unifipackages-blog · 6 years
Group Configuration of Unifi Controller Explained
If you are using Unifi, the controller versions 5.3x and higher ones feature a new element called as Group Configuration. It allows the network administrators to easily configure the entire Unifi AP group, all at once. But then, how this feature works is still an area of serious queries. Many are still confused and yet to disclose the scenario.  
Group Configuration is basically more effective to large-scale deployments. The presence of Group Configuration minimizes the overall configuration time for each of the APs. Basically, if you are going to configure each of the AP individually, it would take hours to get completed. But on the other hand, if the entire scenario can be handled together through the formation of a group, administrators would be able to roll out of the configuration modification scenarios really fast across the entire network.  
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When you are undergoing group configuration through an expert Unifi agent, the following AP settings can be modified:  
· Radio Channel Width
· Radio Transmit Power
· Minimum RSSI
· WLAN Groups
· Band Steering
· Airtime Fairness
· Enable/Disable LED
· Disable Device
Now the question is, how to enable group configuration for Unifi systems.  
Well, to handle the Unifi group configuration, you need to ensure that the Unifi reseller controller is first updated to version 5.3.0 or higher. It is usually recommended to have a stable version of 5.3.8 or higher. Once the controller update happens, you need to follow the below mentioned steps to carry out the batch configuration part of the network:  
First, enable the group configuration process through the help of GEAR icon placed in the top-right corner of the DEVICE page. You will notice that an empty check box is present next to every AP in the Devices List. You need to check the boxes of the APs that you want to configure. If you want to configure all, then check all of the APs.  
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unifipackages-blog · 6 years
The Introduction Of New Debugging Features In Unifi
With the evolution of Unifi controller, efforts are taken to make scenarios lot easier for the administrators when it comes to picking the right tools to make the Unifi network perform as per the expectation. If you focus on Unifi controller VER 5.6x, the first thing that you will notice is the introduction of an additional dashboard to display the statistics. This dashboard has been titled Debugging Metrics. Such a new additional view window makes it a great option for administrators to work and focus with different collection of data. This will also let them check Unifi coverage in a better way. It will also help the administrators identify necessary errors and fix all the necessary issues that may hamper the performance.  
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To view the debugging metrics, you simply need to open the Unifi controller and visit the Statistics section. In this section, you need to select the DEBUGGING METRICS from the box (dropdown list).  Here is a list of data tables included in the DEBUGGING METRICS list:
· Most Active APs
· Channel Utilization
· Retries
· Top Clients
· Most Active Clients
· Top Interference
· Longest Connected Clients
· Top CPU Usage
· Top Memory Usage
Every category featured in the list contains a table to summarize the data. The data information will be displayed for either of the two frequencies: 2.4GHz or 5GHz band. You simply need to have knowledge about the actual access points to view the data in the tables. At the same time, to understand the Unifi coverage, you need to have additional data with the help of Unifi switch and Unifi security gateway. However, you must keep in mind that if an AP has been set to have a powerful broadcast scenario, while other nearby APs are set to lower broadcasting levels, the AP with stronger broadcasting signal is bound to attract the client devices more significantly.  
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unifipackages-blog · 6 years
UNIFI Is The Best Internet Solution In Malaysia Today
Telekom Malaysia has surely done internet users here in Malaysia a world of good by introducing UNIFI. This is an internet cum voice service on offer and in quick time; one can say that it has become hugely popular. The advent of UNIFI has just removed the hassles of slow internet and people, who have switched to this service speak of quick page uploads. In short we would like to say that UNIFI today has plenty of satisfied customers. Hence, even today if you are being bothered by slow internet, it is time to make the switch into UNIFI. We would suggest that you contact this one top reseller here in Malaysia and check out the latest UNIFI promotion offerings. You would be a tag surprised as to why we insist on moving through a reseller and not the source. We would just like to say that the Telekom Malaysia headquarters is a big place and there is just no guarantee that you will receive any personal attention. This is a key reason for us to insist that you look beyond the source.
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It is at this reseller office that you will receive personal attention and they advice you on the best possible UNIFI package. In fact, the package buy can come at a later stage as they first offer you an update on coverage area. There is surely a need to check on whether your premise falls under the coverage region or not. If the answer is in the negative, they will offer the best advice on installation matters. In short one can say that they offer you an insight into the world of high internet speed and we would like to add here that, there is also the Broadband service from Telekom Malaysia, which has also aroused interest. However, this is a different section and we would discuss it elsewhere.
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unifipackages-blog · 6 years
Register As A StreamyX Reseller And Earn Easy Cash Here In Malaysia
Telekom Malaysia has been offering a lot to change life for internet and Broadband service users here in Malaysia. Just a few days ago the internet cum voice service of UNIFI has simply made life special for net surfers here in Malaysia. Now, here you have the latest offering in the form of StreamyX and this is a Broadband service. We would just like to say that similar to the UNIFI, this latest Broadband offering has taken the industry by storm. Plenty of Broadband users are now changing loyalty and opting for StreamyX packages. You must be wondering as to why we are saying this and your role here. We would like to tell you that there is scope to earn money from the craze which this latest Broadband offering has generated. It is just simple that you can register as StreamyX agent. There are people, who would love to avail this service at every corner of Malaysia. However, it is not possible to send the application directly to the source and this is where an agent steps
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You could set up an agency to cater to clients in the immediate locality. It is a commission system at work here because as you sell to more clients, one can benefit from commission revenues.  If you are slightly more ambitious and looking for great earnings potential, we would insist on the need to register as a StreamyX reseller. The earnings potential is bigger here and the reseller concept is about you directly buying StreamyX packages. One can then resell them to potential clients. We are suggesting the reseller option simply because of the bigger margins. These packages are selling like hot cakes and you certainly need not have to worry about anything lying unsold. It will be prudent that you choose an option and get to benefit financially, from the craze generated.
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unifipackages-blog · 6 years
Look To Buy The Best UNIFI Package From A Top Reseller Of UNIFI Schemes
Telekom Malaysia has some exciting news for you Malaysians, who frequently surf into the net. Until now, if you have been complaining of slow net speed and the pages taking eternal time to load, those days are drawing an end. They are now offering UNIFI and this is an internet along with voice service on offer. It offers much faster net speed and there are plenty of Malaysians, who would love to buy an UNIFI package. So, if you regularly surf the net and just not satisfied with the current service provider, one can always make the shift. It is a bit on the process that, we would like to say something. You would love to make the shift but it just could be that the headquarters of Telekom Malaysia is crowded and if you send the application there directly, it will just be buried under a heap of similar applications. So, you will need to think of another alternative than sending your UNIFI application to the source.   
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  We would suggest precisely here that you look for resellers of the product. There are plenty of agencies, which have of late taken up UNIFI promotion and you can buy from them. We would like to draw your attention towards this one top reseller and here they offer a lot than just sell UNIFI internet connection. It is about checking on whether the desired place of installation falls under coverage area or not. They will offer a perfect guide on these matters and then offer a complete perspective of the best UNIFI packages. It is for you the customer, they will make the selection easy and you are spared from a lengthy search process. So, we could say that, if you are suffering from slow net speed, where the pages take eternal time to load., it is time you make the shift into UNIFI
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unifipackages-blog · 6 years
How to Become a Unifi Agent in Malaysia with Ease?
Becoming a Unifi agent is one of the best options for starting your own business. Come to think of it – you would get to sell services from a brand that is already recognized in the market and you don’t need any sophisticated infrastructure to sell the product as well. What could be better than that? Now, the question is how you can become a Unifi agent? Well, the process is really simple and you don’t have to do much. Here we are going to take a quick look about the process of becoming a certified Unified reseller.
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If you want to become a Unifi reseller, all you need to do is log on to the website. This is like a one stop destination for all things related to TM Unifi services. On this page, you would get all the details about the things that you need to do to become a Unifi agent. The eligibility criteria are simple and straightforward. There is nothing much you need to become a Unifi agent. All you need to do is to ensure that you meet the criteria and then pay a fee to become a Unifi agent. The fees are pretty affordable as well. So, get in touch with the leading website and become a Unifi agent with ease.
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unifipackages-blog · 6 years
Easy Steps to Become a Streamyx Agent in Malaysia
Becoming a Streamyx agent in Malaysia is a splendid business opportunity. If you want to get an easy business opportunity where you can earn a good deal of money without putting in any real effort, then this is something that you look at. Now, the question is how you can become a Streamyx reseller in Malaysia. Well, the process is quite simple. Let’s take a quick look at it, shall we?
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The first step of the process is to log into unifipackages.my. It is one of the leading websites in Malaysia which allows you to become a Streamyx reseller with ease. Once you are on the website, navigate to the agent register page. You can click on this link https://www.unifipackages.my/agent-register/ to directly go to the page. Once you are there you would get all the details about the things you need to do to become a streamyx reseller. If you have any issues, please feel free to contact the representatives. They are always there to help. This is the easiest way to become a Streamyx agent and start your own business in no time. So, log on to unifipackages.my today and make the most of this splendid opportunity.
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unifipackages-blog · 6 years
Three Simple Steps to Register Unifi in Malaysia
The Unifi Broadband connection is one of the best internet services in Malaysia, offering a host of advantages. You get hi-speed internet, VoIP services, video streaming, IPTV and more. There are a lot of different services like HyppTV, Streamyx and more that allows you to choose according to your convenience. There are different plans for different types of users like businesses and individuals and for different budgets as well. So, how do you register Unifi? Well, it’s pretty simple actually. All it takes is just simple steps. Now, let’s take a quick look at the steps. 
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 Step 1 – The first step is logging on to the registration page of the Unifipackages.my. You can do that by clicking on this link here
Once, you are there, you just need to fill in simple details like your name, address, email ID, NRIC number, telephone number and a couple of other basic details.
 Step 2 – On the form, you would get the chance to select the time that you wish to be contacted by the representatives. You can choose to be contacted anytime, or you can choose to be contacted only on weekends and at a time you find convenient. Please note that such a callback would include detailed conversations which might take some time. Therefore, it is advisable to keep around half an hour free.
 Step 3 – Once, you are done with filling in the form, click on the ‘Send Enquiry’ button. Congratulations, you are done! Next, the representatives would call you and take care of the rest.
This is how easy it is to register Unifi and get one of the fastest internet connections in Malaysia. So, log on to unifipackages.my and register Unifi broadband and/or Streamyx with ease.
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unifipackages-blog · 6 years
UNIFI Technology Helps To Settle A Whole Range Of Internet Surfing Problems
The UNIFI medium of net surfing is the best option here in Malaysia and as you take a look around, you will see that plenty of net surfers have now switched to this latest offering from Telekom Malaysia. The advent of UNIFI as an internet services has looked to solve a whole lot of problems. We spoke at length to people, who are experiencing the service and they are all praise. The days of slow internet with the pages taking eternal time to load and now behind. It is a form of net service, where you get fast internet. Moreover, one should note that via this offer, the service provider also offers voice. Therefore, we can say that, there are plenty of reasons for you to make that shift to UNIFI in the quest to avail quality internet service. Now, as you have taken that decision to avail UNIFI service, we would just like to say something crucial here.
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You will have to complete some formalities related to register UNIFI and it is just here that we would like to advice a bit. Now, as you are placing the registration application, we would just insist that you avoid the source and rather place the registration details with this one top reseller of UNIFI packages. The source is a crowded places and you will surely lack any personal attention there.  You will surely love to know about the best offers, discounts and it is just for this purpose, we insist that you avoid the source. It is at the reseller office that you will be updated on the best offers. One can always fill up the basic registration details with the reseller and then he will offer you the best of UNIFI internet services. There will be quick installation at your place and the process will be hassle free.
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unifipackages-blog · 6 years
What Makes UNIFI The Best Option For Net Surf Today
In this modern era you have to stay connected to the net or else you will just lose out on information. In fact, it is just not for financial reasons that we insist on you staying connected to the net. You could do a lot of things once connected to the net. There are immense opportunities of entertainment on the net. Hence, this has resulted in a scenario, where the world is online and surely, the surfs into the net have just increased. Now, this sudden increase in net surfing population has complications elsewhere. This has just led to a situation, where the web space is crowded and surely, you come across slow net surfing. There are instances, when the page just does not load. You would be perhaps looking for better net surfing experience and so we insist that you buy UNIFI packages from a top reseller. The concept of UNIFI is a service provided by Telecom Malaysia, which offers internet and voice facilities.
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Now, your specific needs may be limited and for that, one may not have to contact the source. Hence, it will be prudent to contact this one top reseller and take a look at their broad range of UNIFI package options. You surely get a better download speed in all the plans, but there are additional benefits in the form of installation. There is some technical expertise, which you will require during the installation process and we just want to say, it is crowded at the source. The installation part could be a long wait, if you just buy these packages from the source. So, it will be prudent to avoid the source and straight contact this top reseller of this internet theme.  It is via the reseller that you will get personal attention and quick installation at your premise.
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