unipikmo-blog · 9 years
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Indonesia tidak sekedar gemerlap ibukota, atau semata menjadi zamrud Khatulistiwa. Mari buka mata kita, Indonesia juga terdiri atas sekumpulan anak bangsa yang belum mengenal istilah “sejahtera”. Gema Mahardika mencoba menelurkan sebuah kegiatan sosial yang diwadahi oleh gerakan Menyapa Indonesia. Ini merupakan sebuah upaya nyata! Hasil buah pikir anak bangsa untuk mengolah rasa empati, serta kepedulian sosial terhadap masyarakat sekitar. Melalui program ini, Gema Mahardika mengabdikan diri dalam sebuah kontribusi nyata, membangun daerah-daerah yang masih belum terjamah oleh pendidikan dan teknologi, serta meningkatkan kualitas hajat hidup masyarakat ke arah yang lebih baik. Cuplikan photo grid diatas merupakan representasi sudut Desa Ramea yang romantis nan ironis. Sebuah desa kecil di Mandalawangi, Pandeglang, Banten. Tuhan memberikan sentuhan yang khas pada Ramea, panorama yang indah, keramahan penduduk, kentalnya gotong royong memberikan corak Nusantara yang khas. Namun semua itu belum sepenuhnya terkelola dengan bijak. Tak sepatutnya kita yang telah sejahtera di gemerlap kota menutup mata dan berpangku tangan. Jangan hanya kita menunggu pemerintah yang turun tangan. Kita sebagai anak bangsa sudah sepantasnya saling membantu dengan urun angan dan tangan. Ayo donasikan sedikit rejeki kita untuk bersama membangun Ramea melalui donasi tiket atau tunai. Bantuan dapat disalurkan melalui rekening : -Ni Made Maya Aprilia Mandiri 114.000.1005168.1 -Yohana Handjaja mandiri 142.000.7164.584 Bersama kita Menyapa Indonesia untuk masa depan yang lebih baik.
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unipikmo-blog · 11 years
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Beach, park, the girls, what now?! Next vacation! ;) (at Nirwana Resort Hotel)
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unipikmo-blog · 11 years
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at Nirwana Resort Hotel
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unipikmo-blog · 11 years
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Calm bird. Not the angry one. (at Nirwana Resort Hotel)
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unipikmo-blog · 11 years
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Cute mini zoo. Gosh! (at Nirwana Resort Hotel)
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unipikmo-blog · 11 years
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And these masculine things kinda cool if I could play with. (at Nirwana Beach Club)
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unipikmo-blog · 11 years
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Craving to ride this. Unfortunately we should pay in dollar $$$ my friend said. Not sure! (at Nirwana Beach Club)
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unipikmo-blog · 11 years
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at Nirwana Beach Club
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unipikmo-blog · 11 years
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at Reservoir Park Lagoi
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unipikmo-blog · 11 years
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Little paradise :) (at Reservoir Park Lagoi)
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unipikmo-blog · 11 years
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Fancy footwear for fall (plus more in our epic slideshow!) » 
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unipikmo-blog · 11 years
Choose one, focus and be the MASTER of it!! No more afraid and questioning, is it my real passion? is it something that I want? or is it something right for me? because it just about how to deal with your self in the end!
My Lovely Inspiring "Ciponk" -HANIFAH-
Dina (@peeqmo)
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unipikmo-blog · 11 years
Mama, I found my Imaam!
Stuck on my motivation letter, so I decide to write on this lovely blog. Yiiihhaaaa :D 
Yesterday, I shared a link of video on youtube to my lovely friend Hanna (@hannaandari).
The video was a cover song from Rebecca Black (Friday). And this man, named Raef, amazingly change it to 'It's Jumuah'. 
Aaaaannd you now what Hanna said, 'wow! I found my imaam!' !!! :))
Herewith I attached the video and the lyrics. So cool!!
Raef - It's Jumuah
5 Am waking up for Fajr, Got to make Wudu', Got to pray my sunnah, Got to clip my nails, Looking outside the sun is rising up in the sky, Everybody's rushing , Got to get down to the masjid, Got to say Salaam to the Imaam.. Sitting in the first saff, Chilling in the back saff, Got to make my mind up , Do what the prophet did , It's jummah, Jummah! Got to make dhikir on Jummah , everybody's looking forward to his mercy, mercy .. JUMMAH, JUMMAH!! Got to make dhikir on Jummah, Everybody's looking forward to the fajr, Miswaking, Miswaking! Yeah! Miswaking, Miswaking! wow. Pray , Pray ,Pray ,Pray Got to read Surat Al-Kahf 12 : 45 the man's on the mimbar, talking like '' Fiqh Az-Zakat ' They whispering,chatting,from the crowd Don't they know that it's haraam.. I stand up,you stand up, Prayers about to start' Qad qaamat as-salaah 'foot to foot,shoulder to shoulder,  just don't step on me!
Sitting in the first saff,
Chilling in the back saff,
Got to make my mind up ,
Do what the prophet did ,
It's jummah, Jummah!
Got to make dhikir on Jummah ,
everybody's looking forward to his mercy, mercy ..
  Got to make dhikir on Jummah,
Everybody's looking forward to the fajr,
Miswaking, Miswaking! Yeah! Miswaking, Miswaking! wow.
Pray , Pray ,Pray ,Pray
Got to read Surat Al-Kahf
  It's jummah, Jummah!
Got to make dhikir on Jummah ,
everybody's looking forward to his mercy, mercy ..
  Got to make dhikir on Jummah,
Everybody's looking forward to his mercy..
Enjoy it my lovely brothers and sisters.
Dina (@peeqmo)
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unipikmo-blog · 11 years
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unipikmo-blog · 11 years
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O Allah, if I have hurt others, give me the strength to apologise. Of people have hurt me, give me the strength to forgive, aameen.
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unipikmo-blog · 11 years
Count on Blessing
Alhamdulillah, today I got gift from my boss's husband. He is Japanese, his name is Mr. Tokuda. They are one of sweet couple I've ever met. cc @hannaandari @indahputriani @resianasari
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unipikmo-blog · 11 years
Huaaaaaaa, love you all dear :D *Bestfriendshugs*
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Day 14 Best buddy (siblings!) photo #30daysphotochallenges
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