“ except what you’re telling me doesn’t align with what we already know.”
“ seems to me like you know more than you’re letting in on.”
“ what aren’t you telling me?”
“ who are you trying to protect?”
“ so you really don’t know what any of it means? no clue at all?”
“ they must’ve told you more than that.”
“ you have to have seen more than that.”
“ and you want me to believe you don’t remember?”
“ and you want me to believe you had nothing to do with it?”
“ an accident? is that what you’re going with?”
“ i need you to tell me the truth.”
“ i need you to tell me what happened.”
“ i know you’re not telling me the truth.”
“ that doesn’t line up with the evidence. so… you wanna try that again?”
“ stop lying. i already know that’s not what happened.”
“ what do you want in exchange for this information?”
“ i’m listening…”
“ you’re coming with me.”
“ since you’re the only one who knows how to find them, i don’t really have a choice but to take you with me.”
“ fine. i’ll take you with me, but if you try anything…”
“ i can’t give you that. you know that.”
“ if we’re going to make a deal, you’re gonna have to ask for something a little more rational than that.”
“ okay. we have a deal.”
“ sorry. no deal.”
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unhciligen · 5 years
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It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia S06E03
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